"We are back. Wow, Mrs. Wenxu is really fast. She even put up the banners!"

Liu Yun and Cheng Yilang were busy in the kitchen, chatting at the same time. Time passed quickly. Everyone who went to see the list also came back. As a result, when they entered the door, they saw the banners hung by Dayudou Wenxu.

"Mrs. Fumi is really persistent in recreating the golden age!"

Alice Nakiri said with some amusement. Although she, Kurokiba Ryo and Yukihira Soma had only joined Polaris Dormitory not long ago, they all had strong adaptability, so they had already adapted to Omido Fumi's nagging.

It was also because of Omido Fumi's nagging that they had a deeper understanding of the golden age.

"After all, this has always been Mrs. Wenxu's obsession. There was a sound in the kitchen. Could it be that Mrs. Wenxu was going to cook to celebrate?"

When everyone heard the movement in the kitchen, they all had guesses.

"I guessed only half right. The noise in the kitchen was indeed for celebration, but it wasn't because of me, the old woman!"

At this time, the voice of Omido Yui came from behind everyone. If Seiichiro hadn't come just now, she would have gone to make food to celebrate everyone's selection for the autumn selection.

But now that Seiichiro is here, she naturally doesn't need to do it, and in addition to Seiichiro, there is also Liu Yun in the kitchen.

"Isn't it Mrs. Wenxu? Could it be Ayun? If it's Ayun's cooking, wouldn't it be better!"

Everyone's expression was a little surprised. Liu Yun's current cooking skills are something they can only look up to. After eating a few times, they can't forget it.

It's just that Liu Yun has been concentrating on researching something during this period, so they haven't eaten Liu Yun's cooking many times.

"Not entirely. Come with me. I'll introduce you to my former roommate from the Polaris Dormitory!"

As he spoke, Omido Fumio took the lead and walked into the kitchen. The others looked at each other and followed him in. No matter who it was, they would know after they went in and took a look.

"Soma, you are here. It is a good opportunity to help.

Can you help take a look at the steamed rice over there?"When everyone came in, Seiichiro saw his son and subconsciously called his son to

"Got it, I'll do it now…………Wait, why are you here? You are ordering me around so skillfully, you bastard dad!"

Subconsciously planning to follow Seiichiro's instructions to look at the rice, Soma Yukihira was stunned as soon as he took a step.

Because this is in Polaris Dormitory, not in his own store, how could his father appear here? Soma Yukihira was rarely confused at this time.

"Your father was your roommate in the Polar Star Dormitory. Remember the Golden Age? He was the second in the Golden Age, Saiba Makotoichiro. No, he should be called Yukihira Makotoichiro now."

"By the way, Seiichiro, you never told Yukihira about your past?"

Omido Fumio looked at the father and son in surprise, and asked about this matter while introducing Seiichiro. Looking at Yukihira Soma's reaction, he had no idea that his father used to be a member of Polar Star Dormitory.

"The Golden Age? The Second Seat? Saiba? What on earth is going on?"

At this moment, Soma Yukihira's brain stopped working. It was probably only Seiichiro who could make Soma Yukihira like this.

But it must be said that Seiichiro was really patient. In order to train Soma Yukihira, he hardly let Soma Yukihira get in touch with the culinary world, so that Soma Yukihira knew nothing.

Finally, after the careful explanation of Omido Fumio, everyone realized what kind of existence Seiichiro was. After listening to you, Soma Yukihira became even more confused and was completely in a state of stupidity.

"I never thought that Soma's dad was actually his roommate in the Polaris Dormitory, and he was the second roommate in the golden age, second only to Dojima-senpai!"

Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but complain. She is the one who complains in Polaris Dormitory. It must be said that Soma Yukihira has a pretty good background.

"Let me correct you. Although Senior Seiichiro is the second seat, his cooking skills are better than Senior Seiichiro's!"

Liu Yun reminded him.

"Eh? How is this possible? Isn't Senior Seiichiro the second chef?"

Everyone was a little confused. When did the second chef become better than the first chef? Although the seats among the top ten were not strictly divided according to the level of cooking skills, everyone assumed that the first chef was the strongest. After all, the current first chef, Si Yingshi, was the only senior chef among the students of Totsuki.

Of course, this was because Liu Yun had not yet taken the assessment. The strongest among the top ten should be Liu Yun, the tenth chef.

"This is true. The reason why Seiichiro is the second is because that guy always likes to bring out some dark dishes during the food battle, and he doesn't take the food battle seriously at all."

Omido Fumio was also a little helpless. Seiichiro was so casual at the beginning, but this was also based on the premise that Seiichiro's cooking skills were very strong.

"Dark cuisine?"

Everyone's eyes were directly on Liu Yun. They all knew that Liu Yun was trying to discipline Yukihira Soma. After all, the entire Polar Star Dormitory was under martial law during those days because of the canned herrings. Yukihira

Soma couldn't help but tremble when he heard the word dark cuisine. There was no way, Liu Yun was really too scary in this aspect.

"Should I say he is indeed Yukihira's father? Sure enough, the things they do are so similar"

"By the way, if Senior Seiichiro is so powerful, why haven't we heard about him before?"

Sakaki Ryoko asked with some confusion. Unlike Dojima Gin, they have heard of Dojima Gin's name so many times that their ears are callused, but they have rarely heard of the name of Seiichiro.

"Because Seiichiro didn't graduate at that time. Anyway, there were some episodes in between. Seiichiro was not a graduate of Totsuki, so you naturally didn't hear much about it."

"But you may have heard of another name, the famous wandering chef, do you know him?"

Da Mido Fumio shook his head and did not explain the original incident in detail, but changed his name to

"Wandering Chef? Is he the top chef in the WGO records?"

Alice Nakiri exclaimed. Before, she just felt that the name Seiichiro sounded familiar, but now with the nickname of Wandering Chef, the situation is completely different.

""Super chef? My dad?"

Soma Yukihira couldn't help but exclaimed before anyone else could exclaim. He now knew the classification of chefs.

So he knew the value of a super chef. You know, he was just a mid-level chef now, but his dad was actually a super chef.

Now that he thought about it, it seemed understandable that he had lost so many times. After all, he was facing a super chef, how could he not lose?

"I would like to add that he is not just an ordinary top-class chef. Senior Seiichiro is also one of the best among top-class chefs.

Liu Yun added. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I used to think that Dojima-senpai was already very powerful, but now it seems that Seiichiro-senpai is the strongest!"

After hearing this, everyone exclaimed again

"I'm not that great. I'm just at a relatively high position in the WGO record, but in some ways, I can only be considered a chef with some ability."

At this time, Seiichiro also finished the last dish and said

"Senior, there is no need for you to be so modest. After all, there are only a few top chefs recorded by WGO, and you are at the top among them. That is definitely the ceiling of the culinary world!"[]

The title of Yoshino Yuuki was recognized by everyone. Indeed, according to Liu Yun and others, isn't Seiichiro the ceiling of the culinary world? Even if you add the title of"one", he is still the ceiling.

"No, no, no, you can't say that. You don't know. The culinary world is very complicated. I wasn't being modest just now."

Seiichiro said with a serious expression.

"The senior should be talking about the chefs in China, right?"

Since I know that this world is a fusion world, although I have not had much contact with it, Liu Yun can guess a little bit.

""Hmm? Do you know any chefs there?"

Hearing this, Seiichiro was stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Yun with some surprise. As far as he knew, the top chefs in the Chinese cuisine world rarely came into contact with other international chefs.

On the one hand, it was because of the different cooking concepts, and on the other hand, it was because the chefs outside were too inexperienced.

For example, he was already at the top of the international cuisine world, but after arriving in the Chinese cuisine world, although he was not ordinary, he was not that strong either.

"I've heard of some, but I understand���"Can you tell us more about it, Senior Seiichiro?"

Liu Yun asked. It seemed that Seiichiro had been in contact with the Chinese cuisine, so he was also curious about what the Chinese cuisine was like now.

"Then I will briefly explain it to you, but don’t be scared after listening to it, and don’t aim too high."

"Strictly speaking, the Chinese cuisine is not classified as part of the international cuisine."

Once Seiichiro said this, it made others feel strange.

"It’s not because the international culinary world rejects the Chinese culinary world, but because the Chinese culinary world is superior to the current international culinary world."

"As you all know, the current situation is that the international culinary world is controlled by WGO, and the strongest chef is the top chef."

"However, in the Chinese cuisine world, there are a lot of top-class chefs, and there are even more powerful ones than top-class chefs, and there are quite a few of them."

"We, Sakura, joined later, so we only have a limited understanding of this matter."

"When I was studying in various parts of the world, I naturally entered the Chinese culinary world. At that time, I realized that there were such great chefs in this world."

"In the Chinese cuisine world, after the special chef, there is the name Lin Chef, and after that, there is the name Long Chef. There is also the Supreme Dragon Chef who stands at the pinnacle of the Chinese cuisine world."

"In comparison, the number of top chefs far exceeds that of the current international culinary world. I once competed with the chefs there and was defeated miserably."

"They can master some very strange tricks, similar to super powers, but more powerful than most super powers."

"That's right, Liu Yun's whirlwind knife should also belong to this kind of skills."

Seiichiro told everyone what he knew. After listening, everyone was in a state of extreme shock. As for Liu Yun, there was no change, which was almost what he thought.

Now he doesn't plan to go to the Chinese cuisine world. After all, with his current cooking skills as a senior chef, he will be beaten by the 147th one if he goes, so he should honestly improve for a period of time before going.

"Is the Chinese cuisine world really that powerful?"

Even though Yukihira Soma had a big heart, his heartbeat kept accelerating after hearing this.

"It can no longer be described as simply powerful. Even now, the WGO's evaluation names and standards are based on the standards of the Chinese culinary industry."

"However, WGO can only judge the top chefs. WGO has no way to judge the top chefs. Moreover, there is no top chef in the international culinary world."

Seiichiro waved his hand helplessly.

"Why did you leave, Senior? Shouldn't you stay in the Chinese cuisine world to improve your cooking skills?"

Sakaki Ryoko asked with some doubts, because she heard from Yukihira Soma that although Seiichiro often went out, he still stayed at home most of the time.

Logically speaking, Seiichiro is already one of the ceilings of the international cuisine world, so after knowing the strength of the Chinese cuisine world, he should have continued to study there, right?

"There are several main reasons why I left the Chinese culinary industry. One of the reasons was because of Soma. I couldn't just leave him all alone!"

"Another thing is that the inheritance of chef skills is not something that can be taught casually, you all know this very well, right?"

"I have been in the Chinese cuisine industry for a while and received some guidance, which is why my cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds."

"But the core inheritance will not be taught to me casually. For these reasons, I left temporarily."

"After Soma came to Totsuki during this period, I actually went to the Chinese cuisine world again."

Seiichiro said with a smile. To put it bluntly, the biggest reason was because of his own son. He wanted to train Soma Yukihira to be a better chef than himself.

So this takes time. After Soma Yukihira came to Totsuki, he couldn't wait to go to the Chinese cuisine world again.

Although he couldn't get the core inheritance, he could improve his cooking skills after learning the skills taught by others. In such an environment, he has gradually found the way to Linchu.

This is the advantage of different environments, just like the different learning environments in school. In a class, if everyone goes out to play after class, it is difficult for you to learn.

But if everyone is still working hard after class, then even if you want to play, you will feel a little pressure.

It is the same now. If he continues to stay in the international cuisine world, Seiichiro has no opponents and is almost invincible, but it is naturally difficult to improve. On the contrary, in the Chinese cuisine world, although he is not invincible, the improvement speed is faster..

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