"The highlight is finally here!"

As time went by, a student finally got the problematic ingredients.

For Liu Yun and Erina Nakiri, dealing with problematic ingredients was as simple as eating and drinking, but it was completely different for other students. Most of the students who got problematic ingredients were thinking about how to deal with the ingredients.

So their speed would be a little slower than other students.

"Drop out!"

The expression on the face of the student who got the problematic ingredients showed that he was very confident. After all, he had solved the problem of the ingredients. In his opinion, it should not be a problem for him to pass the assessment.

However, Shinomiya Kojiro directly said the word drop out, which froze the confidence on the student's face.

"for…………Why, I have already solved the problem of the sour taste of the food due to gradual deterioration, why was I expelled?"

The student really couldn't figure it out. In his opinion, his answer should be good enough.

"Yes, you did solve the extra sourness of the ingredients, but you used seasonings other than those specified in my recipe, right? Who told you that you can modify my recipe at will?"

"The content of this course is that you must cook according to the recipe I give. If you can't do it, you will drop out of school."

Shinomiya Kojiro seemed to have found an outlet for venting. He even forgot that Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina were standing not far away. They heard his words clearly.

Liu Yun knew what Shinomiya Kojiro did, so he didn't think it was strange, but Nakiri Erina had a puzzled expression on her face.

Because if she remembered correctly, when she processed the ingredients, she seemed to have used a similar method to eliminate the sour smell caused by the spoiled ingredients, but why didn't Shinomiya Kojiro say that to her but instead targeted this classmate?

And it's not just her, she chose the spoiled ingredients because of Liu Yun, which means that Liu Yun did the same, but neither she nor Liu Yun were targeted, which made her completely confused.

"Wait, if that's the case, then there aren't enough ingredients in the food section!"

Hearing this, the student couldn't accept it. He didn't choose the spoiled ingredients like Liu Yun and Erina Nakiri, but he had no choice.

The ingredients in the food section were strictly regulated according to the number of people. When it was the turn of the last few students, only the spoiled ingredients were left. According to Shinomiya Kojiro, weren't they destined to be expelled from the beginning?

"Is there any problem? I deliberately mixed in those spoiled ingredients, and the purpose is very simple, just to reduce the number of students!"

Shinomiya Kojiro was also very crazy at this time, just like when he faced Yukihira Soma in the original work, he spoke his mind unscrupulously.

In Shinomiya Kojiro's view, he was the examiner of this test, and Totsuki gave him enough power, so he could do whatever he wanted. As for whether the topic was reasonable, it was completely unimportant.

Now he played the role of a dictator, and these students could only be forced to obey his orders, it was that simple.

"Tsk tsk tsk, listen to this outrageous speech, Nakiri-san, don't you plan to do something about this matter? This guy's actions have affected the image of your Totsuki!"

Liu Yun said, Shinomiya Kojiro's speech was indeed quite outrageous. There are a lot of students who drop out of Totsuki High School, but it is all based on the rules. They don't just find an excuse to expel you because they don't like you.

The teachers grade strictly according to the standards, pass is pass, fail is fail.

So even if you are expelled, it is because of your lack of ability, but now Shinomiya Kojiro's operation is not like this, how can a student who is expelled like this be convinced

"Senior Shinomiya, your decision is not appropriate, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Erina Nakiri could no longer sit still. Even if Liu Yun didn't say anything, she would have stood up directly. After all, Shinomiya Kojiro's behavior was inconsistent with her philosophy.

"Nakiri, I have made an exception and let you pass, do you still want to get involved?"

At this time, Shinomiya Kojiro had a dark face, and it was obvious that he was extremely angry. Originally, Nakiri Erina and Liu Yun had caused his plan to change, and he had to change his rules.

This already made him very angry, and now Nakiri Erina jumped out to question him, which made Shinomiya Kojiro's emotions a little out of control. If anyone standing in front of him and talking was not named Nakiri, he would probably get mad.

"Double standards are double standards. It's really hard for you to be called an exception. Senior Dojima and the others should not know about your behavior!"

At this time, Liu Yun also spoke. His original purpose was to get rid of Shinomiya Kojiro, the unstable factor, but because of Erina Nakiri, Shinomiya Kojiro directly compromised.

Liu Yun naturally needed to find a new entry point to deal with this guy.

Hearing this, veins popped up on Shinomiya Kojiro's forehead. That's right, although the course arrangements of the graduates have been reported to Dojima Gin, they will only be assessed according to such content after obtaining Dojima Gin's permission.

But Shinomiya Kojiro secretly mixed some small thoughts into it. The content of the subject he gave was to follow his recipe. As for the problematic ingredients mixed into the dishes, this was also written.

However, he did not say the reason why he eliminated the students. In his opinion, these students did not dare to disobey him, let alone ask for his reasons.

And he could also use the excuse that he did not handle the spoiled ingredients properly to exonerate himself.

However, what he did not expect was that the existence of Liu Yun and Erina Nakiri disrupted his plan, and Liu Yun's words directly hit the sore spot.

He concealed certain details of the assessment because he knew very well that once such details were announced, Dojima Gin and others would definitely make trouble for him, and even cancel his project and kick him out.

"Who gave you the guts to talk to me like that? Just because I let you pass the test? Just because you are one of the top ten? I want to expel you, even if you are one of the top ten."

Shigong Kojiro began to speak harshly. As for really expelling Liu Yun, he didn't dare to do it. It's not that he couldn't do it, but because one of the top ten was suddenly expelled, Totsuki would definitely find out the whole story.

So he would be the only one who would suffer. He said this now just to scare Liu Yun away. In his opinion, students of this age might retreat after being intimidated.

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