Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2802 If I'm here, it won't end

Chapter 2802 If I'm here, it won't end

Xia Xia didn't even look at people, so a silver needle flew past.

The silver needle suddenly broke into the body, and the other party stopped abruptly, and fell in front of Xia Xia and Tiangong Palace Master.

The man looked stunned, his mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Who is he?"

The Palace Master of Tiangong looked at the person and felt a little strange, so he couldn't help asking.

Xia Xia said casually: "His name is Xu Kunlun, Jiu's father, he used to be the head of a sect in Xiaoxianjie, so don't bother about it for the time being."

Xu Kunlun never thought that Xia Xia would not let him say anything at all. After all, he is also his father-in-law!

"He seems to have something important to say!"

Zhao Yuji had some doubts in the distance, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Why don't you listen to what he wants to say?"

The Palace Master of Tiangong hesitated for a while, but also had the same idea. If something major happened outside, he should take precautions in time.

"no need."

Xia Tian waved his hand and said casually, "Let's leave him alone, let's finish what's in front of us."

"That's true."

The Palace Master of Tiangong quickly calmed his mind and said lightly: "The most urgent task is to wake up Fairy Fuyao. The rest are not important, and the rhythm cannot be disrupted."

Zhao Yuji thought for a while, and also guessed the meaning of Xia Xia and Tiangong Palace Master's words.

Xu Kunlun ran over to stop them when they were about to open the coffin. There must be a reason why he had to do it. He was not a vexatious person.

Then they are likely to have doubts about what they are doing now.

Doubt, hesitate.

Hesitate, and you will fail... bad things.

The most unacceptable mistake right now is hesitation.

The matter of awakening Fairy Fuyao is to fight against the upcoming monarch of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance in the future.

If it can't be done, they alone might not be able to resist.

Even if the god monarch is resolved, how should the immortal cultivator alliance have another god king, god emperor... how to deal with it?

With Fairy Fuyao here, they can not only solve the coming Divine Sovereign as soon as possible, but also know the true mystery of the calamity, so as to break through the first shackles of the calamity period, and even she may help Xia understand the eighth needle against the sky. It's not just them, but the whole earth can truly sit back and relax.

Therefore, no matter what Xu Kunlun wants to say, he cannot be allowed to say it, so as not to affect the morale of the army, and it will be finished first.

Xu Kunlun was speechless, you let me speak out anyway, now he has to hold back his internal injuries.

"Are you finished talking nonsense?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha couldn't help it, "I don't have time to waste time with you at this time."

Of course, the presence of this person was also one of the reasons why Zhao Yuji agreed that Xia Xia would not let Xu Kunlun speak.

"Let's go."

Xia Xia took advantage of the situation and hugged the slender waist of the Tiangong Palace Master, and flew to the high platform, where there was a strangely shaped coffin.

The coffin looked wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a pebble.

It is about twelve or three meters long and eight or nine meters high. There are fine lines on it, as well as countless small holes and concave lines. I don't know if it is a text or a pattern.

The weird thing is that these small holes don't look like dead, but alive, with a unique rhythm opening and closing, like breathing.

"This immortal coffin is made of mysterious spiritual jade in the endless deep space."

While the palace master of Tiangong tapped the mysterious coffin rhythmically, he explained to Xia Tian: "This kind of jade is very spiritual, it can sense good or bad luck, and there are extremely complicated mechanisms inside, which add up to a lot of money. There are ninety-nine layers, layer upon layer, interlocking.

You have to use the eight needles against the sky to untie these buttons one by one, and you have to find a way to tame them. Remember, you must never force it. Once you make a mistake, these spiritual jade will condense into dead jade, and you will directly talk to Fairy Fuyao. The flesh body is integrated into one, and it is useless to wake up at that time. "

Xia Xia was a little puzzled: "Is this Fuyao Fairy having a brain problem? She has made so many famous things."

"One is the fear of someone who has a heart robbing the tomb, and the other is the fear of others disturbing her ten thousand years of life and death."

The Palace Master of Tiangong said lightly, and then said: "But now the entire land of the Immortal Abandonment is at the time of life and death, and I can't control that much."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Then let's start directly."

The Palace Master of Tiangong took out three odd-shaped ancient jades from his arms and filled the three missing pieces on the immortal coffin respectively.

"call out--"

A very slight sound rang out, and then those pores lit up suddenly, and there were strands of white breath.

Soon, the entire immortal coffin looked like a giant beast awakened from ancient times.

Those fine holes turned into countless mouths, and they began to absorb the spiritual energy in the entire tomb of the extreme immortals at a very high speed.

Each of the girls occupied a corner of the tomb of the extreme immortal, and immediately mobilized their spiritual energy to stabilize the formation, so as not to be hollowed out by the immortal coffin in an instant.

"Heaven, it's your turn."

Tiangong Palace Master said lightly: "You better hold on, otherwise everyone will be wasting their efforts."

"You don't need to say it."

The Heavenly Demon Lord is not ambiguous. After a little exercise, he squeezed his hands together, and saw a steady stream of white aura emerge from his body, and immediately transformed into a white lotus flower, turning the whole high platform all packages

wrapped up.

"it's your turn!"

The Palace Master of Tiangong waited for a few seconds, and then Xia Xia sat down with their knees facing each other: "I will first transmit your consciousness into the immortal coffin, and then you will use the anti-sky eight needles to decipher the mechanisms and formations in the immortal coffin. ."

"You look prettier this way."

Summer said with a smile.

"Be serious, now is not the time for jokes."

Tiangong Palace Lord rolled his eyes at Xia Xia, and then explained: "We don't have much time, and I'll only say it once. If you fail, then everyone's efforts will be in vain. When the monarch of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance arrives, it will be all over."

Xia Tian replied with a serious face: "If I am here, it will not end."


Tiangong Palace Master did not argue with Xia Xia, but said lightly: "But can you guarantee that everyone you want to protect will be safe and sound in the battle with Divine Sovereign?"

"Eight needles against the sky can revive anyone."

Summer Road.

"The so-called life-and-death people you now call are people whose vitality has just been broken, and you use eight needles against the sky to bring their vitality back."

The Palace Master of Tiangong shook his head with a wry smile, and said pessimistically: "But you may not imagine the power of the Divine Sovereign, if he kills, he will kill the opponent directly to the scum, destroying his body and soul.

At that time, you want to resurrect... I'm afraid there is no target for the needle. "

The Demon Lord Tiansha was a little anxious, and scolded: "You are still talking nonsense, are you trying to condemn my demon!"

"It's useless to talk too much, if you still want to go your own way, that's up to you!"

The Tiangong Palace Master looked indifferent and said meaningfully: "It's just that there is no regret medicine in this world, even if you are known as the best doctor in the world."

Without waiting for Xia Xia to say anything, she also pinched a strange handprint, her left hand quietly touching her heart, and her right hand touching Xia Xia's eyebrows.

"Feel it well, then obey, we only have three days."

Tiangong Palace Master closed his mouth as he spoke, but the voice rang in Xia Xia's mind: "Remember, don't be hard, if you can't break through for a while, take your mind back first, and then go in again."

Xia Xia said: "Don't repeat it, I know how to do it."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt as if something flew out of his mind, and then fell into the immortal coffin.


When Xia Tian came back to his senses, he found himself in an empty room.

The walls are all white, but there is no roof above it, and the sky is high and the clouds are pale.

"Is this the world in the fairy coffin?"

Xia Tian looked up and looked around, and found that he had no clue: "I didn't see any Fuyao Fairy?"

Don't talk about fairies, even the so-called organs, formations... are not seen.

"Is it in the wrong place?"

Xia Tian couldn't help muttering to himself, then stood up and inspected the room carefully.

There is no door!

No windows!

No pores!

There are also no decorations.

It's just four unremarkable white walls.

"Is the problem above?"

Xia Tian thought about it for a while, and then he took a swipe, and the whole person flew up, wanting to jump on the wall to have a look.


However, to his surprise, the four walls grew taller as he flew.

As high as he flies, the four walls grow as high.

No matter what stalks he uses, how close the world is, or any other movement technique, it's all useless, the four walls are always running alongside him, not giving him a chance to get out of this room.

"Fairy Fuyao, isn't it, are you doing this kind of bright hall?"

Xia Xia asked with some unpleasantness.

The surroundings were silent, and there was no response at all.

Xia Xia said impatiently: "If you don't answer again, believe it or not, I will tear down your four broken walls!"

As soon as he said it, Xia Xia blasted directly at one of the walls.

The fist slammed firmly against the wall, but there was no sound.


Xia Xia had a puzzled look on his face. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation, so he squeezed his fist and hit it again.

Likewise, there was no sound, and the wall didn't give him any feedback.

It feels so weird.

It was a little incomprehensible in the summer.

Even if his fist hits the air, there will be a vibration and feedback.

Why is his fist punched out here, as if it doesn't exist at all.

After trying a few more times, Xia Xia reluctantly closed his fist, then took out a silver needle and stabbed it at the wall.

The silver needle stabbed into the wall without any hindrance, just as it stabbed into tofu.

"I want to see what tricks you want to play."

Xia Tian thought about it this way, and immediately put the ice and fire aura into the silver needle, and carried the first needle of the eight needles against the sky.

"call out!"

At this time, there was a very slight noise from somewhere.


Xia Xian listened to it, and felt that the voice seemed familiar. Just when he wanted to try again, the dome above his head suddenly fell, as if the sky had fallen to the ground.

This canopy becomes one

The towering giant sword slashed down at the top of his head.


Xia Xia was unavoidable, and was smashed in the head by this sky curtain, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

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