Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2437 we are in the river

Chapter 2437 we are in the river

"Don't look at the ruins here, but the crisis it contains is no less than the other two, or even worse."

Zhang Lingling took Ning Ruirui to inspect the surroundings of the Nether Remnant Realm, mainly because he felt a strange aura fluctuation in the territory just now, needless to say, there must be an invasion of foreign forces.

At this time, Zhang Lingling reminded Ning Ruirui again, so that she would not despise this place and fall into danger.

"I know." Ning Ruirui had no intention of underestimating the Nether Realm. "If there was no summer, I would have died long ago. Although now I am barely able to protect myself, But I'm sober, I don't think I'm amazing, there are so many amazing people on Earth, I'm so insignificant."

Zhang Lingling laughed and said with admiration: "You are really different from Xia Xia, he is always full of confidence. You have sufficient self-confidence, but at the same time have a very clear understanding of yourself. "

"Xiamen, he is no longer confident, but an indescribable arrogance, a arrogance that doesn't put anyone in his eyes." Ning Ruirui remembered Xia and a smile appeared on her face: "But he does have this The strength, so the temperament and this kind of arrogance, fit perfectly. He is really an indescribable person."

"Hehe, you seem to have fallen into his charm." Zhang Lingling looked at Ning Ruirui with a half-smiling smile, and said sarcastically.

Ning Ruirui blushed, and immediately retorted: "No, but he has been pestering me, I never promised to be her woman, and he is not my type."

"Do you believe it yourself?" Zhang Lingling asked with a smile.

Ning Ruirui continued to retort: ​​"I believe, why don't you believe me. I'm really innocent with him."

Zhang Lingling smiled without saying a word.

"What do you mean by laughing?" Ning Ruirui asked in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, someone came in again." Zhang Lingling just wanted to make a joke or two, but then her face changed, because she sensed a few strange breaths and entered the Nether Realm from a different position.

"How do you feel that this place has become a sieve, where people can leak in?" Ning Ruirui asked in confusion.

Zhang Lingling said with a sigh: "I originally planned to repair the loopholes after the palace was repaired, but I didn't expect that a secret door was broken, causing a series of changes. It seems that this place is not peaceful. "

"What do I do now?" Ning Ruirui asked.

Zhang Lingling quickly made a decision and said directly: "Naturally, we will find these intruders one by one. It is very dangerous here, and there are murderous intentions everywhere. Even if it looks like a paradise, if you enter it, you will die. If they don't find them, if they touch the organs of those forbidden areas, I'm afraid that this wreckage will be more difficult to repair."

"Then it is really necessary to find the invaders early." Ning Ruirui remembered the previous secret realm of returning to the ruins. If Zhang Lingling had not lured the immortal cultivator to self-destruct at the last moment, and then pushed everyone out of the secret realm, it is estimated that it would be the same here. almost.

"Let's go, the principle of proximity, go this way first." Zhang Lingji knew for a moment, and found that there were a few strange breaths not far from the left side.

Ning Ruirui nodded, followed behind Zhang Lingling, and flew over together.


"Is this the Nether Realm?"

A few figures sneaked out from a rather hidden secret passage somewhere, and there was a gentle breeze on the front, which was quite refreshing, and could not help but sigh: "How can there be such a beautiful scenery, how can there be a name for the ghost?"

The first thing that caught their eyes were several islands hanging high in the air.

On the island, the mountain peaks are towering, and the flow is like a waterfall.

Not only are there lush trees and flowers everywhere, but there is also a faint ancient atmosphere, which makes people feel unspeakably oppressive.

This place is as beautiful as a fairyland, and there is no such thing as the terrifying ghost in the legend.

"If it wasn't for the secret passage, I would want to retire here." One of the eyebrowless youths felt that this place was very beautiful, "It's really beautiful, and the spiritual energy is also strong, why did the Xiao family abandon this place?"

"You only see the benefits here, but ignore the great hidden dangers." The leader of the group was a middle-aged man with two sword scars on his face. This is the wreckage, the spiritual pressure is extremely unstable, maybe one day a spiritual pressure will come over and you will be directly crushed into scum."

The subordinate laughed dryly: "I just said it casually, even if I want to stay here, I'm afraid the head of the family and the head of the group won't allow it."

"It's good to know." The sword-scar man snorted lightly, and then reminded: "Remember your identity, we are the world's first-class Heavenly Killing Group, and our mission to enter the ruins this time."

"First, you can collect all kinds of resources in the wreckage;"

"Second, find Xia Xia who broke into the ruins and kill him;"

"Third... eh? Did you hear any strange noises?"

As he spoke, the sword-scar man suddenly frowned and observed his surroundings with extreme vigilance. As a killer, his intuition made him perceive the unknown danger.

Several other killers slowly noticed the vague murderous intent.

"Captain, what do you think that is?" One of the subordinates suddenly widened his eyes and pointed in one direction: "It seems that something is coming."

The sword-scarred man immediately turned around when he heard the words, and sure enough, he saw a shadow moving towards them at a very fast speed from a distance.

"Could it be a python?" The sword-scar man had good eyesight, and immediately caught some

Ni, the swimming thing in the distance, the body is thick and long, and the color is darker, much like a mutated python.

"Is it a snake?" The subordinates agreed.

"There should be nothing but snakes. It's thick and long, and the speed is so fast."

"Since it's a snake, there's nothing to be afraid of." One of them grinned, took out a shiny dagger from his trouser pocket, and jumped at the python: "Boss, you Wait, I'll fix it, take a snake gall for you, and replenish your body."

The sword-scarred man frowned slightly, because he hadn't determined that the creature was a python, but he didn't stop his subordinates from trying.


It's just that the subordinate just jumped to the vicinity of the "python", and made an extremely shrill scream, and then the whole person disappeared.

"Old Seven!" The sword-scarred man's eyes were splitting. Before he could see what was going on, his subordinates were gone.

Several other people were also stunned, and immediately took out the weapons that they were carrying at any time, and shot indiscriminately at the "python".

Unfortunately, these bullets are like a muddy sea.

At this time, the unease in the man with sword scar became stronger and stronger. That thing was definitely not a python. After staring at it for a while, he suddenly understood something, opened his mouth and roared: "Everyone, stop, run, run, run!"

The other people looked at the leader in amazement, not knowing why he was suddenly so terrified, but they still obeyed his words subconsciously.

However, it was already too late.

The python-like thing had already approached them, and finally revealed its complete appearance.

"My God, what is this thing?" One of them was so shocked that his eyeballs fell, and then he was swallowed by the thing.

The others were also so frightened that they no longer had the slightest idea of ​​confrontation, and some even threw their weapons directly, just to make it easier to escape.

It's just that the more you escape, the more heartbroken you become.

That thing has been chasing behind them, and it can clearly catch up, but it is like a cat playing a mouse, leaving them a little leeway, as if if they were faster, there would be hope of escape.

The sword-scar man knew that this was not the case at all, so he was stunned, gritted his teeth, stood on the spot with the knife, and said to his subordinates: "You go first, I will come to the rear of the palace."

Several other people heard this, not only did not escape, but also aroused a bloody spirit.

"Damn, whatever monster it is, fight it!"

"This dog thing is playing with us!"

"Let's go together, maybe we can kill it."


Several people held weapons, turned around, and roared towards the monster.

The monster was not polite either, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed them all in one bite.


"Where is this?"

Cao Qianqian couldn't help but feel a little strange when he found out that he was not dead, and he was not injured at all.

Summer's voice rang from the side: "This is the river."

"Where?" When Cao Qianqian heard Xia Xia's words, he couldn't help but be taken aback, thinking that he heard it wrong: "What did you just say?"

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "In the river."

There was a gray area all around, and I couldn't see anything, but I could clearly feel that the space was moving, just like the feeling of riding a high-speed train.

"We're in the river?" Cao Qianqian thought about this over and over a dozen times, but still didn't understand what it meant.

Summer is too lazy to explain.

"Why is there no water in the river?" Cao Qianqian still looked blank, "It's not like I haven't been in the river before, there is a river in my home village, I have been swimming in the river since I was a child, and the river is not like this at all. "

"You were in the river." Xia Xia said casually.

Cao Qianqian still didn't understand: "What the hell are you talking about, the meaning of the river and the river are not the same."

"Of course not." Xia Xia's face still had the same casual expression, "A river is a river, and the river is the river. Without the river, the river is ordinary water, but without the river, the river is still the river, and this river has its own life. "

At this time, Cao Qianqian barely understood the meaning of Xia Xia. They had encountered a strange river before. The water in the river could jump up and hit people. Then the water in the river was collected by Xia Xia, and then a monster jumped up in the river. They were swallowed.

"We were swallowed by the river?" Cao Qianqian's memory became clearer, and she finally confirmed an unbelievable fact.

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