"You guys came so early!"

Seeing Marui Zenji opening the door with a look of despair, Liu Yun knew that there must be someone inside. Sure enough, after entering, Yoshino Yuuki, Sakaki Ryoko and Aoki Daigo had already arrived.

After Liu Yun sat down, other people soon came one after another. Yukihira Soma and Isshiki Hui were the last to arrive.

By the way, Isshiki Hui was not wearing those extremely eye-catching clothes at this time, but a normal set of home clothes, which was mainly because of Liu Yun.

At the beginning, after Liu Yun beat Isshiki Hui several times on the grounds that he couldn't help but want to fight when he saw a pervert, Isshiki Hui didn't dare to dress so weird in front of them.

Although Isshiki Hui also wanted to resist during the period, he was violently suppressed by Liu Yun. There was no way, who told Liu Yun to be a time traveler?

He knew that the body was very important since he was a child, so he started physical exercise earlier than others. Of course, he didn't exercise blindly and cause physical problems. Later, Liu Yun also learned some martial arts.

I dare not say that his martial arts value is invincible, but there is no problem dealing with these students.

In the end, Isshiki Hui also changed this bad habit because of Liu Yun's violent suppression

"I didn't expect this dormitory to have a welcome party, but the way they invited people was a little...…………"

Soma Yukihira was also quite surprised when he arrived, but he was a little speechless when he talked about Isshiki Hui's way of calling people.

After all, he went back to the dormitory and slept well in his bed, but suddenly a person appeared from the ceiling, which almost scared him to death. He almost thought he saw a ghost.

"Isshiki-senpai's way of calling people is indeed a bit…………Special, among all of us, I guess only Ayun can avoid the various weird ways of calling people by Isshiki senior."

Yoshino Yuuki looked at Liu Yun. In the Polar Star Dormitory, Isshiki Hui's nemesis is Liu Yun. After saying this, Isshiki Hui looked at Liu Yun helplessly.

He still remembered what happened when he first used this method to call Liu Yun. As soon as he leaned out, he was grabbed by Liu Yun and dragged down.

Before he could react, he was controlled by a fatal scissor kick. At that time, he almost saw his grandmother because of the scissor kick.

After this lesson, Isshiki Hui only dared to climb the ceiling of other boys. As for girls, this guy naturally didn't Instead of climbing the ceiling, he would use a loudspeaker to scare people with a ghost voice.

Tanomo Hui fell for it more than once, and afterwards Liu Yun also had a friendly exchange with Isshiki Hui. From then on, Isshiki Hui would knock on the door normally when calling Liu Yun and Tanomo Hui, and never dared to do anything else.

So Liu Yun also had another nickname, a nickname that was only circulated in Polaris Dormitory, Isshiki Nemesis.

After everyone talked about the operation between Isshiki Hui and Liu Yun, Yukihira Soma was also amused. This guy is also a real fun person, so he and Isshiki Hui have some similar tastes.

"By the way, Yukihira, why did you say that at the opening ceremony?"

After some communication, everyone found that Yukihira Soma was not a difficult person to get along with. On the contrary, his personality was very suitable for integrating into Polaris Dormitory.

But when they thought of Yukihira Soma's speech at the opening ceremony, everyone couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Well, to be honest, I was a little nervous at the time, but to be honest, my first impression of this school was not very good."

Soma Yukihira shook his head. He said this not only because of his arrogance, but also because of his prejudice and the bad first impression of Totsuki.

Totsuki is a cooking school, but Soma Yukihira has been helping in the store since he was a child, so he has rich experience. His impression of cooking schools is only on TV.

The most important thing is that this guy's family seems to have no internet access, so he doesn't know what Totsuki is, and he doesn't know what Shokugeki is.

So his understanding of Totsuki is the same as other cooking schools, which is nothing more than finding a teacher to teach how to cook a dish, and then let the students practice on their own.

In addition, his experience after coming to Totsuki was not very good. First, he met a snobbish family. When he found out that his family only ran a small restaurant, he kicked him directly and spit out shit.

Later, when he faced the examiner Erina Nakiri, he just ran away.

And Erina Nakiri left a very bad impression on him at that time. You can be tsundere, but as a judge, if you can't even achieve the most basic fairness and justice, then don't be a judge.

The dishes made by Soma Yukihira at that time were not watered down, and the cooking skills he displayed were completely up to the level of the best first-year students.

What was the result? Because Erina Nakiri's tsundere disease came out, he was judged as unqualified on the spot.

Although he still got the admission letter later, Soma Yukihira's impression of Totsuki can be said to be very bad.

"To be honest, although I haven't been with you for a long time, I really like the atmosphere of Polaris Dormitory. It seems that this school is not full of snobs!"

Soma Yukihira told everyone about his experience and views. However, after arriving at Polaris Dormitory, he found that it was quite good.

And after taking a class from Roland Chapelle, he also found that the teaching of this school was somewhat different from what he understood, and his view of this school gradually changed.

"Yukihira, you still need to be mentally prepared. Totsuki is strictly an aristocratic school, and most of the people there are either rich or noble."

"Many of these people are snobs just like you said, and we are just a small minority of them."

Isshiki Hui mentioned that the people in Totsuki are not good people.

Hearing this, Yukihira Soma nodded. He actually found out that someone had secretly poured a lot of salt into his pot during class.

Although Yukihira Soma still solved the crisis later, it was obvious that some people in this school were indeed dishonest.

What happened to Seiichiro back then and the targeting of Eiyama Ezuya in the original book all showed that there were many bad people in this school.

"Let's not talk about those disgusting guys at this time."

Yoshino Yuuki changed the subject. After all, the more she talked about this topic, the more angry she would be.

Just as Yoshino Yuuki finished speaking, the voice of Omido Fumio suddenly came from the speaker. She also made some dishes for everyone to take.

This operation also surprised Yukihira Soma.

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