"Can you use this delicious ingredient to suppress the tongue of God? Maybe it is possible, after all, the glued leeks are so delicious. Speaking of which, Erina, you have also eaten glued leeks without cooking. How did you taste it?"

Alice Nakiri looked at Erina Nakiri. Erina Nakiri also has the tongue of God. Although the degree of development is not as high as that of Managi Nakiri, she can definitely taste some delicious food.

"Because of this, I was curious and tasted a piece of glued leek that had not been cooked or simmered."

"You all know the characteristics of glued leeks. If they are not cut and cooked, they will taste similar to ordinary leeks. Logically speaking, my divine tongue will only taste unpalatable when eating this ingredient."

"But normally when it comes to gluing leeks, the taste I taste is just the ordinary taste of leeks, not delicious, but not unpalatable either. It's as if the Tongue of God is completely ineffective."

Erina Nakiri explained. To put it bluntly, she ate a raw leek that had not been processed in any way out of curiosity. Raw leeks that have not been processed in any way are definitely not delicious when eaten. Gluing leeks are the same as normal leeks without any processing.

But the Tongue of God failed when facing the gluing leeks, which surprised Liu Yun.

Originally, his deal with the Nakiri family was to wait until he became a dragon chef, and if he could solve it, he would help Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina solve the problem of the Tongue of God.

If he couldn't solve it, then he would let the two of them have a full meal a week, it's that simple.

As for what the Nakiri family paid, it was to help Liu Yun. As long as Liu Yun's request was reasonable, then the Nakiri family would always help Liu Yun in every aspect. That's right.

Although the statement is a bit vague, the attitude of the Nakiri family towards their relatives means that the help they provide will be great.

Liu Yun had thought about these problems before, and in his opinion, he had many ways to deal with the God's Tongue.

But now Nakiri Erina reminded him that the ingredients he has in his hands seem to be able to do this.

This is much simpler than cooking once a week in the future. Just leave enough adhesive leeks at one time.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that Nakiri Managa's God's Tongue cannot dissect the adhesive leeks. In Liu Yun's opinion, there should be no problem. These special cooking ingredients are too strong.

There is no reason why the God's Tongue in a food war world can override special cooking ingredients, so this is worth a try.

"It is indeed worth a try. Although we cannot eat leeks like this every day, it can at least solve many problems."

Liu Yun nodded.

"Then, Liu Yun, give me some cooked leeks and I will send them over. As for the rest, if you need me for anything, just let me know."

Erina Nakiri said excitedly at this time. She was still worried about what to do if Liu Yun refused. Although she was a member of the Nakiri family, she was just a student now. So she couldn't come up with any bargaining chips. She even decided to give Liu Yun everything she had in exchange for this opportunity.

But she didn't expect Liu Yun to agree so straightforwardly, which really made her very happy.

"There is no need to go through so much trouble. After the finals of the autumn selection are over, I will go to the WGO headquarters and bring the glued leeks with me."

Liu Yun said

""Hey? Liu Yun, you're going to the WGO headquarters? Why?"

Nakiri Erina asked with a puzzled look on her face, and Nakiri Alice beside her was also confused.

"For the special chef assessment, my cooking skills have reached the special level, and Senior Seiichiro said before that special chefs who pass the WGO assessment are recognized by the Chinese culinary community."

"I want to go to the Chinese cuisine world next, and it will be more convenient to have this special chef identity."

Liu Yun explained the reason why he went to WGO

"Special chef? Ah Yun, have you reached the level of a special chef? This is too fast, and you are planning to go to the Chinese cuisine world? When is it?"

Although they knew that Liu Yun would definitely become a special chef, this speed really scared them. As for the Chinese cuisine world, they were also curious about when Liu Yun would go there.

"You guys participated in the field training. Given my current situation, the field training is of no use to me."

Liu Yun shook his head. The field training was after the autumn selection, and it was also the key to Soma Yukihira's complete transformation. After entering Shinomiya Kojiro's store and being educated, Soma Yukihira's progress was rapid.

Of course, it was mainly because his mentality was indeed invincible. Normal people kept making trouble in the kitchen and were scolded all night. The blow was definitely huge.

And as a newcomer, being scolded like this, many people would fall into self-doubt.

But Soma Yukihira's big heart is completely different. He is very thick-skinned and knows very well that self-pity is not a good thing. If you fall here, then stand up.

If you fall again, then stand up again, and keep repeating this until you can stand firmly.

This mentality is also one of the reasons why Yukihira Soma is so strong, so he can cheer up again after a setback.

The role of field training is the same. On the one hand, it tests cooking skills, on the other hand, it tests management capabilities, and on the other hand, it tests mentality.

If you pass these aspects, then you can naturally pass the field training.

Totsuki is taking the elite route, and elites naturally cannot have too obvious shortcomings.

However, field training is nothing to Liu Yun.���It is of no use at all. Liu Yun can easily revitalize a store that is about to close down.

As for changing this store, you only need to leave a little recipe, and then it will be enough to attract customers, even if there are still big flaws in other aspects.

But cooking is always based on taste, so as long as the taste is up to standard, there will be no worries about customers.

If it is just the rights of the top ten, then this field training is inevitable. After all, this is a very special assessment, and the top ten must also participate.

But the problem is that Liu Yun is now the object of flattery of the Nakiri family.

Nakiri Senzaemon naturally won't care about such a small problem, so it is very simple not to participate in the field training.

He plans to pass the assessment of the special chef before the field training begins, and when the field training begins, go to the Chinese culinary world to understand the situation.

See what this little chef world is like.

As for the others, they will naturally participate in the field training honestly. With their current cooking skills, the field training will not be difficult for them.

"That's right, field training really doesn't have much effect on you. I'm really curious about what the Chinese cuisine is like!"

Alice Nakiri's eyes were full of curiosity. There was no way. Although Seiichiro had said something before, his words could not eliminate everyone's curiosity about the Chinese cuisine. Instead, their curiosity was aroused.

Erina Nakiri also heard some news from her grandfather, but it was also very general.

After all, such a cuisine that surpasses the international cuisine by several levels, chefs will naturally care and be curious.

"I don’t know the details. I’ll have to watch it to find out."

Liu Yun shook his head. He planned to go there just to find out what the current situation of the Chinese culinary world is.

After the three talked for a while, they left separately. Nakiri Erina also knew the purpose of Nakiri Alice, but she blushed after knowing it.

After all, she had imagined some bad things before, so it was a bit embarrassing.

But she also agreed with Nakiri Alice's choice. After all, their talents and energy were limited. It would be extremely difficult to figure out something on this road.

So it is better to take the road that predecessors have helped to explore. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They are naturally confident, but not arrogant. Before, Nakiri Alice studied molecular cuisine in order to defeat Nakiri Erina from other fields.

Now this idea has faded, so naturally she is not obsessed with molecular cuisine.

After leaving, Nakiri Erina went directly to Nakiri Senzaemon and told him her ideas and Liu Yun's ideas just now.

"This kind of leek is called glued leek, right?"

Looking at the cooked leek in his hand and the uncooked leek next to it, Nakiri Senzaemon said with some surprise.

These glued leeks were given to Nakiri Erina by Liu Yun just now. Liu Yun also knew that although the previous���It must be made by Erina Nakiri herself, but she will definitely mention it to Senzaemon Nakiri later.

So she was simply asked to bring some bonded leeks to Senzaemon Nakiri, some of which were cooked by Liu Yun, and the other part was not cooked.

As for other ingredients, Liu Yun did not take them out. There was no need. Just to fill his stomach, bonded leeks were enough, and bonded leeks were special cooking ingredients from the world of captive gourmet food.

These ingredients are enough to replenish the nutrients needed by Managi Nakiri's body. In other words, as long as she eats bonded leeks, even if it is not other things, Managi Nakiri's body can gradually recover to the state of a normal person.

This is the amazing thing about the ingredients in the world of captive gourmet food

"Yes, it is called sticky leek because of its characteristics.…………"

Erina Nakiri told Nakiri Senzaemon all the key points about cooking bonded leeks. After listening, Nakiri Senzaemon directly tasted an uncooked bonded leek.

The taste and texture were no different from ordinary leeks. Then he tasted the bonded leeks cooked by Liu Yun, and the deliciousness made his eyes light up.

Finally, Nakiri Senzaemon even took out his kitchen knife and tried to cut the bonded leeks. Just as Erina Nakiri said, the cooking difficulty was extremely high. So

Nakiri Senzaemon naturally had to fail. After the cooking failed, the bonded leeks were so unpalatable that Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't hold it back.

"It's incredible that the successful and failed dishes have such completely different tastes even though they are exactly the same leeks."

"But your idea is correct, Erina. This may really restore Managi's divine tongue to normal, but we still have to wait for the test to know."

Nakiri Senzaemon decided to go with him this time, on the one hand to see his daughter, and on the other hand he was curious about how Liu Yun would perform in the next special chef exam.

"Grandpa, if I may…………I mean, if gluing leeks together really works, can we get our mother to come back?"

Erina Nakiri couldn't help but ask. Erina Nakiri is a person who desperately wants a family, because when she was young, her family was indeed quite happy.

Until her mother left after the problem with the Divine Tongue, her father also changed, and only the attitude of her grandfather and others towards her remained unchanged.

But this is not what she wants to see.

To be honest, the reason why Managi Nakiri left was indeed because she had a big problem. The loss of control of the Divine Tongue could not change her personality.

If you can't eat, then it doesn't matter where you are, why don't you care about your family?

This operation is very strange. Erina Nakiri hopes to get her mother's love again, and this broken family can be rebuilt again, so she asked this question now.

"I'll ask Managi."

Nakiri Senzaemon said, but he couldn't do anything.���Guaranteed, after all, he knew exactly what kind of personality his own daughter had.

He did not dare to blame Nakiri Masaaki from the perspective of an elder, because the Nakiri family was the beneficiary of the Divine Tongue, and Nakiri Masaaki's current identity was the special executive officer of the WGO.

He was able to be in this position because of the Divine Tongue, so as the head of the Nakiri family, the person he could not blame the most was his own daughter.

Looking at his granddaughter who left, Nakiri Senzaemon also sighed. He knew very well that this family was destined not to be a complete family.

Even if Nakiri Masaaki was willing to come back, the reason was very simple, because of Nakiri Masaaki.

Nakiri Masaaki himself was a darker type in terms of personality, and his explosion only needed a fuse.

At the beginning, Seiichiro's matter was the fuse, and similarly, Nakiri Masaaki's matter was also the fuse. After his careful investigation, he also knew what kind of person Nakiri Masaaki was.

Tsukiji Nakiri is the kind of person who likes to be impotent and furious and put pressure on other people around him.

It's just like what happened to Erina Nakiri when she was a child.

Logically speaking, if something went wrong with Managi Nakiri, then Tsukiji Nakiri should have thought of other ways to solve the problem first. Why would he put his hope on his daughter who was only a few years old first?

Then he treated his daughter as a test subject and instilled a lot of twisted ideas in her.

This kind of behavior is enough to prove that Tsukiji Nakiri is a piece of trash who is not worthy of being a father..

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