"Exchange for a seat? Just a simple seat title? I agree. We are having a dinner party tomorrow night. You guys can come to Polaris Dormitory as well!"

Soon, Liu Yun also received a call. After hearing the other party's proposal, Liu Yun agreed without much thought.

Although he already has the rights of the top ten and doesn't care about the title, Ohmido Fumio does care, and Liu Yun won't lose anything.

The dinner party tomorrow night has been confirmed. It was supposed to be tonight, but since the competition was held at night, it was a bit late to go back, so the celebratory dinner was finally postponed to tomorrow.

As the protagonist this time, Liu Yun also promised everyone that he would make the pagoda meat made in today's competition for everyone to taste.

Nakiri Erina planned to use the not-so-useful top ten seat to buy a dish. He didn't have to pay anything. This was simply like Qin Shihuang looking in the mirror - a win-win situation!

In the end, Nakiri Erina agreed, but she said They will come with four people, and Liu Yun also asked for other people's opinions.

Most of the people in Polaris Dormitory are community veterans, and the rest are not averse to outsiders.

After learning that Erina Nakiri is coming, everyone is even more excited. After all, in their opinion, this is an opportunity.

Everyone has heard of the name of the Tongue of God, who can easily analyze the shortcomings of a dish. With her help, they can quickly find their own flaws and correct them.

However, the Tongue of God only has Erina Nakiri and Managi Nakiri at this stage, and these two people are basically not accessible to them. Isn’t it a good opportunity that Erina Nakiri is coming this time?

As for bringing a few people over, everyone doesn’t mind. Polaris Dormitory itself has few people, and a few more people will make it more lively.

Hearing that everyone agreed, Liu Yun also gave a reply

"I didn't expect that Nakiri Erina would use her seat in the top ten to buy food. Although her seat has no power now, she is still one of the top ten. How could she just give up like that?"

After Liu Yun hung up the phone, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but sigh.

"The ten elite seats that have lost their power are actually useless, and for someone like Nakiri, the resources of the Nakiri family can be used at will, and she is not short of these."

"But next, Nakiri-scholar will probably take action against the other Ten Elites, after all, this represents the face of the Nakiri family."

Isshiki Hui said, he himself did not care, because if Nakiri Erina wanted to seize the seat of the Ten Elites, she must get the permission of the Ten Elites. As long as he did not agree to use the seat as a bet, then Nakiri Erina would be helpless.

As for the others, it was hard to say, after all, Nakiri Erina had the support of the Nakiri family and had a lot of resources. She could come up with a lot of chips that would make the other Ten Elites excited.

Especially for someone as ambitious as Eizun, the attraction of these chips was fatal.

"Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with us, but Mrs. Wenxu should be very happy. Although Ayun had the rights of the top ten before, she did not have a seat. Now the seat is delivered to her door."

Sakaki Ryoko said with a smile, and everyone looked at Dai Mido Wenxu.

"What are you looking at? This is indeed something worth celebrating. Now we have two top ten students in Polar Star Dormitory. You should work harder and get the top ten position as soon as possible.…………"

Ohmidou Fumio was indeed very happy at this time and started to bombard other people. To this, other people were a little speechless.

But this time they didn't say much. They knew very well what this matter meant to Ohmidou Fumio, so let the dormitory manager be happy.

After a while of noise, everyone went to rest. The next morning, everyone did what they had to do. Ohmidou Fumio and Liu Yun purchased a batch of food and brought it back to Polaris Dormitory.

That's right, Liu Yun also went with them to purchase food. As for classes, he had already obtained the rights of the top ten, so except for special assessments, he could be exempted from other courses.

It has to be said that the power of the top ten is indeed quite good.

"Does Hojo come here often?"

After school, several people came to the Polaris Dormitory. They were Erina Nakiri and others. Hojo Miyoko was also invited by Liu Yun.

"Since I met Liu Yun, I have come here often. I have to say that the atmosphere in the Polaris Dormitory is quite good. If I hadn't had a good relationship with my roommates, I would have moved here directly."

Miyoko Hojo said with a smile. When she met Liu Yun, she had already stayed in the dormitory for a while and had a good relationship with her roommates, so she didn't move there.

Otherwise, with Miyoko Hojo's cooking skills, it would be very easy for her to enter the Polaris Dormitory.

"This place looks old. Doesn't anyone take care of it?"

Looking at the ghost-like layout outside the Polar Star Dormitory, Nakiri Alice complained.

"There is no way around it. After all, the situation of Polaris Dormitory in Totsuki is quite special. The school cannot manage it. There are few students here. There is only one manager, so even if you want to manage it, you can't do it."

"Of course, this is just the outside, the inside is actually very cozy."

Miyoko Hojo said with a smile, she also felt very strange when she first came here, but after getting used to it, she felt it was quite good.

The most important thing is that the inside and outside of Polaris Dormitory are completely different styles, the outside looks like a haunted house in the wilderness, and the inside is a cozy cottage

"It's really strange that such a dormitory still exists in Totsuki."

Nakiri Alice complained again.

"This was a legendary dormitory in the academy in the past. The ten best students in the golden age all lived here."

Erina Nakiri said, because of Liu Yun, she naturally looked up the information of Polaris Dormitory, and found out that the special situation of Polaris Dormitory was created by her idol, Makoto Ichiro, and others.

"The Ten Elites of the Golden Age? All the Ten Elites are staying in one dormitory?"

Not only was Nakiri Alice shocked when she heard this, even Kurokiba Ryo's face changed.

They now knew very well how strong the Ten Elites were. It was really outrageous that all the Ten Elites were gathered in one dormitory.

Moreover, they knew something about the Golden Age. The chefs of the Golden Age were now very famous, among whom Saiba Seiichiro and Dojima Gin were the most famous.

One was a famous wandering chef, one of the ceilings of the culinary world certified by WGO, and the other was also well-known in the Totsuki Resort, and was also a top-grade chef certified by WGO.

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