"If you lose, you lose. You can find a chance to win it back in the future. Why bother so much?"

Liu Yun said with a smile. If it was before the activation of the golden finger, then he would indeed care.

At that time, although he also guessed that this world had merged with the world of Little Chef, his vision was much broader than others, but the limitations of his own talent forced him to only take care of the present.

So it would be a lie to say that he didn't care when he lost at that time, but now his mentality has changed.

It's not that he became arrogant and looked down on everyone after getting the golden finger. He has never had such an idea.

Because there are too many people who suffer in the end because of arrogance, and he doesn't think he has the capital to arrogance at this stage.

His current change in mentality is simply because his cooking skills have become stronger, and he has opened up the road to the peak, so he can focus on the level he didn't dare to think of before.

This is like a person who can only get 50 points in the exam and it is very difficult to make further progress. He naturally sets his goal on 60 points, but if he lightly���If you can easily get 70 or 80 points, then you will naturally dare to set your goal to get a full score.

"You have a good attitude, why didn't you notice it before?"

Hojo Miyoko was also very surprised to see that Liu Yun was not being stubborn. It can only be said that the changes that food justice and inheritance have brought to Liu Yun are indeed very big.

"That's because you didn't observe carefully enough, otherwise you would have discovered more strengths in me."

Liu Yun's joking statement also made Hojo Miyoko roll her eyes.

"Don't think I don't surf the Internet, I still know these jokes."

Hojo Miyoko's words also surprised Liu Yun. He didn't expect that she actually knew this kind of joke.

"I didn't expect that our Iron-fisted Miss Fire Dragon knew a lot!"

After Liu Yun finished speaking, he got another bigger roll of the eyes.

"Liu Yun, you are also in this class!"

At this time, Nakiri Erina also came over with a girl. This girl was not Niito Hisako, who was not assigned to this class.

This girl was a member of Nakiri Erina's team. Nakiri Erina attacked the school all day long, and only some tricky research clubs required her to take action herself. For the weaker ones, she would naturally let her subordinates take action.

For example, Mito Yumei, so Nakiri Erina also has her own power, but her power is the elite route. There are not many people, but each of them is good at cooking.

"It is indeed quite a coincidence that Nakiri-san is also in this class."

Liu Yun also greeted him. At this time, Nakiri Erina looked at Liu Yun in front of her with some doubts. She always felt that Liu Yun was in a different state when he was competing with the top ten. His temperament changed a lot. On the one hand, this change was due to the change in mentality, and on the other hand, it was because of food justice. After entering the door of food justice, Liu Yun's every move would not waste more energy.

The whole person is closer to nature, so his temperament has changed a lot.

Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina didn't talk much. After all, the relationship between the two was not very familiar. The two had a formal intersection because of the previous top ten. Battle.

After the battle for the top ten was over, Nakiri Erina was also optimistic about Liu Yun and once invited Liu Yun to join her team, but Liu Yun still refused.

Speaking of which, Liu Yun rejected invitations from three of the top ten in a row. The first one was Kuga Teruki, then Nakiri Erina, and the last one was Eizuno Eizuno.

That’s right, after the battle for the top ten, Eizuno Eizuno also invited Liu Yun. That guy was focused on building his own business empire, so naturally he needed someone to help him.

Liu Yun didn’t want to work for the other party, so he naturally refused, but Liu Yun also knew very well that After rejecting Eizunye, this guy is likely not to let him go easily.

Eizunye is indeed very capable, especially in business, he has a strong talent.

The same is true for cooking. You know, Eizunye puts most of his energy into building his own business empire. As for cooking, it is just a tool for him to build his business empire, and he only spends a small part of his time on it. However, even so

, Eizunye has become one of the top ten, which shows that this guy's talent in cooking is indeed quite outstanding.

But outstanding talent does not mean that the other party is a good person. Eizunye

's performance in the original work is a complete villain, so Liu Yun is not sure whether the other party will target him because he refuses to recruit.

At that time, he was still very cautious, but now there is no need to be so troublesome. After all, even if Eizunye takes action personally, Liu Yun is not afraid.

Amid the discussion of the crowd, the teacher also came. This teacher is a middle-aged woman. There are quite a few teachers in Totsuki.

After all, there are so many first-year students, unlike the second and third grades combined, which is estimated to be less than three digits.

"I won't say any more nonsense. I think everyone should know the purpose of this class. I won't give specific questions for this test. After all, everyone has their own areas of expertise."

"Now you just need to use the ingredients in the classroom to make a dish, and I will give you grades based on your dish."

Each teacher has different assessment and teaching methods. Roland Chapelle directly gives everyone a recipe to make, but this teacher simply prepares some ingredients and lets students use the ingredients here to make dishes.

The advantage of doing this is that students can get higher scores as much as possible. After all, everyone focuses on different cuisines. Although the cuisines of different systems are roughly the same, as long as the basic skills are up to standard, it won't be too bad if there are dishes.

But there will still be a certain impact, so she did not give a specific recipe, but let everyone play on their own.

"The test questions this time are quite good. Although cooking other cuisines is not a big problem, I still prefer Chinese cuisine."

Miyoko Hojo is very satisfied with this test.

"There are many kinds of ingredients. What kind of dishes do you plan to make?"

Liu Yun took a look at the food area. There are many kinds of ingredients and many dishes that can be made.

"We have enough time and ingredients, how about making braised pork?"

Hojo Miyoko asked after taking a look at the ingredients area. After all, they were in the same group and the scores were given according to the group, so they naturally had to discuss what dishes to make.

"OK, let's make braised pork."

Liu Yun agreed to Hojo Miyoko's suggestion.

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