"Forget the polite words."

After Liu Yun glanced at the ingredients, he could easily tell that some of them were problematic even without touching them. This is a basic skill for a chef.

He learned the meaning of food, and with two inheritances, he could easily identify the ingredients even without his special sense of touch.

The ingredients here are strictly arranged according to the number of students, that is, each student takes one portion, and then there will be no more ingredients in the ingredient area.

However, there are some problematic ingredients mixed in with these ingredients.

This kind of operation is actually not uncommon, and it is indeed no problem to test students' ability to identify ingredients in the assessment.

But the problem is that Shinomiya Kojiro requires students to cook strictly according to his requirements and cannot change his recipes, so students who get problematic ingredients will inevitably be expelled.

Because after getting the ingredients, there are only two ways to choose. One is to cook strictly according to the steps of the recipe, but problematic ingredients will affect The taste of the food caused it to fail.

Another way is to use the methods you know to process the ingredients. These ingredients are not completely spoiled, so they can be processed with other seasonings to restore the taste of the ingredients.

But in this way, it is equivalent to changing Shinomiya Kojiro's recipe. Shinomiya Kojiro does not allow anyone to change his recipe, so the final result will be a reprimand and expulsion.

In other words, there is a failure rate in Shinomiya Kojiro's assessment. As long as you get the problematic ingredients, you will definitely be expelled. From the moment you get the ingredients, the ending has been determined.

Tanomo Megumi in the original work was expelled for this reason, so Liu Yun will not indulge the other party. It is necessary to solve this hidden danger first.

In the end, Liu Yun directly took a portion of problematic ingredients. This operation also stunned Hojo Miyoko on the side.

She can see the problem with this ingredient, but Liu Yun still took this ingredient, which means that Liu Yun did it on purpose.

"What did you intend to do by deliberately taking the problematic ingredients? Are you challenging yourself?"

Hojo Miyoko guessed that it was too easy for Liu Yun to pass such an assessment, so he took the problematic ingredients to make it more difficult for himself.

"You will know it later."

Liu Yun acted as a riddle man, which made Hojo Miyoko even more puzzled, but she couldn't care less now, so she took her ingredients and returned to her seat.

"Why did he take the problematic ingredients? Was it to show off his skills?!"

Shinomiya Kojiro, who had been paying attention to Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina, was also stunned when he saw the ingredients Liu Yun took.

He deliberately mixed these problematic ingredients in the pile of ingredients, just to satisfy his own evil taste of tearing off other people's umbrellas after being caught in the rain, but he didn't expect that Liu Yun actually took the problematic ingredients.

With Liu Yun's ability, it is naturally impossible for him to not tell that these are problematic ingredients, so the only explanation is that Liu Yun did it on purpose, deliberately taking problematic ingredients to increase the difficulty for himself.

Liu Yun's actions will inevitably change his menu. What should he do then? This made Shinomiya Kojiro a little bit upset.

He is not a fool, and he knows very well what kind of commotion will happen if he expel Liu Yun. You know, Liu Yun is the one who defeated Nakiri Erina.

So Liu Yun can now be said to be invincible among his classmates. exists, and is one of the top ten. If such a person is expelled from his own class, then Totsuki will definitely investigate.

If only some insignificant students are expelled, then others will not say much, just like the unlucky guy they used to establish authority over others at the beginning.

He was chosen because he would be expelled in everyone's evaluation.

In this case, although the excuse is a bit lame, no one will say much.

However, if it is Liu Yun, the situation is completely different. He will definitely be noticed by others, unless he is willing to break his own rules and let Liu Yun pass directly. However, breaking his own rules is equivalent to tearing up Shinomiya Kojiro's wound that had not healed.

Shinomiya Kojiro was so conflicted at this time.

However, what happened next made him even more upset, because Nakiri Erina, who had originally received the ingredients, put her own ingredients back after seeing that the ingredients Liu Yun had were problematic, and also chose a portion of problematic ingredients.

It was obvious that she was planning to compete with Liu Yun. The previous failure did not discourage Nakiri Erina, so now a silent competition has begun again.

Liu Yun naturally saw this action. After all, Nakiri Erina's eyes were fixed on him, and the intention to compete was too obvious.

However, Nakiri Erina's action also made Liu Yun a little amused. He did this not to increase the difficulty of showing off his skills, but simply to clear up a hidden danger.

If it was a class for other graduates, Liu Yun would naturally not do such a thing. He would only complete the assessment as quickly as possible.

However, Liu Yun did not stop Nakiri Erina's approach. He Now I am a little curious, what will Shinomiya Kojiro do next?

If Shinomiya Kojiro might give him an unqualified grade because of the problems with the recipe and ingredients before, then facing Nakiri Erina, Shinomiya Kojiro will definitely not be able to continue to maintain his so-called rules.

Nakiri Erina is not someone Shinomiya Kojiro can offend at all. Shinomiya Kojiro is now the type who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

There is no problem in using this word to describe Shinomiya Kojiro. After all, when facing students, Shinomiya Kojiro's attitude is so bad, but when facing Dojima Gin, he dare not say anything, and what others say is what he does.

Although Nakiri Erina is just a student now, she has a background. The background of the Nakiri family is here. He is taking shelter under the big tree of the Nakiri family, so naturally he dare not target Nakiri Erina.

Just as Liu Yun thought, when Nakiri Erina got the problematic ingredients, Shinomiya Kojiro had no other choice. He could only choose to break his own rules.

This made Shinomiya Kojiro extremely uncomfortable, but he had to do it. After seeing what Erina Nakiri did, Liu Yun also paid attention to Shinomiya Kojiro's appearance.

Shinomiya Kojiro's smile had completely disappeared, and now he had a stinky face, as if someone owed him millions, and it was just a matter of time before he wrote on his face that he was in a bad mood.

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