"I have also heard about the Golden Age. Aunt Wenxu, the dormitory manager of Polar Star Dormitory, often talks about the glorious moments of Polar Star Dormitory in the past, so I know a little about it.

Hojo Miyoko also echoed that she had heard about the Golden Age many times.

"By the way, after competing with you this time, the number of the top ten in Polaris Dormitory has increased to two, and the cooking skills of the others are not weak either. Maybe this time Polaris Dormitory will have a chance to reproduce the glory of its golden age!"

Miyoko Hojo said. She knew very well how the people in Polaris Dormitory cooked. They were all very good. Except for Daigo Aoki and the other two, she didn't dare to say that she could beat the others.

There was also Megumi Tadokoro who was on the threshold of the top ten. In her opinion, with Megumi Tadokoro's cooking skills, she would probably be able to compete for a place in the top ten in the second grade. By then, Polaris Dormitory would have three top ten.

"This is really a legendary dormitory. Let's go in and take a look!"

Alice Nakiri's curiosity has been aroused, and she urged everyone to go in. After the five of them entered the Polaris Dormitory, they also saw the decoration inside. It must be said that compared with the outside, the contrast is indeed huge.

"Miyoko, you are here, and there are two Nakiri-san and Arato-san…………Who is this?"

Although Kurokiba Ryo came with Nakiri Alice, there is no doubt that Nakiri Alice is the most famous. After all, Nakiri

Alice is from the Nakiri family. Although she has never been to Totsuki before, because she is in Totsuki, the students pay more attention to the news about the Nakiri family.

In addition, Nakiri Alice does have a lot of reputations. Although those achievements are very exaggerated, it must be said that they are indeed quite impressive, so Nakiri Alice is not less well-known.

On the contrary, Kurokiba Ryo is not very well-known.

"Good evening, Yuki. This classmate is Kurokiba Ryo. By the way, where is Liu Yun?"

Hojo Miyoko asked after introducing him.

"In the kitchen, aren't we having a dinner party tonight? We also want to taste the pagoda meat he made yesterday. Everyone else is in the kitchen, so please take a seat first."

Yoshino Yuuki said, and she also took some things into the kitchen. When everyone heard this, they were also very curious, but since they were guests, it seemed not good to rashly enter someone's kitchen, so they could only stare at each other from outside.

"If you are curious, come along. Everyone in Polar Star Dormitory is very easy to get along with."

Hojo Miyoko came to the kitchen with ease, and the others followed her.

At this time, everyone in the kitchen was busy

"Yoshino, have you brought the food?"

Seeing Yoshino Yuuki coming back, Omido Fumio asked. She also participated in the cooking process. This was already a common occurrence for her.

""I got it!"

Hearing this, Yoshino Yuuki quickly delivered what Omido Fumio wanted.

"It's so lively, the atmosphere is quite good!"

Looking at the people busy in the kitchen, Xinhu Hisako also sighed

"This is all because Nakiri-san is coming over, and they all want Nakiri-san to taste their food, so they are so active."

At this time, Isshiki Hui appeared beside the crowd. He had just returned because of some work.

"Senior Isshiki?"

After seeing Isshiki Hui, Nakiri Erina also greeted him. Hearing this name, Nakiri Alice and others naturally knew that this was another one of the top ten in Polaris Dormitory, Isshiki Hui, a senior in the second year.

This time, Isshiki Hui did not participate in the cooking. After all, there were guests here, so he naturally entertained the guests first.

As time went by, everyone's dishes were almost finished. As for Liu Yun, he prepared a portion of pagoda meat for each person according to the number of people.

That's right, everyone prepared one portion, and the main point was a large amount to fill the stomach. After all, it was done, and the process was just these processes. The most important point of the Chinese cuisine he was good at was to make people full.

When they saw Liu Yun coming out with so much pagoda meat, Nakiri Erina and others were surprised.

"It's surprising, right? Actually, this is Liu Yun's basic operation. Liu Yun has always believed that the most important point of eating is to make people full, so the amount of dishes he makes is generally large, enough to make people full."

Hojo Miyoko looked at the surprised people and explained the reason. She also agreed with this concept. After all, people eat to be full and survive, not just to taste delicious food.

While pursuing delicious food, people should also be full. This is the concept that Liu Yun has always adhered to. Liu Yun looks down on those dishes that are high-end but only enough to fill the gaps between teeth. It seems that there are more than a dozen dishes in a meal, but each dish is only a matter of one bite. After a meal, let alone being full, it is a problem to be half full.

Liu Yun looks down on this kind of operation the most.

As soon as these words came out, the two sisters of the Nakiri family were a little embarrassed. The reason was simple. Nakiri Erina's philosophy was that high-quality ingredients and high-quality cuisine were supreme. Deliciousness, exquisite appearance, etc. were all what she cared about, and being full was secondary.

As for Nakiri Alice, she was good at molecular cuisine, and molecular cuisine was famous for its exquisiteness but small portions. Many molecular cuisines were basically gone in one bite, so this concept made them a little embarrassed.

Because they couldn't find a point to refute, after all, people must be full, and they were no exception, so naturally they couldn't refute it.

""Mr. Nakiri, could you please taste this dish?"

At this time, the thick-skinned Yuuki Yoshino came over. This was also one of her purposes, to let Erina Nakiri taste her dishes and give suggestions. When the others saw that Yuuki Yoshino had started to act, they immediately surrounded Erina Nakiri with their own dishes.

This operation made Erina Nakiri very puzzled.

Indeed, she also knew that the suggestions given by her God's Tongue could help chefs discover their own defects, so that they could accelerate their growth after correction.

But the God's Tongue also has another frightening point, that is, once it is said to be unpalatable, it will be labeled.

This is why when the other people saw that the examiner was Erina Nakiri during the transfer student assessment, they ran away collectively.

It was because they didn't want to be labeled, otherwise no one would use them in the future. However, the reaction of the people in Polaris Dormitory now made Erina Nakiri very puzzled. Are these people really not afraid of being labeled by themselves?

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