"This autumn selection is really outrageous. Fortunately, I am not in this session!"

Even Si Yingshi was a little scared at this time. There was no way. The quality of this autumn selection was too high.

In the past autumn selections, including the one he was in, there had never been a 90-point score. What happened now? Forget about 90 points. Even 98 points didn't make it into the top four. What kind of horrible competition is this?

"The news from Group B came in as well. There were two full marks, one with 98 points, and the other with 96 points. What a pity! If the junior named Sakaki Ryoko was in Group B, she could have advanced to the quarterfinals, but now she was eliminated."

Kuga Teruki received a call and learned about the situation in Group B. It must be said that the quality of this year's class is really terrifyingly high.

"Her luck was indeed a little bad. The cooking skills of the people in group A were obviously better than those in group B."

Kobayashi Ryodan shook his head. It could only be said that Sakaki Ryoko was unlucky.

"Have you found a problem?"

At this time, the silent Nagijima Fuyusuke spoke up, and his words also attracted everyone's attention.

"What's the problem?"

Xiaolin Longdan asked curiously.

"Didn't you notice? All the people who made it to the quarterfinals came from one dormitory, Polaris Dormitory. It looks like the Golden Age is destined to be resurrected again. No, it might be even more terrifying than the Golden Age."

Megijima Fuyusuke noticed that everyone who made it to the quarterfinals came from Polaris Dormitory, and even Ryoko Sakaki, who didn't make it to the quarterfinals due to bad luck, was from Polaris Dormitory.

Although Ryoko Sakaki didn't make it to the quarterfinals, no one would underestimate her. After all, she got a solid 98 points. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many A perverts, she should have made it to the quarterfinals with 98 points.

So no one dared to underestimate Ryoko Sakaki. She just had bad luck, not bad cooking skills.

"I am somewhat glad that I came to participate in this autumn selection. These students are so strong. It won't be long before there will be many top chefs among the students in Totsuki's class."

"In the past, it was very rare for a senior chef to appear among the students in school. These students are estimated to be in the second grade or even less than the second grade, but they can become senior chefs. It's really outrageous."

Chityo Natsume said with emotion. She could say such words, which shows that she was really shocked this time. Now she is planning to find Nakiri Senzaemon.

Because the curry dishes made by these students are too amazing, those spices are what she needs, even if they are placed in their company, they are upper-middle-class products, but none of these students agreed to sell them.

So next she can only go to Nakiri Senzaemon to see what's going on.

"The students of this class are really strong, they should be considered the best generation, and it is a great honor to be able to participate in the autumn selection of this generation."

The judges felt that they had made a great profit. After all, the quality of the autumn selection they participated in was so high that there would probably be no more outstanding ones in the future. As witnesses, they were naturally very happy.

""It's a pity that the following matches have nothing to do with us."

Another judge said helplessly, which made the others feel helpless. Indeed, they could not participate in the following matches, which was quite a pity.

Just as everyone was sighing, another figure appeared in the judging panel. This person was Senpyo Orie from Group B. She came here to look for Senpyo Natsume.

"Sister, let's go find the commander-in-chief…………"

Chitora Orie couldn't hold her temper any longer. She just wanted to figure out what was going on.

As a sister, she did the same thing as Chitora Natsuya, that is, she wanted to buy those formulas. She was even more straightforward than Chitora Natsuya, and even threw out an olive branch directly, but unfortunately, no one agreed to her.

So after the game, she didn't mean to continue talking nonsense with others, but went directly to Chitora Natsuya, intending to find Nakiri Senzaemon to find out what was going on.

Seeing her sister coming over, Chitora Natsuya didn't stay any longer, but went directly to find Nakiri Senzaemon with her sister.

This made Ruishan Ezu, who was watching this scene, a little confused. He originally planned to invite the two sisters to sit down and use his position to carry out his plan, but now the plan has gone down the drain. (cebb)

Of course, his plan is not to attack the two sisters. He doesn't have the courage yet. He just wants to use this opportunity to get in touch.

He actually knew the Senpyo sisters, and this time he used this to invite the two to participate in the autumn selection, mainly because the two sisters planned to deepen cooperation with the Nakiri family, otherwise they would not participate because of their identities.

As the inviter, Eiyama Edatsuya could fully use this to reach some cooperation at the same time, which would be of great help to him in building his own business empire, but now it seems that there is no chance.

Helplessly, he could only shake his head and deal with other things. Although this guy Eiyama Edatsuya wasted his talent in cooking, he did have a good business mind.

Many of Totsuki's activities were handled by Eiyama Edatsuya, and he enjoyed it. After all, every activity that was properly controlled could bring him certain conveniences, which was what he needed most.

So there was no need for others to ask for these activities, he would take over and do it himself.

On the other hand, the two sisters had already come to Nakiri Senzaemon in a hurry.

"It's really not easy to see you two sisters so energetic. I already know why you are here. It should be for the spice formulas that appeared in this autumn selection competition."

"Those formulas belong to the students themselves, and it is up to them to decide whether they are willing to sell them."

When Nakiri Senzaemon said this, the two of them got angry.

"Of course, don't worry, their spice formula was actually created with the help of a person, you should have heard of this person, his name is Liu Yun."

Seeing that the two people were getting anxious, Nakiri Senzaemon also got straight to the point.

"Liu Yun? Is he the top ten chef who has become a senior chef?"

The two suddenly remembered that they had heard of Liu Yun's name, but because the people who participated in the autumn selection were too outstanding, they almost forgot that there was such a person.

Liu Yun was naturally a more terrifying existence. After all, the people selected in the autumn selection were all top ten seeds. Although these people have basically reached the minimum standard of the top ten, they are still incomparable to Liu Yun who has become one of the top ten and passed the senior chef assessment.

"Yes, it's him. You who are not from Totsuki may not know that all the people who entered the quarterfinals this time came from the same dormitory, that is, Polaris Dormitory."

"Liu Yun is also a member of the Pole Star Dormitory, and he has a better spice formula than the one used in this autumn selection. I am acting as a middleman, and he gave me a few sets of spices and asked me to pass them on to you."

"You can go back and give it a try first. If you think it’s suitable, then we can start cooperation."

Nakiri Senzaemon said. In fact, in Liu Yun's situation, if he wants money, he can just tell him and Nakiri Senzaemon will give it to him. After all, both Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina will need Liu Yun in the future.

But Liu Yun will not take other people's money for nothing. The investment of the Nakiri family is just to use their power for Liu Yun.

So there is the current scene

"A dormitory?…………It's really scary. We are quite curious that these people can come up with such a formula under his guidance."

Chityo Natsume is also very interested now. Even the people he taught can come up with such a spice formula, so what about Liu Yun? How powerful a formula can Liu Yun come up with? They are looking forward to it now.

Then Nakiri Senzaemon handed a bag to the two of them.

"The spices are all inside, and the specific instructions are also included. You can go back and experiment on your own. If you want to cooperate later, just come to me directly."

Nakiri Senzaemon said. It can be said that he really tried his best for his daughter and granddaughter. Now he is directly acting as Liu Yun's middleman. Otherwise, with his identity, how could he be this middleman.

As for whether these spices will be cracked and then used by others, there is no need to worry about this at all.

After all, the combination and fusion of these spices was created by Liu Yun using Shi Yi. The current instrument detection can only detect the ingredients at most, and the amount used is not so easy to detect.

Secondly, Nakiri Senzaemon has already obtained patents for these things, which means that you have to get authorization if you want, otherwise he will not hand them over to the other party so easily.

In the end, the two sisters got what they needed and thanked them. Then they left in a hurry again. They couldn’t wait to go back and try how strong the spice was. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The fact that

Liu Yun could get Nakiri Senzaemon to be the middleman meant that he was really strong, and he was already a senior chef. In short, their expectations for these spice recipes were maxed out.

After the quarterfinals, everyone had returned to Polaris Dormitory. The news about the quarterfinals gradually spread, and everyone realized one thing, that is, these people were all from Polaris Dormitory. The super high scores were already outrageous enough, four full marks, two ninety-nine, one ninety-eight, and one ninety-six. It turned out that these incredible guys all came from the same dormitory. This was the most outrageous thing.

"Are they all from the Polar Star Dormitory? That guy is really terrifying. It's okay that he is strong, but he can also make a group of people stronger together."

Ye Shanliang, who got the news from Group B, was also convinced at this time. This time, because of the previous transaction with Liu Yun, his score increased a little, but in the end he did not enter the top eight.

After all, the 98th place on the A side was eliminated, so he was also naturally eliminated.

"Run, what's with that expression on your face? I'm not the kind of person who gets crushed by a setback. This time, I can only say that I encountered a group of monsters, and there was one who was even more monstrous than a monster."

Ye Shanliang quickly adjusted his mentality. He also knew that Xi Jianrun was worried about him now. After all, this was his best area.

Originally, Ye Shanliang was expecting to soar to the sky this time, but the result turned out like this. She was also worried that Ye Shanliang would be hit.

But unexpectedly, Ye Shanliang was more open-minded and was not hit hard.

"That's right, this time the main reason is that the opponent is too strong. Compared with previous years, Ye Shan's level is undoubtedly the first, but there are too many outstanding talents in this year's students."

Roland Chapelle on the side was also very satisfied with Ye Shan Liang's performance. After all, Ye Shan Liang has always been with Shiomi Jun and is also a chef he likes, so he knows Ye Shan Liang very well.

Now Ye Shan Liang has simply encountered a group of perverts. He doesn't need to care about these people and just continue to grow himself. After all, these monsters are only in Polaris Dormitory, and there are not so many perverts in the international culinary world.

The news about Polaris Dormitory quickly spread throughout the campus. Originally, everyone's desire to live in Polaris Dormitory had been diluted a lot because of Ohmido Fumio's attitude.

But now it has broken out again, and it is even more exaggerated than the last time. After all, last time they just wanted to have a good relationship with Erina Nakiri, that's it. What about this time? Because there are a lot of monsters in Polaris Dormitory, and it is said that they are all related to Liu Yun So once they move into Polaris Dormitory, can they also get Liu Yun's teachings and become very powerful?

After this idea came up, a group of people became restless, and one by one they began to frantically think of ways to move into Polaris Dormitory.

But they are destined to fail. After all, in Totsuki, unless Nakiri Senzaemon nods, only Omido Fumio has the final say on whether to move into Polaris Dormitory, and no one else has the right to interfere.

So it is impossible for them to move into Polaris Dormitory, unless they can persuade Omido Fumio, but Omido Fumio is not so easy to persuade.

Late at night, Polaris Dormitory once again entered the celebration phase, and this time not only the people from Polaris Dormitory, but also everyone's friends were invited.

For example, Hojo Midoko, Takumi, Isami and others were invited.

"Secretary, are you sure you don't need to worry about that guy outside?"

While everyone was celebrating, Liu Yun also asked Xin Hu Fei Shazi

"What little secretary? I told you not to give people nicknames casually. Even if you are one of the top ten or a senior chef, you can't give people nicknames casually. Okay, let that girl stay outside!"

At this time, after rebuking Liu Yun for giving random nicknames, Niito Hisako was also a little distressed.

Because of the previous operation, she successfully prevented Nao Sadatsuka from bothering Erina Nakiri, but at the same time, Nao Sadatsuka's target became her. This is very embarrassing. Now the other party didn't come in, on the one hand, it was because everyone disagreed that she couldn't enter other people's dormitories casually, and on the other hand , it was because Erina Nakiri was in..

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