Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2760 I killed too many idiots

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"Old eight!"

Long Xingfeng watched helplessly as his younger brother vomited blood and died, and immediately rushed forward to support the dragon, and kept injecting spiritual energy into his body.

Unfortunately, it's not very useful.

The young woman in the white skirt and Xiao Junxian knew about Xia Tian, ​​and they were speechless at this time.

People from other forces in the room had no room to speak just now, but a storm had already set off in their hearts.

In the secret realm, there are still people who dare to attack the people of the Long family!

"Come on!"

Long Xingfeng was anxious and angry, and shouted to the core guards of the Long family, "You immediately send my eighth brother to the ancestors, and let the ancestors save him!"


The guards nodded and took orders, immediately lifted up the recently dead dragon and left in a hurry.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

"Xia, Xia, why is he here?"

Xiao Junxian finally came back to his senses, stood up in a panic, and looked around: "How did he get in? It will take more than two months for the secret passage to open."

"Don't think about it, it must have been put in by the Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace!"

Long Xingfeng's face was as gloomy as water, and he quickly figured out the joints, and his teeth were about to bite: "This woman doesn't dare to directly confront our Long family, so she wants to use the little pawn like Xia Xia to ask the way!"

"Xia Xia is not a pawn." The young woman in the white dress obviously knew Xia Xia, and said worriedly: "Just a few days ago, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance came to three pioneers of the tribulation period, and they died in the hands of Xia Xia. Tiangong Palace The Lord sent summer so quickly, I'm afraid it's

I am determined to accept the power of the three of us in the secret realm. "

"What else?" Long Xingfeng was stunned for a moment. Their Long family had long since lost all power outside the realm, and they had been working hard in the secret realm for nearly a thousand years, and this was the biggest situation in the secret realm. Xiao Junxian nodded, and then said in agreement: "That's what happened, a pioneer god just happened to land in Genting City, although the Palace Master of Tiangong activated the barrier, but from the final result, that A god general is mostly dead.


Long Xingfeng was still a little unconvinced, "Is the god general of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance in the transcendence period so unbearable that even the immortal cultivators outside the world can't win?"

"We don't know why."

The young woman in the white skirt shook her head, her tone unavoidably low: "But the result is that they won a great victory in the summer, so it is not surprising that the Palace Master of Tiangong wants to take advantage of the situation to eliminate us together." "Then she also has this ability!" Long Xingfeng snorted coldly, showing a look of disdain: "The secret realm of Tiangong is not the alliance of immortals, nor is it a wild place outside the world. The secret realm of Tiangong has its own rules, and there is no one to ask for it.

Uh, I think she forgot how she herself was driven out of the world. "

This is very arrogant, but at the same time it also shows the majesty of the Long family.

"The Long family is naturally not afraid of the palace lord, but they have to guard against it." The young woman in the white dress said worriedly: "Now summer has come to the door. If it can't be handled properly, I am afraid that the palace lord will have a more ruthless back-up move. ."

Xiao Junxian directly reminded: "It's better to do this, make a plan, take Xia Xia away first, and then we will find a way to deal with the palace master slowly."

"What are you afraid of!"

Long Xingfeng saw Xiao Junxian's timidity in his heart, and said very dissatisfiedly: "No matter how powerful that summer was, it was just a mere mortal. If our Long family wants to kill him, it is no different from killing an ant."

"Boss Long, don't be careless."

The young woman in the white dress can't stand the arrogance and arrogance of the Long family, "Even the gods in the tribulation period sent by the Immortal Cultivation Alliance are not his opponents. !"

"What about the tribulation period!" Long Xingfeng still looked disdainful, "It's not like our Long family is not without it, and besides, our ancestors of the Long family were in the tribulation period as early as a thousand years ago, if it weren't for this fairy abandoned There is no way for the land to attract a catastrophe, our ancestors have long since emerged.

Immortal. The mere tribulation period, it's only the initial stage, he is a fart! "

The young woman in the white skirt reminded: "But he will still go against the sky!"

"Eight needles against the sky?" Long Xingfeng laughed, obviously expecting that the other party would say this, "Eight needles against the sky, I know it is an extremely powerful exercise, but it also depends on whose hands. It's okay if he doesn't come to the secret realm. Since he's here, then the eight needles against the sky are doomed.

Back to our dragon family. "


At this time, a guard in front of the Long family rushed into the room and knelt down at Long Xingfeng: "Back to the dragon head, two strangers broke through the gate and came to the ancestral court!"

"Two people?" Long Xingfeng was stunned for a moment, then replied, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's two people." The guard nodded. "Yes, it's just two people. They injured a lot of guards, and they said that the ancestors of the Long family should get out and meet them."

Long Xingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious: "It's unreasonable, this kid Xia Xia, killed my eighth brother first, and now I'm disrespectful to my ancestor, I want to smash his body into ten thousand pieces!"

Then he replied: "You pass my order to let Long Eleven and Long Fourteen go out and arrest them for me, and I will kill them myself!"

The guard immediately took orders to leave.

"There is one more person, could it be that the Palace Master is here?" The young woman in the white dress said hesitantly.

"Impossible!" Xiao Junxian shook his head, "The palace lord is someone who makes plans and then moves. He won't do such a thing as a target."

Long Xingfeng was also a little strange, and said coldly: "No matter who comes, if you dare to trespass our Long family, you will surely die. What's your opinion?"

Having said this, it is obvious that another person has been bound to the Palace Master of Tiangong, forcing the Xiao family and the Shangguan family to stand in line.

"My Xiao family has low power in the secret realm, I'm afraid I can't help you much." Xiao Junxian said casually.

Anyway, their Xiao family's power in the secret realm is stable, and the friendship with the palace master of the Tiangong outside the realm is actually okay, just watch the fun on the side.

"It's another matter if you can help." How could Long Xingfeng not be able to see what Xiao Junxian meant, and still forced him: "For this matter, I still have to take a stand."

Xiao Junxian didn't dare to represent the Xiao family, so he left a leeway: "In this matter, Xiao Moujing listens to the orders of the dragon head."

"it is good!"

Long Xingfeng was slightly satisfied, and said lightly, "I can call the shots, and next year I can divide your Xiao family into another piece of spiritual land!"

Xiao Junxian didn't expect the unexpected joy, so he quickly thanked: "Thank you Dragon Head."

"Xiaozi, where are you Shangguan's family?" Long Xingfeng then asked.

The young woman in the white skirt saw Long Xingfeng's gaze shifted to her, so she said: "Xia Xia is too powerful, our Shangguan family may not be able to deal with it, but another intruder, leave it to our Shangguan family."

If the other trespasser is really someone sent by the Tiangong Palace Master, the Long family is actually forcing the Shangguan family to submit a certificate.

"Okay!" Long Xingfeng nodded, "That's what you said. I believe you, so I won't ask you how to deal with it in the future."

The young woman in the white dress secretly hated her heart. Long Xingfeng said it easily, but in fact he wanted to tie the Shangguan family to their Long family's chariot.

Originally, there was still time to slowly practice Tai Chi with the Long family, but now she had to express her position first. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly scold the intruder who appeared with Xia Xia, what a bastard. .


Not long after, a guard hurried in: "Go back to Longtou, the two people who trespassed on Long's house have already taken it."

"Haha, what summer, it's really vulnerable!" Long Xingfeng laughed, got up after laughing, and shouted: "Bring people in, I'm going to slaughter this kid in public!"

Xiao Junxian's face stiffened, feeling a little wrong, is this summer really such a waste? Or is the strength of the Long family beyond their imagination?

After a while, the two were brought in and thrown on the ground.

Seeing this situation, the girl in the white dress and Xiao Junxian suddenly widened their eyes, unable to speak for a long time.

Long Xingfeng only thought that they were intimidated by the energy of the Long family, showing a satisfied smile, then lowered his eyebrows and looked at the two people on the ground, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You two, who is Xia?"

The two opened their mouths, but unfortunately only let out a faint moan.


Long Xingfeng looked unhappy, and rushed to the guard: "What's the matter with these two people, why don't you talk?"

"I don't speak, of course because I can't speak." Someone on the side replied lazily.

Long Xingfeng heard this voice very unfamiliar, and couldn't help but look up, only to realize that this person was not the guardian of the Long family, nor his brother, so he asked, "Who are you?"

The visitor replied impatiently, "You idiot is not qualified to ask."

Of course Long Xingfeng didn't guess, he just scolded: "Eleven, Fourteen, what's the matter with you, you let strangers into my reception room!"

"The two people you called are lying on the ground." The person replied with a smile.

"Eleven! Fourteen!" Long Xingfeng was startled, and went forward to look at the two lying down. They were really Long Eleven and Long Fourteen who had just been sent out.

At this time, he finally came back to his senses, and Chong Xia asked again, "Who the hell are you! How dare you hurt someone from my Long family!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?" The person curled his lips, "I killed and injured you from the Long family. You are asking me now if I dare, isn't it nonsense."

Xiao Junxian came back to his senses at this time, pointed to the person who came and said, "He, he is Summer!"

"Hey, you know me?" Xia Xia looked at Xiao Junxian, "However, I don't seem to know you, who are you?"

"You really don't know me, but my Xiao family has a deep hatred with you."

Xiao Junxian didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, "I'm from the Xiao family in Tiangong. My brother Xiao Junze died at your hands before, don't tell me you don't remember anymore."

"Xiao Junze? No impression." Xia Xia said with an indifferent expression, "I've killed too many idiots, not one more than your brother, not even one of you."

Xiao Junxian was speechless for a moment. Xia Xia was too lazy to care about him, just looked at Long Xingfeng: "Hey, are you the ancestor of the Long family?"

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