"What are you doing? Don't surround Lady Erina like that!"

Seeing that her young lady seemed very troubled, the loyal Arato Hisako also rushed over.

"Sorry, sorry, we don't mean any harm, we just simply want Nakiri to taste our food!"

Yoshino Yuuki said with a smile, and the others nodded quickly. What bad intentions could they have?

""Okay, Hisako, since everyone said so, I'll just try it."

As a guest, Nakiri Erina did not refuse, and she was also curious about the cooking skills of the people in Polaris Dormitory.

According to Hojo Miyoko, the cooking skills of the people in Polaris Dormitory are very good.

"Although there are still many flaws, such as the marinating time is half a minute longer and the oil temperature is a few degrees higher…………"

Soon, after tasting everyone's dishes, Erina Nakiri pointed out the shortcomings of the dishes, but she was also very surprised, because these dishes were indeed very delicious.

Even the dishes made by the weakest two exceeded the average level of the first grade.

As for the others, none of them were inferior to Mito Yumei. You know, Mito Yumei is her capable assistant. Such elite students are rare, but there are actually a group of them in this Polar Star Dormitory. Among them, the dishes of Megumi Tadokoro made her eyes light up. She had also heard of Megumi Tadokoro's name. In her opinion, Megumi Tadokoro's cooking skills were not inferior to those of Hisako Arato, and even stronger.

This level was already very close to the top ten. Erina Nakiri was very surprised by everyone's cooking skills, but she did not show it, but pointed out all the defects in everyone's dishes.

But after saying these defects, something even more puzzling happened to her. The people whose defects were pointed out did not look depressed at all, but instead seemed to be injected with chicken blood, and their fighting spirit was excited.

Normally, those who were taught a lesson by her would be extremely depressed, but in Polaris Dormitory, everything seemed to be reversed.

A group of people even gathered together to discuss how to improve their cooking.

"This is interesting."

Looking at the crowd, Alice Nakiri knew that this group of people was completely different from other students in the school, so she also had a strong interest. She even directly participated in the discussion. After participating, Alice Nakiri found that these people's cooking skills were indeed not weak.

The ideas proposed one by one were also eye-opening, and there were even many that she had never heard of, so this group of people were chatting very enthusiastically.

As for Kurokiba Ryo on the side, he was tasting the pagoda meat made by Liu Yun.

At this time, Kurokiba Ryo also felt the feelings of Nakiri Senzaemon and others. The deliciousness of this dish was not comparable to him, but at this time, Kurokiba Ryo was instead inspired to fight.

"That guy, your name is Liu Yun, right? Come and compete with me!"

At this time, Kurokiba Ryo put on a headscarf and entered a violent state. The whole person turned from a salted fish to a beast. Anyone who is not blind can see the violent aura clearly.

"This is…………"

The others were also attracted by the movement. After seeing Kurokiba Ryo's appearance, they were all confused. If they remembered correctly, this man should have been a salted fish just now.

But how come he turned into a beast in the blink of an eye?

""Sorry, sorry, it looks like Ryo-kun has been stimulated. He gets excited when he meets some strong opponents. Oh, by the way, Ryo-kun's cooking skills are better than mine!"

Alice Nakiri said with a smile. Kurokiba Ryo was obviously stimulated by Liu Yun's cooking.

She has known Kurokiba Ryo for a long time and knows how strong his competitive spirit is. Now she has told everyone about Kurokiba Ryo's general situation.

"That won't do. Now I am one of the top ten, and you know what chips you need to bring out to challenge the top ten."

Liu Yun naturally knew what the situation was with Kurokiba Ryo, but he would not indulge him.

If you want to compete with him, you can, just bring out chips that make him excited. For example, this time Erina Nakiri used the power of the top ten as a bargaining chip. As long as Liu Yun approves, Liu Yun will naturally compete with him, otherwise just stand aside.

Hearing this, the corners of Kurokiba Ryo's mouth twitched. He was amazed by the dish just now, so he ignored this problem directly. Now think about it, these top ten are not something he can challenge casually.

After hearing this, Kurokiba Ryo finally took off his headscarf. He also knew that he could not challenge the top ten. After all, he could not bring out chips that would make the other party excited.

After taking off the headscarf, Kurokiba Ryo once again became the salted fish he had before. Such a change also made everyone marvel.

"He doesn't have a split personality, does he? How come he becomes a different person after taking off his headscarf? Come on, Yukihira, do you also like to wear a headscarf? You don't have a similar state, do you?"

Yoshino Yuuki looked at Yukihira Soma, who also wears a headscarf when cooking, which is somewhat similar to Kurokiba Ryo.

"Although I wear a headscarf, I don't have a dual personality."

Soma Yukihira also rolled his eyes at this question.

"No, the point shouldn't be this, shouldn't the point be why Kurokiba Ryo is stronger than Nakiri Alice?"

Sakaki Ryoko's question also puzzled everyone. After all, Kurokiba Ryo is a follower. Logically, a follower should be weaker, but why is the follower stronger now?

Not only the people in Polaris Dormitory are very curious, even Nakiri Erina and the others are very curious.

"In fact, it is not strange. When Liangjun was young, he was not so strong. At that time, he was not my opponent. But after Liangjun entered Nakiri International, he slowly surpassed me!"

Nakiri Alice said, this is not difficult to understand. Kurokiba Ryo's talent is better than Nakiri Alice. The reason why he lost at the beginning was because of the problem of resources.

Nakiri Alice received the best education in the Nakiri family, and there was no shortage of resources in all aspects.

But Kurokiba Ryo can only rely on himself to explore. There is no comparison between the two.

When Nakiri Alice recruited Kurokiba Ryo to stop vomiting, it was equivalent to pulling Kurokiba Ryo onto the shoulders of a giant. With Kurokiba Ryo's talent that was stronger than hers, it was naturally not difficult to surpass her.

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