"That's right. The list for the autumn selection will be reviewed soon. With the situation in our Polaris Dormitory, most people should be able to get a place."

Isshiki Hui said. With the situation in Polaris Dormitory, only Aoki Daigo and the other two are a little mediocre, while the others are all elites. It would be too much if they can't enter the autumn selection.

Moreover, Isshiki Hui also participated in the selection of places this time, and he would naturally strive for benefits for his juniors.

Besides, no one should want to offend Liu Yun. When Liu Yun is at the resort, it will soon be known by the seniors, and the other ten elites will naturally know everything.

At that time, they will also give face to the people in Polaris Dormitory. After all, Isshiki Hui is still here. If they don't give face and Isshiki Hui tells Liu Yun, they may be targeted by Liu Yun.

Although this possibility is very small, and Isshiki Hui doesn't look like the kind of person who would do such a thing, but you can't know a person's heart by his face. After being in the position of the top ten for a while, they still know this truth.���

So Isshiki Hui is not worried about the quota this time.

After listening to Isshiki Hui's words, Yoshino Yuuki was also very happy. Not only her, but also others. Of course, there were also calm people, such as Nakiri Alice, Kurokiba Ryo and Yukihira Soma.

They were either people whose status did not care about these things, or they had no such concept at all. Of course, there was still a sense of expectation. After all, according to Yoshino Yuuki, the people selected in the autumn selection were basically the ones who would compete for the top ten in the future.

So this means one step closer to the top ten. The two of them were full of challenges to the top ten. Now that this"June 10" opportunity is gradually approaching, they are naturally a little bit expectant.

After discussing this matter, everyone returned to their normal lives. After that, there were several consecutive days of vacation. Everyone went home when they should go home, and those who should participate in activities also participated in activities.

As for Liu Yun, he was completely nestled in the room.

What he had to do was also very simple. On the one hand, he continued to practice food Zen, and on the other hand, he used food meaning to study various formulas.

Liu Yun has two things to do next. The first is the assessment of senior chefs, which is basically stable, so it is not a big problem. The other is to use cooking skills to improve his life, at least the money aspect cannot be left behind.

His next goal is the Thousand Piao sisters in the autumn selection, so he needs to come up with spices that can impress them.

Using food righteousness, Liu Yun can easily come up with various secret recipes, just like what he had tinkered with before at the Totsuki Resort. For him, this kind of thing is very simple.

As for how to get the Thousand Piao sisters to take the bait, the easiest way is to ask the people from the Polar Star Dormitory who are participating in the autumn selection this time for help.

As long as everyone uses the recipe he made to participate in the competition, there will definitely be a big surprise in this autumn selection.

Liu Yun can't participate in the autumn selection, and the reason is very simple, because he is already one of the top ten. The people selected in this autumn selection are all seeds of the top ten, and he is one of the top ten, so naturally he doesn't need to participate.

The holiday is over soon, and the next few days are normal classes, and then the list of autumn selections is announced.

There is no doubt that except for Daigo Aoki, Liu Yun and Isshiki Hui, everyone in Polar Star Dormitory was directly on the list.

After learning that they were on the list, Yuki Yoshino and others called Omido Fumio as soon as possible to inform him.

After learning the news, Omido Fumio was also very happy and even hung up the banners he had prepared before.

While hanging them, he also talked about the resurrection of the golden age. Since Liu Yun was the only one in the dormitory, Liu Yun was also called by Omido Fumio to help.

"This is still a little far from the Golden Age. After all, in the Golden Age, all the Ten Elites were in the Polaris Dormitory."

Liu Yun said with a smile. Although the Jade Age is more terrifying than the Golden Age, it still needs time to grow. And even in the Jade Age, it is not easy to gather all the Ten Elites in the Polaris Dormitory again.

"You don't need to remind me of this, I know, but this time is also the closest to the golden age."

"You and Isshiki are already among the top ten, and then there are Tadokoro, Nakiri, Yukihira, Kurokiba and others."

"Besides, you are only inferior to the Golden Age in quantity. As for quality, once you pass the senior chef assessment, you will surpass the Golden Age."

"Although some people in the Golden Age were among the top ten chefs in the middle school, no one could become a senior chef in the first year of the senior school. Even Seiichiro and Gin became senior chefs in the second year."

Da Mido Fumio said with a smile, and it can be seen that she is in a very good mood today.

"Mrs. Wenxu, I heard you comparing us with the younger generation as soon as I came back!"

At this time, a voice came from behind.

"Really, you didn't even say hello before you came back. You really should learn from Gin, Seiichiro!"

Without turning around, Omido Fumio knew who the voice was. She was too familiar with the people of the golden age.

Even if they hadn't seen each other for many years, even if the young people back then had become middle-aged, she could tell who the other person was with just one sentence.

"Long time no see, Mrs. Wenxu, I'm back!"

At this time, Chengyilang also greeted with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Senior Seiichiro. I am Liu Yun, and I am now a member of the Polar Star Dormitory.

Liu Yun also greeted Seiichiro.

"Do you know Seiichiro?"

Seeing Liu Yun greet him so naturally, Omido Fumio was stunned for a moment.

"How could they not know each other? Although they have never met, they have heard a lot about Senior Seiichiro."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He had read the original novel, so he naturally knew who Seiichiro was. Moreover, even if they had not read the original novel, Omidou Fumio often talked about Seiichiro and Dojima Gin in their ears, so they knew everything.

Just now, Omidou Fumio called Seiichiro, and anyone who reacted a little faster could basically recognize Seiichiro directly.

"Nice to meet you, Junior Liu Yun. By the way, Soma told me on the phone that there is a monster called Liu Yun in Polaris Dormitory. It should be you, Junior!"

Seiichiro also learned some things about Liu Yun from Soma Yukihira.

"Soma? Yukihira Soma? Do you know that guy?"

After hearing this, Omido Fumio was a little confused. Seiichiro actually had contact with the students of this class.

"After all, he is my son, so it is normal to have some contact with him!"

However, Seiichiro's next sentence made Omido Fumio stunned. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You are Yukihira's father? How is this possible? Your last name is Saiba and his last name is Yukihira. How can you two be father and son? Wait, you're not marrying into someone else's family, are you?"

Omidou Fumio was stunned. In Sakura, the custom is that a woman will change her last name after marrying a man. Similarly, a man will also change his last name if he marries into someone else's family.

Just like Nakiri Tsuki, his original name was Nakamura Tsuki, and after marrying into the Nakiri family, he changed his name to Nakiri Tsuki.

In Omidou Fumio's impression, Seiichiro was not the kind of person who would marry into someone else's family. What was Seiichiro's nickname back then? It was Shura. A Shura married into someone else's family. And she had no impression of the last name Yukihira. It wasn't some big family.

"Strictly speaking, it can't be considered as marrying into the wife's family. In any case, all you need to know is that my name is Yukihira Seiichiro now!"[]

Seiichiro did not continue this topic. After all, if he continued, he would be talking about Yukihira Tamako, which was the topic that Seiichiro was most reluctant to talk about.

"Since you don't want to talk about it, forget it. But I didn't expect that you and that guy are actually father and son. Come to think of it, you do have something in common. That guy also likes to use dark dishes to cheat people everywhere."

Omidou Fumio thought about it carefully and found that Soma Yukihira and Seiichiro have many similarities.

As for dark dishes, when it comes to this, Omidou Fumio's expression becomes a little subtle, because now Soma Yukihira basically won't use dark dishes to cheat people in Polaris Dormitory.

On the one hand, it's because everyone has suffered losses, so they won't be fooled again, and on the other hand, it's Liu Yun.

In fact, Liu Yun is not unhappy with this kind of behavior. To be honest, it's quite interesting to see other people doubting their lives after eating dark dishes.

It's just that there was one time when Soma Yukihira took dark dishes and wanted to cheat Liu Yun. Liu Yun likes to see others being cheated, but it doesn't mean that he himself���Likes to be tricked.

So at that time he decided to give Soma Yukihira a little dark cooking shock..........

What kind of childish things like squid tentacles and peanut butter can't be called dark cuisine at all.

Liu Yun directly made a canned herring sauce and cold-mixed zheergen. This thing is so sour and refreshing.

Before crossing, Liu Yun had a lot of understanding of the most terrifying dark cuisines, so the dark cuisines he made were more terrifying than the others.

And these things were all prepared for Soma Yukihira. The Polar Star Dormitory in those days was extremely tragic.

Although Liu Yun prepared these things for Soma Yukihira, the smell of many things belonged to range killing weapons, such as canned herring. This thing was ordered to be permanently sealed by Omido Fumio on the same day.

No one is allowed to open anything related to canned herring in Polar Star Dormitory.

In this regard, the other members also agreed with both hands and feet. After all, the Polar Star Dormitory in those days was really too scary.

It was also during those days that Liu Yun greeted Soma Yukihira with all the dark cuisines he had researched.

What? What if he doesn't eat it? Isn't that simple? If you don't want to eat it, just force it in your mouth, it's no big deal.

As for resistance, with Liu Yun's monstrous physical fitness and control over his strength, does Soma Yukihira still have the ability to resist? Liu Yun's martial arts value has exceeded the limit of normal people by who knows how much.

So those days were torture for Soma Yukihira. Even a man with a big heart almost had a trauma about dark cuisine. From then on, Soma Yukihira would never mention anything about dark cuisine in Polaris Dormitory.

But it was different outside. Soma Yukihira became even worse outside. Liu Yun even gave him a lot of inspiration, so that he made a lot of weird dark cuisine, which made the students outside miserable.

"That guy does have a lot in common with me. Speaking of which, looking at this banner, the other members of Polaris Dormitory should be pretty good too!"

Looking at the banner hung by Omido Fumio, Seiichiro also knew that the members of Polaris Dormitory this year were very good.

"Yes, they are very good. Although I dare not say that all the top ten students will be admitted to the Pole Star Dormitory, if nothing unexpected happens, half of the top ten students will be competed for in the second year."

Da Mido Fumio said with a smile

"In that case, leave the celebration to me."

Seiichiro nodded, and this was a good opportunity to give these juniors a gift.

"There is no problem in handing it over to you. After all, you are now famous as a top-class chef."

Omido Fumio was also a little emotional. The young man back then has now grown into the level of a top-class chef. Time has passed too quickly.

Seiichiro is responsible for cooking, and Liu Yun is also helping out. He is also very interested in the cooking skills of top-class chefs.

Although Seiichiro only showed his top-class cooking skills at most in this meal and did not use his full strength, his basic skills cannot be suppressed, and Liu Yun naturally has an idea.

After all, Seiichiro is the first top-class chef he has come into contact with. Although

Dojima Gin is also a top-class chef, Dojima Gin has been distracted by the affairs of the Totsuki Resort, so his progress is naturally not as terrifying as Seiichiro's.

After graduation, Seiichiro also traveled around the world, so his cooking skills improved rapidly.

During this period, Seiichiro kept chatting with Liu Yun and observed Liu Yun's cooking skills. It must be said that this really surprised him..

Although he had heard his son say before that Liu Yun was a complete monster, he had never expected that he could be this monster.

He had been surprised enough to hear that Liu Yun was going to take the exam for a senior chef, but now it seemed that he had almost reached the pinnacle of a senior chef.

In other words, Liu Yun was moving towards becoming a special chef. As for a senior chef, he simply hadn't taken the exam. His cooking skills were already more terrifying than when they graduated.

He and Dojima Gin both became senior chefs in their second year of the advanced department, but becoming a special chef was a matter of several years after graduation.

Looking at Liu Yun again, he might have reached the special level before graduation.

With this comparison, Seiichiro felt that his talent was mediocre. This feeling was just like when an ordinary chef looked at him, the gap was really too big..

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