Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2803 What you said is none of my business

Chapter 2803 What you said is none of my business


Xia Xia's mind immediately returned to his body, and his eyes were full of doubts.

The huge sword that suddenly came out just now actually knocked out all the demons in his body and removed it cleanly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Tiangong Palace Master was shocked when she saw Xia Xia vomiting blood, but she did not scream out loud, so as not to disturb the mood of Xia Xia's other women.


Xia Tian wiped off the blood on his mouth, and said with a smile: "It's already a bit of a doorway, come again."

The Heavenly Demon Lord sitting under the stage raised his mouth slightly, and he was the only one who saw the scene of vomiting blood in the summer, except for the Heavenly Palace Lord.

"What happened?"

Zhao Yuji was keenly aware that something was wrong, but because there was a white lotus stand blocking it, she couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Big goblin wife, don't worry, what can I do."

Xia Tian replied with a disapproving look on his face.

Zhao Yuji felt a little at ease.

"Then come again, don't delay."

The Tiangong Palace Master didn't say much, and still held the seal in his hand, which would be between Xia Xia's eyebrows.

The next instant, Xia Tian found himself in that white room again.

This time, Xia Xia didn't panic and was not impatient at all, and started a new round of testing.

Since neither front, back nor left, nor upward, there is only one possibility:


Summer suddenly rises into the sky.

The four walls were also raised at the same time.

Then, he gathered all his strength and slammed into the ground like a cannonball.

"call out!"

Xia Tian suddenly opened his eyes and went back outside.

"Come again!"

This time, Xia Xian was even more calm. He took out the Sea-Dingling God Needle between his fingers, and then placed it in the lower left corner of the room, at the intersection of the two walls and the ground.

The same goes for the other three corners.

Then, along the line where each two walls meet, stab it every two meters, and enter a trace of ice and fire aura.

The principle of doing this is also very simple. In the summer, this room is not regarded as a dead object, but a living person.

a sick person.

He is not good at cracking the formation, but he is best at curing diseases.

The first is to use silver needles to find the root of the disease, then use ice and fire aura to gather all the sources of disease together, and finally use eight needles against the sky to completely remove them.

The "patient" in front of him has a strange body structure, so it takes a little more effort to find the root cause of the disease.

Moreover, the "patient"'s temper is not very good, and he will be driven away at any time.

Xia Xian just finished inserting a line, and suddenly, Xia Xian was repelled by a huge force.

"Come again!"


"Come again..."

After trying it a few times, the time for summer to enter is getting shorter and shorter, but he is more and more confident, and the speed of pinning is faster!

Only when it comes into contact with the key more and more, will this fairy coffin reject it so strongly!

"It's definitely possible this time."


Little fairyland, beyond heaven.

After receiving the summons from Zhao Yuji, Ye Yumei immediately instructed Wu Bozhang, Xiao Yanyan and others from several caves to prepare to receive the people who were sent from the tomb of the extreme immortals, and instructed them to watch over them strictly and not make any mistakes.

After the explanation, let these people leave, and she herself came to the Four Elephants Array.

After the water god will be drained of calamity, he is still locked in the formation.

There were too many chores before, and I didn't think about how to deal with her for a while. Now that I think about it, it's better to kill her at this time of trouble.

"I've already given you everything, I just want to live."

When Qingshui Shenjiang saw Ye Yumei coming in, he keenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately said: "I have no robbery power anymore, and it is impossible to condense robbery power again in this abandoned land, and there is no threat to you. "

"But, after all, you are in the tribulation period."

Ye Yumei didn't lie hypocritically either, she directly admitted: "In order to avoid accidents, the safest way is to kill you."

Qingshui Shenjiang showed a terrified look in his pupils: "I have cultivated hard for nearly a thousand years, and have gone through countless difficulties and obstacles, and it took most of the sect's reserves to cultivate to the transcendence period.

I don't want to die, I can't die! "

"What are you talking about is none of my business?"

Ye Yumei did not show the slightest sympathy, and said indifferently: "We had a good time here, and your three gods will suddenly come to fight and kill you. If we didn't respond in time, we would divide you all. And make it.

I'm afraid that our ashes are cold now, I think I let you go, why? "

"We're just following orders."

The general of Qingshui frowned tightly, and said with a tangled face: "There is nothing we can do with the gods behind."

"Okay, now let's talk about this god."

Ye Yumei said lightly: "If you help me deal with this god, maybe I can spare your life."

Qingshui Shenjiang showed a look of horror on his face: "Shenjun Wuluo is invincible, you should still take advantage of this time to escape.

Come on. "

"What kind of person is Wuluo Shenjun!"

Ye Yumei ignored her nonsense and continued: "I want to know everything about him, you can choose not to say it, but I only give you three minutes, and you will die if you don't say it."

"I can tell you, but after that, you have to let me go."

The general of Qingshui did not hesitate for a long time, but still made a decision, "Otherwise, when the emperor arrives, even if you let me go, I will be dead."

"You have no bargaining power."

Ye Yumei was noncommittal about her request, but just threw the first question: "When exactly will this monarch come to Earth?"

The God of Clear Water didn't get the promise he wanted, and he didn't want to answer at first, but his life was in the hands of others, so he had to succumb: "According to the predetermined plan, it will be three days after we arrive at the Land of Immortal Abandonment."

"Then did he bring anyone else?"

Ye Yumei asked again.


Qingshui Shen will shake his head, "In addition to our three gods as pioneers, there is only him, and a spirit beast he raised."

Ye Yumei was a little disbelieving: "On such an expedition, you brought so many people with you?"

"After all, this place is just a land abandoned by immortals, and the Immortal Cultivation Alliance doesn't pay attention to it at all.

The reason why a god monarch and our three generals were sent over was also because of Fairy Fuyao. "

General Qingshui Qing's tone was not without contempt, but when he said it, he remembered his own situation, and he could not help but secretly blame the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. Cultivators don't know.

Ye Yumei then asked, "What powerful means does that **** monarch have?"

"Shenjun Wuluo, from the Mozhi Realm in the Upper Nine Realms of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, is the strongest immortal cultivator among the younger generation."

The general Qingshui licked his lips, hesitated a little, and said slowly: "He is a mysterious body, one of the supreme spiritual bodies, and the exercises he practices are extremely domineering and strange, called Shen Luo Gangshou. ."

"Shinra Gangshou?"

Ye Yumei frowned slightly, listening to the name, she felt that this practice was not simple.


The general of Qingshui nodded, his eyes involuntarily showed fear: "That is an extremely...complex, extremely surprising exercise, and because the body of the Profound Handle has a great bonus, it can The robbery force condenses into a robbery, and it has a miraculous effect on immortal cultivators in the tribulation period."

"How powerful?"

Ye Yumei asked, "How does it compare to the three of you?"

"I'm afraid his strength is more than ten times that of our three gods combined."

Qingshui Shenjiang shook his head with a wry smile, and then added: "Our three gods once challenged him together, but he couldn't even hold up his ten moves."

Ye Yumei's heart sank. In terms of strength, each of the three god generals was actually above her. It was only because they underestimated the enemy and rushed forward and encountered a pervert like Xia Xia, they were defeated one by one.

If that Wuluo Shenjun was ten times stronger than the three gods, it would be very dangerous indeed. I am afraid that not only did he wake up Fairy Fuyao, but he also had to find a way to call Yue Qingya and the others from Xianyun Continent to help.

I just don't know why, the passage between Immortal Cloud Continent and the earth has been closed for some time.


Ye Yumei asked again for a while, basically asking all the information that Qingshui Shenjiang knew.

"Nothing else?"

Ye Yumei asked suspiciously.

The Qingshui God will show a complaining look: "I have already said everything I know. Besides, I was only temporarily recruited. The Manshan God is his direct subordinate, and he knows Wuluo God the best."

This is nonsense, the mountain god will have died a long time ago.

Ye Yumei warned: "You better tell the truth, otherwise, I can let you die, or I can let you die."

The Qingshui Shenjiang smiled bitterly: "My life is in your hands, what good can I do if I don't cooperate?"

Ye Yumei suddenly asked inadvertently, "As long as any kind of constitution is likely to be broken, what weaknesses does this mysterious body have?"


Qingshui Shenjiang opened his mouth to say what he wanted to say, but then stopped again: "I don't know."

"You're not being honest."

Ye Yumei caught her hesitation and warned coldly, "You really... don't cherish your life at all."

The general of Qingshui slowed down, and then sighed: "I really don't know, I just heard a rumor before that the body of Xuan Gang has a natural enemy, that is... poof!"

Before he could finish speaking, Qingshui Shen suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then his eyes widened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"what happened!"

Ye Yumei was startled, she looked around and saw nothing strange, but she did not untie the Four Elephant Formation: "What's the matter with you?

What the hell are you talking about! "

"Yes, yes..." The Qingshui God opened his mouth very much, but still couldn't say it, and then his breath was cut off and he died.

Ye Yumei was startled, but she still did not open the Four Elephants Formation, she just stared coldly at the death of the people in the formation.


After a while, the god of water suddenly got up and slapped the wall with his palm.

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