Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2759 Who dares to kill you who can kill you

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It's just that the needle in summer is rarely stabbed empty.

Because the dragon's body suddenly softened, turned into a mass of mud, then merged into the ground, and disappeared in an instant.

"Brother Xia, don't let him run away!"

At this time, Shen Hongfei hurriedly shouted: "If he goes back to rescue soldiers, I'm afraid we will have troubles in the future."

Xia Xia casually flicked the silver needle out, and didn't go into the ground. He said lightly, "If you run away, run away. Anyway, if he runs away, he will die."

"He must have escaped to find the ancestor of the Long family." Shen Hongfei said worriedly: "I'm afraid that the dragon sons and grandsons behind him will continue to flow, and maybe the ancestor of the Long family will also take action."

Xia Xia said casually: "I just happened to be looking for this Long Family ancestor to ask for the Immortal Token."

Shen Hongfei was a little puzzled: "Big Brother Xia, how did you originally plan to find the other party to ask for the Supreme Immortal Order?"

"If you want something, what else do you need to plan?" Xia Xia was even more puzzled.

"Do you want to go directly to the ancestor of the Long family for it?" Shen Hongfei was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking.

The first website is m.9biquge.

Xia Tian curled his lips: "otherwise?"

"Okay, then let's go." Shen Hongfei sighed, remembering Wang Jie's mention of Xia Xia's character, he knew that he couldn't persuade him at all, "I originally wanted to use the method of throwing myself into the net and borrowing the hands of these people, Infiltrated into the ancestral home of the Long family."

"It's not necessary." Xia Xian was too lazy to do that kind of thing, and felt that there was no need to waste that energy, so he casually mentioned Shen Hongfei, his figure flashed and disappeared.


The secret realm of Tiangong is a world of its own,

Eastern Region, Dragon Family Ancestral Family

In an ancient manor, it was very lively at this time.

Because the longevity banquet of the ancestor of the Long family was held on these two days. It's just that in the secret realm, there are some differences in the spiritual pressure of various areas, so guests need to come two or three days in advance to adjust their aura to be consistent with this place.

Crushing the five internal organs and six internal organs and dying.

Of course, the ancestors of the Long family would not show up easily.

Now in charge of the birthday banquet and entertaining distinguished guests, it is the boss of this generation of Long family, Long Xingfeng, who is known as the head of the dragon.

In the deepest part of the courtyard, there is an elegant room, which is specially used by the Long family to receive the most distinguished guests.

At this moment, there are already six or seven people in the room talking eagerly.

Some of them are representatives of the three major forces outside the world, and some are invited outsiders. Although the main entrance and exit of the Tiangong Secret Realm is indeed in the hands of the Tiangong Palace Master, these families who have been operating the Secret Realm for thousands of years also have their own unique passages that are not known to outsiders, but there is no scale or limit.

The law is on a par with the three major passages in the hands of the Tiangong Palace Master.

For example, the passage of the Long family can only pass through one or two people at a time, and it will only be activated at a critical time. This time, the longevity banquet of the ancestor of the Long family is in this example. A high-spirited middle-aged man sitting in the main seat, with a brow that was not angry and arrogant, said with a smile: "This time for our ancestor's longevity banquet, a few distinguished guests were able to come here, which really gave the Long family enough face. I hereby express to you

Thank you. After the banquet, there will also be a heavy ceremony to thank each other. A young woman in a white dress who was sitting on the left side of the chief executive couldn't help but smiled and replied: "The ancestor of the Long family, but the Dinghai Shenzhen in our secret realm, his old man passed his birthday, and we are bequeathed by him, of course we have to come over and give it to him." old man

The Shouan Tiantian fortune. "This is not the time to shoot horses. Opposite the young woman sat a young man in a suit with a somewhat impatient expression, "He Shou is one thing, we come to gather together, mainly to discuss how to deal with the Tiangong Benzong."

force. "

The face of the young woman in the white dress changed, and she said coldly, "Xiao Junxian, who do you think is flattering!"

"It's you!" Xiao Junxian replied unceremoniously: "A lot of things have happened in your Shangguan family these days, shouldn't you give a reasonable explanation?"

Long Xingfeng also agreed with this, and asked casually, "Yes, what do you guys have to say about the recent affairs, Xiaozi?"

"I just want to talk about this." The white-skirted girl's expression softened, showing an unhappy look: "You should also know that Shangguan has always had an ally, and that is the Shen family outside the world." "Some time ago , my friend Shen Hongfei took her sister to the secret realm for vacation. In the end, his sister was taken away by your Long family members. Our Shangguan family sent people to negotiate, but they were beaten. I don't know the dragon head, you can

give me an explanation? "

Long Xingfeng frowned when he heard what he said to the Lord: "Shangguan Xiaozi, are you questioning me?"

The young woman in the white skirt shook her head again and again, and said lightly, "How dare I, I just hope that the Long family can let go of my friend's sister, so as not to hurt the long-term friendship between our two families."

"It is absolutely impossible for our Long family to do such a thing. It is not known whether what you said is true or not!" Long Xingfeng snorted coldly and said very unhappily: "Now we are talking about the issue of your Shangguan family making trouble everywhere. !"

Xiao Junyang also said: "I see your friend's sister, maybe someone from Tiangong robbed them and deliberately put the blame on the Long family." "Impossible!" The girl in the white skirt categorically refuted the words of the two: " My friend saw it with his own eyes, it was stolen by the people of the Long family, and it was the head of the old eleven of your Long family. Longtou, just bring your old eleven over and ask a question

Ask if you don't know. "

Of course Long Xingfeng will not do as she says, no matter what the truth is.

Fake, if he really did this, what is the majesty of the Long family.

"As I said before, this matter is not for discussion!" Long Xingfeng stared at the girl in the white skirt coldly, "What I'm asking now is, how to deal with the trouble of your Shangguan family!"

Xiao Junxian had a happy smile on his face, and he added fuel to the flames and said: "Yes, this matter is not resolved, even if we join forces, I am afraid that the Shangguan family will suddenly stab in the back."

The young woman in the white skirt is naturally very upset, but the situation is stronger than that of others, so she can only hold back temporarily: "Okay, I will restrain the people in the family when I go back."

"Not only your Shangguan family, but also your friend from the Shen family!"

Long Xingfeng was very dissatisfied with the young woman in the white skirt, and shouted directly: "If you can't stop him, then don't blame our Long family for solving him."

"Yes, I understand." The young woman in the white dress felt humiliated, but couldn't resist.

"That's right." Long Xingfeng smiled slightly with satisfaction, and then changed the subject: "Of course, for the fact that Tiangong's main sect began to gather spiritual energy and put pressure on us, we really need to deal with it." Xiao Jun Yang became a little serious at this time, nodded and said: "Yes, this is indeed a major event. Recently, the Palace Master of Tiangong has tightened the source of spiritual energy. You are all fine in the secret territory. Our Xiao family is outside, and there is almost no spiritual energy to maintain the family.

Middle disciples have cultivated. "

"Life in the secret realm is not very easy." The young woman in the white skirt quickly put aside her unhappiness just now, and agreed: "I don't know what the palace master of Tiangong wants to do. Do you really want to completely eliminate our forces?"

"That's impossible!" Long Xingfeng shouted and clapped his hands: "The secret realm of Tiangong is not the secret realm of their Tiangong sect, but the secret realm of my Long family."

The young woman in the white skirt and Xiao Junyang both showed uncomfortable expressions on their faces. The people of the Long family were a little too arrogant, and they did not restrain themselves in front of them.

The secret realm of Tiangong, how could it become the secret realm of your Long family, where is the position of Shangguan family and Xiao family.

It's just that both of them just complained in their hearts and didn't show it.

"Then I don't know how the Long family plans to deal with it?" Xiao Junyang said lightly: "Our Xiao family will definitely follow."

Outside the secret realm, the Xiao family has exclusive share, so it has always been invincible, but if there is no foundation in the secret realm, I am afraid that the Xiao family outside the realm will not be able to last long.

"This matter is not that complicated." Long Xingfeng smiled lightly, revealing an expression on his chest, "Our ancestors have already made a plan, after the longevity banquet, we will definitely let Tiangong Benzong know that the Long family is the master of the secret realm. !"

The young woman in the white dress frowned slightly: "I'm afraid the Tiangong Palace Master will not be so easy to deal with."

"Give her face, she is the palace lord, if you don't give face, she is a waste!" Long Xingfeng looked arrogant and said arrogant words in a plain tone. Xiao Junyang suddenly thought of something, and said slowly: "However, recently, the Palace Master of Tiangong is outside the world, and it seems that he is very close to Xia Xia, so he has to be guarded. That kid is very strange, and his power outside the world has grown to terrifying. ground

step. I also heard that Tiangong Palace Master intends to invite Xia Xia to enter the secret realm in two or three months. I am afraid that the help she invited here will be very disadvantageous to us! "


Long Xingfeng raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed contempt, "Is that the kid you said can go against the sky?"

Xiao Junyang nodded immediately: "That kid is definitely not simple, my father suspects that he may be the son of destiny."

"Destiny?" Long Xingfeng couldn't help sneering, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, what the fuck is the destiny, our Long family is the destiny!"

The young woman in the white dress obviously heard something about Xia Xia, and said, "I heard Xia Xia is a womanizer. If you prepare a few peerless beauties, it will not be difficult to win him over."

Xiao Junyang said coldly, "Can the peerless beauty you prepared be as beautiful as the Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace?"

"This..." The young woman in the white dress was instantly speechless. "It's just eight needles against the sky, what's there to be afraid of." The contempt in Long Xingfeng's eyes deepened, and he said coldly: "It's easy to kill him, you don't even need to dispatch any masters, the worst old man in our Long family. Eight, you can easily

kill him. "

Before he finished speaking, the ground in the room suddenly surged like water.

Then, a person emerged from the ground. It was the old eighth of the Long family, the dragon rat who had just fought against Xia Xia.

"Big, big brother, help, I'm going to be killed!"

Long Xingfeng was stunned: "Old eighth, why are you panicking! This is the ancestral family of the Long family, who dares to kill you, and who can kill you?"


Long Bashu opened his mouth to say something, but he spat out all his efforts, "It was Xia, Xia Xia..."

Before the words were finished, the man fell to the ground.

Long Xingfeng was shocked and angry: "What did you say!"

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