Liu Yun was naturally paying attention to Erina Nakiri. The dish made by Erina Nakiri was also Chinese cuisine.

Liu Yun also knew the name, stewed lamb with red yam. At this time, Liu Yun also took a look at the judges. The other two were in their prime and looked fine.

As for Nakiri Senzaemon, although he looked like an old man, Liu Yun knew his physical fitness very well.

This old man's body was much stronger than that of young people, so there was no big problem eating this dish.

If it were replaced by a few older and weaker people, then Erina Nakiri's dish would not be so friendly.

After all, she cooked lamb, which is warm in nature, sweet in taste, and more nourishing.

Now the other ingredients used in this dish are basically the same. Wolfberry, turtle, yam, radish, all of which are warm in nature. The soup stewed with these ingredients can be said to be a great tonic.

If a person with a weak body eats this kind of nourishing food, then naturally it will not be good. Obviously, Erina Nakiri also noticed the situation of the three judges, otherwise it would be impossible to make this dish.

And Erina Nakiri is also very smart. She knows that her knife skills are completely incomparable to Liu Yun, so she simply avoids confronting Liu Yun head-on in terms of knife skills and chooses fire skills. There is indeed nothing wrong with this operation, and it is also very good, but it happened to meet Liu Yun, because Liu Yun is a person without shortcomings, and his knife skills are much stronger because of the whirlwind knife.

So other people will subconsciously ignore Liu Yun's basic skills in other aspects. After all, after Liu Yun shows such knife skills, everyone will think that Liu Yun's knife skills are strong, and his time is spent on this aspect, and other aspects must be weak.

It is normal to have such thoughts. After all, a person's energy is limited, so it is impossible to be comprehensive, but Liu Yun has a cheat. As a cheating player, with the help of Shiyi, he can directly achieve average development in all aspects.

In this way, there is naturally no such thing as a shortcoming, so Erina Nakiri's cooking is completely useless in front of him.

As time passed, the dishes of both sides were completed, and the dishes made by both sides were relatively time-consuming.

Needless to say, Liu Yun's dish took nearly an hour to complete, even though his knife skills reduced a lot of time.

As for Erina Nakiri, her stewed lamb with red yam also needed time to stew, so in the end Liu Yun's dish was completed first.

After finishing the dish, Liu Yun sent the pagoda meat to the three people. It should have been divided into three portions, but the pagoda meat was a whole, so naturally the judges had to divide it themselves.

"I have eaten pagoda meat many times, but this is the first time I have eaten such exquisite pagoda meat. Liu Yun's knife skills are incredible."

Even Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but marvel at the exquisite pagoda meat in front of him. It can only be said that Liu Yun's tornado knife is too strong.

The cutting lines of this pagoda meat are exactly the same, and the shape and size of the meat are also the same.

It is terrifying that such an effect can be achieved in the middle of the streaky meat. The three people at this time didn't even have the heart to use their chopsticks to destroy this exquisite work of art.

That's right, they have regarded the food in front of them as a work of art, not just a dish.

""Thank you for the compliment, Marshal, but it's better to eat the food while it's hot."

Liu Yun said with a smile. Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon no longer hesitated and started eating.

The other two saw this and followed suit. The three of them tore a piece of meat from the pagoda. Only then did they realize that the meat was not hard, but on the contrary, it was very soft and sticky.

The chopsticks came off easily, but the remaining part still retained the shape of a pagoda. When the pagoda meat entered the mouth and the tongue moved, the meat slice seemed to melt in half. It had a melt-in-the-mouth texture, but it didn't feel oversteamed, which made the three people squint their eyes.

At the same time, Nakiri Senzaemon's clothes burst open. That's right, the marshal was in a state of clothes tearing apart.

"You must have put a lot of effort into the seasoning. This dish is a bit light in taste."

Nakiri Senzaemon asked.

"That’s right. After all, this dish is best served with staple food. Without the staple food, the first one or two bites are okay, but the taste will be a bit heavy later on."

"Taking this into consideration, I made the flavor a little lighter when seasoning it, so that it wouldn't seem too abrupt if eaten alone."

Liu Yun nodded. This pagoda meat is similar to pork with preserved vegetables. Pork with preserved vegetables is usually eaten with staple food, otherwise it would be too heavy to eat later, so Liu Yun made the flavor a little lighter.

This ensures that even if the three judges eat all the dishes in front of them, they will not feel it is too salty. This is not only true for the meat, but also for the preserved vegetables. This pagoda meat can be eaten alone even without a staple food.

After some praise, Liu Yun returned to his seat. As for the remaining pagoda meat, it was naturally divided up by the three of them.

After they finished eating, Erina Nakiri also brought her dish to the three of them.

"This soup is really nourishing. It seems that I need to do more exercise tonight!"

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile after drinking a bowl.

"That's right, these ingredients are really good when paired together!"

The other two couldn't help but nodded, but after drinking this bowl and eating some of the ingredients, the three of them stopped.���

This was completely different from the previous situation when they were facing Liu Yun's pagoda meat.

Liu Yun's pagoda meat was eaten up by the three people, including the pickled mustard greens and the leftover meat, leaving only some sauce in the plate.

However, Erina Nakiri had quite a bit left.

"It looks like you two have come up with some results, right?"

Nakiri Senzaemon asked.

"Just as the commander-in-chief thought, the difference between the two dishes is indeed very obvious."

The two nodded, and then the three of them jointly gave the result. There is no doubt that Liu Yun won with an absolute advantage of 3 to 0.

As soon as this result came out, the atmosphere of the whole venue was instantly ignited.

After all, Erina Nakiri's reputation is not a joke. Now she has been defeated by her previous defeated opponent. The contrast is really too big.

And from the tone of Nakiri Senzaemon and the other two, it seems that the difference between the two dishes is not small. Liu Yun won with an absolute advantage.

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