"I understand your thoughts now. It seems that I have suffered a loss in this bet, and the loss is very big."

"But this is based on the premise that you don't understand the Whirlwind Blade. You also said that the value of the Whirlwind Blade secret skill is basically equivalent to a supernatural power."

"Super powers are very precious, but have you ever thought about how difficult it is to obtain them? Learning secret skills is more difficult than obtaining super powers."

"My Whirlwind Blade, even if I am willing to teach her, she can't learn it."

Liu Yun said with a smile, it seems that he suffered a loss, but he is the one who got something for nothing. If you want to learn such secret skills, you can't do it without a strong enough physical fitness.

Most of the secret skills in the world of Little Chef require a strong enough physical fitness. Without this physical fitness, even if you are talented enough to learn secret skills, you can't use them.

The body can't withstand such consumption. In addition to Liu Yun's physical fitness being stronger than that of ordinary people, the most critical point is food.

Without the support of food, there is no way to���That's why Liu Yun agreed to use the Whirlwind Blade as a bet. Even if he fails, he is only responsible for teaching. If the other party can't learn, it can't be blamed on him.

Besides, the probability of him losing is also very small. At this stage, Erina Nakiri will not be his opponent. So in summary, he is the one who gets something for nothing. To describe it in one word, it is to make a profit.

"It can be like this!"

None of them expected that Liu Yun's whirlwind knife was so difficult to learn, but after thinking about it carefully, Liu Yun's changes during this period of time were really huge.

Moreover, the whirlwind knife had been used many times in front of everyone. When Liu Yun used the whirlwind knife, they couldn't even see how Liu Yun cut the ingredients clearly, let alone use such a skill.

"It looks like Nakiri-san is going to suffer this time. It's a pity that you don't want a place in the top ten. Otherwise, even if you use a place in the top ten as a bet, Nakiri-san should agree. Then we will have two top ten students in Polar Star Dormitory!"

Isshiki Hui shook his head and said

"I have no interest in your work, I just want the power of the Ten."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He had no interest in becoming a manager. He just needed to reach the pinnacle of culinary skills and master enough power. As long as these two things were achieved, in a world of fusion cuisine, wouldn't he have everything he wanted?

"I know you are like this, but next time you can consider taking the seat of the top ten and then handing off the work, so that you have power and fame, and you don’t have to do those tedious tasks."

Da Mido Fumio said, this is also learned from Liu Yun. Since Liu Yun has divided the rights and obligations of the top ten, then there doesn’t seem to be much difference between simply enjoying rights and imposing obligations on others.

It can only be said that Liu Yun’s operation just now really opened up new ideas for everyone, and even Isshiki Hui couldn’t help touching his chin, wondering if he could do the same.

After all, the work of the top ten is indeed a lot sometimes, and he often has to work overtime.

"Let's talk about it next time. Now the bets have been made, we can only wait and see if there is any sucker willing to bump into him next time!"

To be honest, Liu Yun now really has suitable candidates, such as Kuga Teruki and Eiyama Ezuya.

The philosophy of one of these two people makes him very unhappy, and he will definitely correct it in the future. As for the other one, although there is no big conflict now, it is possible that he will bump into him, so let's wait and see.

"I am really looking forward to this food battle. If Ayun wins, the other students will be shocked!"

Yoshino Yuuki is also a person who likes to join in the fun. When she thought about the consequences of Liu Yun's victory over Erina Nakiri, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

No one said much about Yoshino Yuuki's reaction, because they were also very curious about how other people would react after such a scene appeared.

This also included Ohmido Fumio. After all, since the golden age, the development of Polaris Dormitory has been getting worse with each generation.

Now there is only one of the top ten left. If Liu Yun wins, although it can't make Polaris Dormitory return to its peak reputation, it will be much better than it is now.

This naturally makes Ohmido Fumio, who is determined to restore the glory of Polaris Dormitory, very happy.

"I really envy you. By the way, how can you legitimately challenge one of the top ten?"

Unlike the excitement of others, Yukihira Soma was more envious. He envied Liu Yun for being able to compete with the top ten.

He also wanted to compete with Isshiki Hui before, but after knowing the gold content of the top ten, he knew that he had no chance.

"Work hard to improve your cooking skills and reputation, and there will always be a chance. At most you just have to wait for a year. With your cooking skills, Soma, it should be a sure thing that you will become one of the top ten in your second year."

Isshiki Hui said with a smile. Liu Yun's situation is that he has the chips that make the top ten excited, and he can make the top ten be willing to use their seats or rights as a bet.

But Soma Yukihira can't do this, so he can only wait honestly. Unless there is a special situation, one of the top ten is expelled from school, or he doesn't want to do it anymore, he will have his chance.

And it's just an opportunity. Now Soma Yukihira is still a certain distance away from the top ten. Even if a position in the top ten is vacant now, he can't take it.

After listening to Isshiki Hui's words, Soma Yukihira could only nod helplessly.

On the other side, Erina Nakiri also asked Hisako Arato to upload the information to the Food Wars Bureau as soon as possible.

Formal food wars require the intervention of the Food Wars Bureau.

Soon, after the Food Wars Bureau confirmed the wishes of both parties, it announced the establishment of the food wars.

This news quickly swept the entire Totsuki.

Whether it is Liu Yun or Erina Nakiri, both of them have a strong reputation in Totsuki, especially Erina Nakiri. No one in Totsuki doesn't know her.

"It's really interesting that Erina is going to compete with someone. I heard that this guy named Liu Yun competed with her for the position of the top ten in the middle school, and now they are competing again just a few months ago."As for

Alice Nakiri, she just came back, so she only heard about what happened in Totsuki.

"But what is the stakes? Using the rights of the Ten Elites in exchange for a knife skill? What is Erina thinking?"

Since the school has just started, Liu Yun's whirlwind knife has not yet spread to everyone, so many people are very confused about the stakes of this food war.

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