Overnight, Liu Yun once again deepened his invincible image in the minds of many students. It was not just his cooking skills that were invincible, he was invincible in all aspects, from entertainment to sports, they could only look up to Liu Yun forever.

The next morning, everyone packed up and prepared to take the bus. Before leaving, Liu Yun reminded everyone to check if they had missed anything.

It was not that he did this deliberately, but it had always been like this. Wherever Liu Yun went, he would check whether he had brought everything with him. This had become a habit.

So he would remind others as well, and with his reminder, Soma Yukihira naturally brought all his things.

When they went out, everyone met a group of graduates again.-

"Xiaohui, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you!"

After meeting the graduates, this group of graduates naturally came over, after all, their purpose was to recruit students. As for Shinomiya Kojiro, Liu Yun did not see this guy in the crowd.

But he was too lazy to care, after all, what Shinomiya Kojiro became had nothing to do with him.

Qian Hinatako has already set her sights on Tanaka Hui, because Tanaka Hui is very suitable for her restaurant in terms of both personality and cooking skills, so now she has directly issued an invitation.

"Go to your store after graduation? Can I really do that?"

After hearing this, Megumi Tadokoro was stunned for a moment and was also a little happy. You know, the stores of these graduates are quite famous, and it is difficult to get in as an intern.

Although Megumi Tadokoro's family has Zhuang Huiyuan to run, Megumi Tadokoro is also the kind of person who constantly pursues the pinnacle of culinary skills.

It can be seen from the original work that after becoming one of the Ten Elites, Megumi Tadokoro directly used the power of the Ten Elites to learn everywhere, and even developed her own special abilities.

She has never been about opening a restaurant and living a lifetime on the road of cooking, but constantly pursuing the pinnacle of cooking.

So Megumi Tadokoro is also very happy to be able to study with Inui Hinatako after graduation.

Don't look at the current Megumi Tadokoro who is much stronger than in the original work, but this is based on the fact that Megumi Tadokoro was changed by Liu Yun in advance.

What Liu Yun did was just to prevent Megumi Tadokoro from wasting so much time and making perfect use of her talents.

But Liu Yun couldn't improve her talent. As for teaching food justice, Liu Yun also thought about it, but he It is not allowed to bring people to Shokurinji, so there is no way to let Tanomo Megumi train.

Shokuyoshi's training needs the assistance of Shokurinji. It is just a simple training of his own concentration. Without external help, relying on imagination may be a little useful, but it is definitely not very useful.

So Liu Yun can't improve Tanomo Megumi's talent, at least not now.

Under the condition that the talent remains unchanged, Tanomo Megumi is actually very similar to Inui Hinatako, so the progress will be similar to Inui Hinatako.

As for the explosion of the plot in the later period of the original work, the plot has been in chaos since Nakiri Tsuki came back. It collapsed. Now this is not a comic, so such a situation will naturally not occur.

So Tanomo Megumi is very happy that she can go directly to Inui Hinatako for an internship after graduation. She has graduated for so many years, and she can learn a lot after she goes there.

Not only Tanomo Megumi, but others have also been invited one after another. After all, they are all elites.

But no one invited Liu Yun and Nakiri Alice.

"Why didn't the seniors invite Alice and Ayun?"

Yoshino Yuuki asked in confusion. They were all invited, but Liu Yun, the strongest one, was skipped. There was also Nakiri Alice, who was also very strong.

As a result, this group of people invited Kurokiba Ryo, the follower, and skipped Nakiri Alice.

"Because we can't afford her. After graduation, she will take over part of Totsuki's business, so it's impossible for her to come here for internship."

"As for Liu Yun, although we really want to invite him, we can’t either. On the one hand, Liu Yun’s cooking skills are already at the same level as ours."

"He doesn't need to intern in our store to learn anything. After he graduates, it will probably be our turn to learn from him."

"Moreover, with Liu Yun's current cooking skills, he is destined to become a big shot after graduation. In his eyes, we are just little karami and are not qualified to be invited at all."

Inui Hinatako shook her head. Alice Nakiri could not be invited because of her identity. As for Liu Yun, that was just too abnormal. They were not qualified to invite him.

After hearing this, the invited people were stunned for a moment and then realized that, indeed, according to Liu Yun's current progress, he might even surpass Dojima Gin by the time he graduates. Naturally, the graduates would not invite him.

Afterwards, some people agreed to these invitations, while others refused. Those who agreed were Tanomo Megumi and the others, and those who refused were naturally Yukihira Soma and Kurokiba Ryo.

After receiving these replies, the graduates left, but they left behind some They provided their contact information, and also invited everyone to come and learn from them during the holidays.

In fact, this behavior is no different from taking apprentices.

Look for students with good talents, recruit them to study in their own store for a period of time, and when they have grown up, these people will naturally go out on their own again.

As for the graduates, while getting a good help, they also developed new connections, which may be useful in the future, so in a sense, they recruited students is equivalent to selecting apprentices.

After saying goodbye to the graduates, the group boarded the bus again. When Liu Yun appeared, the other students on the bus all greeted Liu Yun in unison.���call

"Everyone, don't be like this. Just do what you should do. If you keep doing this, people who don't know me will think I'm a gangster boss!"

Liu Yun was speechless when he saw the students calling him"Master Liu Yun" as soon as they opened their mouths. Didn't he see that the driver was staring at him with suspicion?

After all, everyone in the car called him"Master Liu Yun". If he changed into a suit and black sunglasses, he would be the boss of a gang of suit thugs. As soon as

Liu Yun said this, everyone laughed. It must be said that the scene just now was indeed very similar.

After hearing Liu Yun's words, the students relaxed a little, but it can be seen that they are still a little restrained. After all, the oppressive feeling left by Liu Yun as a mentor in the past few days is still there.

In addition, they are one of the top ten, so their voices are very low when they chat, for fear of disturbing Liu Yun.

"Finally we arrived, but I still feel like the atmosphere in the car is a bit weird."

After everyone returned to the Polar Star Dormitory, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but complain.

"It's normal. After all, Ayun is in the car. He was a tutor for a few days before. Although he has resumed his student status now, it will take time for others to adapt."

Sakaki Ryoko said with a smile. Liu Yun is very serious in class. If they didn't know Liu Yun very well, they would probably be very cautious.

"Welcome back, everyone. Although this test is not difficult for you, congratulations to all of you for passing it successfully!"

Seeing everyone coming back, Isshiki Hui also came out to greet them with a smile. Seeing that there were no casualties, he was also very happy.

He knew that it was easy for everyone's cooking skills to pass this test, but no one could control accidents before they happened. What if an accident caused casualties? This situation is not uncommon for him who has gone through all the courses in the first grade.

So now he is also very happy.

"Senior Isshiki, you don't know what happened this time. Let me tell you.…………"

Yuuki Yoshino immediately told Isshiki Hui and Omido Fumio about Liu Yun's operation during this residential training. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After listening to Yuuki Yoshino's story, Isshiki Hui looked at Omido Fumio in astonishment. They both read a word in each other's eyes, that is, incredible.

Although Liu Yun is indeed very strong, he directly pulled a graduate down and took his place as a mentor for a few days. He was also recognized by many graduates, who felt that Liu Yun's cooking skills were at the same level as theirs.

This sounded like reading a novel and was very unreal.

However, after seeing everyone else nodding, the two could only accept this statement.

"Those graduates are undoubtedly at the level of senior chefs. Since Ayun is praised by them so much, it means that Ayun has also reached the level of senior chefs!"

Ise Hui looked at Liu Yun. It was hard to imagine that Liu Yun had reached the level of senior chefs. You know, Yuanyue currently has only one senior chef, Si Yingshi, in the entire senior department, and he just passed the exam during the holiday.

"I have signed up for the senior chef assessment in half a month. If nothing goes wrong, I should be able to pass it."

Liu Yun did not hide it. There was no need to hide it. As for whether he could pass it, there was no need to think about it. He was already very strong now. If he was given another half a month to prepare, he would reach the top position among the senior chefs by the time of the senior chef assessment.

Therefore, the senior chef assessment was not difficult for him at all.[]

"Already signed up? That's fast, but that's right, after all, Ayun, you've been praised by the instructors, and we're looking forward to it. Once you get the title of senior chef, our Polaris Dormitory will be even more famous."

Yoshino Yuuki said excitedly, and the others nodded quickly. Although the power of the senior chef in Totsuki is not as great as that of the top ten, the title is not comparable to the top ten. There is only one senior chef in the entire Totsuki student group, and there was no one in the previous classes. A group of the top ten students were only mid-level chefs when they graduated.

"It seems that Ayun is determined to win the title of senior chef. By the way, do you want to participate in the next thing?"

Isshiki Hui suddenly asked

"What's next? What's next?"

Liu Yun was also stunned by what he said.

"Regarding the autumn selection, the autumn selection is about to begin. After that, there will be 100 recommended students, and then the ten outstanding students will select 60 of them to participate in the autumn selection."

"Although this is also the job of the top ten, there is also the use of power, such as including students that you are optimistic about in the autumn selection list."

Isshiki Hui said, if it was just a simple job, he would naturally not invite Liu Yun.

After all, Liu Yun only enjoys power and does not bear obligations. The obligations are taken care of by the people arranged by Nakiri Erina.

But this time the situation is a little different, so he still asked

"I'll forget it. Besides, with Senior Isshiki here, there's no other use for me to go. Besides, even if you use your power to force students who don't meet the standards to participate in the autumn selection, it may not be a good thing."

Liu Yun said with a smile. It's enough to have Isshiki Hui to fight for the welfare of the people in Polaris Dormitory.

In the original work, Isshiki Hui did not include Aoki Daigo and the other two in the list. In fact, if he wanted, others would give him a face.

But if you really do this, there is no benefit. After all, the autumn selection faces all the students and a group of international judges.

The video shot in the autumn selection will also be transmitted outside the school. If you don't have qualified cooking skills and are selected, it will be a big shame later. So it's better not to force this kind of thing, otherwise not only will you be in trouble, but the participating students will also suffer a huge blow.

"So, I'll go then. I really envy Ayun, who doesn't need to do these things and can just enjoy her rights!"

Isshiki Hui said with a smile���After they knew about Liu Yun's situation, some people had actually started to take action.

However, the rights and obligations of the Ten Elites cannot be divided normally. The Ten Elites can delegate most of the things to their own subordinates, but some decision-making matters cannot be done.

Without a legitimate reason, the academy will not allow students to divide the powers and obligations of the Ten Elites.

Liu Yun set a precedent this time. It was because of his actions that Nakiri Senzaemon directly blocked the way, leaving the other Ten Elites with no way out.

After all, for Totsuki, the reason why the Ten Elites were appointed as management was to cultivate talents with strong cooking skills and management capabilities like Dojima Gin.

Rather than a group of chefs who only know how to cook, Nakiri Senzaemon naturally would not let the Ten Elites continue to divide power and obligations.

As for Liu Yun, he had already done this, and with his terrifying talent, Nakiri Senzaemon was also curious about how far Liu Yun would go on the path of a chef, so he didn't care.

"Wait a minute, are you talking about something extraordinary?"

At this time, Yoshino Yuuki also interrupted the conversation between the two. As long as the students from the middle school department know exactly what the autumn selection is. The students who enter the autumn selection are all elites, and those who make it to the final eight are the top ten seeds, so they are naturally very concerned about the six.

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