"Ah Yun, do you mean that we will use the spice formula you made when we participate in the autumn selection?"

Sakaki Ryoko asked

"I did have this idea at first, but after thinking about it carefully, you are the ones participating in the autumn selection, not me. This is the stage for you to show your achievements."

"So I changed my mind. These spice formulas are for reference only. If you are willing to trust me, I can give you some suggestions based on your ideas and specific circumstances. I am simply participating in the process of making the spices."

Liu Yun said. When he first started researching these spices, he was planning to ask everyone to use them during the autumn selection and help him advertise.

But thinking about it carefully, it was a bit too selfish to do so.

The autumn selection is the time to select the top ten seeds, and it is the first time for the students of the advanced department to truly show themselves in the outside world.

In this case, if everyone uses the formula he made directly, the result will definitely be that everyone will win effortlessly, but doing so is equivalent to destroying the first stage for everyone to show themselves.

Liu Yun is friends with the people in Polaris Dormitory, and he does not treat them as workers, so in the end Liu Yun changed his mind. When everyone studies these spices, they will definitely ask for help. He just needs to participate and give appropriate suggestions.

In this way, it does not cover up the brilliance of everyone, and it can also help advertise for himself. This is what Liu Yun thinks now

"This is a good idea, and it is well thought out. The most important thing is that you have considered other people, and as far as these formulas are concerned, your attainments in this area are probably even better than Run."

Seichiro tasted these formulas of Liu Yun, and the taste of these formulas was indeed something he had never tasted before, so it is certain that these formulas were all created by Liu Yun.

You know, one formula can take a lifetime to study, and it is not necessarily possible to study out something useful, but the quality of Liu Yun's formulas is not low.

The spice master that Seichiro knows is Shiomi Jun, who also specializes in this area, but at this time, in Seichiro's opinion, Liu Yun's attainments are beyond Shiomi Jun's reach.

Although Shiomi Jun can also study such formulas, it will take a lot of energy and time, and he will definitely not be able to come up with so many formulas, so in his opinion, Liu Yun has surpassed Shiomi Jun in this regard. 537"Senior Seichiro is talking about Professor Shiomi Jun, I just have some special talents in matching, and in terms of knowledge reserves in spices, I dare not compare with Professor Shiomi Jun."

Liu Yun shook his head. He was very clear about his specific situation. These formulas were all researched by him using Shi Yi.

It can be said that he has a clear understanding of the spices he has come into contact with, but it is limited to the part he has come into contact with. He dares to say that Xi Jianjun is not as good as himself in understanding these spices.

But the problem is that there are still many things he has not come into contact with. He learns things quickly, but it does not mean that he can master them out of thin air.

So in terms of knowledge reserves, Liu Yun and Xi Jianjun are not comparable at all. The other has been studying for decades and has come into contact with all kinds of spices.

Liu Yun was thinking, can he pay a visit, and then use his ability to easily master the characteristics of various spices to exchange for various spices from Xi Jianjun to supplement his knowledge reserves

"To be honest, you are different from the young people I have met. It is hard to imagine that you are so humble when you have achieved so much at such a young age."

Seiichiro was puzzled. Liu Yun was too humble and too calm. Under his praise, he did not show any of the arrogance that young people would have. If it were other young people, they would have been arrogant long ago.

It can only be said that Liu Yun's situation is indeed very special. After all, he has lived again, and his psychological age cannot be compared with his physical age.

The most important thing is that Liu Yun has a wider range of knowledge, so he knows that he has no capital to arrogance.

Seiichiro knows some things about the Chinese cuisine world, but they are not really secrets. Liu Yun, who has watched Chinese Cooking, has a real understanding of the world of Little Chef.

The most important point is that he also has a Shilin Temple. He knows how special Shilin Temple is, and he is also very clear about how outrageous the chefs in the world of food captives are.

So even if he wants to arrogance, he can't arrogance when he thinks of these. His current cooking skills, in his understanding, are just that of a novice.

"By the way, if you want to enrich your knowledge in this area, you can go directly to Jun. That girl is not very scheming, so it is easy to get the knowledge of those spices from her."

Seiichiro said with a smile. It can be seen that this guy has cheated Shiomi Jun a lot in the past, and it is definitely not as simple as eating dark cuisine.

"Isn't this a bit too much? This is already the behavior of a liar!"

Yoshino Yuuki looked at Seiichiro in silence. This guy is a little different from the powerful senior they imagined. For example, the dinner last night even served dark dishes.

Now he said so openly that he wanted to get a professor's research information. It was outrageous.

"Don't worry about these things. Run is very easy to talk to. Besides, considering her personality, she will be very happy if you ask her for advice and will be happy to teach you. What she likes most is to share her research results."

"What's more, she is now a teacher at Totsuki. Although she teaches second graders, you are students, so it's no problem for you to ask for advice."

After Seiichiro finished speaking, Omido Fumio also confirmed this.

"Jun is the youngest professor in Totsuki now. She will be happy to teach you, but there is one thing you need to pay attention to. Don't report Seiichiro's name when you go there, otherwise you will be kicked out directly."

Omido Fumio reminded again.

"Mrs. Wenxu, that's a bit too much. What do you mean you'll be kicked out if you say my name? I took good care of that guy Jun back then."

Seiichiro said with a smile

"Yes, I really take good care of her, to the point that she can't help but shake her fist whenever she hears your name."

Omidou Fumio rolled her eyes. The one who really knows how to take care of others is Dojima Gin, and as for Seiichiro, he is a jerk.

After hearing what Omidou Fumio said, the others were all sweating profusely. So how much did Seiichiro go wrong back then? He actually bullied a school girl like this. What the hell is it that he shakes his fist whenever he hears her name? This is too outrageous.

"Forget it, let's skip this topic. Next, you should prepare for your autumn trials. I'm going back now."

Seiichiro said, picking up his packed things.

"Are you leaving so soon? You just came here last night!"

Yukihira Soma looked at his father speechlessly.

"One night is enough, aren't you also growing smoothly? I also want to go back to the Chinese cuisine to continue learning."

After saying that, Seiichiro said hello to everyone and left without saying anything more.

""Xingping, your father is really free and easy, he just left when he said he would."

Marui Zenji said as he looked at Seiichiro who was leaving.

"He has always been like this, he leaves when he wants to."

Soma Yukihira said that he has long been accustomed to it, and fortunately he was very independent when he was a child, so even if Seiichiro leaves, it will not affect him much.

"I plan to visit Professor Shiomi Jun later. Do you want to go?"

Liu Yun asked. Since he was talking about this person, it was important to exchange some information to enrich his knowledge. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I bought a ticket back home because we are going to hold a hunting exchange meeting there, so I want to go back and see if I can exchange some good ingredients."

"This time I will be gone for about three days, so I'll leave my little pets in your care."

"I'll be back after I get better ingredients."

Yoshino Yuuki said that she couldn't go. As for the others, they all chose to stay. Originally, they would separate during the holidays and each study their own curry dishes.

But now there is no need for that, because Liu Yun, even Seiichiro kept praising Liu Yun's ability, and they naturally believed it.

So for them, instead of working on it behind closed doors, it would be better to ask Liu Yun.

Liu Yun definitely knows more than they know. Although Liu Yun will not help them make the finished product directly, Liu Yun can give enough suggestions to help them avoid detours.

So staying in Polaris Dormitory now is the best choice.

After packing up, the group went directly to Shiomi Jun.

"This building is a bit too simple!"[]

When everyone found Shiomi Jun's place, they saw this simple building. It must be said that Shiomi Jun is really a person obsessed with studying spices.

Apart from studying spices, Shiomi Jun is not even as good as an ordinary person in other aspects.

It is precisely because of this that Shiomi Jun has wealth in her hands but lives in such a simple house.

Otherwise, once Shiomi Jun's spice formula for beauty is released, the wealth it brings will be terrifying, but she has not thought about these. As for

Ye Shanliang, after he was adopted by Shiomi Jun, he was also focused on Shiomi Jun and spices, and did not pay much attention to the outside world. In addition, he is a minor now, so it is not easy for Shiomi Jun to decide these things. It can only be said that these two people really have a gold mountain in their hands but don't know how to use it. As soon as everyone entered the door, they saw a woman who looked about the same age as the students, lying on the ground and writing something.

""Student, is Professor Shiomi Jun here?"

The person lying on the ground was naturally Shiomi Jun. Nakiri Alice also asked directly.

"Why…………guest…………Guests, guests are coming!"

Upon hearing the voice, Shiomi Jun raised his head and looked at everyone, and then fell into silence for three seconds. Just when Nakiri Alice was about to continue asking, Shiomi Jun suddenly shouted

"Hello, Professor Shiomi Jun, we are from the Polaris Dormitory. Because the theme of this autumn selection is related to curry, Mrs. Wenxu recommended us here."

Liu Yun said directly, which stunned everyone present.

Shiomi Jun was stunned because of the Polaris Dormitory and Mrs. Wenxu, and the others were stunned because the person in front of them was Shiomi Jun.

"She is Shiomi Jun? But how is this possible? Professor Shiomi Jun should be about the same age as Senior Dojima and the others!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. They originally thought that Shiomi Jun would be a middle-aged woman who looked very mature. Who would have thought that it was this person who looked like a middle school student in front of them?

"This is all thanks to the various spices, so I have taken good care of myself and my appearance has hardly changed."

"But these are not important. I haven't seen the members of Polaris Dormitory for a long time!"

At this time, Shiomi Jun also fell into memories. After all, she was also a member of Polaris Dormitory.

Hearing Shiomi Jun's words, the boys didn't react, but the girls' expressions were completely different. After all, Shiomi Jun's current appearance is not much different from that of a beauty.

Which girl doesn't love beauty? They are no exception, so now they are looking at Shiomi Jun with shining eyes.

Just as everyone was talking, Ye Shanliang also appeared and knew the purpose of everyone's visit.

Among them, Liu Yun was naturally the main one. His purpose was to exchange for various spices and information about spices here.

As for the things in exchange, they were naturally the bottles and jars he brought.

"I didn't expect that these spices can be combined like this, but what did you add? My sense of smell and taste can't distinguish the ingredients, and I can only taste a few."

After tasting, Ye Shanliang and Xi Jianjun's eyes lit up. The spices brought by Liu Yun really shocked them.

After that, Liu Yun also said several ways to combine the recipes without hiding anything, which was also something that no one had heard of.

For a moment, Xi Jianjun and Ye Shanliang seemed to have become students, listening to Liu Yun's class.

"I agree. These ideas of yours are things we have never thought of before. They have opened up new ideas and are enough to exchange for our research data!"

After listening to Liu Yun's story, Shiomi Jun agreed to the exchange without saying a word. Ye Shanliang did not stop him, because the things Liu Yun brought were indeed enough for the exchange.

He also agreed with Shiomi Jun's decision this time, which was very important for their subsequent research on various spices.

After both parties agreed to the exchange, Shiomi Jun handed a box to Liu Yun. This was the various research she had done over the years, which recorded various spices and their specific information.

"You take these research materials first. As for the spices, we can give you some of them now. As for the others, we can only give them to you after we get them in the future."

Xijian Run said,���Due to the growing environment, some spices are not available now, so we can only wait and see.

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