Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2424 what did you just say

The palm shadows are heavy, covering the sky and the sun.

There seemed to be thunder and lightning flashes in the clouds.

In an instant, a huge coercion, like the collapse of Mount Tai, descended at an extreme speed.

Yi Xiaoyin's pretty face couldn't help but change color slightly.

Summer is actually expressionless, still indifferent.

But the house under the two of them couldn't hold it anymore and collapsed with a bang.

"Ah, Dr. Zhou!" Yi Xiaoyin came back to her senses and exclaimed.

Xia Xia smiled: "Wife Yiyi, don't be nervous, I didn't say that Dr. Zhou is in this house."

"That's good." Yi Xiaoyin breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes still looked at the palm shadow that was almost in front of her.

"Wife Yiyi, don't look at it, this kind of palm technique is used to scare people." Xia Xia pouted and said with a look of disapproval: "It looks very powerful, but it's not really lethal."

"Are you sure?" Yi Xiaoyin was suspicious, she knew that any attack might be trivial for Xia Xia, but not necessarily for others.

"Then watch carefully." Xia Xia turned around indifferently, squeezed his fist slowly, and blasted at the shadow of the palm that covered the sky.

Punch out.

Looking unremarkable.

But the shadow of the palm that covered the sky was like a balloon that had hit the needle, bursting instantly and scattered.

"Come out if you want to fight, don't engage in such useless tricks." Xia Xia said lazily.

The thunder in the clouds was still rumbling.

A voice full of anger scolded: "Boy, don't rely on your own abilities to be so arrogant."

"I'm not talented, but invincible." Xia Xia retorted with a smile, "Idiots like you are talented."

"It's so arrogant!" The voice was furious and scolded: "You can jump up and down in Huaxia, but this is not your territory. If you are sensible, go back immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Don't be polite, just use whatever tricks you have." Xia Xia showed a provocative look, and said with contempt: "However, it's okay to use the tricks like the one just now."

"Boy, it seems that you don't cry until you see the coffin." That voice was obviously broken by Xia Xia's words, "I've given you a chance, but unfortunately you don't know how to cherish it, so just die!"

In the clouds, thunder rolled.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Xia Xia's head.

In the summer, there was almost no reaction time, and he was directly hacked.

A huge pit was split in place, and no one was seen.

"Hahahaha, what a powerful thing to say, I couldn't even hold a lightning bolt." The voice couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Have you finished laughing?" At this time, a rather lazy voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The man turned his head suddenly, and saw that Xia Xia was looking at him with a smile.

In shock, the man grabbed a thunderbolt and threw it fiercely at Xia Xia: "I was lucky enough to let you escape just now, and now I will kill you to scum!"

"Okay, it's over?" Xia Xia glared at the other party with some discomfort, "I really thought your lightning breaker would be useful."

Said, Xia Xia didn't dodge any more, but raised his hand lightly and pinched the thunder thrown by the other party in his hand.

This kind of random action is like holding a little chicken in your hand.

"How is this possible?" The man was so shocked that his eyes almost fell.

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "Is there no other way?"

"Shendian resurgence." The man suddenly pinched his handprint and pointed to Xia Tian: "A thunderous roar!"

I saw all the thunder and lightning in the clouds, suddenly surging, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, all rushing towards summer.

At the same time, Thunder in Xia Xia's hand was not honest, and was constantly struggling, trying to get out of Xia Xia's control.

"It's boring." Xia Xia was a little impatient, and burst the thunder.


Then, the man felt a palm suddenly slapped heavily on his face.

He also heard Xia Xia's voice in his ear: "So you like to play thunder, don't you, then I'll let you have enough fun."

"You, what are you trying to do, let me go!" The man's entire face was tightly pinched by Xia Xia's hand, and even his body couldn't move.

At this time, the corner of his eyes clearly saw the thunder and lightning like a tide, and he turned a corner and rushed towards him.

"Let go of me, let me go, I will die." Seeing the thunder and lightning getting closer and closer, the man suddenly panicked and shouted: "I am a member of the Tiangong Xiao family, if there is any damage, even if you escape back. At home, there will be no death... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the rolling thunder and lightning slammed into his body like a tide, and he suddenly let out a howl like a pig.

"What did you just say?" Xia Xia scratched his ears casually and asked casually.

The man had been stunned by the thunder and lightning, obviously unable to answer this question.

"He said he was from the Xiao family in Tiangong." Yi Xiaoyin walked over slowly and glanced at the man's injury.

Xia Tian pouted his lips: "It's the Heavenly Palace again, why don't we just destroy this broken organization now." "This Heavenly Palace is not the other Heavenly Palace." Yi Xiaoyin explained casually: "The Heavenly Palace mentioned by the Tiangong Xiao family refers specifically to the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace. It's like hiding the secret realm of returning to the ruins of the Yuan family. As for the organization of the Tiangong, you should be relatively clear.

Chu, I've dealt with it several times.

Now, you have seen that Heavenly Palace Lord several times. "

"It doesn't matter which one he is, it's annoying, so let's solve it together." Xia Xia said nonchalantly.

"It's better not to be extravagant now." Yi Xiaoyin knew Xia Xia's ability to cause trouble.

Xia Xia thought about it and said, "It's okay. The secret realm of the Tiangong seems to be opened in three months, so go check it out and destroy them by the way."

"Yes, do the things in front of you first." Yi Xiaoyin breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Wife Yiyi, what are we going to do now?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Let's take Dr. Zhou to a safe place first." Yi Xiaoyin said.


Washington, Sky City, Xiao Family.

The Xiao family immigrated to the United States about 100 years ago, and they were deeply rooted in the country before. Not only the first family in the Imperial Capital, but even four of the other nine families were supported by the Xiao family.

This situation will naturally arouse official jealousy, which will naturally be followed by suppression and differentiation. At that time, the head of the Xiao family was a man of great courage, and he had a showdown with the official and finally reached an agreement.

The Xiao family emigrated overseas, completely giving up all domestic power and interests.

This seems to be a loss for the Xiao family, but in fact it is dead and alive. The Xiao family cut off all the forces in the country, and at the same time cut off other families who had long been vassals to suck blood on them.

Moreover, living abroad, far from the whirlpool of power struggle, also preserved most of the living power of the Xiao family. Therefore, even overseas, the Xiao family rose rapidly and became a big chaebol who could secretly control the world situation.

What's more, the Xiao family has been holding the big killer of Tiangong Secret Realm. Although this needs to be shared by the Tiangong Palace Master, it is enough for them to stand on one side in the United States.

There was even such a proverb circulating in the upper class: "It's better to provoke the president than the Xiao family." It can be seen that the Xiao family has a powerful position in the United States today.

Today, the head of the Xiao family is a little uneasy.

The eldest son Xiao Junxian waited on the side carefully, fearing that he would offend Tianwei if he was not careful.

"How is the negotiation with the Palace Master of Tiangong?" The Xiao Family Master asked coldly.

Xiao Junxian stood up straight and replied respectfully: "There are only eight places for the Xiao family this time. I have already gone to negotiate, and there will be results in a few days."

The Xiao family leader was expressionless, noncommittal about this, and asked a few more questions.

Xiao Junxian replied one by one without leaking.

"Where's Junze people?" Xiao Patriarch finally asked casually.

Xiao Junxian was suddenly at a loss for words.

Patriarch Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly: "I want to ask you something."

Xiao Junxian shuddered and chose to tell the truth: "Little brother, I said I went out for something, but I haven't come back yet."

"Where are you going?" Patriarch Xiao asked again.

"It was said that something went wrong in Saint Luo City. The people below couldn't hold back the situation, so they called for help here. He just received a signal." Xiao Junxian said cautiously.

Xiao Patriarch pondered for a while, and suddenly asked, "Has he started some kind of organization recently and is catching people everywhere?"

"Yes." Xiao Junxian didn't dare to hide: "My little brother and a few chaebol sons set up an organization called [Destiny], saying that they want to change the way of human evolution and create new human beings with supernatural power. Recently, I have been catching this aspect everywhere. scientists."

"Nonsense." Xiao Patriarch snorted softly: "Let him get back for me immediately!"

Xiao Junxian nodded again and again, immediately took out a special communication device, and dialed a number to go out.

After a few seconds, Xiao Junxian suddenly screamed, almost fainted: "What did you say!"

There was a hint of unhappiness on the Xiao family's face: "A lot of age, but still so unstable, startled, what it looks like. How can I trust the Xiao family in your hands."

Xiao Junxian's face was full of disbelief, and he hesitated whether to report: "This, father, don't get excited when you hear it."

"What the hell is going on, tell me!" Patriarch Xiao scolded dissatisfiedly: "You think that as a father, like you, you are panicked about a little thing. As Patriarch, you should collapse in front of you and not change your face."

"Then I said it." Xiao Junxian licked his lips, "There was news from San Francisco just now, saying... The younger brother is dead!"

Patriarch Xiao was stunned and asked for a while, "What did you say?"

"My little brother fought someone and was beaten to death." Xiao Junxian replied sadly.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Patriarch Xiao looked angry and waved his hands wildly, "My son is invincible in the world, how could he be beaten to death! Whoever spread false news to me and beat him to death!"

"It was done in the summer." Xiao Junxian added. Patriarch Xiao's rage stopped abruptly.

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