Nao Sadatsuka once competed with Hisako Nijima for the position of secretary of Erina Nakiri. At that time, Nao Sadatsuka was defeated, and the condition of Hisako Nijima's food battle was that Nao Sadatsuka was not allowed to get close to Erina Nakiri.

Although she won and followed the rules of the food battle, Nao Sadatsuka has been sending various harassing letters to Erina Nakiri.

These letters are often found by Hisako Nijima and thrown into the trash.

This caused Nao Sadatsuka to be extremely hostile to Hisako Nijima. In this autumn selection, she was also determined to defeat Hisako Nijima and seize the position of Erina Nakiri's secretary.

As a result, Hisako Nijima's cooking this time made Nao Sadatsuka turn white directly, and captured the opponent through cooking, so now Nao Sadatsuka's target has directly shifted from Erina Nakiri to Hisako Nijima.

This made Hisako Nijima extremely distressed, after all, the previous food battle condition was not to allow the opponent to get close to Erina Nakiri.

So after Nao Sadatsuka changed her target, she could get close to Hisako Arato, although Hisako Arato stayed with Erina Nakiri most of the time.

But there are always times when things need to be dealt with, and when she is left alone, Nao Sadatsuka will naturally come over.

When thinking about such a thing happening, Hisako Arato felt a chill, but in fact, there was nothing wrong from Liu Yun's point of view.

After all, it was pleasing to the eye to look at two beautiful girls together, but from Hisako Arato's point of view, it was different, after all, she was not gay. It's like if it was Liu Yun, if a man kept staring at him, or even wanted to come over and get close to him, Liu Yun would only feel a chill, and would never have any other thoughts.

So it's normal for Hisako Arato to be distressed now, after all, once she is left alone, with Nao Sadatsuka's thick skin, she will definitely come over and get close to Hisako Arato as soon as possible.

It can only be said that this is also caused by Hisako Arato's own behavior. After all, she left a dish for Nao Sadatsuka at that time, and originally intended to use this to directly dispel the other party's unrealistic idea.

She never thought that she could capture the other party with food, and this would happen. If she were given another chance, she swore that she would never do it again.

She could even imagine what the next letter she would send would contain.

"Just think of it as one more fan, don't think too much about it, anyway, she wouldn't dare to do anything out of line, at most she would just get close to you."

Yoshino Yuuki said that this was not a problem, after all, she herself often threw herself into other people's arms and acted like a spoiled child.

Hearing Yoshino Yuuki's words, Arato Hisako could only helplessly���She nodded. She had no other choice, right?

"By the way, this time Ryoko was assigned to the wrong group, otherwise she would have been able to advance directly to the quarterfinals if she had been in Group B!"

Hisashi Arata also changed the subject, not wanting to continue wasting time on Nao Sadatsuka

"You can't say that, the grouping is like this, no one can do anything about it, and I got 98 points this time, everyone has seen it, this score proves everything."

Sakaki Ryoko said with a smile, she was not depressed because of being eliminated, after all, she was not Yoshino Yuki, and she had already demonstrated her cooking skills this time.

The students in the stands also knew about Sakaki Ryoko's existence, after all, she had a real 98 points, and the reason she didn't make it to the top eight was entirely because she was in the group of death.

So no one dared to underestimate Sakaki Ryoko, and this was enough for Sakaki Ryoko, after all, although the people who entered the top eight were the top ten seeds, it did not mean that others could not compete. As long as one's own cooking skills are strong enough, it doesn't matter whether one can enter the top eight or not, and now the most crucial point is that the top eight all come from Polaris Dormitory.

In other words, this will be a civil war in Polaris Dormitory, and everyone doesn't care much about the ranking issue, anyway, they are all playing against their own people.

"I always feel like I don't fit in here!"

Takumi looked at the people celebrating and complained helplessly. They were invited by Soma Yukihira, but now it is difficult to blend in with the crowd.

"Everyone is very easy to get along with, you will get used to it soon, at least learn from Hojo-san."

Yukihira Soma said with a smile. Although Hojo Miyoko was not a member of the Polar Star Dormitory, she had a good relationship with everyone, so there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

"You make it sound so simple!"

Takumi said.

"Isn't it simple? Look at your brother!"

Yukihira Soma looked at Takumi with some doubt. Under his guidance, Takumi turned his head and found that Isami, who was supposed to stand with him, had gone to Marui Zenji's side and was talking and laughing. This shocked Takumi.

It can only be said that Isami is indeed much better than Takumi in this aspect. After all, Takumi is a tsundere, while Isami is quite kind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there will be several guests coming later.…………"

Isshiki Hui suddenly spoke up and told everyone who would be coming next.

"The top ten? Why would they come to Polar Star Dormitory?"

Yes, the people who were coming were some of the top ten. Kobayashi Ryodan contacted Isshiki Hui after the autumn selection competition.

Isshiki Hui did not refuse. After all, it was normal to invite friends over, and the number of the top ten who came was not particularly large, only three people. It might be useful for everyone to build a good relationship with the top ten, so he agreed to let these people come.

Soon, the doorbell rang, and after the door was opened, three people appeared outside, carrying a lot of things in their hands.

The people who came were Si Yingshi, Kobayashi Ryodan and Akane Kubo Momo.

Originally, Kuga Teruki also wanted to come, but when he thought that Liu Yun didn't like him, Kuga Teruki gave up.

In the end, Si Yingshi and the other three came together, and as guests, they also bought a lot of gifts.

"If it was in the past, I would definitely be very excited to see them, but why don’t I feel anything now!"

Looking at the people who came in, Yoshino Yuuki said softly

"Because you are stronger now, if the competition for the top ten starts now, maybe we all have a chance to win a seat."

Sakaki Ryoko said that because they have become stronger, and because of Liu Yun, they suddenly feel that the top ten is not so great.

"But there is another thing, Ayun!"

Yoshino Yuuki rushed over, staring at Liu Yun with tearful eyes.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Liu Yun was used to Yoshino Yuuki's cute behavior, so he just asked directly why.

"Since it is a celebration, then is it okay to glue the leeks together?…………"

At this time, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help rubbing her hands and speaking her mind. As soon as she said this, everyone in the Polar Star Dormitory was immediately enlightened. They had all eaten glued leeks before, and they had not forgotten that delicious ingredient.

Immediately, a group of people looked over expectantly, and only Takumi and Kobayashi Ryodan were confused, not knowing what everyone was talking about.

"I knew you would say this. I will prepare some glued leeks."

Liu Yun naturally knew what these guys wanted to do, but cooking glued leeks was very simple for him, so he did not refuse. After all, tonight was a celebration.

Seeing that everyone in Polaris Dormitory stood out in the autumn selection, Liu Yun was naturally happy. He really regarded the people in Polaris Dormitory as his best friends. He is not the kind of person without emotions, so he would be happy to see his friends achieve such achievements. This time he agreed to Yoshino Yuki's proposal.

As for these outsiders, they would not hinder anything. Even if the other party knew about the glued leeks, there would be no problem. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After speaking, Liu Yun went directly to the kitchen

"Great, long live Ayun!"

Yoshino Yuuki burst out laughing, and Aoki Daigo and Marui Zenji also followed suit. After all, they could not forget the delicious taste of glued leeks.

"What are the glued leeks you are talking about?"

Seeing everyone so excited, and seeing the glued leeks mentioned by Yoshino Yuuki, Kobayashi Ryodan and others were confused at this time.

"You will soon find out that it is a very delicious ingredient."

Erina Nakiri said, and a smile appeared on her face. After all, she was very happy to think that she could taste such delicious food again.

"The ingredients that even Nakiri-scholar is looking forward to must be really amazing ingredients!"

Si Yingshi was also a little surprised by Erina Nakiri's attitude.���After all, Erina Nakiri was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She has eaten all kinds of good things since she was a child. But now she is looking forward to this bonded leek.

Although the name of bonded leek shows that this ingredient is a kind of leek, it is definitely not simple, so he is also looking forward to it.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Liu Yun had come down from his room with a big bag of leeks in his hand.

"I am only responsible for cooking the glued leeks. As for how to cook with glued leeks, that is your business!"

Liu Yun said. Hearing this, everyone else nodded directly. They have all eaten glued leeks and know how to cook them best.

They are naturally looking forward to being able to cook with such ingredients.

Afterwards, Liu Yun came to the kitchen and took out his Seven Star Knife. The appearance of the Seven Star Knife also attracted the attention of Si Yingshi and others.

"This is…………A complete set of kitchen knives? Just by looking at them, you can tell that the quality of these kitchen knives is quite good!"

As chefs, they can still tell the quality of kitchen knives. As soon as the Seven Star Knife appeared, they knew that this kitchen knife was not simple.

However, Liu Yun's cooking afterwards was completely incomprehensible to them.

"What a fast speed, but why do we have to cut the leeks one by one?"[]

Liu Yun's hands were so fast that the people present couldn't see clearly how Liu Yun cut the vegetables.

But they saw that Liu Yun cut the leeks one by one, which made them very confused.

"Because these glued leeks are very special, each one needs to be cut hundreds of times with the same force before it can be cut off. Only in this way can the glued leeks be the most delicious."

"In our entire Jixing Dormitory, only Ayun can cook this kind of food."

Ishiki Hui served as the commentator

"How is this possible? There are actually ingredients like this, and you can't do it either?"

Xiaolin Longdan looked at Isshiki Hui with some doubt. Is it really so difficult to just cut leeks?

"I've said before that, except for Ayun, no one in the entire Polar Star Dormitory can cook this kind of food, and of course, that includes you now."

When he thought about the milligram-level precision required to glue the leeks together, Isshiki Hui couldn't help but twitch a few times. The difficulty of cooking this ingredient is really terrifying to the extreme.

"That's true. Even you and Nakiri-scholar can't do it. But why divide it into two portions?"

Soon, Si Yingshi found something wrong. The leeks that Liu Yun cut were divided into two piles, and they were not evenly divided. The weights were different.

"The small ones are the ones that failed to cook, and the big ones are the ones that succeeded. Ah Yun, can you give them a try?"

Isse Hui asked. After all, the ingredients belonged to Liu Yun, so Liu Yun had to make the decision.

"No problem, if you want to try it, go ahead, but first of all, the rules are the same as yours."

Liu Yun was naturally happy to watch the show, so he agreed to Isshiki Hui's proposal.

"What rules?"

After hearing the rules, the others asked with some confusion.

"This is the rule set by Liu Yun. You can try to cook the glued leeks, but no matter whether you succeed or fail, you need to eat the glued leeks in the end."

Erina Nakiri added

"That's not a problem!"

Everyone said, this is too simple, isn't it just eating some leeks? Seeing everyone like this, everyone in Polar Star Dormitory couldn't help but smile, even Tansho Hui.

It can only be said that this is human nature. I can't be the only one who suffers, and they are also happy to watch the fun.

Afterwards, Isshiki Hui explained to everyone the key points of cooking sticky leeks.

So everyone began to try it. Although they thought this cooking method was outrageous, they were still willing to try it.

As a result, after this knife, they knew that Isshiki Hui and others were not exaggerating. The hardness of the leek was quite outrageous.

They couldn't cut the leek directly with one knife, and even the cut marks began to heal again.

But when the second knife went down, they found that it was unexpectedly easy to cut, as if half of the resistance just now disappeared, and the leek was easily cut into two halves.

The kitchen knife was nailed directly to the chopping board because of excessive force, and this change made them a little confused.

"If you cut it off so easily, it means that your cooking has failed. Otherwise, you need to cut it hundreds of times with the same force to cut off the glued leeks."

"Now according to the previous rules, you need to eat the failed leeks." Yise Hui said, and after hearing this, everyone knew that they had failed.

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