"It was clearly a competition, but in the end it became your solo show. However, your knife skills are incredible. You can kick out the hair-like fine thorns. It's incredible."

After finishing his own cooking, Si Yingshi no longer wanted to continue competing with Liu Yun. What is the comparison? There is no comparison at all.

"Your ability is indeed very special. You can enhance the taste of food by communicating with the ingredients."

After tasting it, Liu Yun also knew what the cooking of Si Yingshi was like. In fact, his ability is strictly similar to that of Tanaka Megumi, but it is not as pure as that of Tanaka Megumi.

Tanaka Megumi's ability is to simply and crudely enhance the deliciousness of the ingredients, but Si Yingshi communicates with the ingredients and then releases more deliciousness of the ingredients through cooking.

His current ability is only developed to the early stage. In the middle and late stages, Si Yingshi's ability will change from simply listening to the sounds of the ingredients to competing with the ingredients on the same stage.

In this way, you can better understand the ingredients themselves, and the dishes made in this way will be more delicious.

However, the upper limit of such ability is lower than that of Tanaka Megumi. Liu Yun himself did not expect that Tanaka Megumi's ability would change under his interference, and it became so powerful.

But anyway, this is a good thing.

After the banquet, everyone dispersed. The next morning, Liu Yun directly greeted everyone and went to the WGO headquarters with Nakiri Senzaemon.

"The special chef assessment, although I have seen the terrifying cooking skills yesterday, to be honest, I still find it a little unbelievable."

Looking at Liu Yun leaving the Polar Star Dormitory by car, Si Yingshi sighed, everything Liu Yun showed was completely beyond his imagination

"Who said it wasn't? You are already a monster, but in front of him, you are even more ordinary than ordinary people. I really don't understand why there are such monsters in this world."

Kobayashi Ryodan also shook his head. They have been called geniuses and monsters, but compared to Liu Yun, they are too mediocre.

The two talked about Liu Yun. As for Liu Yun, he got on the Nakiri family's private plane directly. It must be said that the benefits of being rich and powerful are reflected at this time.

There is no need to catch a plane or buy a ticket. Just get on the private plane to the destination.

It didn't take too long to go to the WGO headquarters. As for applying for the special chef assessment, Liu Yun didn't need to worry about it. Nakiri Senzaemon said hello, and WGO

This is the characteristic of WGO's assessment of top chefs. It is completely different from the previous assessments. You don't need to wait for the specified time, you just need to apply. However, the application will also be reviewed. Generally speaking, it takes a long time for a chef to become a top chef after becoming a senior chef.

For example, Seiichiro was already a senior chef while in school, but he became a top chef many years after leaving Totsuki.

That was Seiichiro. If it were someone else, it would take at least several decades for them to become a top chef after becoming a senior chef.

When WGO was designing the assessment for top chefs, it added the item of review to prevent people from applying continuously.

This operation had appeared a long time ago when the assessment for top chefs was first introduced. In order to broaden their horizons and to adapt, some people knew that they could not pass the assessment, so they continued to apply for the assessment. In the end, WGO also introduced a review policy, but Liu Yun did not need to do so. After all, he was a real relationship customer, and the highest leader of the WGO was also Nakiri Masagi.

So just say hello.

After arriving at the WGO headquarters, Liu Yun and Nakiri Senzaemon got off the car and ran into an acquaintance. This person was An, Nakiri Masagi's secretary, and also the first-class executive of WGO.

An's existence and positioning were similar to those of Arato Hisako. She was in charge of a series of things for Nakiri Masagi.

After saying hello, the two followed An in and soon came to the location of Nakiri Masagi. After all, Nakiri Masagi also knew that Liu Yun would bring ingredients that she might eat.

So she also She was looking forward to it, and that was why she asked An to pick her up right away. When the two met Nakiri Masagi, she was still on an IV drip. After all, she could only eat one meal a week, and the rest of the time she had to drink nutrient solution to avoid starving to death.

She was born in this era. There was no such thing in the past, so Nakiri Masagi and Nakiri Erina were already very lucky compared to other holders of the Tongue of God.

Liu Yun could tell Nakiri Masagi's current condition with just one look. Nakiri Masagi's current condition was very good. The body is also in a state of deficiency, and the deficiency is very serious.

This is actually slightly better than in the original work, because the original work is a pure world of Shokugeki, and this world is integrated with the world of Boy Chef, so at least there are people who can make food that Nakiri Managi can eat.

But the pure world of Shokugeki is different. Nakiri Managi in the original work has become a paper man, and it feels like she will fly away if the wind blows.

Now her body is a little better, not so fragile, but the deficiency is also very serious.

Fortunately, the ingredients brought by Liu Yun are from the captive world of gourmet food. No matter how much energy is contained, the body can receive it smoothly, and the excess will dissipate, and there will be no over-supplementation.

Otherwise, with Nakiri Managi's physical condition, she would die without a sound after eating these ingredients.

""Long time no see, father. It looks like you are in good health!"

After seeing Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Shinagami said with a smile. Because of the fusion of the world, Nakiri Shinagami treated Nakiri Senzaemon very kindly.

"There is nothing wrong with my health. In comparison, your health is getting worse and worse."

Nakiri Senzaemon looked at his daughter helplessly. He knew that his daughter's health was getting worse and worse, but he had no way to deal with it.

Not eating and just taking nutrient solution would have a great impact, but he also knew what the situation was with the Divine Tongue, so he had no way to deal with it.

He could ask the chef to cook for Nakiri Masagi every day, and the chef would be very happy to do so. After all, there was money to be made, and the Divine Tongue could also analyze the shortcomings of the dishes to help him improve his cooking skills quickly.

But if he eats like this, it won't be long before the Divine Tongue grows to its limit, and then he really won't be able to eat anything.

In desperation, Nakiri Senzaemon could only choose to let Nakiri Masagi eat one meal a week.

At this time, his hopes were on Liu Yun. If the ingredients Liu Yun took out could be eaten by Nakiri Masagi, even if it was just a pile of leeks, it would be better than nothing.

At least it could slightly improve Nakiri Masagi's current condition.

"There is nothing I can do about it. My father knows my situation best. And this classmate Liu Yun, this is our first meeting, but we both don’t need to introduce ourselves, right?"

Nakiri Masagi said with a smile, and Liu Yun nodded. Indeed, he was very familiar with Nakiri Masagi, and Nakiri Masagi also knew him very well, so there was no need for self-introduction.

"I have brought the ingredients that Aunt Nakiri needs. I have already cooked the leeks, so they can be eaten directly or made into other dishes. It is up to Aunt Nakiri to decide how to prepare them."

Liu Yun called her Auntie. After all, he was friends with Alice Nakiri and Erina Nakiri, and they lived in the same dormitory, so it was okay to call her that.

"In that case, let me have a taste!"

Nakiri Masagi held a glimmer of hope, but it was not much, because she knew one thing very well, that is, the development of Nakiri Erina's Divine Tongue was too low.

Although according to her father, after her daughter tasted it, it was indeed proved that the Divine Tongue could not work on this kind of food, but the development of the Divine Tongue between the two was different. Nakiri

Erina's Divine Tongue was less developed. After all, Nakiri Senzaemon had seen Nakiri Masagi's situation, and naturally would not let his granddaughter develop the Divine Tongue in this way. Therefore, the current development level of Nakiri Erina's Divine Tongue is only at the level of a senior chef. Compared with Nakiri Masagi, she has already reached the level of a senior chef.

The Divine Tongue that has entered the Linchu stage is naturally incomparable, so Nakiri Managi has hope, but not much.

However, the ingredients have been brought, no matter what, she still has to eat a little.

Looking at the leeks in the box in front of her, Nakiri Managi picked up half of it and put it in her mouth. As soon as she took a bite, Nakiri Managi's eyes suddenly widened.

Because the unpalatable taste she expected did not appear, but the delicious taste kept sweeping her taste buds.

And she found that her Divine Tongue was out of control. Apart from tasting deliciousness, the Divine Tongue had no reaction at all. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You know, before No matter what it eats, the Divine Tongue will feedback a lot of information, but now, the Divine Tongue has no reaction at all.

This is what shocked Nakiri Masagi the most, and she was also very surprised, because it meant that she could eat this delicious glued leek.

Looking at Nakiri Masagi's eyes wide open with an incredible expression, Liu Yun also knew that Nakiri Masagi could indeed eat the glued leek.

Otherwise, Nakiri Masagi should have spit out the glued leek in one bite.

Soon, Nakiri Masagi came to her senses and grabbed the glued leek and stuffed it into her mouth without caring about her image.

It's not her fault that she is not reserved. After all, it's a rare meal. Delicious food, what she looks forward to most every week is that meal.

But although that meal can taste delicious, it still has flaws, but at least she can eat it normally.

The most shameless drawback of the Divine Tongue is that it is related to the body. After the Divine Tongue goes out of control, it is like having anorexia.

What you eat will be vomited out directly. This is a physiological reaction that is not under your control at all.

Otherwise, even if you think it tastes bad, you can eat the food directly, but if you vomit it out, there is nothing you can do.

This is also the most troublesome part of the Divine Tongue, which has always left the Nakiri family helpless.

""Sama Nagi!"

Seeing this, An immediately wanted to stop it. After all, he needed to adapt to not eating for a long time. The amount of food he had once a week was not much, so he was afraid that he would have problems with his diet.

"Don't worry, Miss An. Sticky leeks are a very special ingredient. The nutrients in them can be perfectly absorbed by the human body. Eating these ingredients will only replenish the body's deficiencies and will not burden the body."

Liu Yun said. This is also one of the characteristics of the ingredients in the world of food captives. Normally, if you have been hungry for a long time and then overeat in an instant, you may die.

But in the world of food captives, this kind of thing is impossible to happen, even if Nakiri Managi eats a lot of food now and makes herself unable to move.

The energy in the leeks will continue to improve her body. Apart from feeling a little bloated, she has no other negative effects.

After Liu Yun finished speaking, An hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, Liu Yun would never harm Nakiri Managi, and Nakiri Senzaemon did not stop him, so she stopped trying to stop him.

But the look in her eyes when she looked at Nakiri Managi still revealed some worry.

Soon, Nakiri Managi stopped moving because she was already full. In fact, Nakiri Managi didn't eat much, but because she hadn't eaten much for a long time, her stomach had actually shrunk a lot, so she couldn't eat much.[]

"Satisfied, I haven't eaten so full for a long time. It's hard to imagine that a small leek can solve the problem of the tongue of God."

Nakiri Masanagi looked at the glued leek in her hand and felt a little incredible. After all, according to the family's records, if you want to get the tongue of God, you must be a dragon chef, and the dragon chef can't cure the tongue of God, he can only make food that makes the tongue of God taste good.

Now this leek is equivalent to a dragon chef, anyone would be very surprised.

""Glued leeks are not only delicious when eaten raw, but also taste great when cooked."

Liu Yun reminded her, and then Nakiri Managi's eyes lit up. Although she was already very full, she couldn't wait to try it.

Can she eat the dishes made with glued leeks? After all, she would definitely prefer eating leeks raw or cooking with leeks.

"I'll go now!"

After hearing Nakiri's order, An went directly to the kitchen with the glued leeks. She planned to make a leek dish by herself. After all, she was also a first-class executive of WGO and had good cooking skills.

Soon, An came in with a plate of leek dishes.

Other ingredients were added to the dish, and Liu Yun was also very curious. Nakiri's divine tongue could not detect glued leeks, and could only taste the deliciousness. What about adding other ingredients? Will it be affected by other ingredients? At this time ,

Liu Yun was also a little curious about Nakiri. When she finished eating, she would naturally have the answer..

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