Seiichiro is not satisfied with the status quo. He is not the kind of person who would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. So when Yukihira Soma no longer needed him to keep an eye on him, he went to the Chinese cuisine world again.

According to him, he took advantage of the autumn selection period to come and see his son, and then he would continue to study in the Chinese cuisine world.

"Speaking of which, Ayun's whirlwind knife is the most enviable, even Senior Seiichiro can't learn such a trick."

Everyone soon talked about those secret skills again. According to Seiichiro, secret skills are very rare even in the Chinese cuisine. The secret skills he has seen come from a pastry chef.

When the opponent's secret skills are performed, the hands seem to be copied, and they can be seen to increase with the naked eye. Everyone knows that the extra arms are fake, but through this secret technique, the extra arms are extremely real.

This is the secret skill, which can always perform some operations beyond the scope of normal people's understanding.

"Secret skills are very precious. In the Chinese culinary world, secret skills will not be passed on unless they are recognized as successors. As for outsiders, they cannot even learn some core skills, let alone deeper secret skills."

Seichiro shook his head. It was indeed a pity that he did not learn the secret skills, but he had no choice. After all, secret skills are passed down from generation to generation. The birth of any secret skill has been the result of long-term training by powerful chefs.

So if he wants to learn these secret skills, he has to find someone to be his apprentice. But as an outsider, people in the Chinese culinary world will naturally not accept him casually.

Although Sakura has been convinced, he was only integrated later and was not fully recognized.

However, Seichiro still learned some things. If it weren't for Sakura joining later, he estimated that he would not even be able to learn those superficial things.

"Now that I think about it, Erina's actions before were really ignorant of the world."

Alice Nakiri complained. Before, Erina Nakiri used the power of the Ten Elites to compete with Liu Yun's Whirlwind Blade.

Now it seems that Erina Nakiri was really dreaming. The secret skills were so precious that even if all the Ten Elites were given away, it would not be enough.

"Don't think too much about secret techniques. In fact, even if someone is willing to teach you, it is almost impossible to learn many secret techniques."

Seiichiro shook his head and said this, which made everyone more curious.

"Because learning secret skills requires a strong enough physical fitness. You have all seen Liu Yun's whirlwind sword. Given your physical condition, what do you think will happen if you use that sword technique?"

Seiichiro asked the most fatal question.

"If I were to swing the kitchen knife at that speed, my hand would probably be twisted into a knot in the first place!"

Soma Yukihira's face changed as he spoke. He hadn't paid much attention to this before, he only knew that Liu Yun's speed was ridiculously fast.

But now it seems that this is simply outrageous. It is hard to imagine how terrifying Liu Yun's physical fitness must be to be able to swing a kitchen knife so fast.

"That's right, with our physical fitness, swinging the kitchen knife at this speed will cripple our arms. People in the Chinese cooking world have very special ways of exercising their bodies, just like secret techniques, which outsiders cannot learn."

The more Seiichiro spoke, the more regretful he felt. After all, there were so many ways to improve his cooking skills in front of him, but he couldn't touch them. This was the real torture.

"How strong is Ah Yun?

Everyone looked at Liu Yun and saw their curious eyes. Liu Yun also satisfied their curiosity.

At this time, Liu Yun pinched the table with two fingers. In the surprised eyes of everyone, he lifted up the huge table with all the dishes on it with just two fingers.

And it didn't seem to be any effort at all, which gave people a very unreal feeling.

"this…………This is too outrageous, Xiaohui, you will have a hard time in the future, right?'

Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but hugged Tanomo Hui while saying this. Her words also made everyone stunned for a moment, and they hadn't reacted yet.

But soon, some people reacted and looked at Yoshino Yuuki speechlessly. Sakaki Ryoko's face was red, and the boys were quite speechless.

How could he suddenly start driving when he was talking so well? The wheel of the car ran over his face before he reacted.

"What's going on? Did I miss some important information?"

Even the usually quirky Alice Nakiri didn't react. Since she was like this, Megumi Tadokoro was also confused.

After Sakaki Ryoko explained in a low voice, both of them blushed. Megumi Tadokoro's face was red all the way to her ears. Her forehead was about to smoke. She even had a tendency to move closer to her eyes.

"Ahem, let's get back to the point. As Senior Seiichiro said, my physical fitness is much stronger than that of normal people, so it's not a burden for me to use secret techniques."

Liu Yun said. His enhanced body is terrifyingly strong. Of course, even if his body is not enhanced, he can still use the whirlwind knife easily. After all, he mainly relies on food righteousness.

Before his body was enhanced, he relied on food righteousness to use his secret techniques.

"This kind of physical fitness is already inhuman, how did he train?"

Marui Zenji complained.

"This is related to some key things, you know, this can not be said!"

Liu Yun said, his body is so strong because of the system, so he can not explain, so he naturally used this excuse. As for why the physical fitness of the people in the world of Xiao Dajia is so strong, it is obvious that they practice martial arts. The martial arts in the world of Xiao Dajia are very strong.

���It is totally incomparable to the world of Food Captives, but compared with the world of Shokugeki, it is a dimensionality reduction attack. Flying over eaves and walking on walls often appear in the world of Little Chef, and Jie Lu can even directly break the chains with some special skills.

The world of Little Chef has developed the skills to an extreme, and the same is true for the development of the human body, so their physical fitness is so strong.

Not to mention that in addition to these, there is also the very special use of Qi to change the form of food. After graduating from the senior year, one by one, they began to fly into the sky and hide in the ground, and their souls were possessed. The style of painting in the world of Little Chef is also gradually moving towards fantasy.

This is very difficult to understand for the people of the world of Shokugeki.

After listening to Liu Yun's statement, everyone didn't ask any more questions. After all, this was already someone else's secret, and they naturally wouldn't break the casserole to get to the bottom of it.

""Okay, I've said everything I need to say. If you don't eat now, the food will get cold!"

Seiichiro said as he invited everyone to eat. These dishes were all made by Seiichiro, and Liu Yun was just helping out.

After all, according to Seiichiro, this was also a gift to celebrate everyone's selection for the autumn selection, so these dishes were all made by him.

"Yes, I almost forgot that I could taste the food of Senior Seiichiro!"

As Yoshino Yuuki said this, her eyes began to shine, as if little stars were twinkling.

After all, this is a dish made by a top-notch chef. She was so stunned by the things in the Chinese cuisine just now that she forgot that there were delicious foods waiting for her.

Suddenly, a group of people decisively started eating. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It must be said that even if Seiichiro does not use his full strength, the food he makes tastes very good. He is a top-notch chef, and the food he makes casually is all top-notch.

Although Liu Yun can make such food now, there is still a certain gap between him and Seiichiro.

Moreover, the food made by Seiichiro is not limited to one area, but is made from various techniques he has learned all over the world over the years to make food that suits all parts of the world.

So these dishes also allow people to taste the delicacies from all over the world directly.

Of course, Seiichiro also took out that special dark dish, which tricked everyone except Liu Yun.[]

The night was spent in the celebration of the crowd. The next morning, Seiichiro still had a competition with Soma Yukihira. This time, Liu Yun did not participate. He was only responsible for tasting.

He had competed with Dojima Gin before to confirm his situation. Now, of course, there was no need for this. He did not have to go up and compete with a master. He was not a cooking fanatic.

The result was undoubtedly that Seiichiro still won. Although Soma Yukihira was still unhappy this time, it could be seen that his mood did not change much, because he already knew what level his father's cooking skills were. He was a top-notch chef, even waterproofing was not comparable to him, so his mood did not change much this time, after all, he knew he would lose from the beginning.

Of course, the notes that should be taken will still be taken, and Soma Yukihira will record every failure.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that you will be devastated after failure. Many people will say this, but after a real failure, there are very few people who can get up from where they fell.

After the competition, Yoshino Yuuki also ran over in a hurry from outside.

"Everyone, the topic for the autumn selection is out.…………"What are you doing?"

Yuuki Yoshino, who ran over with the envelope, saw a group of people gathered here and asked in confusion. After everyone explained that Soma Yukihira was competing with Seiichiro, Yuuki Yoshino once again performed a wave of envious facial expressions.

After the farce, everyone opened the envelope and saw the contents on it. The contents were simple, curry

".Curry? Does that mean we need to study spices?"

After seeing the word curry, everyone knew what they were going to compete for.

"Speaking of spices, I do have someone I can recommend you to visit. That guy is a spice expert. You can tell him my name when you go there. There should be a surprise!"

Seiichiro said with a smile. Liu Yun was speechless when he heard this. This guy is always thinking about cheating people.

If he hadn't read the original book, he would have been fooled by Seiichiro.

In the original book, after Soma Yukihira went over, he was hit hard when he told him the name of Seiichiro.

"I have also been researching spices recently, so you can try them."

Liu Yun also directly introduced his topic and returned to the room to take out the formulas he had researched during this period of time.

Spices of different colors also appeared in front of everyone at this time.

"There are so many, including spices and marinated sauces. Ah Yun, have you been tinkering with these things during this period?"

Looking at these bottles and jars, everyone was also very surprised.

Nakiri Alice even asked directly

"That's right, I plan to learn from the second-year student Eizun Eizun, so I prepared these things."

Liu Yun nodded.

"Eishan Ezuya? That guy, I remember he was one of the top ten too!"

Before anyone else could speak, Yukihira Soma spoke first. Everyone looked at Yukihira Soma in surprise. They didn't expect this guy to react so quickly this time, and he even knew the other person.

"Don't look at me like that, I only know this guy because he was on vacation…………"

Soma Yukihira also told everyone what happened during the holiday, and that Eishan Ezu also recruited him later.

"You, a fellow, have unknowingly confronted the Elite Ten!" (De De Zhao)

Hearing this, Kurokiba Ryo was stunned. His good friend had actually confronted the Elite Ten without his knowledge. This was unbearable.

"Who knew that those fried chicken shops were actually created by this guy? I just called���I'm just helping a neighbor."

Yukihira Soma said speechlessly. He really didn't mean to provoke Eiyama Ezuya. He just wanted to help a neighbor, but ended up confronting Eiyama Ezuya.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the protagonist. He is really a troublemaker. Wherever he goes, he can cause a lot of trouble.

"So, Ayun, do you want to learn from Ruishan and use these spice formulas to make money? This is a good method. You are now one of the top ten. With your name, it is enough to make some people want to cooperate with you."

Iseki Hui nodded. This method is actually not bad. The top ten are basically not short of money, because they can use their power to give themselves some convenience.

For example, Ruishan Ezuya, relying on the name of the top ten to open up various personal connections

"It's not enough. I plan to wait until I pass the assessment of the senior chefs, and then ask you to help me promote it during the autumn selection."

Liu Yun said with a smile. The spice formulas he developed are not comparable to those of Ye Shanliang and others.

Once everyone uses his formula, there is no doubt that the level of this autumn selection will be raised by several levels.

At that time, these spices will naturally attract the Qianpiao sisters who serve as judges. Liu Yun cooperates with them and only needs to be a hands-off shopkeeper and wait for the money to be collected.

Otherwise, he would have to take the trouble to pay attention to the situation of these shops. For Liu Yun, there is nothing wrong with using cooking skills to improve his life, but he can't waste time on this aspect like Ruishan Ezu. Cooking skills are the foundation

, and the priority cannot be confused..

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