Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2404 Good looks are born

Dinner was set in a restaurant inside the Divine Doctor Building.

This time, it should be Western food. On one side of the long table, there are three pretty girls who are quite uncomfortable, it is Shi Chun, Liu Han, and Yun Xiaodong.

On the other side, sit summer.

Originally, Shi Chun secretly sent Su Beibei a text message to ask her for help, but Su Beibei was too lazy to interfere and directly refused.

And Ning Ruirui, Yi Xiaoyin and Ajiu were not in Jianghai City.

As for Lan Yiren, don't think about it, this woman is 100% in Xia's position.

Shi Chun sighed, it seems that this dinner, there is no escape from punishment, I just hope that this satyr brother-in-law will not go too far.

Liu Han's expression was also tense, and the beads in his eyes turned from time to time. It was estimated that he was acting on a whim, looking for an opportunity to escape at any time.

Only Yun Xiaodong showed a worried expression, never uttering a word, and looking like a well-behaved person waiting to be judged.

"Whatever you are doing, eat it." Xia Tian looked at the three little girls with a puzzled expression, and said inexplicably: "Or you have all evolved, and you can eat with your eyes?"

"Then what, brother-in-law, you want to be punished, so be accurate." Shi Chuntong slammed the table and said loudly, "We made a small mistake, but the crime is not fatal, you are like us. Not to die."

Liu Han immediately stood up in support, but his tone was obviously a notch lower than Shi Chun's: "That's right, didn't he just make up a little story about you, as for torturing us like this!"

"Uncle bad guy, you'd better say something nice." Yun Xiaodong couldn't bear it any longer, and whispered, "This will make us sleep and eat too much, and the psychological shadow will come out later."

Looking at the posture of these three little girls, Xia Xia couldn't help laughing for a while: "You think I called you here to scold you, beat you, and punish you? In your eyes, I am so boring and stingy? "

"Otherwise?" Shi Chun frowned, and did not relax her vigilance because of Xia Xia's words. She really knew this brother-in-law too well, and she often played cards out of the way and had to guard against it.

Liu Han was a little relaxed: "Well, brother-in-law, you don't really just want to invite us to dinner, do you?"

Yun Xiaodong spent the shortest time with Xia Xia and didn't know much about this bad guy uncle, so he decided to keep silent and observe quietly.

"I just want to invite you to a meal, don't think too much." Xia Tian curled his lips, showing a disapproving expression, "There are too many people in the world who hate me, just your little effort will not hurt or itch Yes, what should I care about. It's not bad that you can make money from this."

Shi Chun stared at Xia Xia and found that he was not talking politely: "Are you really not angry?"

"It's unscientific." Liu Han also winked at Shi Chun and asked in a low voice, "Brother-in-law is not going crazy, right?"

Shi Chun slapped Liu Han and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yun Xiaodong couldn't help but ask at this time, "Uncle bad guy, then you invited us here, are you really just treating us to dinner?"

"Otherwise." Xia Tian also said speechlessly: "You insist on me punishing you, right? It's alright. After the meal, everyone slaps three hundred times. Are you satisfied this time?"

"No!" Shi Chun's face flushed, and he immediately objected: "Brother-in-law, you just want to take advantage of us. I firmly oppose this kind of corporal punishment."

Liu Han also wanted to object, but suddenly felt that something was wrong

Ah, asked: "No, brother-in-law, if you don't want to punish us, why do you want me to move bricks and be a cleaner again, deliberately scare me?"

"That's not yours," Xia Tian replied.

"Brother-in-law!" Liu Han's eyes widened: "You are not fair!"

Xia Xia asked casually, "What's not fair."

"The three of us did this together, so why punish me!" Liu Han put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "Why don't they have any substantial punishment?"

"Because the pure girl is prettier than you." Xia Tian replied directly.

Liu Han was instantly speechless.

Shi Chun wanted to laugh a little, this is the nature of the pervert brother-in-law.

"No, what about Xiaodong." Liu Han was a little unconvinced. Although it hurt Yun Xiaodong's self-esteem, she couldn't help but say, "You wouldn't say she's more beautiful than me, right?"

Xia Xia said casually, "Her mother is prettier than you."

"You!" Liu Han instantly burst into tears, "Wuwuwu, you bully people."

"Okay, don't fake crying." Xia Xia waved his hand casually: "As long as you don't push them in the future, I can spare you this time."

"Brother-in-law, you have wronged me." Liu Han stopped crying immediately, and retorted naturally: "This matter is definitely not for me, but..."

Xia Xia didn't speak, just glanced at Liu Han lightly.

Liu Han immediately closed her mouth. She thought that this brother-in-law seemed to have the ability to read other people's inner thoughts. She couldn't hide her thoughts from him at all, so don't humiliate yourself.

"Let's eat, the dishes are getting cold." At this time, Lan Yiren walked in with the waiter pushing the dining cart and served them another main course.

The three little girls sat down with different expressions and began to enjoy dinner.

"Someone wants to see you outside, saying that there is something to report." Lan Yiren walked up to Xia Xia and reported it softly.

Xia Xia asked casually, "Male or female?"

"Male." Lan Yiren replied.

"No." Xia Xia flatly refused.

Lan Yiren smiled and whispered something close to Xia Tian's ear.

"Okay, let him in." After Xia Xian heard it, he quickly changed his mind.

Shi Chun was very discerning, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Brother-in-law, do we need to avoid it?"

"No need." Summer replied casually.

Soon, a young man dressed very well and with a very respectful expression slowly walked into the restaurant under the leadership of Lan Yiren.

"Wang Can, Acting President of Renjiehui, I have seen Brother Tian." When the young man saw Xia Xia, his whole body softened, and he fell to his knees subconsciously, his voice trembling.

Xia Tian glanced at him and said lightly, "Sit and talk."

"Xie, Xie Tian, ​​I'll kneel." Wang Can licked his lips and barely controlled the shaking of his body. He felt more comfortable on his knees. If he sat on the edge of Xia Tian, ​​he would probably say a word of excitement. not come out.

Xia Tian said lightly: "You look familiar, but we probably haven't met before."

"Ah, I'm Brother Jie's cousin." Wang Can quickly replied, "Oh, Brother Jie is Wang Jie."

"I know." Xia Xia looked at Wang Can's face, and there was a faint shadow of Wang Jie. Of course, Wang Jie was not only his earliest younger brother, but also his brother-in-law, because his sister Wang Xiaoya was him.

One of the little wives.

Then, Xia Xia asked casually, "Where's Wang Jie, isn't he in Jianghai?"

"A few years ago, Brother Jie moved to a foreign country with his wife and children." Wang Can didn't know why, but found that his forehead was oozing with cold sweat, he touched it from time to time, and then continued: "Because he thinks he can't Everything is troublesome, Brother Tian, ​​so we never let us tell you."

Xia Xia actually knew Wang Jie's whereabouts, so he asked casually at this time, just to test this Wang Can.

Wang Jie has relied on summer's reputation in China for these years, and he has become popular, but a few years ago, he suddenly felt boring, saying that he wanted to go abroad to make his own world.

At that time, Wang Xiaoya also severely criticized her brother. It's just that Wang Jie's wife yearned for the flowery world abroad at that time. I don't know whether Wang Jie, who is afraid of his wife or loves his wife, did not object, so the family moved abroad.

However, some of Wang Jie's forces abroad were not dispersed because he left, but were inherited by Wang Jie's cousin, and an organization called Renjiehui was established.

"What's your business with me?" Xia Xia said casually without further questioning.

Wang Can licked his lips again, and said respectfully: "About half an hour ago, a young master from Wanggang asked someone to find me and said that he wanted me to teach two people a lesson. Because this is indeed our business in the club. , I went. Then I saw the righteous master, but I didn't expect that the people he told me to teach were Miss Shi Chunshi, and you, Brother Tian. I couldn't get enough of it for a while, so I just abolished the kid and brought people with him. Come here, ask Brother Tian to deal with it."

As soon as Shi Chun heard it, he knew that Xu Hongzhi's idiot must have fallen into this man's hands.

"Are people dead?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Wang Can quickly replied: "Not dead."

"Then just let him go back and forth from where he came from." Xia Tian curled his lips casually, "Also, you don't need to worry about this kind of thing in the future, just let them come to me directly."

Wang Can didn't object at all, just nodded: "Yes!"

Then, Wang Can said cautiously: "Recently, some information that is unfavorable to Brother Tian and the Divine Doctor Group has been spreading on the market. If Brother Tian is inconvenient to come forward, our Renjie Club can take action..."

"That has nothing to do with you." Xia Xia said lightly: "Do your own thing well."

Wang Can's face changed dramatically: "I was wrong, please punish Brother Tian."

"Okay, nothing to do with you." Xia Xia waved his hand impatiently.

"Goodbye, Brother Tian." Wang Can stood up slowly, bowed and exited the restaurant.

Shi Chun didn't feel much about this scene. After all, she knew what kind of person Xia Xia was, and she also knew Xia Xia's status in the eyes of others in Jiang Hai.

Liu Han and Yun Xiaodong rarely saw such a scene. This time, they knew that summer was an inviolable god to some people.

It can be said that their small company with pure connotation, if not for the secret greeting from Lan Yi people, it is estimated that it may not be able to open for a day.

Only then did they know the risks involved, and their faces were a little nervous.

"What are you stunned for? Eat." Xia Xia saw the three little girls staring at him, and said angrily: "Look at what I do, although I am handsome, it's useless no matter how much you look at, this kind of high-looking face Value is innate, and you are beyond your reach in this life."

The three little girls looked at each other and covered their mouths together: "Ouch!"

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