Time passed quickly, and everyone's performance in the autumn selection was seen by everyone. It was a civil war in the Polar Star Dormitory, and the cooking skills they showed were amazing.

Although Liu Yun's guidance during this period focused on spices, other aspects were not left behind, so their cooking skills have improved a lot.

Although Liu Yun is only a special chef in terms of cooking skills, in terms of vision, it is not comparable to ordinary special chefs.

Liu Yun's food sense can make him notice many things that others cannot notice, which is better than the tongue of God, so during this period of time, he has carried out intensive training for everyone's weaknesses.

Otherwise, although a simple spice formula is not small, it will naturally fall behind in other competitions.

This is not what Liu Yun wants to see, so in this month, everyone can be said to be reborn. In addition to the extra points for spices, their own cooking skills have also reached this level.

Therefore, there will be no situation where the true colors are exposed in the subsequent competitions. This is a feast unique to the Polar Star Dormitory.

However, the next competition was no longer suspenseful in Liu Yun's eyes. After all, he taught everyone, so he knew everyone's cooking skills.

Speaking of which, this time Erina Nakiri did not participate. She is no longer one of the top ten, so it is okay for her to participate in the autumn selection, but she would be suspected of being a bully.

According to Erina Nakiri herself, although there is no big problem for her to go, and the rules allow it, everyone knows that she has the cooking skills of the top ten, after all, she lost to Liu Yun.

And Liu Yun later became a senior chef, so everyone thinks it is normal for her to lose to Liu Yun.

If she participates in the autumn selection, it would be too much, and she herself can't lose face, so she didn't participate.

She didn't participate, and this time the first place was fought for by Megumi Tadokoro.

Liu Yun admitted that he spent more effort in teaching Megumi Tadokoro. After all, this is his childhood sweetheart, so who would love his wife if he doesn't love her? This also led to Megumi Tadokoro's stronger cooking skills.

The previous full score was because the upper limit of the score was only 100, which does not mean that Tanaka Hui's score is only 100, so in the next game, as long as Tanaka Hui does not perform abnormally, it should not be a problem to win the first place.

Just as Liu Yun thought, in the next game, Tanaka Hui defeated her opponents easily. In the semi-finals, Alice Nakiri also lost directly to Tanaka Hui.

In the other game between Yukihira Soma and Kurokiba Ryo, Yukihira Soma won in the end.

It is reasonable to say that Yukihira Soma should be on par with Kurokiba Ryo at this stage, but the problem is that Liu Yun's teaching has accelerated their growth.

Yukihira Soma is Seiichiro's highest masterpiece. When he first joined Totsuki, his cooking skills could only be regarded as the top.

But his most powerful point is his growth, and other people will become his nourishment, which is also the result of Seiichiro's training over the years.

With Liu Yun's teaching, everyone's cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and Yukihira Soma, as Seiichiro's highest masterpiece, naturally grows very fast.

His natural growth to this stage would allow him to be on par with Kurokiba Ryo, but with Liu Yun's interference, his growth rate has increased again, directly surpassing the current Kurokiba Ryo.

If Liu Yun hadn't given Tadokoro Megumi special treatment, it is estimated that Tadokoro Megumi would have been surpassed by Yukihira Soma. This guy can only be said to be worthy of being the protagonist of Shokugeki World, and Seiichiro's training over the years has not been in vain.

After the semi-finals, Tadokoro Megumi and Yukihira Soma entered the finals. Although Yukihira Soma is strong, Tadokoro Megumi is not to be underestimated. In addition, with Liu Yun's special treatment, it should not be a problem for Tadokoro Megumi to defeat Yukihira Soma.

However, what surprised Liu Yun was that Nakiri Alice found him.

"You mean you're going to give up molecular gastronomy and switch to traditional cuisine?.?"

At this time, Alice Nakiri went directly to Liu Yun, and her purpose was very simple. She hoped that Liu Yun could help her because she planned to give up molecular cuisine.

The reason for making such a decision was that Alice Nakiri saw the growth of everyone during this period of time.

Molecular cuisine naturally has its own special features, but the concept of molecular cuisine has been proposed for too short a time. In just a few decades, it cannot be compared with traditional cuisine that has been developed for thousands of years.

One road that can't see the end and can't see the foot can only be groped forward by oneself, and the other road is a road that can see a flat road, and everyone knows how to choose.

Of course, some pretentious guys will definitely think that they are special and can find a new way.

But often this kind of people are the easiest to suffer. Normally, this kind of thing will hardly happen.

You know, the road of traditional cuisine has been explored by countless people for thousands of years. What about molecular cuisine? Only a part of people have studied it for decades.

Although the skills of molecular cuisine have existed for a long time, they have not been summarized and proposed.

But compared with traditional cooking, it is still too weak. Alice Nakiri knows very well how talented she is.

Even among the Totsuki, her talent is not the best, so she had already begun to waver after Seiichiro talked about the Chinese cuisine.

After a month of study, she also discovered her passiveness. Unlike others, Liu Yun focused on spices when teaching Alice Nakiri.

It was not intentional, but because he was really not good at molecular cuisine. It was irresponsible to teach others in a field that he was not good at. It was also because

Alice Nakiri had strong talent and a high starting point, so she was able to get a full score.

But among the four full marks, Alice Nakiri was undoubtedly the weakest one. In the semi-finals, no matter who she met, Alice Nakiri would lose.

She also discovered this herself, so after this period of experience and careful consideration, Alice Nakiri decided to abandon molecular cuisine and return to the path of traditional cuisine.

As for the means of molecular cuisine, it can be used as an auxiliary, but she will never major in molecular cuisine again.

After all, she knew very well that her talent could not compare with the many traditional chefs who had come through thousands of years, not to mention that this world was not just the world of Shokugeki, but also the world of Chef Boy was integrated into it.

The Chinese cuisine alone was not something that Alice Nakiri could compare to.

Liu Yun was a little surprised that she made such a choice, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was normal. After all, under the same conditions, other people were progressing faster than her.

She could still rely on her innate advantages to be slightly stronger than most people, but as time went on, she would be left behind.

This was not what Alice Nakiri wanted to see, so she chose to give up.

With her own talent, she could go further on this smooth road, so why bother with molecular cuisine? It would be embarrassing to be left behind by others.

So she made a decision after losing to Tadokoro Megumi, and found Liu Yun, hoping that Liu Yun could help her.

"It is actually very simple to change majors. Whether it is molecular cuisine or traditional cuisine, it is just a different form of expression."

"And your basic skills are not weak. For you, changing major means finding a direction to continue researching. You also know that I am good at Chinese cuisine, so if you want me to help you, you can only study Chinese cuisine."

"But there is one thing that needs to be made clear. You know how huge the Chinese cuisine system is. Even if it is just one branch, it is enough for you to spend your whole life studying it. So you should think about it before giving me the answer."

Liu Yun also agreed to help her. He would usually help other people in the dormitory. Since Alice Nakiri had such an idea, he didn't mind guiding her.

It didn't require him to spend too much time. He just needed to give some guidance at the right time.

So Liu Yun also agreed directly.

"I have already made up my mind. For me now, it doesn't matter which cuisine I study. And I tend to study Chinese cuisine from the beginning. After all, after knowing the existence of the Chinese cuisine, I am quite interested in it."

Alice Nakiri said with a smile. She has made her choice. To be honest, she is indeed very interested in the Chinese cuisine.

She knows very well that Liu Yun will definitely go to the Chinese cuisine world like Seiichiro in the future.

��People like them can either stay in the international culinary world and become a top chef, or go to the legendary Chinese culinary world to try their luck.

To be honest, she is not content with the status quo, so she naturally won't choose the former, so she chose to study Chinese cuisine.

Just after Nakiri Alice's matter was settled, Liu Yun's door was knocked again. After opening the door, Liu Yun and Nakiri Alice saw the person standing outside, it was Nakiri Erina. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Erina? What are you doing here with Ayun?"

After seeing that the person coming was Erina Nakiri, Alice Nakiri asked curiously

"I should be the one asking you this, how come you are in Liu Yun's room?"

As Erina Nakiri said this, she began to imagine some comic plots in her mind. After all, her usual hobbies besides poker and cooking are reading some girls' comics.

These comics about love will naturally have some bloody plots, so when she saw Alice Nakiri here, she began to imagine some bizarre plots.

Everyone in Polaris Dormitory knows one thing very well, that is, Liu Yun and Megumi Tanomo have a very good relationship, and the two are childhood sweethearts.

It can be said that these two people are already a couple recognized by everyone, but why is Alice Nakiri here now? To compete with Megumi Tanomo for a man?

That's right, Erina Nakiri now imagined such a plot in her mind.

"I think you are thinking something bad!"

Alice Nakiri suddenly said

"How is that possible? I didn't think about anything!"

Erina Nakiri immediately started to argue, even adding hand gestures

"You are really not convincing at all, your face is red!"

Nakiri Alice was speechless. This person's attempt to cover up his mistake really made her speechless.

"Okay, Erina, what are you doing here?"

Liu Yun was too lazy to explain. After all, he didn't do anything, so why bother explaining so much?

"yes…………I came here to glue the leeks together."

In response to Liu Yun's question, Erina Nakiri spoke up. This time she came here to glue the leeks together.

"Gluing leeks together? What do you want to do with leeks? For eating? I remember you weren't that greedy!"

Alice Nakiri was a little surprised. Everyone likes to glue leeks together. After all, the taste is really delicious. So is Erina Nakiri.

But based on her understanding of Erina Nakiri, Erina Nakiri would never go to Liu Yun's house in person just for food.

In the past, Erina Nakiri even took out a seat in the top ten in order to get a free meal. This time, she took the initiative to come and was so hesitant. It was totally unlike Erina Nakiri's style.

"It's not because of (King No's) greed, it's because of my mother's matter, you all know about this matter!"

Nakiri Erina finally said it

"I see, you want to give the glued leeks to your mother to try, right!"

Liu Yun understood after hearing this, he knew exactly what glued leeks were, it was a special cooking ingredient, an ingredient in the world of food captives.

Its deliciousness is unique in both the world of Food Wars and the world of Chef Boy.

Erina Nakiri's current goal is also very simple, which is to obtain some glued leeks for Nakiri Managi.

The disadvantage of the Divine Tongue is that it will constantly magnify the flaws in the food.

When tasting delicious things, the Divine Tongue will grow, and when tasting unpalatable things, the Divine Tongue will magnify the defects, so this is a vicious circle.

And the growth limit is the limit of the Lin Chef. If you still want to eat after reaching the limit, you need the Dragon Chef to take action.

But the Divine Tongue cannot analyze the flaws in the Dragon Chef's food, so it can't... It is impossible to invite a dragon chef to cook for the holder of the God's Tongue.

However, the premise of all this is based on one point, that is, the world view, which is the world background of the fusion of the Shokugeki world and the world of Boy Chef.

This naturally does not include the world of the captive gourmet.

In the Shokugeki world and the world of Boy Chef, there is no such ingredient that can surpass the God's Tongue.

But the world of the captive gourmet is different, these ingredients can be grabbed in large quantities.

Once these ingredients are used to cook, then perhaps the God's Tongue can pay more attention to the deliciousness of the ingredients rather than the defects in the dishes.

This is what Erina Nakiri is thinking now, and Liu Yun understood it after hearing what Erina Nakiri said.

After all, before Liu Yun, no one had ever taken out such delicious ingredients..

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