Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2754 Is this your last word?

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Chapter 2754 Is this your last word?

"Long-legged girl, why are you tying me?"

Xia Xia looked at Ye Yumei with an unhappy expression, and did not understand her reason for doing so.

"If you don't tie you up, you will turn into a stallion and harass us."

Ye Yumei rolled her eyes at Xia Xia and said coldly, "Where is there any spare time to study and consolidate the power of robbery?"

"Long-legged girl, you are slandering me, Chi Guoguo."

Xia Xia was quite dissatisfied with her words, and defended: "I am quite a moderate person, and I never mess around."

"Do you think anyone believes you?"

Ye Yumei sneered.

Xia Xia couldn't help but said to Zhao Yuji: "Wife big goblin, you don't agree with her approach."

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

"Of course I agree."

Zhao Yuji nodded, "The temperance you think is really unconvincing, so hurry up and get familiar with Jie Li. Now is an extraordinary period, and that god may come at any time."

The Tiangong Palace Master also persuaded: "Mr. Xia, you really need to pay attention to this point, you can't take it lightly, and you can't be greedy for pleasure."

"Who said I was greedy for pleasure?"

Xia Xia glared at the woman a little unhappily, "The three of you must have reached some consensus, don't you dare to plot against me, are you not afraid that I will beat you?"

Ye Yumei sneered and said, "When you learn the power of robbery, or the eighth against the sky, I will cooperate 100% with whatever you want to do. Now you should be honest and obedient."

"Long-legged girl, what do you want me to do, just say no."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Do you have to play like this?"

"You're not an obedient good boy!"

Ye Yumei said, tightening the purple silk in her hand tighter, lest Xia Tian break free, "You better not think about breaking free, otherwise I will be very unhappy."

"Forget it, do whatever you like."

Summer looks nonchalant.

"let's start."

At this time, Ye Yumei glanced at the Palace Master of Tiangong, "Since you have to do it, hurry up and don't waste time."


The Palace Master of Tiangong did not hesitate, and immediately took down a bracelet with complex and simple patterns from his wrist, and hurriedly threw it into the void, turning it into a circle of light.

This aperture is obviously a transmission channel.

"Send him in."

Tiangong Palace Master said slowly.

Xia Tian glanced at Ye Yumei: "Long-legged girl, you can't play it for real, right? We haven't been there for so long"

Before she finished speaking, Ye Yumei immediately waved the purple silk and sent Xia Xia into the circle of light.

At this time, the palace master of Tiangong immediately closed the aperture, and then added: "There are three passages in the secret realm of Tiangong, and I opened them all in advance.

In the whole world, no matter who it is, anyone who wants to enter can enter. As for who can enter the deepest tomb of the extreme immortal, it all depends on the individual's fortune. I can't decide this, I hope you can understand. "

Zhao Yuji said lightly: "I understand, you can act according to your own plan, and you don't need to accommodate or take care of it."


Ye Yumei also showed a proud look on her face: "If he can't get to the tomb of the extreme immortal in the summer, it can only mean that he has no such life.

But I believe that he will definitely be able to find and open the tomb of the extreme immortal. "

"Then I wish that would be the case."

There was no expression on the face of the Tiangong Palace Master, and he continued: "I will also arrange for my people to enter, everyone will meet again in front of the tomb of the extreme immortal."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, without any hesitation.

"There's really not much time left for us."

Zhao Yuji watched the Tiangong Palace Master leave, and said softly to Ye Yu: "We have to go back and make arrangements, find all the people, and make a unified arrangement.

Whether it is the secret realm of the Tiangong or the chaos of the demons, it must be taken into account, and the arrival of the monarch must always be guarded against. "

Ye Yumei looked at the sky, the expression in her beautiful eyes flickered, and then she collected the purple silk and said only one word:


Just after they left, a strange light flashed on the distant moon.

Heavenly Palace Secret Realm.

Xia Xia passed through the aperture of Tiangong Palace, and soon landed in a different world.

Here, there are towering broken swords everywhere, and some strange animals are chewing on these sharp iron tools, just like eating radish and cabbage.

"The long-legged girl is too outrageous. When you go back, you must beat her hard."

After the summer landed, the purple silk on his body disappeared naturally, but his mood was quite bad.


At this time, several strange creatures nearby discovered the existence of Xia Xia, and immediately screamed, and then rushed over together and surrounded Xia Xia.

These creatures are about the size of an adult pig, and they look a bit like a jackal but have goat-like horns.

"I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better get away."

Xia Tian pouted and said with a displeased expression.

It's just that these dog-like creatures obviously can't understand human words.

A few of his heads suddenly bared their teeth, and immediately rushed towards Xia Tian.

"Since you're looking for a fight, then it's good for you."

Xia Xia pouted, ignoring the sharp claws of these monsters like swords, and directly kicked a child, kicking them all out.

It's just that these monsters are not only not afraid, on the contrary, they are gathering more and more. After a while, there are at least thousands of them.

"Howling Howling"

These monsters uttered strange screams, their minions became sharper, and the teeth in their mouths radiated white light.

"Hey, it's interesting."

It was only in the summer that I realized that these animals were indeed a little unusual, but that was all.

In his opinion, unusual dogs are still just dogs.

What's more, these monsters are uglier than dogs.

"Howling! Howling!"

Those monsters are also somewhat spiritual, they even know that they cooperate with each other, and they rush towards the summer one after another at the rhythm of a strange thing.

When the minions gnawed, there was also a strange whirlwind, and there was a faint sound of breaking the air.

"I gave you a chance, if you don't cherish it, then go to die."

Xia Tian originally just wanted to vent his unhappiness, but now he is annoyed by these dog things, and he also has murderous intentions.


He kicked out, and the opponent immediately retreated dozens of meters like a cannonball, knocking down a piece of the same kind.

These smashed monsters were struggling to stand up, but with a slight movement, their bodies split instantly, turning into a pile of broken blades.

Soon, most of the monsters slowly disintegrated into a pile of blades, unable to rise again.

The remaining monsters finally knew they were afraid, no longer attacked, but slowly retreated.

"It'll be fine if it doesn't happen sooner."

Xia Tian pouted, not wanting to pay attention to these things anymore, looked around, and was about to find a way to go.

At this time, a metallic voice suddenly sounded: "Who are you to trespass on this king's territory!"

"Where's the idiot?"

Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "What kind of king is not king, if you want to die, hurry up and die, don't play tricks here."

The voice was furious and shouted at Xia Xia: "This king has dominated this Divine Sword Remnant Domain for hundreds of years. All beings in this domain respect this king. Who are you to be so disrespectful to this king!"

Xia Xia said casually: "Who am I, you are not qualified to know this."

"If that's the case, then you're going to die."

The voice sensed the disdain in Xia Xia's tone, and said angrily, "Just let your flesh and blood feed this king's sword!"

Then, I saw that the broken blades of the swords all over the place suddenly came to life, and gradually formed a giant statue of tens of meters high.

"This king is the King of Broken Sword, who suppresses the god of this domain."

The giant sword statue continued to make an unpleasant sound like a knife, "No matter who you are or where you came from, since you have offended this king, then use your head to atone for your sins!"

After saying that, he raised his hand, took thousands of blades, and slashed towards the summer like an afterimage.

"How dare you, Broken Sword King Broken Arm King."

Xia Xia looked disdainful, and directly flew into the air, punching the eyebrows of the giant statue: "Go away!"


This punch only used less than 40% of his strength, but Xia Xia felt that it was enough.


Broken Sword King received this punch, but found that there was no damage, so he couldn't help but raised his head and laughed, "A mere fist can't hurt this king at all, now it's this king's turn!"

Before he could finish speaking, he opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of effort.

"How is this possible?"

Broken Sword King widened his eyes, showing an unbelievable look: "This king has a sword and a sword, unless he is an immortal cultivator in the tribulation period, otherwise, no one can hurt this king's entity.

You are only in the golden core period, why can you hurt me? "

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I have no obligation to answer your questions for you. You should ask the King of Hell about this question."


Broken Sword King was startled, and he hurriedly called out Xia Xia: "This fellow, you and I have no grudges, why do you have to separate life and death?"

"Is this your last word?"

Summer said casually.

"It was this king who was wrong just now, and this king will apologize to you."

The King of Broken Sword went straight to Xia Xia and knelt down on one knee, "This king has eyes and does not know Kunwu Mountain, which is a lot of offense, and I hope Brother Daoist doesn't mind."

Xia Xia said lightly: "If an apology is useful, why do you need the police?"


What are the police? "

The Broken Sword King looked bewildered, but then said: "This king has a fragment of a magic weapon here. If Brother Daoist doesn't abandon it, I will give it to you."

"Magic treasure fragments?"

Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, "Let's take a look."

The Broken Sword King hesitated for half a second, then opened his mouth abruptly, spit out a half-moon-shaped jade, and sent it to Xia Xia respectfully.

"What is this?"

Xia Xia looked at the damaged jade, but didn't find anything special about it: "You idiot are not fooling me, are you?"

"How can it be!"

Duan Wangjian shook his head and immediately explained, "This is Fairy Fuyao.

The magic weapon used, what ring is called, I don't remember the name, I heard that it is very powerful, and it is with this ring that she can conquer several immortal worlds and conquer a group of demon leaders. "

Xia Tian curled his lips: "It's quite similar, how do I know if you're telling the truth?"

"This" Broken Sword King suddenly rolled his eyes, and said, "Actually, it's easy to know whether this thing is true or false, as long as you find a cultivator who has transcended the tribulation stage and experience a little tribulation power, you can tell the truth from the false. ."

Hearing this in the summer, he was intrigued, and when he was about to try it, another spoiler came.


A thunderous shout came from a distance: "How dare you hand over the remnants of the magic treasure to outsiders without authorization, you should die!"

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