Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2425 You are sick in your brain

Chapter 2425 You are sick in your brain


Patriarch Xiao's expression became a little cautious, and his heart was full of doubts: "Jun Ze can't fight with that Xia Xian Bazhu, why would you..."

Xiao Junxian hesitated for a moment, then replied, "I'm afraid this is still related to the organization founded by the third brother."

"What's the matter, talk about it carefully." Xiao Patriarch suddenly felt that there must be something strange, and asked sharply.

"The organization of the third brother has been catching top scientists in various fields recently, and some of them seem to be planning to return to China in the near future." Xiao Junxian carefully worded his words, and explained slowly: "It may be that they have done too much, so they have caused domestic problems. Officials are dissatisfied, so they sent someone to investigate."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Xiao Patriarch frowned when he heard it. "After talking nonsense for a long time, the point is, what does this have to do with Xia Xia, and what does it have to do with Jun Ze?"

"It was inconvenient for domestic officials to come forward, so they commissioned Yi Xiaoyin to investigate." Xiao Junxian was startled, and hurriedly pointed out the relationship, "And Yi Xiaoyin is Xia's woman, so it's normal for Xia to come here. As for why the third brother would conflict with Xia Xia, this is still unclear."

"..." Xiao Patriarch was silent.

Xiao Junxian watched his words for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said tentatively, "Father, don't worry, I will definitely avenge the third brother. No matter how powerful this summer is, if you dare to kill the third brother, I will definitely want him to die without a burial!"

"Do you think you are very brave?" The head of the Xiao family looked blankly at his eldest son, the future helmsman of the Xiao family, and his mood suddenly fell to the bottom, "You take revenge, what do you want to take revenge? Jun Ze is Our Xiao family's rare martial arts prodigy reached the realm of master at the age of sixteen, and successfully established a foundation at the age of twenty. Last year, with the help of Ziqi Dan, he touched the threshold of the stage of forming a pill. Outside the secret realm, the person with the highest realm."

"Even he died in the hands of Xia Xia, what do you take to get revenge?" Xiao Patriarch asked in a cold voice, "Huh?"

Xiao Junxian was dripping with sweat. He didn't expect that his expression of brotherly love would lead to such a big reaction.

However, he wasn't really frightened, and when he turned his head, he immediately thought of an idea: "If that's the case, then lead Xia Xia to the secret realm, which is the home of our Xiao family, and there are countless cultivators in charge, Xia Xia Certainly dead."

"The number of places in the secret realm is limited, and each one is extremely precious. Who do you think is willing to let it go?" Xiao Patriarch said lightly.

"This..." Xiao Junxian rolled his eyes, and quickly came up with a solution: "Actually, father doesn't need to worry about this problem. Xia Tian doesn't need a quota, just give him a reason to go to the secret realm, and the rest, He'll figure it out himself."

Xiao Patriarch came to be interested: "How do you say?"

"I don't know if my father still remembers hiding the secret realm of returning to the ruins of the Yuan family." Xiao Junxian explained slowly: "At that time, I forcibly broke in in the summer and brought someone with me."

"The Yuan family's broken secret realm is also worthy of being compared with the Tiangong secret realm?" Xiao family snorted coldly, and then said: "This matter is left to you to handle. Remember, before the secret realm is opened, no one should provoke Xia. I don't want the Xiao family to become the second Li family."

"Yes." Xiao Junxian nodded in agreement, but he was quite disapproving, but he didn't have the guts to go against his father's wishes.

"Also, there is no need for that [Destiny] organization to exist." The Xiao family leader said coldly: "My son is dead, and there is no reason why others can live well."

"I'll do it right now." Xiao Junxian nodded again.


La city, Mei's villa.

"Those people should be from an organization called [Destiny]." In the study, Mei Aoxue introduced Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin, "It was an organization that was founded by a group of chaebol II recently, and its purpose is quite the same as a middle school. It is said to take over the evolution of all human beings and let the world enter a new era."

"These idiots have nothing to do." Xia Tian pouted and mocked with disdain.

However, Yi Xiaoyin glanced at Xia Xia and thought: "You are too embarrassed to say that others have nothing to do when they are idle.

"Wife Yiyi, I'm not free." Xia Xia hugged Yi Xiaoyin's waist and said with a smile, "I have to take care of you every day, so I don't have time to spare at all."

"Take care?" Yi Xiaoyin rolled her eyes at Xia Xia, then patted Xia Xia's hand that was wandering restlessly.

"What happened to those soldiers in uniform?" Yi Xiaoyin asked with some doubts: "I don't think it's official, but such a big force, the official doesn't care?"

"Because I can't control it." Mei Aoxue smiled lightly, "This is a capitalist paradise. Money and votes are the masters of the country. Those chaebols have money, and their companies control a large number of people who have votes. Officials naturally Open one eye, close one eye, and sometimes help them fool the common people."

"Your Mei family is not also a chaebol." Xia Xia pouted.

Mei Aoxue nodded: "Yes, so I don't think there is any problem with this privilege."

"Since you know that this group of people did it, it's easy to handle." Yi Xiaoyin thought for a while, and suggested, "Let's start with those second worlds. They are probably on a whim, and it's easy to convince them."

"It may have been before, but not now." Mei Aoxue was not so optimistic, "If I guessed correctly, the person that Xia Xia killed just now may be Xiao Junze, the third son of the Xiao family."

Xia Tian nodded: "That idiot seems to have said that he is from the Xiao family or something."

"Xiao Family?" Yi Xiaoyin changed color slightly, she often

The world practiced medicine everywhere, and of course they knew about this Xiao family, but it was a very dangerous behemoth, known as the chaebol of the chaebol.

"Yes." Mei Aoxue said worriedly: "The Xiao family is actually quite low-key here, but it is an existence that even the president does not dare to provoke. Now the family owner is also extremely protective of the shortcomings, I am afraid we will soon Being targeted by the Xiao family."


As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang just right.

"Say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here." Mei Aoxue laughed, "Don't think about it, it must be from the Xiao family."

"You're so polite, you even ring the doorbell." Xia Xia said with a smile.

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "I'll go take a look."

"Let's go together." Mei Aoxue stood up and sighed, "I hope there will be a fight, don't demolish my house, after all, this is a family property."

The two went to open the door together.

I saw a well-dressed young man standing outside the door, with a kind smile on his face: "Miss Mei, Miss Yi, I'm sorry."

"Who are you?" Mei Aoxue looked at this man, "Is it a killer sent by the Xiao family?"

"Miss Mei is joking." The young man chuckled and waved his hand, "My surname is Liu, and I am one of the Xiao family's personal lawyers. This time, I was entrusted by the Xiao family to deal with some matters, and I wanted to convey a few words by the way. , I don't know if Mr. Xia Xia is here?"

"Of course he is." Mei Aoxue stepped aside, "He is inside, if you have anything to say, come in."

"Thank you." Attorney Liu nodded in thanks and changed his slippers first.

Mei Aoxue took him to the living room and said casually, "Wait a moment, I'll go call Xia Xia."

"Okay, it's work." Teacher Liu thanked again.

Yi Xiaoyin has been looking at this person, and after following Mei Aoxue back to the study, she said lightly, "He is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't have any weapons on his body."

"That's weird." Mei Aoxue couldn't guess the Xiao family's intentions: "With the Xiao family's ability, you should already know the news of Xiao Junze's death, how could there be no response."

"This is not a reaction." Yi Xiaoyin had a different opinion. "Otherwise, why would someone so good-looking send someone over to look for Xia Xia."

"However, when Xiao Junze died, how could the Xiao family's reaction be so cold?" Mei Aoxue frowned and said pessimistically, "There must be something wrong with this lawyer, why don't I let someone test it?"

"There's no need for that." Xia Xia looked disapproving, "It's just such a person, trying something, a waste of time."

Saying that, Xia Xia went out directly, looking at each other with a fixed gaze, "I am Xia Xia, what did those idiots tell you to say?"

"Oh, hello Mr. Xia." Lawyer Liu bowed respectfully when he saw Xia Xia, and said very politely, "That's right, I am entrusted by the Xiao family to come and handle some matters with Mr. Xia."

"What can I do with them?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Lawyer Liu replied, "It's about the accidental death of Mr. Xiao Junze."

"That idiot didn't die accidentally. He shot at me inexplicably, and then I killed him." Xia Xia told the truth without any intention of covering up.

Mei Aoxue hid her face when she heard this. The other party said that she died unexpectedly. You can just follow the other party's words and get rid of this matter. Do you have to fight.

Sure enough, Lawyer Liu changed his face and looked at Xia Xia with some astonishment: "Mr. Xia is joking."

"I never joke, and I never joke with someone I don't know." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"It seems that there will be a battle with the Xiao family." Mei Aoxue had already foreseen the consequences. How could the Xiao family swallow this breath? The lawyers in front of them must have been used to confuse them. The real killer is definitely in ambush. nearby.

Maybe, they threw the cup for the number, and then attacked in one fell swoop, killing this side by surprise.

Yi Xiaoyin said expressionlessly, "Don't rush to judge, just wait and see."

In the living room, Teacher Liu stared at Xia Xia for a long time, and then laughed: "Well, Mr. Xia did a good job. Xiao Junze often violated the law and ruined his life.

Mei Aoxue couldn't help but stunned: "What, what did he say?"

Although Yi Xiaoyin guessed from the person's words and deeds that the Xiao family might not want to make things bigger, but he didn't expect to be so soft.

"Our family owner wanted to punish him for a long time, but he was reluctant to do it because of the kinship." Teacher Liu continued: "Thanks to Mr. Xia, this time, I have solved this hidden danger for the Xiao family. I am really grateful."

"You all have a sick mind." Xia Tian was a little surprised.

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