Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2755 roll aside and die

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Chapter 2755 roll aside and die

I saw a figure flying over quickly from a distance, like a huge vulture landed in front of him.

After the man fell, he stared at Xia Tian: "Boy, where did you come from, you are full of vulgarity from outside the world!"

"Where are you an idiot?"

Xia Tian yawned lazily, his face full of impatience.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the visitor couldn't help frowning, and said angrily: "I don't even know which one didn't guard the entrance and let you in."

"He, he is one of the Four Immortal Guards of the Long Family who are in charge of the Southern Region of the Secret Realm, Captain Qing Jiao."

The Broken Sword King recognized the person in front of him, but his tone suddenly softened, with a hint of fear, and rushed to Xia Tian: "Don't offend him, or you will really die."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "What kind of dragon family bug, it's none of my business."

"Boy, you are very kind!"

Remember http://om for a second

Captain Qing Jiao grinned, showing his fangs, pointing at Xia Xia and saying, "Do you dare to say, which company let you in?

Xiao family?

Shangguan's house?



Xia Xia waved his hand lazily, "I don't have time to accompany you to talk nonsense here, let's just say it, what direction is the tomb of the extreme immortal, I'm going there."

Broken Sword King widened his eyes: "You, are you going to the Tomb of Extreme Immortal?"

"It seems that you came in by chance?"

Captain Qingjiao shook his head at this time, and couldn't help sneering: "The people from the two families will not say such big words."

Xia Xian was a little impatient: "If you know it, say it, if you don't know it, get out. Don't waste my time here."

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!"

Captain Qingjiao was furious and said coldly: "All those who enter without the exclusive passage of the three Tiangong families are regarded as intruders and can be killed on the spot!"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at King Broken Sword: "And you, Duan Jian, our Long family looks up to you, so we made you the king of this Broken Sword domain. That's how you run your business, and you still want to keep the broken pieces of the magic weapon. to an outsider?


"Captain Qingjiao, you can't blame me for that."

The Broken Sword King was instantly cowardly, and said with some grievance: "If I don't give it, maybe he will kill me.

Then I can't take care of this area for the Long family anymore, right? "


Captain Qing Jiao glared at the Broken Sword King, and scolded unceremoniously: "Our Long family let you take care of this place, isn't it just to let you find the remnants of the magic weapon among these broken swords and broken blades"

Having said that, he suddenly realized something, immediately closed his voice, and turned to say something else: "Unfortunately, you are too disappointing, you should go back to the chaos."

"Ah! No! Never!"

When King Broken Sword heard the word "Ranyuan", he immediately trembled with fright, and hurriedly threw himself in front of Captain Qing Jiao: "It's too scary there. Captain spare my life.

In fact, I also found some other good things, and now I give them to the captain. "

Xia Xia looked at this Broken Sword King with contempt. At first, he looked arrogant and cowardly, but he was cowardly without two punches, and now he looks like a slave.

"What good can you find?"

Captain Qingjiao sneered, but he really planned to take a look first.

Broken Sword King let out a long sigh, then slightly reluctantly opened the blade shell covering his body, and took out a small piece of shiny debris from his chest.

In the summer, I was a little interested in seeing this piece of debris.

"You bitch, why didn't you report it if you found it!"

When Captain Qingjiao saw this fragment, his eyes almost popped out, "This is what you were asked to find above, don't you want to hide it, and you'll be guilty of one more crime!"

"It didn't make it clear what it was!"

Broken Sword King showed a look of injustice, and tried his best to defend: "It's just that if you find something abnormal, you will turn it in. This is not abnormal at all. I thought it was pretty and put it away."

"Put Nima's bullshit!"

Captain Qingjiao showed a green whip in his hand, and slapped the Broken Sword King fiercely.


With a crisp sound, the blade of the Broken Sword King was immediately removed, revealing his original shape.

Xia Tian glanced at it, and couldn't help but pouted.

This Broken Sword King turned out to be a little black fat man who was less than 1.5 meters tall. He was ugly, frustrated and cowardly.

"Forgive me.

I really didn't mean to.

This piece is regarded as my filial piety to the captain, and if I have it in the future, I will give it to the captain first. "

At this time, King Broken Sword was whipped again, screaming in pain, and the black body actually cracked directly. What overflowed from this crack was not blood, but soul.


Captain Qing Jiao smiled contemptuously, but was noncommittal to the words of King Broken Sword, but he took the whip and reached out to get the piece.

Only when he was about to get the shards, the shards were taken away by the other hand.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

Captain Qingjiao stared at Xia Xia with a look of astonishment, "Dare to snatch something from me, dare to snatch something from the Long family?"

"What kind of magic weapon, I don't have much interest."

Xia Xia didn't look at this captain, but broke the sword king with a smile: "The thing that you provoked me just now was dismissed with a smile."

King Broken Sword opened his mouth to say something, but thinking about Xia Xia, he couldn't afford to provoke existence, so he had to show a desperate look. He felt that he was really unlucky today, and he was afraid that he would die.

"Boy, give me the fragments, and this captain can spare your life!"

Captain Qingjiao held the whip tightly in one hand and pointed at Xia Xia fiercely with the other hand: "Otherwise, I will use the soul whip right now to make your soul fly away!"

"Soul whip?"

Xia Xia glanced at the whip casually, pouted and said, "This thing can only be used to fight mosquitoes, so let's change the name."

"This is your own death!"

Captain Qingjiao couldn't hold back his violent temper any longer, he suddenly swung the whip in his hand, and slammed it towards Xia Tian's face.


The green whip, like a bolt of lightning, slammed straight into his face.

In this short moment, first the skin, then the meat, and then the bones and muscles were torn apart.

But this energy has not dissipated, but entered the brain and entered the soul.


Then a terrifying scream rang out immediately.

"This whip seems to be a little interesting."

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Xia Xia, but on the contrary, he showed a kind smile, "It's just that your head is too bad, why are you hitting yourself when you have nothing to do?"

Broken Sword King's eyes were about to pop out. He had clearly seen Captain Qingjiao's whip hit Xia Xia's face just now, but the next second, it was Captain Qingjiao's own face that split open.

A green breath, like a flame, burned on Captain Qing Jiao's face.

The flesh and bones, as well as the soul, have become burning.

When Captain Qing Jiao screamed, he hurriedly took out an emerald green pill from his pocket and hurriedly threw it into his mouth.

The wisps of green flames dissipated quickly, but it was already a little late.

In just an instant, half of Captain Qing Jiao's face was burned.

It's gone in the real sense, like soap gnawed by a dog.

"Boy, I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces and smash your bones into ashes!"

Captain Qingjiao took several other pills, barely suppressing the injury on his body, but the anger and hatred in his heart broke out at this moment.

"What other tricks do you have?"

Xia Xia smiled and kindly suggested: "I think you should stop using that whip. You probably don't have that many pills left."

"You don't need a soul whip, this captain will tear you apart right now!"

Captain Qingjiao shouted angrily, and his body suddenly ignited a green aura, which was somewhat similar to the green flame just now, but it was obviously not the same thing.

"Is this robbery?"

Seeing this situation in Xia Xia, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "How can you use the calamity power in your realm?"

Regarding the thing about Jie Li, Xia Xia only came into contact with it today.

But this does not prevent him from having some basic understanding of this thing. The most important point is that the power of calamity can only be generated by immortal cultivators who have passed the calamity period, and only cultivators in the calamity period can drive it. .

Of course, he is an exception, because there are eight needles against the sky and ice and fire spirits to help.

The leader of the Qingjiao in front of him is not very high in cultivation, and it is impossible for him to go against the sky and eight needles, and he does not have any god-level physique, so why can he use robbery power?

Summer doesn't quite understand this, but he doesn't panic.

Jie Li, he is not without it now.

What's more, the calamity of the person in front of him is so weak that it can be ignored.

"What robbery, what an ignorant rat!"

When Captain Qing Jiao heard Xia Xia's words, he couldn't help but sneer: "This is the divine flame created by our ancestor of the Long family. It can instantly increase a person's cultivation by several times, even dozens of times!"

"What god flame ghost flame."

Xia Xia was quite disgusted with this kind of bullshit, and said lazily: "Looking at your appearance, you don't understand anything, so you should just roll aside and die."

Captain Qingjiao's eyes were splitting. At this time, the green aura on his body was already strong enough to turn blue, and then his figure flashed, and he raised his palm and patted Xia Tian.

"It's you who will die!"

Captain Qingjiao snorted, "Shenyan Boundless Rain!"

The palm shadows are heavy, and the green shadows are stacked.

In an instant, the remnants of the swords everywhere turned into a green aura.

These breaths are full of fine edges, like a rain, covering the summer in it.

"Stupid, there is no cure."

Xia Xia shook his head, showing a somewhat speechless expression, "Why don't you idiots always take lessons?"

Captain Qing Jiao only regarded Xia Xia as an unwilling howl before he died. As he was sitting and waiting, Xia Xia was burned into green ashes by the divine flame, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, when he looked up, he realized that he was really stupid.

I was fooled once, and I was fooled again.

Above his head, it was the boundless rain that he himself cast.

Captain Qingjiao's complexion changed greatly

, I wanted to dodge in an instant, but for some reason, my body suddenly couldn't move.

So, he took a green bath.

After drenching it from start to finish, it melted directly into the green aura, leaving no wreckage.

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