Failure, failure, continuous failures made this young lady begin to doubt her life. In the end, she had no choice but to give up, because she knew that she could not imitate such knife skills even if she took her time.

The lines cut by Liu Yun's tornado knife are done in one go, which is why the tornado braised pork has such a taste.

Although she can rely on time to slowly grind and cut out such lines little by little, but the intermittent in the middle and the control of strength are not as good as Liu Yun, so the final lines look similar, but in fact they are very different.

If you use one word to describe the tornado braised pork she copied, it can only be described as ugly.

""Ms. Erina, what kind of food are you going to make?"

Seeing Erina Nakiri's previous persistence and current decadence, Arato Hisako was also full of question marks.

"I was going to replicate the tornado braised pork that Liu Yun made in class today, but you saw the result."

Erina Nakiri shook her head helplessly.

"Liu Yun? Is he the guy who competed with Lady Erina for the position of the top ten before the holiday? But how is this possible?"

Arato Hisako couldn't understand it. You know, Liu Yun was defeated by Erina Nakiri before, and the gap between the two was not small. Logically, Liu Yun would only be left behind by Erina Nakiri, and get further and further behind.

But now, after a holiday, Erina Nakiri tried to copy Liu Yun's cooking but failed. This made her feel very incredible.

"Although it is incredible, the knife skills he demonstrated are indeed beyond my reach, and I don’t know how he is in other aspects."

Erina Nakiri was also thinking about this problem. In terms of knife skills, she was already far behind Liu Yun.

As for other aspects, she was not clear this time. After all, the other steps were completed by Hojo Miyoko, and she naturally did not take Hojo Miyoko seriously.

After all, in her opinion, Hojo Miyoko was not as good as her little follower Niito Hisako.

But it was precisely because of this that she felt curious and wanted to know what Liu Yun's basic skills in other aspects were like, and whether they would be as abnormal as the knife skills he showed this time.

If all aspects have reached this level, then Liu Yun's cooking skills would be horrible.

At this time, if Liu Yun knew what Erina Nakiri was thinking about, he would definitely find it funny. His knife skills were mastered because of inheritance. He mastered the whirlwind knife.

As for other aspects, although they have made great progress because of inheritance and food justice, they cannot be compared with knife skills.

If all aspects of his knife skills have reached the current level, then Liu Yun can really walk sideways among the students of Totsuki, and even Si Yingshi, who is the first of the ten outstanding students, will not be his opponent.

"How did he improve so much in just one holiday?"

After listening to Erina Nakiri's description, Niito Hisako asked in confusion. In just one holiday, he went from being far behind Erina Nakiri to surpassing her.

This kind of progress can no longer be described as lightning fast.

"Lady Erina, could this guy have awakened his superpowers?"

Superpowers are not a secret because many people have them, and they are only found among chefs.

Many chefs are working towards superpowers, after all, there is a chance of awakening superpowers.

In Arato Hisako's opinion, such great progress in such a short period of time must be related to superpowers.

"Maybe, this is the only explanation for now."

Erina Nakiri herself also had this guess. If it was just a special ability in knife skills, then the changes in other aspects should not be big.

But now she has not seen how Liu Yun's basic skills in other aspects are, so she dare not make a judgment easily.

On the other hand, everyone in Polaris Dormitory also returned to Polaris Dormitory one after another. Such a test at the beginning of the school is not difficult for the people in Polaris Dormitory. Even the weakest Aoki Daigo can pass it easily.

After all, the people here are all those who have passed the assessment of Ohmido Fumio, so naturally they can't be that weak.

After everyone finished their meal, a familiar figure appeared in Polaris Dormitory.

"It turned out to be this guy. I remember his name is Yukihira Soma. He offended everyone at the beginning of the school year. I didn't expect that he would be assigned to our Polaris Dormitory!"

Yoshino Yuuki, who had just run around the dormitory chasing the little animal that ran around with her, was also stunned when she saw the person coming. Yukihira

Soma left a deep impression on people. After all, this guy's map cannon also covered everyone in Polaris Dormitory.

In the eyes of everyone, Yukihira Soma is the type of person who is crazy and has no boundaries. The first impression is not good.

"It is not so easy to live in Polaris Dormitory. You have to pass Mrs. Fumio. To be honest, this guy has not shown himself to be an easy person to get along with. I really hope he can't pass the test."

Marui Zenji said. It's not that he has any prejudice against Yukihira Soma, but that's the first impression Yukihira Soma gives people.

Not only Marui Zenji, but no one else wants Yukihira Soma to live in.

As for Liu Yun, he didn't have too many opinions. Yukihira Soma is still full of arrogance and prejudice. He just needs to wait until the residential training teaches him a lesson.

This guy is destined to live in Polaris Dormitory. His cooking skills are firmly in the first echelon among his classmates in the current Totsuki.

It is natural that such cooking skills will pass Omido Fumio.

Just as Liu Yun thought, soon, Yukihira Soma used the remaining ingredients in the kitchen to make dishes that satisfied Omido Fumio, and he moved into Polaris Dormitory very smoothly.

As for the oolong incident in the original work, it naturally would not happen. In the original work, because Ohmido Fumio forgot to tell Soma Yukihira about the usage time of the bathhouse, which led to an oolong incident.

But now such a thing will not happen. After Liu Yun moved into the Polar Star Dormitory, he proposed some measures, such as hanging a sign outside that it was in use and posting the usage time schedule outside.

As long as you are not blind or intentional, these things can naturally be clearly seen.

Just in case, Liu Yun went back to wait for a while to ensure that there would be no oolong incident this time.

After ensuring that there was no problem, Liu Yun went directly to Zenji Marui's room. After all, according to past practice, the newlyweds would definitely have a party in the evening, and he would go there first to save others from calling him.

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