Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2801 Although the conditions are mentioned, I may not agree

"Even if you could, it would take a lot of time, and now all we need is time!"

Tiangong Palace Master has lost his temper with Xia Xia's arrogance, and reminded seriously: "Don't forget, the three gods said that there is another god who may come here at any time, if your cultivation has not broken through. , or if Fairy Fuyao doesn't wake up, then we are all over, now is not the time for you to play!"

"I'm not playing, I'm just doing business."

Xia Xia retorted casually: "If you cooperate with this idiot, you might be bitten back by him."

The Palace Master of Tiangong said lightly: "I can't handle that much anymore. After awakening Fairy Fuyao, all problems can be solved easily."

"The Immortal Cultivation Alliance even sent a god to come, what did you do?"

When the Demon Lord Tiansha heard these words, he was a little stunned: "This is just a place abandoned by immortals, it is impossible to attract the attention of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance?

Unless..." At this time, his eyes could not help but fall on Xia Xia.

Xia Xia said lazily: "Look at what, I have left a trace of calamity in your mind, and you can kill you anytime."

"Each each other."

The Demon Lord Tiansha immediately retorted: "You also have my Demon Seed left in your body. It's easy for my Demon to destroy you."

Xia Xia said casually: "What kind of devil you have, I have already cracked it, and it is useless."

"Hehe, do you really think I'm as stupid as you are?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha chuckled, with an expression on his face that he had seen through you a long time ago: "If you really cracked it, you would have done it already, how could you still tell me so much?"

"I can kill you, it's not the same thing as keeping you alive now."

Xia Xia was still casual, "She told me not to kill you. I have always respected my woman. She said so, so I did it, that's all."

"Your woman?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha stared blankly at the Palace Lord of Tiangong, and then looked at Xia Xia, and couldn't help laughing: "Qi Ling, you tried your best to condense a fleshy body, is it just for the sake of cheapness? mortal boy?"

The Palace Master of Tiangong did not answer this, and said directly: "Let's not talk about gossip, let's go straight to the topic, I want you to help, and wake up Fairy Fuyao together. After this is done, I will release the Yongmeng contract on you."

"It's easy to say."

The Demon Lord Tiansha restrained his sarcasm and said lightly, "The contract was made by Fairy Fuyao with me, what ability do you have to cancel it?"

"I have my own way."

The Palace Master of Tiangong said directly: "Even if I don't have it, I can persuade her to release it. You just need to say whether you agree or not."

"Will she definitely listen to you?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha is still a little unconvinced: "Besides, she is closing the door of life and death for ten thousand years, so it is not so easy to wake up."

Tiangong Palace Master did not answer this question, and still asked coldly: "Then you don't need to worry about it, you just say, yes, or not."

"Okay, my devil agreed."

The Demon Lord Tiansha thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "However, if you don't fulfill your promise afterwards, my demon will make you die forever."

"If this can't be done, I'm afraid that no one will survive."

Tiangong Palace Master said coldly: "You did a lot of evil in the Immortal Cultivation Alliance back then, and people who come over there will never let you go."

The Demon Lord Tiansha said, "Let's be honest, what do you want me to do?"

"If you want to wake her up, you need the support of a huge spiritual energy."

The Palace Master of Tiangong said lightly: "You have been soaking in here for nearly ten thousand years, and you should have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy."

Tian Sha sneered directly: "Hehe, you want me to use up my spiritual energy, and then kill me."

"Forget it, don't bother with that, just kill you right now."

Xia Xian was too lazy to waste time with this idiot. A silver needle lit up at his fingertips and stabbed it towards the Demon Lord.

"Thinking I'll fuck you... ah!"

The Demon Lord Tiansha was on guard, but his brain ached violently, making him lose the ability to resist in an instant: "What's going on, obviously it hasn't been stabbed yet..." "This needle is not meant to stab you."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's just to provoke the robbery in your mind."

"Since that's the case, let's all do our best at the same time!"

The Demon Lord Tiansha gritted his teeth, also ate his middle fingers, and pinched a sword art: "The devil is transformed into a thousand, and the sword is full of energy!"


Xia Xia's eyebrows wrinkled, and he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was condensed uncontrollably, like sword energy, which seemed to chop his internal organs into pieces at any time.

"Okay! Enough is enough."

The Tiangong Palace Lord suddenly slapped the sword energy in Xia Xia's body with one hand, and kicked the Tiansha Demon Lord out with another kick: "If you want to die, choose another time to die, now there are more important things, and I will be here again. Waiting for the people from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance to arrive, then everyone has to die if they don’t want to die!”

For the people of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, the Demon Lord Tiansha doesn't feel urgent. What he cares about is the real body at the moment.

Although even if he died this time, he still has countless demons to be reborn, but this original body is obviously the most suitable, and he really does not want to give up easily.

What's more, if he doesn't have enough aura to replenish, his strength will increase every time he is reborn.

Descend one step.

In this abandoned land, he was afraid that he might end up being a mortal. He could foresee this, but he couldn't bear it.

"Before, didn't you want to kill him together?"

Xia Xia looked at the palace master of Tiangong with some puzzlement: "Why are you thinking about winning him now?"

The Palace Master of Tiangong explained lightly: "This time, that time.

I didn't know what his situation was before. It was a very unstable factor. Now that he has something to ask for, and you can restrain him, you can naturally draw over him temporarily. "

"You're being honest."

Seeing that the other party talked about him face to face without hesitation, Tian Sha Demon couldn't help but sneer: "Okay, I will cooperate. In addition to the due benefits, I have an additional condition."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "If you mention it, I may not agree."

The Demon Lord Tiansha pointed at Xia Xia, and said coldly: "When the matter is completed, I will have a good fight with you, no matter what kind of life or death! Do you dare to accept it?"

"Very well, I have the same idea."

Summer said with a smile.

The Demon Lord Tiansha was rather impatient, and suddenly took all the remaining spiritual pulp in the lake into his mouth, and said loudly: "Then let's start, don't waste time."

With that said, the three of them flew out of this abyss-like lake together.

As soon as they jumped out, the three of them landed directly on the high platform in the center of the lake.

At this time, most of the other people outside had been driven out, and the door to the tomb of the extreme immortal had been sealed.

"what happened?"

When Zhao Yuji saw an unfamiliar man, she couldn't help but be on guard: "Is he... is he the Devil Lord?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha responded indifferently: "Yes, my demon is the Demon Lord Tiansha."

While speaking, he suddenly glanced around and found that in addition to a few women, there were only two or three other immortal cultivators left.

"Where did you guys get all my demons?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha frowned slightly and said unhappily.

The Tiangong Palace Master said lightly: "Just in case, the extra people have been driven out."

"Then if you go back on your regrets, wouldn't my demon be besieged by you?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha said vigilantly, "I don't even have the chance to be reborn with the Demon Seed."

Zhao Yuji had already returned at this time, and pointed to the two remaining immortal cultivators in the distance: "Isn't there two left? You can make do with it yourself."

Xia Tian glanced at the two of them, and found that they were familiar, but not too impressed.

These two people, Long Xingyun, the second child of the Long family, and Xiao Junxian, the Xiao family, who he met in the Long family before, just don't know why they were not chased away by Su Beibei and the others, or it may be that it is not his turn. .

"Keep them."

Zhao Yuji said loudly.

Hearing this, the girls who threw the last two into the teleportation talisman stopped when they were about to start.

"can we start?"

The Tiangong Palace Lord looked at the Heavenly Demon Lord with a calm expression.

The Demon Lord Tiansha inspected the two of them and found that they did have his Demon Seed in their bodies, and they were intact, and there was nothing unusual: "Then let's start, what preparations have you made?"

"The door of the tomb of the extreme immortal has been closed just now."

Zhao Yuji replied casually: "A set of formations has been laid out earlier, and it can be activated after a while. Everyone occupies a position."

The master of the Tiangong Palace said: "You are in the middle, and you are the eye of the formation, so that Xia Tian can continuously enter the spiritual energy."

"Are you sure he can wake Fairy Fuyao?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha looked at Xia Xia with a little doubt: "His cultivation base doesn't seem to be very high, can he hold it?"

"You already know that he has eight needles against the sky, so what is he pretending to be."

The Palace Master of Tiangong directly pierced through his foolishness, "Apart from the eight needles against the sky, there is nothing else that can wake up Fairy Fuyao in this land abandoned by the immortals."

Listening to their nonsense in the summer, I got a little impatient: "Let's start quickly, if the nonsense goes on, the daylily will be cold."

"You'd better keep your promise, otherwise, my demon will kill you all."

The Demon Lord Tiansha warned coldly: "Don't think I can't do it. My demons have spread all over the surface for nearly ten thousand years. If I really want to kill you, you can't prevent it."

After speaking, he jumped up abruptly, landed under the high platform, sat cross-legged, and released the spiritual energy in his body.

"Everyone take their place."

Zhao Yuji ordered the others: "But be vigilant and prevent changes at any time."

At this time, Su Wushuang pointed to Long Xingyun and Xiao Junxian in the distance: "How are these two arranged?"

"Ignore them."

Xia Xia took out two silver needles and bounced towards the two, the silver needles penetrated through the body instantly.

The Palace Master of Tiangong rushed to Xia Xia and said, "Come with me to the high platform and find a way to open the Xuanjing Immortal Coffin."

At this time, another unfamiliar figure suddenly flashed over, and shouted at the same time: "Wait, no one can move this Xuanjing Immortal Coffin!"

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