After taking a look at Shinomiya Kojiro's expression, Liu Yun stopped paying attention and continued to finish his cooking.

He used the method he knew to deal with the problematic ingredients, which was equivalent to changing Shinomiya Kojiro's recipe. In fact, he had another method, using his ability to control fire and super touch to forcibly change the ingredients.

In this way, the problematic ingredients can be dealt with without changing the recipe, but Liu Yun's purpose was to target Shinomiya Kojiro, so he naturally would not do this.

So he just used some conventional methods to change Shinomiya Kojiro's recipe. Shinomiya Kojiro naturally saw this scene at this time, and Nakiri Erina on the other side did the same operation.

This almost made Shinomiya Kojiro spit out a mouthful of blood. Originally, in his opinion, these two people would definitely be able to get good ingredients, and then complete the cooking according to their own recipes.

Who would have thought that Liu Yun's operation directly led Nakiri Erina astray, resulting in him having no other choice now.

Soon, Liu Yun's dish was finished and placed directly in front of Shinomiya Kojiro. Although Liu Yun's dish was delicious, it tasted like wax to Shinomiya Kojiro at this moment.

But he had to let Liu Yun pass. It can be said that Shinomiya Kojiro was in extreme pain now.

After Nakiri Erina served her dish, Shinomiya Kojiro could only continue to do so. At this time, his expression was extremely stiff, and Liu Yun on the side found it a little funny.

Shinomiya Kojiro's reaction made Nakiri Erina a little confused. She felt that there should be nothing wrong with the dish she made. Why did Shinomiya Kojiro show such an expression? This made her confused.

But since it had been passed, she didn't say anything more, but she asked a question.

"Senior Shinomiya, who do you think cooks better, mine or Liu Yun's?"

Originally, Erina Nakiri chose the problematic ingredients just to compete with Liu Yun, so now she naturally needs an accurate answer.

As soon as this question came out, Shinomiya Kojiro also understood that Erina Nakiri put the good ingredients back and chose the problematic ingredients just to compete with Liu Yun.

My rules as Shinomiya Kojiro have become part of your competition? This made Shinomiya Kojiro almost vomit blood in anger, but he had to compromise, which was the worst.

"Nakiri-san, this is just a test, not a place for you to compete. You should judge for yourselves which of your dishes is better!" Shinomiya Kojiro, who was extremely unhappy, naturally would not tell Nakiri Erina whose dish was better.

After all, both dishes made him extremely upset, so he did not comment and found an excuse to get away with it.

In response, Nakiri Erina went directly to Liu Yun. Shinomiya Kojiro only cut a piece of their dishes and ate it, and did not eat the rest, so she naturally went to Liu Yun.

"If you want to know the answer, taste it yourself. Your divine tongue is the best judge."

Liu Yun did not deliberately compete with Erina Nakiri. Of course, because his cooking skills are far better than Erina Nakiri, Erina Nakiri fell silent after tasting it.

Her divine tongue has already given feedback. The difference between the two dishes is ridiculous.

"How is this possible? Your cooking skills…………Wait, you were hiding your skills when you competed with me before?"

Nakiri Erina made a judgment. The level of this dish is much better than the pagoda meat that Liu Yun made before. She didn’t think Liu Yun would improve so quickly in a short period of time, so the only explanation is that Liu Yun had let down his guard before.

"I can't help you thinking so."

Liu Yun was also a little helpless. Even if he said that he had improved during this period of time, people would not believe it, so he simply didn't say it. As for whether it would be a blow to the girl, Liu Yun had no control over it.

After all, his improvement speed was so fast, and he hadn't used his full strength to make this dish, otherwise Nakiri Erina would be hit even harder.

After Liu Yun finished speaking, Nakiri Erina was silent. She was indeed a little angry just now, thinking that Liu Yun looked down on her, but thinking about it carefully, she was the same.

When she was in Totsuki, she would not use her full strength to attack those research clubs she didn't like, because the gap between the two sides was too big.

From Liu Yun's dishes, she could clearly sense how strong Liu Yun's cooking skills were. The gap between her and Liu Yun was not something that could be caught up in a short time.

"I understand. The gap between you and me is indeed huge, but I will not give up. Sooner or later, I will catch up with you and leave you behind!"

Nakiri Erina said after she calmed down.

This also made Liu Yun a little curious, because Nakiri Erina's mood fluctuated too quickly just now. Liu Yun was a person who had learned the righteousness of food, and the righteousness of food had been improved to a certain level.

He could clearly sense the changes in Nakiri Erina's emotions, and the anger at that moment was naturally the same. He was very curious about what Nakiri Erina had in her mind to transform her anger into fighting spirit in such a short time.

However, it was not easy for him to ask this question directly, so he simply remained silent. After the two of them, students finished their dishes one after another and put them in front of Shinomiya Kojiro.

It's just that their actions Be very careful, because the expression on Shinomiya Kojiro's face at this moment is as if it says"I will kill you if you dare to mess with me".

Facing this kind of Shinomiya Kojiro who exudes low pressure, other students are naturally cautious.

But the result is not very good. Shinomiya Kojiro is already full of anger, so now even if these students' cooking is qualified, he can easily pick out a lot of defects.

Although these students are still qualified in the end, their cooking is almost worthless.

This also caused the qualified students to suffer a lot. They are all like this, not to mention the unqualified students. At this time, they are all scolded by Shinomiya Kojiro.

"Is Senior Shinomiya so irritable?"

Looking at Shinomiya Kojiro's operation, Erina Nakiri was a little confused. When facing her and Liu Yun just now, Shinomiya Kojiro was not like this. Is n't the change before and after a bit too big? The face-changing skill must have been directly maxed out!

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