Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2405 Uninvited guests are also guests

Chapter 2405 Uninvited guests are also guests

After dinner, none of the three left.

There are rooms on the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building, and they all decided to stay here for one night.

Shi Chun went directly to Su Beibei, saying that he wanted to talk about life and philosophy thoroughly, and Xia Xia listened on the side, thinking that the two were just bullshitting.

Liu Han had a chat with Lan Yiren. The two seemed to have some common topics in business management.

As for Yun Xiaodong, he went back to the room by himself on the excuse that he was not feeling well.

The night was getting darker, and the thin clouds couldn't cover the golden wheel of perfection.

I don't know why Yun Xiaodong felt that the moon tonight was a little too big, and it was quite strangely bright.

"Could this be the timing that Master said?" Yun Xiaodong took out the black box from her bag. There was an elixir in it. As long as she took it, she could become a legitimate immortal cultivator.

Even though he was thinking this way, Yun Xiaodong always felt a little uneasy. After dinner, he wanted to show off with Xia Xia and let him see if this medicine pill would work.

It's just that the words came to her lips, and she was timid again, but she still didn't say it in the end.

"Forget it, it's my own business, I can't always ask the bad uncle." Yun Xiaodong took a deep breath, put the black box directly on the windowsill, and opened the window: "As long as I become a cultivator, in the future It can also help the bad uncle. I know that there are always people who want to use me to pay the bad uncle, but I am not that stupid. "

Yun Xiaodong snorted softly, wrinkled his nose, and said proudly, "As long as I become an immortal cultivator, how will they control me, I will control them."

The moonlight shone through the window, shrouding the black box like a veil.

Yun Xiaodong found that this black box could absorb moonlight, and gradually a radiance appeared.

After a while, the black box slowly opened like a watered flower bud.

I saw a red pill about the size of a thumb in the black box.

Under the moonlight, this pill exudes a seductive aura, and soon it fills the entire room, and even spreads out through the window.

"This..." Yun Xiaodong's heart beat faster, he subconsciously covered the black box, and looked out the window in a panic.

She lives in a room on the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building. She looks out the window, and naturally she can only see the night and the lights of thousands of houses, and there is nothing unusual.

"Don't waste your time, don't take the medicine pill soon and become an immortal cultivator."

At this time, Yun Xiaodong felt as if he heard Master's voice, but when he looked inside and outside the room, there was no one at all, so he was a little confused.


After two minutes, Yun Xiaodong blew up again, opened the black box, and slowly reached out and took out the red pill.

As soon as she picked up the pill, she saw that the black box underneath suddenly turned into a circle of black shadows, which spread to the surroundings in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

Yun Xiaodong's face showed a dazed look, and after looking around carefully, there was indeed no trace of the black box.

Where she couldn't see it, she saw that the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building was enveloped by circles of black shadows, forming an extremely tight seal.

At this time, a mosquito flew past Yun Xiaodong's eyes.

It seems to have been satisfied with the body of someone in the magical doctor Daxia, and flew towards the window beautifully, thinking that it was going to go home to rest.

It's just that it just flew out of the window when it touched the black shadow.


With a light sound, the mosquito suddenly turned into plumes of black smoke, and then disappeared.


Yun Xiaodong was startled, and the pill in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"It's really a waste. There's nothing wrong with this medicine pill, and eating it will definitely give you the pleasure of being a cultivator."

A slender hand covered with black nail polish slowly caught the dropped pill.

"Master, Master, why are you here..." Yun Xiaodong looked up and saw a figure squatting on the window sill. It was the female teacher who gave her the black box during the day.

As soon as the words fell, Yun Xiaodong felt that something was wrong. This is the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building. How did the other party come up?

"I don't have time to explain it to you, so eat it first." The female teacher in tights handed the pill to Yun Xiaodong again, "After eating, I'll tell you."

Although Yun Xiaodong is not very smart, he is definitely not that stupid, staring at the female teacher coldly: "Master, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." The female teacher in tights was still holding Dan Wan: "If you want to be a cultivator, I will satisfy your wishes, and of course I will use your identity to do things by the way."

Yun Xiaodong asked, "What do you want to do?"

"You still have a lot of questions, but I really don't have time to talk nonsense with you here." The female teacher sighed and waved her hand again, only to see four more figures jumping in from the window. It was Yun Xiaodong. The senior sisters who were there were also wearing black tights at this time, and they looked like they were not good people.

Yun Xiaodong understood: "From the beginning, you were using me, right?"

"Of course." The female teacher twitched her lips and said with a smile, "You don't really think that you are talented, you are a once-in-a-century genius for cultivating immortals, right?"

"So, the person you and Muyang City encouraged me to be

Together? "

Yun Xiaodong looked at the female teacher with fixed eyes, and her expression was full of grief and anger.

At that time, there was always a voice in Muyang City that encouraged her to go to immortal cultivation, and even picked on her relationship with Xia Xia. Later, Yun Xiaodong asked that person to meet, and when he was almost killed by that person, the master in front of him appeared in time. saved her.

Later, Yun Xiaodong also learned from contact that the female teacher of Jianghai University is actually a fan of cultivating immortals, and she really has a complete set of cultivating theories and cultivation methods that have been passed down for hundreds of years.

"I only understand now that you are really stupid." The female teacher was too lazy to hide it, she raised her finger and pointed at Yun Xiaodong and said, "Let's put it this way, in fact, I arranged for someone to attack you in the first place, and it was I who arranged for someone to instigate you. Yes, the later plays were also directed by me, and the purpose is naturally to gradually lower your vigilance, then gain your trust, and finally achieve the result today, understand?"

"It's really deliberate." Yun Xiaodong was not deeply involved, and he knew too little about the evil of human nature. He guarded against the bad guy who encouraged him, but he couldn't be vigilant about the person who saved him, so he gradually fell into the hands of others. Under control, "I really am an idiot, an idiot, a fool."

"Okay, don't think too much." The female teacher handed over the red pill in her hand, "Eat this, and your role today is really over."

Yun Xiaodong smiled bitterly: "Is this a poison?"

"It's not." The female teacher's expression became a little serious: "This is a genuine Qi refining pill, as long as you take it, there is about a 1% probability that it will really open up the eight extraordinary meridians, and then condense it into a dantian. The sea of ​​​​qi, thus embarking on the road of immortal cultivation."

Yun Xiaodong had already lost trust in this master at this time: "There is such a good thing, you will give it to me?"

"Did I say this is a good thing?" The female teacher sneered, pinching Yun Xiaodong's chin with one hand, and sending Dan Wan in with the other: "There is a 99% chance that you will become a falling moon. The gate of the black box. If you live, then this black barrier will always exist, and when you die, this black barrier will disappear."

Yun Xiaodong's brain seeds immediately thought of a solution.

"Don't think about killing it yourself, it's useless." The female teacher clearly saw through Yun Xiaodong's thoughts at a glance, "No matter what method you use to commit suicide, it's useless. Taking poison? This pill can detoxify itself. Cut your wrist, this pill The pill will speed up the healing of wounds... In a sense, you can be considered immortal, similar to a cultivator."

"I won't eat it if I die... Gulu." Yun Xiaodong just wanted to show that he would rather die than give up, but Dan Wan took the opportunity to slip into his throat, and then slipped into his stomach very smoothly, and was quickly digested by stomach acid.

The female teacher casually threw Yun Xiaodong aside, kicked the door open, and entered the hall.

"Go, bring Xia Xia and those women here!" The female teacher looked around and determined that the top floor had been sealed by black shadows inside and out, so she gave the order.

A rather cold voice sounded in the hall immediately: "No need. Since there are guests, how can you trouble them to call us?"

The female teacher looked up and found that it was Su Beibei.

"An uninvited guest is also a guest." Su Beibei was wearing casual pajamas, holding a kettle in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Drinking tea? The best Tieguanyin."

"Why are you still awake?" The female teacher showed a look of surprise on her face: "The falling moon black box has a fascinating effect. Within the enchantment, as long as the moonlight shines, anyone will immediately fall into a coma."

Su Beibei laughed: "I'm sorry, maybe I like to close the windows when I sleep, so I don't get the moonlight."

When she said this, the moonlight had already shone on Su Beibei's face and body, illuminating her graceful figure quite immortal and terrifyingly beautiful.

"The situation has changed, withdraw!" The female teacher rolled her eyes and made a decisive decision. She turned around and wanted to leave.

I saw that the four female college students turned into black shadows, instantly wrapped the female teacher in them, quickly returned to Yun Xiaodong's room, and flew out of her window.


A few shadows just jumped out of the window, and were kicked back abruptly.

"It's all here, just sit for a while, don't make it seem like we don't know how to treat guests."

Lan Yiren had a kind smile on her face, her feet on the windowsill, and she was also bathed in the moonlight.

The female teacher's expression changed, and she immediately turned into a black shadow, wanting to directly merge into the black barrier outside.

Unfortunately, it still failed.

They can only turn into a few black shadows, scurrying around like headless flies on the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building, unable to fly out at all.

"Don't waste your time." I don't know when, Xia Tian appeared in the living room, reclining on the sofa, with an impatient look on his face.

At this time, the female teacher suddenly flashed back to Yun Xiaodong's side, and said coldly to Xia Tian, ​​"Don't be too proud, her life is still in my hands. If you dare to mess around, she will die."

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