Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2756 Life is a waste of food

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Chapter 2756 Life is a waste of food

"So unbeatable."

Xia Xia shook his head, showing a puzzled look, took out a silver needle, and stirred up a green aura that hadn't dissipated.

After a little bit of perception, I finally understood what was going on.

"The power of robbery is not easy to digest, so the power of robbery is diluted into these thin breaths."

Xia Xia quickly took the silver needle back, curled his lips and said, "Then use it for this kind of idiot who is not high in cultivation."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at King Broken Sword.

Broken Sword King was not scared to death directly, he knelt down directly: "Brother Dao, spare my life, spare my life!"

"Do you have this kind of breath on you too?"

Summer asked casually.

The first website is m.9biquge.

"No, no."

The King of Broken Sword shook his head again and again, "This kind of divine flame is only available to the cronies of the ancestors of the Long family. How can a small character like me have it."

Xia Xia also found that there were no strange marks on this person, so he asked: "What is the ancestor of the Long family, where is it?"

"Aren't you going to the Tomb of Extreme Immortal?"

Broken Sword King was stunned for a while, and then pointed in a direction with some doubts: "Long's house goes east, it will take about three days to arrive."

"Three days?"

Xia Tian frowned slightly, "Are you kidding me?"

"No, how dare I?"

King Broken Sword was a little unhappy when he saw Xia Xia, and immediately showed a look of fear, "The area in the secret realm of Tiangong is very special, it is different from the outside world, and the scope is huge, and there is a strong spiritual pressure, most of them are light-hearted. There is no way to use the exercises.

And there are a lot of forces, and they need their tokens in the past, otherwise.”

Xia Tian curled his lips, a little impatient: "You don't need to explain so much, just know where it is.

I want to go, three minutes is enough, not three days. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

Although King Broken Sword disagreed with Xia Tian's words in his heart, he didn't dare to refute it at all.

Xia Tian asked again, "Where's the tomb of the extreme immortal?"

"No one knows where the Tomb of Extreme Immortal is."

Broken Sword King shook his head, not sure if he was afraid of Xia Xian's anger, or if he remembered something, and quickly added: "However, I heard that as long as you gather all the orders of the four great powers in the secret realm of the Tiangong, you can know the tomb of the extreme immortal. The presence."

Xia Xia asked casually: "What captain just now, didn't you say there are only three here?"

"It's three, but there are four forces."

Broken Sword King then explained: "The three families are the Xiao family, the Long family, and the Shangguan family, and there is a Tiangong sect above the three families."

Tiangong Benzong?

Xia Xia thought about it for a while, this should refer to the organization created by the Tiangong Palace Master, and I knew that I would ask her directly for this extremely immortal order.

Before Xia Xia could ask another question, King Broken Sword continued: "The Long family is actually the earliest family, but they completely moved into the secret realm hundreds of years ago. Their ancestors are said to have lived for thousands of years, and their strength Incomparably powerful, his descendants spread all over the Eastern Regions of the secret realm of Tiangong.

That Qing Jiao captain was actually a descendant of the Long family. "

"The Xiao family occupies the southern region and prefers to run a family outside the realm, and the power in the realm is not strong.

However, it was most deeply involved with Tiangong's sect, so other forces did not dare to offend their family easily. "

"Shangguan's family occupies the Northern Territory and a small part of the Western Territory, but there are not many direct descendants, but they have recruited many scattered immortal cultivators in the world, and they also cooperate with those demons, so be very careful."

"The Temple of Heaven"

Just when he was talking about his excitement, King Broken Sword looked up and found that Xia Xia had long since disappeared.

He didn't know when he left in the summer, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Fortunately, he recognized it early, otherwise, he might have gone with Captain Qing Jiao for company.

Broken Sword King was stunned for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid that the situation in the secret realm will change soon, and I don't know if I have a chance to fish in troubled waters."

Thinking of this, he smiled, but when he remembered the fate of Captain Qing Jiao, he was a little scared.

"Forget it, let's find a safe place to hide. If it affects me, I'm afraid my life will be lost."

After the King of Broken Sword clarified his thoughts, he immediately packed up his things. A few days ago, he found a crack not far away. It seemed to be very quiet inside, which was suitable for him to hide.

The secret realm of Tiangong is indeed rich in spiritual energy.

This has resulted in a result that the spiritual pressure here is much higher than the outside world, even several times higher than the return of the Ruins Secret Realm and the Nether Secret Realm combined.

Xia Xia used his nebulous steps to hurry, and found that the broken sword king might not be talking nonsense.

His speed was indeed ten times slower than on the ground. It might not take as long as three days to get to the so-called Long's house, but it was indeed difficult to get there in one day.

However, Xia Xia is not in a hurry. Anyway, the main purpose of entering this Tiangong secret realm is to enter the tomb of the extreme immortal, and then find a way to wake up that swaying fairy.

This matter obviously cannot be solved in a day or two.

The only thing that Xia Xia felt bad about was that Ye Yumei threw him in so simply.

It's fine if she doesn't come down to accompany him, and she doesn't let anyone else come.


Alone, it's boring here.

Xia Xia yawned lazily and walked slowly into an ancient town.

This is not surprising.

The secret realm of Tiangong has lasted for nearly ten thousand years, and there are many people in it, and cities will inevitably develop.

It just looks a little like ancient and not ancient, nondescript.

"Hey, this little brother, do you look good?"

As soon as Xia Xia walked into the town, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup approached Xia Xia and greeted with a smile: "Could it be from outside the world, which is the guest of the Xiao family?

Did the Shangguan family unconsciously enter this place? "


Xia Tian curled his lips, "They don't deserve to invite me as a guest."

"Then you are the guest of Tiangong Benzong?"

The heavy makeup woman raised her eyebrows and became more and more happy: "Then can I entertain you properly?"

Xia Xia said casually, "Are you from the Long family?"


The heavy makeup woman nodded, "The husband of the slave family is named Long, and he is the eighth in the ranking. You can call me Longba's sister-in-law."

"It sounds awful."

Xia Xia said casually: "You better change your name."

The heavy makeup woman was slightly unhappy: "Guest, what name do you think it should be changed to?"

Xia Xia said solemnly: "It's better to change to ugly, because you are so ugly."

"You are presumptuous!"

The heavy makeup woman turned her face instantly, and then shouted: "Brothers, come out."

I saw dozens of figures suddenly emerged from all over the place, each with a weapon in his hand, apparently ambush here long ago.

"Boy, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

The heavy makeup woman stared at Xia Xia coldly, and said with a smug face: "During this time, you have assassinated people from our three major families everywhere, and now you dare to come to our Long family's territory. I really don't know whether to live or die."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Ugly, you have the wrong person."

"I still want to deny it!"

The heavy makeup woman snorted coldly, "We already have the information, that person will appear here today.

You are the same as him in appearance, body, and words and deeds. "

Xia Xia yawned lazily: "Don't you have a cell phone? You don't even know what the person you want to kill looks like, it's a failure."

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The heavy makeup woman only regarded Xia Tian's words as nonsense after her identity was exposed, "Brothers, come on, tie him up and hand it over to the ancestors."

"No need to catch."

Xia Xia smiled: "I'm just looking for this ancestor of the Long family, you can just lead the way."

"Presumptuous, dare to be disrespectful to the ancestors!"

The heavy makeup woman was so angry that she raised her hand to slap Xia Tian.


With a slap, her palm instantly became rotten.


The heavy makeup woman screamed and showed a look of horror, "Who, who, dares to hurt someone with an arrow."

Then, a figure slowly fell between Xia Xia and the heavy makeup woman.

"Stop calling, I'm here."

"It's you!"

The heavy makeup woman stared at the man, "You are the man!"

The person who came smiled and clapped his hands, and then a short sword appeared from the bottom of his sleeve, and it touched the throat of the heavy makeup woman: "Yes, I am the one you are looking for, it has nothing to do with him."

The heavy makeup woman was a little surprised, but her mouth was not soft: "I see, the two of you are in the same group.

If you dare to offend the Long family, you will definitely die without a place to be buried. "

The person who came here didn't know the angle, just rushed to Xia Xia and said, "You can go, you have nothing to do here."

"No one can leave!"

The heavy makeup woman was very tough, and said coldly: "The majesty of the Long family cannot be maddened, you both have to die here."

Those who were in ambush did not panic at all, on the contrary, they tightened the encirclement, revealing a meaning that people could not escape.

The heavy makeup woman's body is also like a water snake, and it is out of the control of the person who comes with a slight twist.

"Okay, I admit it, but this brother really has nothing to do with me."

The visitor smiled, knowing that resistance was useless, so he took the dagger and said, "Don't harm the innocent."

The heavy makeup woman touched her neck and found that her skin was not scratched. She felt a little better: "This is the territory of the Long family, how could you let outsiders run wild."

"I'm going to be caught, you guys tie me up."

The person who came obediently stretched out his hands and let the people of the Long family tie him up.

The woman with heavy makeup looked at the man being tied up, relaxed a little, and then rushed to Xia Tian: "Boy, you are lucky, now the old lady will let you live.

However, you have to give up a pair of eyes, so as not to have eyes and no pearls in the future, and break into the territory of my Long family without authorization. "

After speaking, he threw a dagger in front of Xia Xia.

"Unfortunately, you are unlucky!"

Xia Tian yawned lazily and said angrily, "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

"Boy, what do you mean by that?"

Women with heavy makeup are a little uncomfortable.

summer mood

Somewhat upset, he pointed at the man: "This idiot doesn't look like me at all. I look so handsome, and he looks so ordinary. You made a mistake just now, which makes me very unhappy."

The heavy makeup woman asked coldly, "What if you're upset?"

"not so good."

Xia Tian said lazily: "So you either have a problem with your eyes or a problem with your brain. Either way, living is a waste of food."

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