Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2436 You should reflect on it

Chapter 2436 You should reflect on it

"It was Ben who lost."

The armored general hesitated for a few seconds, but chose to give up, let go of Cao Qianqian, and knelt on the ground, "I just ask you to let this general go and leave me alone."

"It's useless." Xia Xia didn't change his attitude because the other party was submissive. "I said that you are dead, then you are absolutely dead, and there will be no change."

The armored general's eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment, but it was a pity that it didn't help, and in the end, helplessly turned into a pile of dust and scattered with the wind.

"Strange, why haven't these stone statues changed?" Cao Qianqian's face showed a puzzled look.

Xia Tian looked back at her: "What change do you want?"

Cao Qian explained in a natural tone: "Watching anime movies or something, after the boss is defeated, the people under his control will not all return to normal."

"Those are all fake." Xia Xia said with disapproval.

Cao Qianqian showed a blank expression and pointed at the stone statues: "Then how to rescue them?"

"You want to save them?" Xia Xia said casually.

"However they are pitiful." Cao Qianqian is indeed overflowing with empathy, mainly because of his strong empathy ability. He can't ignore that these people are trapped in the stone statue forever and can't be freed. Of course, there is still a little distance from the heart of the Virgin Mary. .

Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's actually not difficult to save them."

"Then what should we do?" Cao Qianqian asked immediately.

"Find out the people who made them and get rid of them." Xia Tian put it lightly.

Cao Qianqian frowned, tilted his head for a while, and then said, "If I understand correctly, you mean that as long as you kill and turn them into people like this, they may return to normal, right? ?"

"You're not hopelessly stupid." Xia Xia expressed a certain degree of recognition for her ability to understand.

"What's the difference between what I said just now." Cao Qianqian was a little powerless to complain, "Isn't it also after killing the boss, and then it will return to normal when he loses control."

"Not the same." Xia Tian replied firmly.

Cao Qianqian was puzzled: "What's the difference?"

"What you said is false." Xia Xia replied solemnly: "And what I said is true."

"Okay, just take what you said is true." Cao Qianqian was stunned for a while, and then asked a little puzzled: "But that general in armor is already dead, is he fake death?"

"That armored idiot died thoroughly, not suspended animation." Xia Xia shook his head.

"It doesn't make sense." Cao Qianqian looked at Xia Xia with puzzled eyes: "The people who controlled them are dead, why haven't they returned to normal?"

Xia Tian couldn't help sighing: "I just praised you, but it turned out to be stupid again. Can't you understand?"

"You!" Cao Qianqian finally felt what Xia Xia hated, and said angrily, "I understand, your girlfriend called Good Baby must not be able to stand your temper, so she left home. gone."

"When you say this, you look even more stupid." Xia Tian curled his lips, "First of all, the good baby is not my girlfriend, and secondly, she is not running away from home, and my temper is very good, if you can't stand it, it must be You should reflect on your problem."

Cao Qianqian was completely speechless, and took a while to say, "Okay, I'm stupid, and I asked Xia Tian to make it clear."

"I can't think of it so simple?" Xia Xia explained casually: "Because that armored general is not a boss at all, at most it is an elite monster before meeting the boss."

"Huh?" Cao Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then he understood, and couldn't help but feel a little scared: "You mean there is a monster in this place?"

"Yes." Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Go and lead that monster out."

"Should I go?" Cao Qianqian pointed to himself with a surprised expression: "I'm an ordinary person, you let me go, what if I die?"

Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "With me here, it is impossible for you to die, and even if you do, I can save you."

"Are you really that powerful?" Cao Qianqian looked at Xia Xia suspiciously: "Hua Tuo wouldn't dare to say such a big thing when he was alive."

"There's a lot of nonsense, forget it, I don't need you." Xia Xian was a little impatient, and suddenly took out a silver needle and ejected it directly: "I'm too lazy to waste time, it's too boring here."

Cao Qianqian didn't know what Xia Tian was doing, but his eyes flew away with the silver needle.


Not long after, only a scream was heard.

However, a stone statue suddenly jumped up, shaking off its disguise, staring at Xia Xia and Cao Qianqian angrily.

"Boy, you have good eyesight, and you can actually see through the disguise of this palace." The stone statue gradually revealed its original appearance, but it was an extremely ugly middle-aged woman: "My disguise has been used for thousands of years. No one can see through, you are very good, this palace wants you to do it... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was hit by Xia Xia on the face and flew out.

Before waiting for the queen to get up, Xia Xia chased after him, and another kick, hitting the middle of the face, directly kicked the queen flying, and then fell heavily, and happened to fall into a mud pit.

"You're so ugly, I don't want to listen to you, let alone see your face." Xia Tian pouted and said unhappily.

Sure enough, the bloody-looking Queen opened her mouth to let out a scream, but there was no sound at all, her body couldn't move, and she sank little by little until she was completely submerged.

Cao Qianqian was stunned and didn't know what to say.

After a while, the tens of thousands of stone statues slowly returned to normal, some were still human, and some had only souls left, but they all regained their freedom, and they were all grateful to Xia Xia.

Xia Xia was not interested in accepting gratitude from others, and left the area directly because he felt a familiar atmosphere.

"Hey, wait for me!" Cao Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and quickly recovered. Without Xia's protection, she would die at any time without a place to be buried in this dangerous and secret realm.

Xia Xia didn't go too fast, but Cao Qianqian found that she couldn't catch up anyway, and she couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Not long after, the summer came to a river.

The river does not look wide, about three or four meters. The water flow is also very shallow and crystal clear. Obviously it is possible to directly dabble across, so there is no bridge over the river.

"What's the matter, aren't you afraid of water?" Cao Qianqian found that Xia Xia was standing by the river in a daze, so he couldn't help trotting after him, and asked tentatively, "How about I carry you over?"

Xia Tian looked at her with a smile: "Are you sure?"

"Don't look at me thin, I also have muscles." Cao Qianqian saw that Xia Xia seemed to be mocking her, and immediately rolled up his sleeves and puffed up his biceps, "It's not a problem to carry you."

"Forget it. I don't have a hobby for women to carry." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "I'm not afraid of water either."

Cao Qian asked inexplicably, "Then why are you standing by the river in such a daze?"

"I'm not in a daze." Xia Xia looked at the slowly flowing river with an unhappy expression: "I'm waiting for it to start."

"Who? Who did it?" Cao Qianqian was even more puzzled, looking around, no one else was there.

Xia Xia pointed to the crystal clear river water: "I'm talking about it."

"What's wrong with this water, can't you still jump up and hit you?" Cao Qianqian said with a dumb laugh, she felt that Xia Xia's personality was not only a little neurotic, but also a little unpredictable, "Stop joking, this kind of joke is nothing at all. It's not good!"


Before he could finish speaking, Cao Qianqian felt a slap in the face.

Cao Qianqian covered her face and looked around blankly: "Who hit me?"

"What do you think?" Xia Xia asked with a smile.

Cao Qianqian knew that it was definitely not Xia Xia's fight, because she had been looking at Xia Xia when she spoke. But besides Xia Xia, she is the only one left, and there is no third person. Could it be a ghost?

"There are no ghosts here." Xia Xia saw Cao Qianqian's suspicion.

It was even more difficult for Cao Qianqian to understand: "If there is no ghost, then who fought... Wait, how do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Because I know everything." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Cao Qianqian didn't believe it.

"Crack, snap!"

This time, the bow was drawn from left to right. Although the speed was very fast, Cao Qianqian still caught some images from the corner of his eyes.

It seemed that something jumped out of the water just now, then slammed into her face, and fell back into the water at a very fast speed.

"Water, there are monsters in the water." Cao Qianqian pointed at the river and shouted at Xia Tian.

Xia Tian looked calm: "It's not that there are monsters in the water, it's that the water is a monster."

"What should we do, how do we get there?" Cao Qianqian said worriedly.

Xia Tian replied lazily: "It's very easy for me to pass, and I will pass by with a single jump."

"Then why... are you waiting for me?" Cao Qianqian suddenly thought of something and asked hesitantly, "You don't like me, right? I can tell you that you are not my type."

"You think too much, you still look a little ugly, not beautiful enough, and you don't even have the qualifications to be my alternate wife." Xia Xia pouted and said unhappily.

Cao Qianqian received a 10,000-point crit, and the pain of being slapped in the face was second, and now he wanted to tear Xia Xia's mouth apart.


At this time, the river felt that he was being neglected, and immediately jumped up from the river, rolled up the surging waves, and rushed towards Xia Xia and Cao Qianqian.

"Can't stand it anymore?" The expression on Xia Xia's face didn't change much, but the Dinghai Divine Needle between his fingers had already lit up, and he gently tapped towards the river that was rushing towards him.


There was a scream in the river, and then the water twitched rapidly, desperately retreating into the river.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Although the Dinghaishen needle may not be the one in the legend, it is not of ordinary quality.

Even the sea can settle, not to mention you, a small river like a demon.

"I want to run, but it's too late." Xia Xia yawned lazily and casually entered a wisp of ice and fire aura, only to see that the river water was instantly frozen, inch by inch, and soon shattered, and was steamed into water vapor. After a while, it disappeared without a trace.

"This..." Cao Qianqian felt that his three views were once again severely challenged, and he didn't respond for a long time.

But before she could return to her senses, she saw that the empty river, like a living thing, lifted it up suddenly, like a beast that devoured people, swallowing both Xia Xia and Cao Qianqian.

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