""Captain, is there a big gap between him and me?"

Erina Nakiri asked. She was not in a very good mood at the moment because she lost. In fact, when she was planning to compete with Liu Yun, she had already prepared to lose.

Because she knew very well how terrible Liu Yun's knife skills were, but now she really lost would definitely not feel good, even if she was mentally prepared in advance.

And she was also very concerned about whether the gap between herself and Liu Yun was really as obvious as the other two said.

In this occasion, she also called Nakiri Senzaemon the commander-in-chief. In fact, according to Nakiri Senzaemon's meaning, it didn't need to be so formal. After all, they were indeed a grandfather and granddaughter, and it was not fake, so there was naturally nothing wrong with calling him that.

But Erina Nakiri insisted on calling him the commander-in-chief in such occasions, and Nakiri Senzaemon had no choice but to let her call him that.

"Erina, I already know your idea of making this dish. You avoided going head-to-head with Liu Yun in terms of knife skills. This choice is very wise, but you overlooked one point."

"Liu Yun has no weaknesses at all. Although his basic skills are a little weaker than his knife skills, that is only compared to his own knife skills."

"You know very well how good his knife skills are. Compared with others, he is like an all-round chef, an all-round chef who cannot be faulted. You should understand that it is not shameful to lose to him!"

After Nakiri Senzaemon finished speaking, Nakiri Erina also understood that her grandfather's meaning was very clear, that is, the opponent's weakness was only compared to the opponent's terrifying knife skills.

But compared with them, he has no shortcomings in all aspects, a complete all-round king, so it is normal to lose, and it is also normal to have a gap.


Seeing that his young lady had returned, Niito Hisako was also planning to go over and say a few words of comfort. As for the others, they dared not say a word now, after all, their young lady had just lost.

If they said something wrong at this time, the consequences would be very serious.

Among the people present, only Niito Hisako knew Erina Nakiri inside and out and knew what kind of personality his young lady had, so he dared to speak now.

"Okay, Hisako, I'm not that fragile. It's just a failure, and it's not shameful to lose to Liu Yun."

Nakiri Erina also knew what Arato Hisako was going to say. She was not so fragile that she needed others' comfort after losing a game.

Nakiri Erina was not undefeated along the way. Before becoming one of the top ten, Nakiri Erina had participated in the previous top ten competitions, but there was no doubt that Nakiri Erina was still too young at the time, so she lost in the end. It was not until the middle school that she successfully became one of the top ten.

Failure is not terrible for her. Although Nakiri Erina is arrogant and seems unreasonable in the original work, But her true inner thoughts were not like this.

So when she first met Soma Yukihira, she had already memorized Soma Yukihira's cooking.

To put it bluntly, she was just saying one thing and thinking another. She would still learn the skills she should learn.

So for her, failure is not terrible, and she will not be discouraged by a failure. After all, there are too many chefs in the world who are better than her.

Now she is just an intermediate chef, and there are senior chefs and special chefs above her, and she can't defeat them now.

""Oh, Hisako, you should have Liu Yun's phone number, right?"

Nakiri Erina asked. Upon hearing this, Hisako nodded quickly.

Since she went to see Liu Yun last time, she wrote down Liu Yun's contact information.

"Then contact Liu Yun and tell him that I want to buy a portion of the pagoda meat he made today. As for the price, it is a seat in the top ten. Of course, I will still be responsible for the work of the top ten, but the seat will be given to him."

Liu Yun is not Yukihira Soma. In every competition, in addition to preparing dishes for the judges, he also prepares a portion for his opponent.

At this time, Erina Nakiri was eager to taste Liu Yun's dish today, but in order to taste it, she needed someone else to cook it, so she could only think of this way.

As for whether it is cost-effective to exchange a seat in the top ten for a dish, the power has been given to others. To put it bluntly, the seat in the top ten is just a title without real power. It is completely useless, so just squeeze out the last value.

"You're really willing to spend the seat of the top ten to buy a dish, Erina!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and then two figures came to where Erina Nakiri and others were.

"Alice? It's not your turn to meddle in my affairs."

After seeing the person coming, Erina Nakiri raised her eyebrows. Yes, the person coming was Alice Nakiri. She and Alice Nakiri were in love and hate with each other. They could n't help but want to quarrel and ridicule each other when they met. Of course, it was Alice Nakiri who started everything.

But this does not mean that their relationship is very bad. On the contrary, their relationship is still very good. Alice Nakiri has always cared about Erina Nakiri.

So as soon as Nakiri came back, she took Erina Nakiri away.

She and Erina Nakiri don't get along because of childhood things. It can only be said that Alice Nakiri is really persistent in some aspects.

"I have no control over such matters, but I am also very interested in this dish, so it should be no problem for me to come and eat for free!"

Alice Nakiri said with a smile.

Hearing this, let alone Erina Nakiri, even Hisako Niwato looked at Alice Nakiri with a speechless expression.

There was no way, Alice Nakiri was really too thick-skinned. After Alice Nakiri came back, she would say a few words to Erina Nakiri every time she saw her. It can be said that there were constant small frictions.

According to Hisako Niwato's understanding, this should be regarded as a feud.

This is like Hisako Niwato and Nao Sadatsuka, the two sides had a conflict.

But in the end, Nao Sadatsuka suddenly found Hisako Niwato and said that she hoped to come to her house for dinner, which naturally made people extremely speechless.

Obviously, both Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako underestimated the shamelessness of Nakiri Alice.

In this matter, Nakiri Alice is very thick-skinned. The only people who can compare with her in this aspect are probably Soma Yukihira and Ryodan Kobayashi.

In the end, under the persistence of Nakiri Alice, Nakiri Erina had no choice but to compromise in order to get rid of this guy as soon as possible. At this moment, Nakiri Erina felt the fear of being dominated by shamelessness.

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