"A competition with the top ten?"

Although Kurokiba Ryo still looked lifeless, his tone had changed.

Kurokiba Ryo was basically invincible among people of the same age as Nakiri International before, and even Nakiri Alice was not his opponent.

But after arriving in Totsuki, some changes took place. Because he was Nakiri Alice's follower, after coming here, Nakiri Alice couldn't wait to challenge Nakiri Erina.

The reason why Nakiri Alice learned molecular cuisine was very simple, that is to defeat Nakiri Erina.

Because she found that no matter how hard she tried in traditional cooking, she was no match for Nakiri Erina, and the gap would be wider and wider.

So in the end, Nakiri Alice chose the path of molecular cuisine, wanting to defeat Nakiri Erina with this new cooking system.

But unfortunately... Yes, this new molecular cuisine is still too young. Although the techniques of molecular cuisine are also used in the traditional cooking system, the complete concept has only been around for a few decades, and the development over the past few decades cannot compete with the traditional cooking system.

This also caused Alice Nakiri to be a bit self-defeating. If it were a traditional cooking system, Alice Nakiri would not need to explore too much, because the path had already been explored by predecessors.

She only needs to find the one that suits her best among these paths, and then follow it. It's that simple.

However, her foundation in molecular cuisine is relatively weak, so she still needs to cross the river by feeling the stones. Her own talent is much worse than Erina Nakiri, and now with this one added, Alice Nakiri will naturally be unable to surpass Erina Nakiri.

This is still based on Nakiri. Under the premise that Erina Nakiri has been misled by the ideas of Tsuki Nakiri, if Erina Nakiri comes out, her cooking skills will surely improve by leaps and bounds.

By then, Alice Nakiri won’t even be able to see the taillights of Erina Nakiri’s car.

Faced with the challenge of her cousin, Erina Nakiri did not refuse. After all, the two had not seen each other for a long time.

And she also heard about the series of achievements made by her cousin, so out of curiosity, she competed with Alice Nakiri.

Needless to say, the final result is that Alice Nakiri’s cooking skills are indeed good, and she ranks among the top ten students in the same grade, but the problem is that she is still a little short of the top ten.

Not to mention her, even the current Kurokiba Ryo is the same, so in the end Alice Nakiri was defeated.

Because he is Alice Nakiri’s follower, Kurokiba Ryo also tasted After tasting Erina Nakiri's cooking skills, he realized that he was still a little far from the top ten.

Kurokiba Ryo was so excited at that time, after all, there were ten people in the top ten.

Although Kurokiba Ryo usually looked like he had no fighting spirit, he was a real cooking fanatic. Yes, it was almost the same as a martial arts fanatic. He was already invincible among his peers in the international community. After arriving here, he found that there were so many peers with superb cooking skills above him. Naturally, he was excited.

But after knowing the premise of challenging the top ten, he was helpless. The top ten was not something he could challenge whenever he wanted. At least he needed to come up with chips that would make people excited.

The problem was that he couldn't come up with them. In school, the chip equivalent to the position of the top ten was the position of the top ten. Of course, this was based on the premise that the position of the top ten was the stakes.

If you don't use the seat of the top ten as a bet, then you can naturally use other conditions. In the original work, Soma Yukihira defeated Eizun once and saved Polaris Dormitory. Although he defeated the opponent, the opponent was still one of the top ten because he didn't use the seat of the top ten as a bet.

But even so, you need the top ten to agree to compete with you. Kurokiba Ryo has no means to make the top ten agree to compete with him.

As for outside the school, there are actually quite a few chips that can make the top ten excited. After all, their rights are only available during school, and they will disappear completely once they graduate.

At that time, many of the top ten actually found it difficult to adapt, including the original Shinomiya Kojiro.

After graduation, he was bullied by others and was stunned, and even left a psychological shadow since then, becoming a person who had been caught in the rain so he had to tear off other people's umbrellas.

So using resources outside the school as chips is actually very useful. Of course, the value cannot be too low, otherwise the top ten are not fools. You can compare them with anything casually, and they are not fools either, and they will naturally not be fooled.

"What on earth is that knife skill? Its value is actually comparable to the power of the Ten Elites!"

Kurokiba Ryo couldn't help but ask. He was very curious now, and he also wanted to find out what could make the Ten Elites excited. In this way, could he also replicate such an operation and go to the Ten Elites to compete?

"I was the first to raise this question. If you ask me, I don't know. I can only wait until Shokugeki starts, or go ask Erina directly.…………Forget it, just wait for the Shokugeki competition to start."

When Alice Nakiri talked about the latter method, she decisively gave up. She asked Erina Nakiri if she would say she was not sure. The most important thing was that she couldn't ask the question, so she planned to wait for the Shokugeki competition to start.

"You won't lose anything if you put down your pride at this time!"

However, Kurokiba Ryo, who was eager to know the secret, said such a sentence directly, and Nakiri Alice responded with a super eye roll.

As long as he is not the one who is embarrassed, it's fine, right? At this time, Nakiri Alice was too lazy to pay attention to Kurokiba Ryo.

Similar scenes appeared not only here with Nakiri Alice, but also in other places. For example, the other ten heroes were all very surprised after hearing the news.

On the one hand, it was because the rights and obligations of the ten heroes could be divided, and on the other hand, it was also because of the knife skills. After all, they knew very well how valuable the rights of the ten heroes were.

Now a set of knife skills can be compared with the rights of the ten heroes, which is incomprehensible to them.

So he���I am also looking forward to the next food war competition.

"Interesting, they actually used a set of knife skills as a bargaining chip. Erina is not the kind of person who will be cheated by others, so there is something wrong with this set of knife skills!"

Nakiri Senzaemon knew his granddaughter very well, so he immediately discovered the peculiarity of this set of knife skills and asked someone to check it out.

For Nakiri Senzaemon, it was easy to check the situation of the whirlwind sword. Soon, even the surveillance video in the classroom was sent to Nakiri Senzaemon.

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