"I have always been a little curious, why do you have to eat this ingredient after a cooking failure?"

Xiao Lin Long Dan asked with some confusion. She also asked the question of others. After all, although this leek looks very special and is extremely difficult to cook, why do you have to eat it after a cooking failure?

"You will know after you eat it."

Isshiki Hui and others have tasted the glued leeks that failed to be cooked, so now they naturally hope that this ingredient can trick other people.

Now that it has come to this, Si Yingshi and others can only taste it, but as soon as the leeks entered their mouths, all their expressions were distorted.

The taste of glued leeks that failed to be cooked was extremely bad, which made everyone completely unacceptable. Akane Kubo Momo even spit out the leeks in her mouth.

Although the others wanted to be patient, they couldn't help it, and in the end, they couldn't help but spit out the glued leeks that failed to be cooked.

"What the hell is going on? It's too disgusting. I almost suffocated!"

Takumi looked at Liu Yun's glued leeks with horror. He couldn't describe how disgusting the leeks were. In short, he almost felt that he was going to die.

If it were an anime, his soul would probably have floated out.

"It can no longer be described as simply unpalatable. Why do you like to eat this kind of thing?"

As a foodie, Xiaolin Longdan also complained with a twisted face. There was no other way. This thing was definitely the most unpalatable ingredient she had ever eaten.

"It should be related to the cooking failure!"Four zero seven"

At this time, Si Yingshi spoke. Although his expression was not good, don't forget that this guy's ability is to communicate with the ingredients.

So he can feel some information from the ingredients. And from everyone's reactions and words just now, he should be cooking failure. That's why it tastes so bad.

"As expected of the first seat, you figured it out. Yes, if the cooking of glued leeks fails, it will become extremely unpalatable. But on the contrary, if the cooking is successful, the taste will be quite delicious."

"Among all the people present, the only one who can cook glued leeks is Ayun."

Yoshino Yuuki started the Yun-blow mode again, but no one would say much, after all, Yoshino Yuuki's words were not just bragging, but the real truth.

"Successful cooking and failed cooking have completely different tastes?"

After hearing this, the crowd who had just experienced the unpalatable taste of the glued leeks were somewhat puzzled.

At this time, Liu Yun directly took out a few cooked glued leeks and distributed them to these people.

"You will know the taste of the successfully cooked glued leeks after tasting them."

Liu Yun also watched a good show. After all, it was quite interesting to see this group of people being frustrated.

However, at this moment, everyone was hesitant when looking at the glued leeks in their hands. Although the texture they were feeling now was completely different from the glued leeks that they had failed to cook before, and it looked different to the naked eye.

However, they were traumatized by the glued leeks that they had failed to cook before, so they were a little hesitant when looking at the glued leeks in their hands, not knowing whether they should eat it or not. What if it was the kind that tasted terrible again?

While everyone was hesitating, Si Yingshi did not say much. His ability told him that the leeks in his hand should be very delicious, so he ate them directly.

He absolutely trusted his ability. After all, it was his own ability.

"Delicious! This texture and taste are completely different from the previous ones. There is such a big difference between a successful and a failed cooking!"

After eating, Si Yingshi exclaimed. The deliciousness of the glued leeks really shocked him. He had never eaten such delicious leeks before.

And because he had just eaten the glued leeks that failed to cook, even if he ate ordinary ingredients, he would think they were delicious, let alone glued leeks?

So at this time, Si Yingshi couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Is it really delicious?"

Hearing this, Kobayashi Rindan muttered to herself, and finally stuffed the glued leeks into her mouth. As she began to chew, the next second, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed like Si Yingshi.

As a good friend of Kobayashi Rindan, Akane Kubo Momo saw her friend like this and knew that her friend would not pretend in such things, so she gritted her teeth and ate it directly.

Several of the Ten Elites did the same, and Takumi and others naturally did not continue to watch, but chose to eat these glued leeks.

Then there were exclamations one after another. After all, the feeling of going directly from hell to heaven is really great.

"This is just the glued leeks after cooking. You can also glue leeks to make other dishes, and the taste will change accordingly.

Seeing everyone's surprised look, Isshiki Hui also popularized science again.

"Besides, Senior Longdan, you can’t eat any more now!"

After saying that, Isshiki Hui looked at Xiaolin Longdan again. At this time, Xiaolin Longdan was attracted by the delicious food, so he also wanted to continue eating, but unfortunately, Isshiki Hui saw it.

In fact, if Isshiki Hui didn't say it, Liu Yun would not let Xiaolin Longdan continue to eat, after all, this was going to be used in the cooking later.

"There is no way, this leek is too delicious, I can't control myself. Speaking of which, Mrs. Wenxu, are you still hiring in the Polar Star Dormitory? What do you think of me?"

As a foodie, Xiaolin Longdan has set her sights on the glued leek. She knows very well that this is a treatment that can only be enjoyed in the Polar Star Dormitory, so at this time she has made plans to move into the Polar Star Dormitory.

Changing a dormitory is nothing to Xiaolin Longdan. For her, the most important thing is deliciousness.

"Hmm? You want to live in the Polaris Dormitory?"

Hearing this, Omido Fumio was also stunned for a moment. She never expected that one of the top ten would be attracted like this.

But after thinking about it carefully, she didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, only Liu Yun had the glued leeks, and only Liu Yun could cook them. Others���I can wait for Liu Yun to give out benefits.

It can be said that this is the only place that can glue leeks together.

"There is no problem if you want to live in Polaris Dormitory, but there are some things I must explain to you first!"

As a manager, Omido Fumio can let anyone live in, but now she also needs to take care of other people, so she must explain the matter of Polaris Dormitory to Kobayashi Ryodan.

For someone like Kobayashi Ryodan, Polaris Dormitory is the most suitable dormitory for her, so after listening to Omido Fumio's words, she agreed without saying a word.

"Gentian, and me!"

At this time, Akane Kubo Momo also started. Her friends all moved in, so she naturally followed them. Moreover, the attraction of the glued leek to them was indeed quite fatal.

"If you don't mind, how about adding me in?"

Seeing that Kobayashi Ryodan and Akane Kubo Momo had both moved in, how could Si Yingshi sit still? You know, if they moved in, they would have the opportunity to eat such delicious food again, so he naturally knew what to choose.

This wave of operations caused three of the Ten Elites to move directly into Polaris Dormitory. Now there are five of the Ten Elites in Polaris Dormitory.

While Liu Yun was cooking and gluing leeks, he was also thinking about a question, that is, what to do with Nakiri Tsuki? You know, if Nakiri Tsuki wants to change the commander-in-chief, more than half of the Ten Elites must agree.

In the original work, Si Yingshi, Kobayashi Ryodan and others were all involved, but what about now? They are all living in Polaris Dormitory now.

Although living in Polaris Dormitory does not mean that they will not change the commander-in-chief, it only means that... If they stay in Polaris Dormitory, Liu Yun will have a way to control them, so Nakiri Tsuki's plan is doomed to fail.

The failure of Nakiri Tsuki's plan is nothing to Liu Yun, after all, that guy's operation is really weird.

Liu Yun will not have any mercy on this kind of rubbish who even uses his own daughter as a tool. Liu Yun is also quite curious.

Nakiri Tsuki's only chance to turn the tables is to change the head coach, but now this road is basically blocked by Liu Yun, so what kind of tricks will Nakiri Tsuki do next? You can't just give up all the time.

Of course, that is a matter for the future. At least now Nakiri Tsuki hasn't contacted Liu Yun, so Liu Yun is too lazy to pay attention to him.

"So, our Polaris Dormitory now has half of the top ten!"

Everyone exclaimed, Isshiki Hui, Liu Yun, Si Yingshi, Kobayashi Ryodan, Akane Kubo Momo, these are already five of the top ten.

Half of the top ten of Totsuki gathered in Polaris Dormitory, and there are a lot of top ten seeds here. It can be said that the current Polaris Dormitory has perfectly reproduced the glory of the golden age.

"I didn't expect to see the revival of the golden age so soon. I thought it would take some time!"

At this time, Omido Fumio was in a very good mood. Although it was a done deal before, it still took a lot of time. But now three more people have moved in at once...

And these three are all third-year students, and they are also outstanding among the top ten. This naturally makes Omido Fumio the happiest.

"The glued leeks have been prepared, and it's up to you to prepare them."

At this time, Liu Yun had also finished preparing the glued leeks in his hand, and called on everyone to prepare the dishes. Because the ten heroes had moved in, everyone was very happy.

In the end, even Takumi and others and even Hojo Miyoko applied to Omido Fumio.

Originally, Hojo Miyoko did not plan to move into the Polar Star Dormitory, after all, she had her own friends in other dormitories.

But this autumn selection gave her a great shock, and she herself became much stronger because of Liu Yun.

So she knew very well that if she didn't move in, although Liu Yun would still teach her because of her friends, she would definitely fall behind others.

Hojo Miyoko is a person who is very persistent in becoming stronger, so she also chose She chose to live in Polaris Dormitory.

After that, of course, she had to prepare for the admission examination. Even the top ten students could not be exempted from the admission examination. This was Ohmido Fumio's rule.

However, with the level of the people present, there would be no problem moving in.

Originally, Ohmido Fumio no longer planned to recruit students, but after all, these were all talents, and they were also good friends with the people in her dormitory, so she made an exception.

Otherwise, according to her current thinking, Polaris Dormitory would not need so many people, and recruiting some guys with impure intentions would cause some problems.

After that, everyone also participated in the preparation of the dishes. The deliciousness of the dishes made with glued leeks once again shocked Si Yingshi and others. As for glued leeks, he Our cognition is constantly being refreshed over and over again. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It’s just a pity that it’s not that simple to eat. Only Liu Yun can cook it, and even Liu Yun can’t guarantee that the cooking can be 100% successful.

So in the future, if you want to eat, you can only depend on Liu Yun’s mood. During this period, Xiaolin Longdan, the foodie, has been around Liu Yun. If people who don’t know the situation, they might think that Xiaolin Longdan is interested in Liu Yun.

But Xiaolin Longdan is not interested in Liu Yun, but in the glued leeks in Liu Yun’s hand. Of course, Xiaolin Longdan is also very concerned about Liu Yun’s strong cooking skills.

After all, there are only two senior chefs among the students of Totsuki now, one One is Si Yingshi, and the other is Liu Yun.

Moreover, during the autumn selection period, Liu Yun has already improved his cooking skills to the special level.

Now it is easy for him to pass the special assessment.

The 2.8 dinners lasted until late at night, and everyone went back. While eating in the evening, everyone also took the admission assessment. There is no doubt that they all met the standards.

After all, this group of newcomers are either the top ten or the elites, so there is no problem for them to live in the Polaris Dormitory.

It can only be said that with the current development of the plot, most of the elites of this year have been absorbed into the Polaris Dormitory.

With the addition of Si Yingshi and others, the Polaris Dormitory is now not only a place for first-year students.���, and even the entire senior department can walk sideways.

It is conceivable that there will be many people who want to enter the Polar Star Dormitory in the future, but not everyone who wants to live in the iron wall of Omido Fumio can do it.

Unless it is brought by everyone and the cooking skills are up to standard, Omido Fumio will not agree at all. Of course, the Ten Outstanding are an exception. If the Ten Outstanding want to move in, Omido Fumio will still be very welcome.

However, they still need to go back and pack up their things before they can move in to the Polar Star Dormitory tomorrow. Liu Yun also entered the Food Forest Temple again.

The special cooking ingredients in the first area are not only the glued leeks, but also other ingredients. Liu Yun naturally wants to try to cook these ingredients. The second ingredient Liu Yun plans to cook is a drink called Baiwei Jianbing. This special cooking ingredient mainly tests the firework.

Baiwei Jianbing looks like a colorful ice cube. After cooking, it will actually become a very good soup.

The cooking conditions are also very simple. Control the heat to melt it. After melting, Baiwei Jianbing will become a very delicious soup..

I said: Hieu Baocot

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