Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2414 Is this still an angel?

Chapter 2414 Is this still an angel?

"You call this an angel?"

Xia Xia looked at the fat old man standing opposite with disgust, and said to Zhan Musi, "You either have a problem with your brain or your aesthetics."

"The archangel here refers to the job title." Zhan Musi explained casually: "The real angel, of course, is beautiful and innocent. Only in this way can all the ugly things in the world be washed away."

The fat old man was a little impatient, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "I know you, it's called Xia Xia, right, a warlock from the east, I heard that you have a spell that makes people immortal. Hand over the spell."

"That's medicine, not magic." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Even if you hand it over, you idiots won't be able to learn it."

"Haha." Hearing Xia Xia's words, the fat old man smiled smugly: "Boy from the East, you really don't know the power of our Temple of Longevity. We have countless warlocks, mages and even wizards under our banner. And scientists, it doesn't matter whether you know magic, medicine or something else, as long as you hand it over, we have something that people can study."

After speaking, he looked at Xia Xia with arrogance on his face: "Of course, we will not let you poor little guy work in vain, we can give you countless money, beauty, power, these things you dream of. "

At this time, Zhan Musi couldn't help coughing and reminded: "Your Excellency Archangel, you may not know that Mr. Xia is actually one of the best invisible rich people in China, and he has many women, all of whom are world-class top beauties, you say With these conditions, I’m afraid…”

"Bang!" The fat old man interrupted James disdainfully before he could hear it, "What kind of money can be made in that small place, even the top rich in their place can't make much more than the financial elites who eat sandwiches on Wall Street. "

Zhan Musi knew that these people were arrogant, but he didn't expect to be so arrogant.

"Sure enough, idiots just can't communicate." Xia Xian was too lazy to talk nonsense, "Is there only this dead fat pig here?"

James nodded: "Yes."

"Okay." Xia Xia said casually, "That's not a waste of time."

The fat old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and now he felt that there was something wrong with the conversation between Zhan Musi and Xia Xia: "Zhan Musi, did you betray the organization?"

"It can't be called betrayal." Zhan Musi said with a chuckle: "Because you don't seem to have really regarded me as a member, you just have to use me, then I will naturally choose another high branch."

"Those who dare to betray the gods will definitely go to hell." The fat old man stared at Zhan Musi coldly: "You... will be no exception."

Zhan Musi shook his head and said, "If there is a hell, then you should go down first. Don't think about how many innocent people you have killed over the years, and how many lives you have killed for pleasure."

"Hehehehe, you have the guts." The fat old man was furious and pointed at Zhan Musi and Xia Xia with his chubby fingers: "The archangel gives you three seconds to repent, kneel down and kiss my toe, I can let you You are not going to hell."

Xia Xia said impatiently: "Dead fat pig, are you finished? I'll give you a second to die by yourself, and I can keep you from entering the slaughterhouse."

"I really don't know how high the sky is, just because you two want to shout at this archangel!" The fat old man shouted angrily, and a holy light suddenly appeared behind him, and then he began to chant the scriptures incessantly:

"We were born when the gods were born, and we are the servants of the gods!"

"We are divine punishment, we are divine power!"

"We are naturally given such a mission, and we will dare to rebel against the gods and our ignorant people..."

"Destroy their bodies, minds, and souls, Amen!"


Every time he chanted a sentence, the holy light behind the fat old man became intense, and in the end, extremely smooth six-winged wings appeared.

A sacred and inviolable majesty caused people, animals, moths... within a few miles to crawl to the ground involuntarily, daring not to disobey at all.

"As expected of an archangel, such divine might is indeed rare." Zhan Musi knelt down on one knee, forcing herself not to kowtow, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Xia Xia still didn't respond, and even didn't understand: "Aren't you acting?"

"Hey, boy from the East, don't hold back!" The fat old man burst into laughter, and circles of holy light continued to radiate all around, "As far as the gods are, you mortals can only kneel. The next step is to bring down the punishment of God and let you know the consequences of disrespecting the gods!"

"It doesn't matter what plane you're doing, just punch it away." Xia Xia yawned casually, squeezed his fist and flashed to the fat old man, punching his fat pig-like head.

"I have divine power to protect my body and the blessing of the Holy Light. You can't beat it at all...Pfft!" Before the fat old man could finish his words, he received a solid punch on the head, and his whole body suddenly flew up. It hit the ceiling and hit the ground hard.

The holy light shattered instantly, and the six-winged wings were extinguished as if the renewal had failed.

"This, how is this possible!" The fat old man's eyes widened, completely unable to accept all this: "I am the archangel, the spokesperson of the gods in the world, with the blessing of the Holy Light, the protection of the gods... How can you be a mere mortal and beat me? ."


Another punch.

Simple, fast and straightforward.


There are no bells and whistles.

The fat old man felt as if his brain had been blasted, and his seven orifices spurted blood, but he was still saying: "You, you can't cause or cause any damage to the archangel! I am the spokesperson of the gods, the punishment of the gods..."


One more punch!


The fat old man spurted blood, and finally couldn't bear it: "This archangel is dead, and he will pull the two of you back."

With his voice, his already fat body suddenly swelled up like he was inflated.

"It's useless. If you want to blow yourself up, then you can blow it up slowly." Xia Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, the silver needles flickered between his fingers, and the two silver needles were buried in the fat old man's brain.

Immediately he jumped up and flew out directly from the cracked ceiling.

James groped for a while in the secret room, then followed and left.

Not long after he left, the fat old man's body finally couldn't support it and exploded directly.


The entire villa collapsed.

"That's it?" Not far away, Xia Xia said to Zhan Mu with a bit of boredom: "What other angels, gods, wouldn't they be such a waste?"

"That can only mean that you are too powerful, Mr. Xia." Zhan Musi said with a bitter smile: "Ordinary people can't break through Shengguang and Shenwei at all when they meet them. I don't know how many masters died under these two conditions. ."

Xia Xia was noncommittal to James' flattery, and said casually, "Let's go, the next one."

"Don't look for it, I'm already here." At this time, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Xia Xia and Zhan Musi.

Zhan Musi looked up, and immediately bowed respectfully and greeted, "I have seen the Archangel Mr. Bai."

"Are you the other archangel?" Xia Xia glanced at the other party and pouted in disappointment: "It doesn't look anything special."

The other party is about 1.9 meters tall, tall, but not the kind of muscular and knotted model, but extremely well-proportioned, wearing a decent suit, and looking like a gentleman.

"My name is Bai Ruide, and I am the archangel of the Temple of Longevity." The tall gentleman's tone was quite polite, and he even bowed to Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, I have long admired your name, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

"No matter how polite you are to me, it won't change what I want to kill you." Xia Xia said casually.

Bai Ruide chuckled: "The world is so beautiful, why fight and kill."

"Is this your last word?" Xia Xia asked.

"Mr. Xia, why are you so angry?" Bai Ruide still had a friendly tone, "I can't tell you anything about it. If there is anything offended, I can make amends. Regarding the incident against Miss Yi last time. , this is that the people below will have the wrong idea. I have punished them long ago. If you are still unhappy, why don't you invite Miss Yi, and I will execute all those who offended her in person, what do you think? "

"It's not necessary." Xia Xia said lazily: "Yiyi's wife has long been here. If she doesn't care about your apology, she will definitely say hello to me earlier. But she didn't mention you, so you should die. Bar."

"Mr. Xia, are you really going to implement your wrong decision?" Bai Ruide lost his patience when he heard these words, and slowly put on a pair of black gloves, "That will be the last decision in your life. ."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Then it depends on whether you have that ability?"

"Our Temple of Longevity has been established for more than 300 years." Bai Ruide looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief, "I have encountered all kinds of enemies, and many of them almost destroyed the temple, but In the end, the temple still exists, and those who are invincible have disappeared in the long run of time."

"There's a lot of nonsense." Xia Xia said unhappily: "Don't you just want to brag, you can just brag and drag this kind of nonsense in front of me."

"When the stars are shining, the darkness of the night is also a kind of beautiful broken shadow." Bai Ruide stared at Xia Xia tightly, and said a word of nonsense that didn't make sense.

Then, there seemed to be countless meteorites falling from the sky.

Such as downpours, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.

Zhan Musi immediately felt bad, his figure retreated violently, thinking about exiting the scope of this meteorite rain.

However, as soon as he exited a few hundred meters away, he was blocked by a black barrier.

"Don't think about running away, the grace of the gods, the world has no right to refuse." Bai Ruide said with a chuckle.

Then, the black barrier was exposed, which happened to be like a semi-oval cover, covering a range of hundreds of meters.

"God loves the world with grace." Bai Ruide jumped up and stood on the top of the hood, smiling as he looked at the shadows like meteorites, which smashed to the ground.

Under the shroud of divine grace, no one can survive.

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