"This set of knife skills is incredible. It can actually achieve such an effect. Could it be that it has reached the level of secret skills? If so, the power of the Ten Elites is not as valuable as this set of knife skills. Erina has taken a big advantage!"

After carefully watching the whirlwind knife performed by Liu Yun several times, Nakiri Senzaemon came to the conclusion that he had indeed seen secret skills. In the past, he went to the mainland because of his daughter's situation. He also met some more powerful chefs. Their cooking skills were terrifying to the extreme. One of them even displayed skills that were completely unlike what humans could master.

He still remembered that those powerful chefs called them secret skills at the time, but secret skills were very precious and extremely difficult to learn. Even if someone was willing to teach, the possibility of learning them was extremely low, not to mention how others could teach such precious skills.

Therefore, his understanding of secret skills was limited to knowing that there were secret skills in this world, and that they were extremely difficult to learn. After they were performed, they had extremely special effects.���

Since he only watched the surveillance video and didn't see it with his own eyes, he only initially identified it as a secret skill. But even so, the value of this secret skill is much higher than the power of the Ten Elites.

"Wait, this is not the key point, this kid has mastered a secret skill!"

Soon, Nakiri Senzaemon reacted. What he should really pay attention to is not the secret skill, but the person who has mastered the secret skill.

He knows very well how difficult it is to learn a secret skill. People who can master a secret skill often have very terrifying cooking skills, and the same is true for their physical fitness, which is ridiculously strong.

According to his understanding of Liu Yun, although he is a leader in cooking among his classmates, he has not reached the level of the top ten. Naturally, his cooking skills cannot be called terrifying, so there is only another possibility, physical fitness.

At this time, Nakiri Senzaemon judged that this secret skill should require strong physical fitness to support it, which also explains why Liu Yun would use this secret skill as a bet.

"I see, young people nowadays are really cunning. I thought Erina had taken advantage, but I didn't expect that this kid was the one who got something for nothing."

Nakiri Senzaemon was speechless, but he didn't mean to stop him. After all, it was a food battle between the younger generation, and they really took out this set of whirlwind swords as a bet, which was indeed beyond doubt.

"With such knife skills, your cooking skills should have reached the level of the Ten Great Masters, so let's change the location of the Shokugeki Competition to Tsuki Ten-no-Ma!"

Finally, Nakiri Senzaemon called the Shokugeki Bureau and changed the previously agreed location.

Tsuki Ten-no-Ma is the exclusive venue for the Totsuki Ten Great Masters to compete in Shokugeki Competition, and the last round of the autumn selection is also held here.

After receiving the notice, the Shokugeki Bureau immediately changed the venue.

"What? Why did they suddenly change the location? Grandpa's order? I got it!"

When she received the call from the Food Wars Bureau, Erina Nakiri was still confused. The Food Wars Bureau did not have the right to change the location of other people's food wars at will, but when she learned that this was arranged by her grandfather, Erina Nakiri did not say anything more.

""Lady Erina, what's wrong?" asked Niito Hisako, who was standing by, somewhat puzzled. She had rarely seen Erina Nakiri react so strongly.

"There have been some changes in the food battle with Liu Yun. Grandpa intervened and changed the location of the food battle to between the moon and the sky."

Erina Nakiri did not hide it from her secretary. This was not a secret, and her secret was known to Niito Hisako.

"Eh? Moon and Sky? Isn't that the place where the Ten Elites compete in Shokugeki? Why is it arranged there?"

Arata Hisako was also surprised. This is the rule of Totsuki. Except for the finals of the autumn selection, all other Shokugeki competitions are held here only when both sides are the Ten Elites.

"Obviously, grandpa thinks Liu Yun has the cooking skills of the top ten, so he changed the location to Tsuki-ten."

Erina Nakiri also knew what her grandfather meant. In fact, she also agreed with Nakiri Senzaemon's judgment of Liu Yun.

Although Liu Yun's number of moves was small, and Hojo Midori was involved, so she couldn't accurately judge Liu Yun's cooking skills, but in her opinion, how could a chef with such knife skills be weak.

She also took this food battle very seriously and didn't dare to be careless. Now Nakiri Senzaemon's judgment also showed that she was indeed right. Liu Yun is very strong.

"Does that guy already have the cooking skills of the top ten? He was defeated by Lady Erina just a few months ago, and it was a terrible defeat."

Xiaohu Hisako didn't expect that Liu Yun would improve his cooking skills so much in just one holiday. It was simply outrageous.

"This guy is not as easy to deal with as before. Hisako, tell Mito that I will personally select the ingredients this time."

After saying this, Erina Nakiri turned and left. As for Hisako Arata, she quickly called Mito Yumei and told her about Erina Nakiri's arrangement. Mito Yumei naturally had no opinion on Erina Nakiri's arrangement.

At the same time, Liu Yun also received a call from the Food Wars Bureau. The change of venue will be notified to them as soon as possible, and then it will be announced.

Liu Yun did not react to this. For him, it didn't matter whether it was in Yuetianjian or not. It was nothing more than a competition venue.

He did not have any requirements for the competition venue, and Liu Yun, who had broadened his horizons, naturally would not treat Yuetianjian as a holy place like other students.

Yuetianjian is very important to him.���For students pursuing a place in the top ten, it is like a holy place, and many people even want to have a shokugeki battle in it.

But unfortunately, they don't have the strength like Liu Yun to make Nakiri Senzaemon change the rules.

After the venue was changed to Yuetianjian, the shokugeki battle, which had already caused quite a stir, became even louder. This shokugeki battle was open to the public, so students and teachers could go and watch it directly.

In this way, time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, Yuetianjian was already crowded, and everyone was looking forward to the next shokugeki battle.

Even the other top ten came together, after all, they were also very curious about the knife skills in this shokugeki battle.

In their opinion, Liu Yun would definitely use this set of whirlwind knives during the competition.

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