The aroma of the braised pork began to spread, and several students around couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"This is braised pork, right? But why is the shape so strange?"

When the two came to the teacher with their plates, the teacher looked at the braised pork on their plates with some confusion. The lines on the braised pork became clearer after being cooked.

This teacher also saw this kind of braised pork for the first time. Not only her, but everyone else was curious about it, including Erina Nakiri.

"It's just a sudden idea."

After Liu Yun finished speaking, the teacher nodded. No matter how creative it is, he would taste it first. After all, the most important thing about cooking is the taste.

As a piece of braised pork entered his mouth, the teacher's eyes widened instantly.

"This is…………It has a very unique taste, as if there are waves of whirlwinds spreading in the mouth."

The teacher found that these lines gave the meat a new taste, which was not abrupt, but made the meat more delicious, just like the barbecued meat that had been cut with a flower knife, with a different taste.

At this moment, she seemed to be in a whirlwind world, and her body was flying in the sky under the influence of the whirlwind.

"Great! The special knife pattern of this braised pork has elevated the flavor of the braised pork to a higher level. Your rating is A."

The teacher gave the highest evaluation. There is no doubt that this braised pork really conquered her.

"Teacher, can I have a taste?"

At this time, Nakiri Erina spoke up. Although her cooking had received high praise, everyone could tell from her expression and tone that her cooking was not as good as the one in front of them.

""Nakiri-san, sure!"

It can be seen that although she said she agreed, the teacher's expression was very reluctant.

In fact, generally speaking, teachers who are assessed like this will only take a simple bite and then will not continue to eat. After all, there are many students to be assessed and many dishes to be prepared.

If they eat all of it, then these teachers will basically be full to death, but the taste of this braised pork is so great, so she plans to keep it and eat it slowly.

But now it was Erina Nakiri who spoke up, so she couldn't refuse and could only agree.

As for Liu Yun and Hojo Miyoko, this dish had nothing to do with them after it was made and handed over to this teacher.

Under the gaze of everyone, Erina Nakiri also ate a piece of braised pork

"It is indeed a very special taste. The sugar color of this braised pork is cooked for about two seconds longer, which affects the sweetness to a certain extent.…………"

Nakiri Erina's divine tongue directly picked out all the shortcomings of the braised pork. This is the domineering nature of the divine tongue.

The problems in every step can be picked out. After hearing this, Hojo Miyoko quickly remembered Nakiri Erina's words.

Because she knew very well that Nakiri Erina said this not to provoke, but because the divine tongue really tasted these defects.

This is also very useful advice for her, so she will naturally remember these suggestions instead of taking them as a provocation.

"The knife skills are impeccable, and because of the knife skills, the taste of this braised dish is much better. It feels like a whirlwind spreading in your mouth, and it feels like you are flying freely in a whirlwind world."

Erina Nakiri will not be stingy with her praise. Although she is very tsundere in the original work, and even makes people feel disgusted, to put it bluntly, it is also because of Yukihira Soma's provocation.

Tsundere is a creature that you don't react so much to if you treat her normally. Erina Nakiri usually treats other people without the unreasonable troubles of Yukihira Soma.

Most of the time, the suggestions and comments given by Erina Nakiri are very worth referring to.

"In this case, let’s name this braised pork"Whirlwind Braised Pork"!"

Since it is made using the secret technique of the whirlwind knife, it seems to be no problem to name it"Whirlwind Braised Pork".

"What are you still looking at? Don't you need to take care of your dishes?"

After Liu Yun named them, the teacher also reminded the other students. The students whose attention was drawn at this time remembered that their dishes were not finished yet.

"It’s over, it’s all over!"

"Mine was the same, I was so busy looking at it that I overcooked it!"


Each group found some problems with their cooking. For a while, the students who had not finished cooking in the whole classroom were in a panic. The teacher was speechless about this. These students were too careless.

The class was over, and Liu Yun and Hojo Miyoko packed up their things and left together.

As for Erina Nakiri, she wanted to ask about knife skills, but she knew that it was not a good choice to ask about other people's secrets so casually, so she held back.

After Hisako Arato came to find her, the two returned to the residential area of the Nakiri family. In the central location of Totsuki, there is the residential area of the Nakiri family, where Erina Nakiri and Hisako Arato live.

"Feishazi, help me prepare the ingredients…………"

After returning to the villa, Erina Nakiri did not rest, but directly greeted Hisako Arato.

""Okay, Lady Erina."

Although she didn't know what Nakiri Erina was going to do, since it was her eldest lady's order, Niito Hisako would naturally do it. Her loyalty to Nakiri Erina was absolutely full.

After the ingredients were ready, Niito Hisako saw Nakiri Erina holding the cut pork and constantly scratching it with a kitchen knife, as if she was changing the cut, but the cut looked very strange.

"No, I can't do it at all. What's wrong with that kind of knife skills? It can't be replicated at all!"

That's right, Erina Nakiri wanted to replicate the whirlwind braised pork made by Liu Yun and Hojo Miyoko before, but she found that she couldn't do it at all.

The key to this whirlwind braised pork is the knife skills. As for the other cooking steps, it's just a piece of cake for Erina Nakiri.

However, it is this knife skills that her divine tongue is completely useless.

The divine tongue can perfectly analyze the dish when tasting it, the method and the ingredients used, etc. Even if there is any secret recipe, it can be easily analyzed.

But the only thing that doesn't work is the knife skills. Liu Yun's knife skills are the whirlwind knife skills at the secret level. Erina Nakiri's divine tongue can't analyze this special knife skills. It can't even analyze it, let alone imitate it.

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