Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2413 three hours is enough

Chapter 2413 three hours is enough

"Three months?"

Xia Tian had a rather playful look on his face, and then said disdainfully, "It only takes three hours for me to kill all these idiots."

"Of course, you have this ability." After leaving the Temple of Longevity, Zhan Musi took a special plane directly to the Jianghai Shenyi Building, and told Xia Tian, ​​"Do you need me to do anything?"

"It's these idiots who designed it to deal with Yiyi's wife?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Zhan Musi nodded and added: "Actually, the people in Nanjiang who caused you trouble, the Temple of Longevity also has a share, but they are hidden behind the scenes."

"Aren't you from that organization?" Xia Xia glanced at Zhan Musi and asked casually, "Come to tell me, not afraid of being discovered by them?"

"It's okay to find out." Zhan Musi didn't hide his inner thoughts at all: "I have weighed the pros and cons, the arrogant old guys in the Temple of Longevity are definitely not your opponents, so I'm just standing in line ahead of time. "Isn't there an old saying in China that those who know the times are the heroes?"

Su Beibei couldn't help laughing: "Your words are pretty good, are you going to take the Chinese postgraduate entrance exam?"

"Miss Su is joking." Zhan Mu smiled lightly and didn't talk about this topic any more.

Xia Xia then asked again: "Why do you, the high-level officials of the ruined palace, have nothing else to do, and you have to come to trouble me?"

"Those people are only thinking about immortality." Zhan Musi replied: "It's not just you, they will not let go of any person or thing on earth that may be related to this. According to their investigation, Mr. Xia seems to have immortality. Immortal technology, that's why they care so much."

"Since you are concerned, why don't you come and ask directly." Su Beibei said a little speechlessly: "Maybe Xia Xia will help them when they are happy."

"Hehe, it's impossible." Zhan Musi said with some emotion: "They don't believe what others give, only what they have painstakingly got."

Su Beibei frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "It means that these old guys are too dirty, so they don't believe that anyone is clean."

"That's right." Zhan Musi nodded again, "They only believe in what they stole, so once they see something, they will only use all kinds of despicable means to steal it. They have done the same for so many years. "

Su Beibei could only sigh: "then they are really sad."

"It's not sad, don't talk about this." Zhan Musi said without worry: "But they are indeed the behemoths that lie above the heads of immortal cultivators all over the world. How many people have been destroyed. The earth is already thin in spiritual energy, and it is a pity that there is such a stubborn organization."

Su Beibei glared at Zhan Musi a little unhappily: "You said this to encourage Xia Xia to deal with this organization?"

"It's not instigation, but Mr. Xia will have a battle with the Temple of Longevity sooner or later, and it is likely within three months." Zhan Musi did not intend to hide his thoughts, and said directly: "Because Tiangong will be in three months later, The Palace Master of Tiangong may directly open the secret realm. Those old guys in the Temple of Longevity don’t want someone to compete with them for places and spiritual energy.”

"Three months later?" Xia Xia was stunned for a moment: "The secret realm of Tiangong is going to be opened? Why didn't I know the news?"

Zhan Musi explained casually: "It's only the internal news of Tiangong, and it has not been announced."

"Then how did you know?" Su Beibei asked.

"Because there are undercover agents from the Temple of Longevity in the Heavenly Palace." Zhan Musi answered truthfully.

"You really don't hide anything." Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Okay, you can go."

When Zhan Musi heard this, he was a little surprised: "Mr. Xia, don't you want to know the internal structure of the Temple of Longevity? Judging from the current trend, the conflicts between those old guys and you are basically irreconcilable. These three Sooner or later, they will take action against you and your women again. If you don't prepare early, I'm afraid you will really get into some trouble."

"I don't need to know." Xia Xia waved his hand: "Because they will soon be a bunch of dead people."

"If Mr. Xia wants to clear them one day, please take me with you." Zhan Musi bowed slightly to Xia Xia and said with a smile, "I'm very happy to lead the way."

At this time, Xia Xia suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone. He looked down and said abruptly, "It won't be a day, just now."

"Ah?" Zhan Musi couldn't help being stunned, and before he could react, his neck tightened, and his whole body rose into the air and flew out from the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building.


San Lo city.

In the summer, I settled on the top floor of a rather tall building and looked lazily around.

"Gret!" Zhan Musi fell to his knees, retching continuously.

"You can't stand this speed, so your cultivation isn't very good." Xia Xia glanced at Zhan Musi and said with contempt.

"Jianghai is 10,000 kilometers away from here." Zhan Musi took a few small pills before he recovered, and leaned against the railing weakly: "I don't have your amazing body, I can bear it so fast. The speed, I didn't fall apart and it was good."

"Stop talking nonsense, just say it directly, where is your old nest of the Temple of Longevity." Xia Xia pouted in disapproval.

James' face was full of astonishment

The expression on his face: "You plan to destroy the Temple of Longevity today? They are not easy to give, should we plan better?"

"Why, to kill a bunch of idiots, you still need to pick a day?" Xia Tian looked disdainful, "If you are afraid, just show me the way on the side."

"Forget it, it's all here, so let's do it." Zhan Musi didn't hesitate, she stood up straight, raised her hand and pointed, "Those old guys are all doing well now, and they all live in Beverly. In the villa in the villa."

Xia Xia asked casually, "Do you all live together?"

"That's not true." Zhan Musi knew what Xia Xia meant, and couldn't help but explain: "The structure of the Temple of Longevity is actually very simple, with one god, two archangels, three holy teachers, several saints, and countless believers. In fact, in Huaguo's more understandable way of saying, it is one palace master, two guardians, three elders, plus some green monsters and cannon fodder."

"Are the saints all that kind of parallel imports?" Xia Tian remembered that he had encountered saints on Carnival Island, and they were all rubbish.

Zhan Musi nodded: "Compared to your strength, Mr. Xia, it can be said that the archangels and gods are barely your opponents. For the rest, just leave it to me."

"Okay, let's go, come one by one." Xia Xia didn't bother to waste time on some minions.

Soon, the two came to the door of an unusually luxurious villa.

The owner of this villa seems to be throwing a party today, with people coming and going in an endless stream.

"The man in this villa is our guardian Zuo, named Bai Zhenshan. On the surface, he is 99 years old, but in fact he is more than 200 years old." Zhan Musi stood beside Xia Xia and whispered: "His apparent identity It's a media giant, actually a..."

Xia Tian waved his hand: "I'm not interested in knowing who he is, just find him and kill him."

"Okay." Zhan Musi finished the conversation, "Today seems to be the old man's birthday, and he is having a banquet, or I'll get two invitations..."

Before the words were finished, Xia Xia's figure flashed into the interior of the villa.

At this time, in the deepest room of the villa, a strange ceremony was going on.

In the center of the room was a peculiar magic circle, with three unconscious girls lying in the middle.

Outside the circle, three young men in red burqas were standing, all holding bright daggers in their hands, waiting for an order.

And the person who can give orders is the old man who is supported by eight people not far away. He really looks in his 90s, his face is covered with various age spots, and his body is outrageously fat. It is estimated that he is at least half a ton. Heavy.

However, his physical fitness was surprisingly good, his complexion was quite rosy, and his skin was quite supple.

"The blood of a young girl is the best tonic in the world." The fat old man walked in front of the magic circle and asked someone to take a cup of blood and taste it carefully: "That guy from Earl Carnival is really useful. It's a pity that people It's already dead, otherwise, this magic circle can be improved and improved."

One of the young men in red burqas asked loudly, "Archangel, everything is ready, can you start?"

"Of course, don't delay my party." The fat old man snorted coldly, "Before eight o'clock, I want to drink the pure blood of the gods. If I don't start now, it will be too late."

"Yes!" The young man in the red burqa bowed his head coldly, the dagger in his hand slashed across his artery, and saw the blood splattered immediately, she immediately put her hand on the magic circle.

The other two young men in red burqas immediately followed suit, kneeling down at the same time, muttering words.

Then, the daggers in their hands slashed towards the white necks of the three girls.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this time, three cold beams flashed and smashed all the daggers.

Two figures suddenly appeared in this secret room.

"Who!" The fat old man was furious, and immediately scolded: "How dare you destroy this archangel's rejuvenation ceremony!"

"Archangel, it's me." Zhan Musi kneeled down on his knees respectfully.

"It's you?" The fat old man's pupils shrank, and then he became more and more annoyed: "You are a mere saint, what qualifications do you have to participate in my banquet, and you are trespassing in my secret room, get out of here!"

Zhan Musi laughed: "Didn't the archangel always want to meet the man who knows the art of immortality? I brought him here."

"Well, who are you talking about?" The fat old man immediately widened his eyes.

"Just such a dead fat pig?" A lazy voice rang out, "Send him to the slaughterhouse."

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