The final of the autumn selection has arrived as scheduled. This time, it is a match between Tadokoro Megumi and Yukihira Soma. As for the ingredients of the competition, it is also saury, just like in the original work. The venue of the competition is also between Yuetian.

You need to choose the ingredients yourself. During this period, with the help of Liu Yun, Tadokoro Megumi's eyesight has improved a lot. Facts have proved that cooking for yourself is still very effective.

So Tadokoro Megumi also selected very good ingredients. In comparison, Yukihira Soma still chose to use the creativity in the original work.

"Xiaohui and Yukihira's duel, no one knows who will win, Yukihira's growth rate is too fast! ~"

Everyone knows Yukihira Soma's growth rate, so now they are curious about who will win-

"If nothing unexpected happens, the winner should be Xiao Hui."

Liu Yun said with a smile, and immediately a group of people looked at him.

"Why is Ayun so sure that Xiaohui will win? Did you teach her some secret weapon?"

Yoshino Yuuki's curiosity was about to overflow, and the others pricked up their ears. They were also very curious about why Liu Yun was so sure.

They knew that Tanaka Hui was very strong, but Yukihira Soma's cooking skills were not weak either, and the speed of improvement was even faster, so it was obvious that Liu Yun knew that Tanaka Hui had a secret weapon that others didn't know.

"It's superpowers. Xiao Hui has awakened her own superpowers. This superpower is enough for her to easily defeat Soma Yukihira. After all, her superpowers are really pure."

Liu Yun said with a smile. Hearing this, everyone present was shocked. After all, superpowers are indeed quite rare. For example, Si Yingshi has superpowers.

When they first knew that Si Yingshi had the ability to communicate with ingredients, they were very surprised. Superpowers are not something that can be obtained casually.

However, once a chef obtains superpowers, his cooking skills will improve by leaps and bounds, because superpowers not only represent that the ability has reached the standard, but also represent that the chef has determined his direction and knows how to go on the next step.

"I didn't expect Xiao Hui to have awakened her special ability. It's normal for Xing Ping to be defeated. Ah Yun, what is Xiao Hui's special ability?"

Everyone asked curiously.

"Well, let's wait until the game is over. There will be no suspense if we talk about it now!"

Liu Yun said with a smile. Although he also hated the riddlers in games and novels, when it was his turn to be a riddler, he finally felt the joy of being a riddler.

This was really too happy. Although others were very unhappy

"How can this be!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Liu Yun in silence. Liu Yun ignored them and let them enjoy the fear of being dominated by the Riddler.

At this time, the two people on the field had already started cooking. During the moon and sky, Liu Yun had competed with Erina Nakiri here before.

It's just that now as a cheater, he has surpassed these students by a lot. It's only been a few months. It can only be said that cheaters are cheaters, and it's completely unreasonable.

Since Megumi Tadokoro's ability is not external, you can't see anything special just by looking at it with the naked eye.

With the passage of time, the dishes of the two were also completed and placed in front of the judges. The judges of this game were Dojima Gin, Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Leonora.

When they tasted Megumi Tadokoro's dishes, they were all shocked.

"How is this possible!"

Even Nakiri Senzaemon asked in surprise, and Dojima Gin and Nakiri Leonora on the side were looking at the saury in front of them with shock.

This saury was grilled over fire, but the taste was completely different, and it was very different from the saury they had eaten before. The difference was in the deliciousness.

The feedback of the ingredients on the taste buds was completely different, and the deliciousness was several times higher than that of normal saury.

They originally thought that maybe Tanomo Megumi had added some special seasoning to stimulate the deliciousness of the saury, but after tasting it carefully, they found that the ingredients used were very ordinary and common.

But this saury tasted so good, which made them confused. As people who have eaten countless good things, they still have the ability to taste, especially Nakiri Senzaemon.

""Tadokoro-san, how did you make this dish?"

Nakiri Senzaemon, who couldn't think of an answer, asked directly.

"That's right, I think I've eaten a lot of good food, but I can't explain the deliciousness of this dish. Can you tell me how you did it?"

Dojima Gin and Nakiri Leonora also spoke up.

Their words shocked everyone, because these three people have such status, what good food have they not eaten? But the three of them couldn't understand Tadokoro's cooking, which was simply outrageous.

""Well, can I have a taste?"

Yukihira Soma couldn't help but ask. Seeing the changes in Nakiri Senzaemon, he was also very curious about this dish.

"I have prepared a portion for you on the stove."

Tanaka Hui is now accustomed to preparing a portion for his opponent. Hearing this, Yukihira Soma also rushed over directly.

"This taste? How did they do it? Why is it so delicious? It's even more delicious than the fish itself!"

After tasting it, Soma Yukihira also exclaimed. Their reactions made the audience present extremely curious.

"Just tell me what it is, it's so uncomfortable if you don't say anything!"

The audience was also quite helpless at this time, what were these guys talking about?

"Ah Yun, what is going on? Is it because of Xiao Hui's ability?"

The people in the Polar Star Dormitory were different. They���Liu Yun said that Tanaka Hui had awakened her superpowers, so this should be caused by her superpowers.

"This is the effect of Xiaohui's ability. I named this ability"Delicious Amplification."

Liu Yun said. Tiansuo Hui's ability is no longer the one in the original book. It can even be said that it has been enhanced a lot.

And all of this is due to the special treatment during this period of time.

Tiansuo Hui herself is very talented. In the original book, the ability she awakened was called hospitality and kindness. This ability was developed because Tiansuo Hui used her position as one of the Ten Elites to travel around the world and constantly learn.

The reason for the development is that Tiansuo Hui saw the differences in diets around the world, and people's eating habits are also cultivated from childhood.

Therefore, after traveling to different regions, different eating habits and cultures will not adapt, and Tiansuo Hui's hospitality and kindness is to enhance this deliciousness, so that people can adapt to this different food culture.

But now, Tiansuo Hui has not yet become one of the Ten Elites, nor has she... She has traveled around the world, so naturally she has not seen these things.

But Liu Yun kept cooking for her, and gradually, Tadokoro Megumi's ability changed, no, it should be said that it evolved.

Tadokoro Megumi's previous ability was to break this eating habit and barrier by increasing the deliciousness, so that people from different regions can taste different delicacies.

But now, the changed ability has become more pure, and now the function of this ability is very simple, that is to increase the deliciousness.

The ingredients cooked by Tadokoro Megumi's hands can stimulate the deliciousness to the greatest extent, and can even increase its deliciousness several times.

This ability is quite pure. After all, cooking is based on deliciousness. As long as it is delicious enough, people tend to ignore the appearance, smell, etc. This is the case with Nao Sadatsuka's previous cooking. It's just that This ability of Megumi Tadokoro is a super enhanced version, which directly increases the deliciousness of the ingredients. This is why Nakiri Senzaemon and others cannot taste how the food is made so delicious.

Of course, this ability also has some limitations. One is the upper limit. The upper limit is not high and cannot be compared with Liu Yun's food justice. After all, the deliciousness of the ingredients that can be stimulated by food justice is even more terrifying. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Secondly, Liu Yun asked Megumi Tadokoro to try to use the ability to cook the ingredients of the captive world of delicious food.

As a result, there was no amplification effect, that is to say, this amplification is limited.

And Liu Yun also reminded Megumi Tadokoro that this ability can be used, but never forget that your own cooking skills are the foundation.

The supernatural power of the food wars world is not All are positive, but there are also many negative things.

For example, the disadvantages of the tongue of God, and the fact that Si Eiji was affected by the sound of the ingredients all the time, so that he was taken advantage of by Nakiri Tsuchiya.

And then there was Saiba Chaoyang, who could only show strong enough cooking skills when he got other people's kitchen knives, but the question is, what if these kitchen knives are gone? What should I do?

Tansho Kei's ability also has such a problem, that is, blindly using the ability to increase, just like a chef using legendary kitchen utensils.

Using legendary kitchen utensils has affected their own cooking skills, after all, the legendary kitchen utensils have effects in all aspects.

The Tanlang pot replaces the knife skills, and the Zhuanlong pot replaces the fire skills, so once you are completely addicted to it, then everything you have will become a bubble in the end.

Although this ability is powerful, it is also easy to make people go astray, for example, only knowing how to use the ability to increase the deliciousness, and no longer caring about your basic skills.

The best result of doing this is that your cooking skills will stagnate, and if you are a little bit worse, you will directly regress.

So after Megumi Tadokoro awakened this ability, Liu Yun kept reminding her, and Megumi Tadokoro naturally listened to everything, and she was very careful in using this ability. She only used it when it was necessary. After all, the reason for the birth of this ability was that Megumi Tadokoro wanted everyone to taste delicious food, so she knew when to use it and when not to use it, and she would not indulge in it.

While Liu Yun was explaining, Megumi Tadokoro also told Nakiri Senzaemon and others about her ability.

"It actually awakened super powers, which makes sense. No wonder we can't tell what's going on from the ingredients. Only super powers can do this."

"But you are indeed quite outstanding to be able to awaken superpowers at this age, and the champion of this autumn selection must be you!"

Nakiri Senzaemon said. The gap is too big. Although awakening superpowers does not mean absolute crushing.

But Megumi Tadokoro's cooking skills are similar to Soma Yukihira, or even slightly stronger. Now that her superpowers have awakened, Megumi Tadokoro has directly left Soma Yukihira behind.

Strictly speaking, Soma Yukihira is also a superpower holder. Although he says that the abilities he possesses are not superpowers, there is no difference from superpowers.

It's just that Soma Yukihira's superpowers are mainly exerted in the later period, so he doesn't have such a straightforward performance as Megumi Tadokoro.

Hearing what Nakiri Senzaemon said, Gin Dojima and Leonora Nakiri also nodded. Indeed, the outcome of this game has been decided. With such a domineering, straightforward and direct superpower, Megumi Tadokoro naturally won this game..

Moreover, Megumi Tadokoro won with her absolute strength, and Soma Yukihira has no way to stop her now. This is all the result of special training. Without Liu Yun's careful teaching during this period, Megumi Tadokoro would not be able to awaken such a pure supernatural power.

And this supernatural power is much better than the attentiveness and kindness in the original work.

In the end, the champion of the autumn selection competition appeared. This person is Megumi Tadokoro. The students were cheering for this, and they were not surprised.

Although Soma Yukihira has shown his cooking skills during this period, everyone has not forgotten what this guy said at the beginning of the school year.

In comparison, Megumi Tadokoro, who already has a strong reputation, is naturally more noticed by everyone.

Now that they see the person they like has won, they are naturally happy and not surprised.

"Really, he actually awakened such a perverted ability. It seems that he will be laughed at by that bastard dad again!"

Soma Yukihira was a little depressed when he knew he lost, but he soon returned to normal. Compared with losing, he cared more about being laughed at by his own father. After all, this is not the first time, but he also knows that his loss this time is not unfair. Now he is no longer the young man who just entered Totsuki.

After Tanomo Megumi won, this autumn selection also came to an end.

At night, the people in Polar Star Dormitory started the carnival again, and this time, there were several more people, Dojima Gin, Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Leonora and others came.

The reason they came was naturally because of the invitation of Nakiri Alice and others.

"It's been a while since we last met, Gin. I didn't expect you to come back just after Seiichiro came back."

Seeing Dojima Gin, Omidou Fumio was in a good mood. Seiichiro had just come before the autumn selection, and now Dojima Gin is here again.

And the most important thing is that the difference between the two is huge. Seiichiro brought nothing, but what about Dojima Gin? Every time he came back to see Omidou Fumio, he would bring some gifts.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison, and now the harm has come, hasn't it?[]

My mother: Thien Phongxyz

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