The story of Tansho Hui was completely different from the original story. Liu Yun also met some acquaintances in class.

"Liu Yun, I didn't expect to be in the same class with you. How about we form a team?"

Liu Yun heard a familiar voice as he walked into the class.

"It's Miyoko. Of course there's no problem forming a team. By the way, how was your vacation?"

Liu Yun knew who was speaking just by hearing the voice before he saw the person. The person speaking was none other than Miyoko Hojo, the iron-fisted fire dragon lady with a hot body and a very hot temper.

Liu Yun and Miyoko Hojo have a very good relationship, and this is all thanks to Teruki Kuga, because when the two of them first emerged, Teruki Kuga had his eyes on them.

After all, everyone is good at the Chinese cuisine system, so Teruki Kuga invited a group of people who are good at Chinese cuisine.

Because of his own reputation, he was called one of the top ten seeds, so most people accepted Teruki Kuga's invitation.

At that time, Liu Yun and Miyoko Hojo both chose to refuse, because they did not agree with Teruki Kuga's ideas.

It was also because of this that Liu Yun and Miyoko Hojo got to know each other, and because they were both good at Chinese cuisine, they often discussed with each other, and their relationship naturally became better and better.

"What else can I do during the holidays? You know the situation at home. Those old guys can’t communicate with me in words. I can only wait until I graduate."

Miyoko Hojo shook her head. Her family was one that favored boys over girls, so even though she was a great cook, she was still not taken seriously. She had no choice but to come to Totsuki. After all, the value of Totsuki graduates in Sakura was quite high. As long as she could make it to graduation, those people would naturally have nothing to say.

Of course, if she could pass the WGO senior chef assessment, she could also prove herself, and this was much more valuable than being a Totsuki graduate.

However, between being a Totsuki graduate and passing the senior chef assessment, it was obvious that the former was easier.

It's not that she couldn't pass the senior chef assessment with her talent, but that it took a lot of time to hone it.

Now, the only student in the entire Totsuki who passed the senior chef assessment was Si Yingshi, which shows how difficult the senior chef assessment was.

So one is graduating in three years, and the other is taking longer to hone it. Naturally, it is better to choose the former.

Seeing Miyoko Hojo's unhappy look, Liu Yun directly changed the subject. He had no idea what happened to his good friend. After all, it was someone else's family affair, and he had no way of intervening.

"I thought I would have a chance to curry favor with Mr. Liu Yun if I was assigned to the same class, but I didn't expect someone else to get the chance first!"

Seeing Liu Yun come in and team up with Hojo Miyoko, the other students were also very helpless. You know, Liu Yun had participated in the competition for the top ten before, and although he lost in the end, he was second only to Erina Nakiri.

Erina Nakiri has the tongue of God, so in their opinion, it is normal for Liu Yun to lose.

You know, all the grades of Liu Yunzhong in the three years of the middle school were excellent, the highest score. With such grades, as long as he teams up with Liu Yun, then he is basically guaranteed.

And Liu Yun is also very handsome, so his popularity is also very high

"That damn guy, I don’t know what Lord Liu Yun likes about him, he has such a bad temper!"

Many students also know about Hojo Miyoko's situation, and it is no secret that she has a hot temper.

Hojo Miyoko and Liu Yun are very close, so naturally she is hated by many girls who admire Liu Yun, but they dare not mess around.

The reason is that when someone was about to make trouble, Hojo Miyoko showed what violence is. Hojo Miyoko can be regarded as a gifted person, but this talent is shown in physical strength.

Hojo Miyoko can even leave footprints on the wooden floor with brute force, which is no joke. It is precisely because of this deterrence that no one dares to provoke her. After all, no one dares to say that their body is harder than the wooden board under the other person's feet.

In desperation, the girls who hate Hojo Miyoko only dare to say bad things about her behind her back.

"Lady Erina, it's Lady Erina, I'm actually in the same class with Lady Erina!"

Just as everyone was discussing, there was a sudden exclamation, and everyone's attention was naturally attracted directly, and then everyone saw Erina Nakiri walking into the classroom.

That's right, Erina Nakiri was also assigned to this class.

Originally, the top ten had privileges, and this privilege allowed them to find excuses not to come to class, and they only needed to participate in special assessments on time, such as residential training.

Now Erina Nakiri appears here, on the one hand, because she is also willing to learn. Although this guy is usually very arrogant, she is still very serious about learning.

In the original work, Soma Yukihira met Erina Nakiri by chance during class, and on the other hand, because this was the first class of the school, she still came. Otherwise, even if the first class is an assessment, for the top ten, there is no need to participate in such a small assessment.

"It's really Erina-sama!"

Erina Nakiri's arrival caused a small commotion among the students.

""Nakiri-san's popularity is still as high as ever!"

Looking at this scene, Hojo Miyoko sighed. In fact, she was a little envious, because of her family's situation, even if her cooking skills surpassed her family, she still could not get recognition.

In comparison, Erina Nakiri is the center of attention wherever she goes, and no one dares to ignore her words.

Isn't this Hojo Miyoko's goal? So she was a little envious. Of course, envy is envy, she is not jealous, she will only speak with her own strength

"After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family, and she is also one of the Ten Elites. She also has the supernatural power of the Divine Tongue. It would be strange if she is not popular."

Liu Yun smiled and said, Nakiri Erina does have too many buffs.

"That's true. Why don't you react at all?"

Hojo Miyoko asked

"Reaction? What kind of reaction do I need?"

Liu Yun asked in confusion.

"Didn't you lose to her in the Top Ten Contest before the holiday? You really don't care at all?"

Hojo Miyoko said. Did the previous failure have no effect at all? If it were her, she would probably challenge Nakiri Erina again.

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