"How is this possible? Is it the leek that is affecting the tongue of God? The tongue of God has no reaction to other ingredients and seasonings. It can't taste anything except deliciousness. It can't even taste the flaws in the cooking method."

At this time, Nakiri Managi was shocked again. It seemed that the leek could completely block the tongue of God. The same was true for other ingredients.

"It is useful. So, if you crush the bonded leeks and add them to other dishes, it should also be useful!"

Liu Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of this method, although not all dishes are suitable for adding leeks.

But bonded leeks are not ordinary leeks. Bonded leeks are special cooking ingredients and are very delicious. Such deliciousness does not exist in the world of Food Wars and the world of Boy Chef.

In other words, it is entirely possible to add bonded leeks to other dishes, and the amount does not need to be large. In this way, Nakiri Managi can eat other dishes and return to normal.

As for whether there will be conflicts in ingredients, it is like leeks cannot be paired with beef, honey, milk and the like.

But this rule is completely useless for bonded leeks, so this bonded leek can be added to any dish.

"Maybe it really works. Liu Yun is really amazing. He actually thought of this. But unfortunately I can't eat anymore. I can only try it in the evening. An, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Nakiri Managi also ordered her secretary without hesitation. At this time, Liu Yun seemed to see the shadows of Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako in these two people.

"Please leave it to me, Master Mangi, but after gluing the leeks together…………"

An suddenly asked, although Liu Yun brought the glued leeks and could solve the problem of the tongue of God, the supply was a big problem, and An had to figure it out.

""I will be responsible for the supply of ingredients, and I will also prepare them. If you want to dry and grind them into powder and use them as seasoning or pickle them into sauce, the amount needed is not much, I can provide it."

Liu Yun said. If his idea is feasible, he can provide enough for one year or even several years at a time, which is enough for Nakiri Managi.

He only needs to pay some ingredients, and he can use all the connections and power of the entire Nakiri family. It is really a good deal.

"The cooking can be left to us, Mr. Liu Yun only needs to provide the ingredients."

An said, she was already satisfied that Liu Yun could provide the ingredients, and Nakiri Managi beside her also nodded. Indeed, Liu Yun didn't need to cook, just leave it to them.

"You guys think the problem is too simple. Not everyone can cook glued leeks."

Nakiri Senzaemon shook his head. The idea was good, but in his opinion, he and others could not do it. He had tried to see how difficult it was to cook glued leeks. In his opinion, he could not cook glued leeks, and the same was true for Nakiri Managi and others.

Only Liu Yun's horrible knife skills and those guys with strong cooking skills in the Chinese cooking world could cook glued leeks.

"Is there anything wrong with cooking with glued leeks?"

Nakiri Managi and An couldn't help but ask. They didn't want any mistakes to happen to the ingredients.

"Bonded leeks are a very special ingredient. The cooking method is very simple. You just need to cut them. Otherwise, the taste of bonded leeks will be the same as ordinary leeks. There is nothing special about them."

"Of course, judging by the situation of gluing leeks, even the taste of ordinary leeks should be able to suppress the tongue of God. After all, this is the characteristic of the food itself."

"But I want to cut off…………"

Liu Yun told the two of them the method of cooking glued leeks, and then An tried it. As for Nakiri Managi, she did not try it.

There is no doubt that Nakiri Managi has a divine tongue, and her cooking skills must be very strong, otherwise she would not be able to become this special executive.

But unfortunately, due to so many years of poor health, her basic skills in all aspects have deteriorated greatly, so she did not even try it at this time. Just look at the results of An's experiment and you will know. Sure enough, An soon had the same situation as everyone in Polar Star Dormitory.

When she cut the first knife, she noticed the peculiarity of the glued leeks. Even though Liu Yun reminded her, she did pay attention, but she did not expect that the glued leeks would be so hard. It was impossible to cut it with one knife, and it was not easy to achieve milligram-level precision.

So An failed without a doubt, and she also tasted the taste of the failed glued leeks and almost vomited it out.

"It's so unpalatable. This is definitely the most unpalatable ingredient I have ever eaten. How did they do it? The same ingredient actually has two completely opposite tastes~


An said he couldn't understand how a food ingredient could be both extremely delicious and extremely unpalatable, and this was only the case after it was cut with a kitchen knife.

"This is the way to stick leeks together. If you cook them successfully, they will taste very good. If you cook them unsuccessfully, they will taste very bad."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He then demonstrated how to properly cook stick leeks together. This technique directly shocked Managi Nakiri and An into silence.

You know, one of them is a special executive officer and the other is a first-class executive officer. But now, when comparing their knife skills with Liu Yun, the difference is just like the difference between a newborn baby and a special forces king.

"I can't do it. I can't handle ingredients like this at all."

An said with a bitter expression. He always felt that his top-class cooking skills were nothing in front of others.

You know, top-class chefs are already at the top of the international cooking world. As long as you don't go to the Chinese cooking world, top-class chefs are the strongest chefs.

But now he can't even handle one ingredient. This gap is really huge.

"The cooking of gluing leeks together requires precise control of strength, which I am good at. My sense of touch is also different from that of ordinary people. This is an innate advantage that cannot be compared!"

Looking at An's bitter face, Liu Yun also spoke to comfort her. After all, she was hit by him, so it was okay to comfort her.

"An extraordinary sense of touch? Then it doesn't seem so strange to do such a thing!"

An said after a moment of stunned silence, just like Nakiri Managi, her divine tongue is absolutely incomparable to her. Even if the divine tongue has big problems, it is indeed of great help in cooking.

An said that she really can't compare with this kind of innate advantage. Thinking of this, her mentality gradually calmed down.

After that, everyone returned to the previous topic. Regardless of whether Liu Yun's idea is useful or not, Liu Yun will be responsible for providing enough adhesive leeks, which is much easier than cooking for each other every week.

""Student Liu Yun, what do you think of Erina?"

After chatting for a while, Nakiri Managi suddenly blurted out such a sentence, and everyone present was stunned. Everyone present was not a fool, and they immediately understood Nakiri Managi's idea, which was to promote their own daughter.

However, both An and Nakiri Senzaemon thought about it carefully and felt that there was no problem.

After all, Nakiri Erina also has the Divine Tongue. According to the development of the Divine Tongue, even if the growth of the Divine Tongue has been delayed, it will sooner or later get out of control. This is inevitable. So if she could bring Liu Yun and her daughter together, Nakiri Masagi would be willing to do it. Nakiri Masagi had checked Liu Yun's potential, ability, and personality, and there was no doubt that Liu Yun was indeed a very suitable candidate for a son-in-law.

Not to mention that she thought so, even Nakiri Senzaemon thought so, but he had been busy dealing with Nakiri Masagi's affairs recently, so Nakiri Senzaemon ignored this point.

And what Nakiri Senzaemon cared about most was, if If the two really get together, then it must be Erina Nakiri who marries, not Liu Yun.

At that time, Nakiri Ji married into the Nakiri family. The reason for this was that the Nakiri family was wealthy and powerful. In comparison, Nakamura Ji was just a chef with better cooking skills.

So in the end, he could only choose to marry into the Nakiri family and change his name to Nakiri Ji, but Liu Yun and Nakiri Ji were completely different.

Although Liu Yun did not have much background in the information they found, his potential was there. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There is a high probability of becoming a dragon chef, and now it seems that their finding that there is no background is also wrong.

After all, in their opinion, Liu Yun's secret skills must be related to the Chinese cuisine world. The second is the bonded leeks in Liu Yun's hand. Before Liu Yun took out this ingredient, they had never heard of such a peculiar ingredient.

After knowing the existence of bonded leeks, Nakiri Senzaemon asked someone to check it, but the final result was Liu Yun.���Being able to come up with this kind of ingredients, as for other places, no clues can be found at all.

So Nakiri Senzaemon knew very well that there was a very special and powerful force behind Liu Yun. They couldn't find it, which meant that the other party's power was much stronger than the Nakiri family.

So this should be from the background of the Chinese culinary world. In short, no matter from which aspect, Liu Yun is very strong.

It is precisely because of this that even if the two of them became together, it was Nakiri Erina who married instead of Liu Yun.

However, facing the existence of Liu Yun, even if Nakiri Erina married him, there would be no problem, after all, his ability is there.

""Classmate Erina, except that she doesn't mean what she says, she's pretty good in all other aspects."

Liu Yun said that Erina Nakiri is indeed pretty good, especially after she opened her shackles, she is excellent in every aspect.

It's just that she was instilled with a lot of twisted ideas when she was a child, so Erina Nakiri was a little disgusting at the beginning.

But to be honest, Erina Nakiri was too young at the time, and it was her biological father who instilled these ideas, which left Erina Nakiri with no choice but to be forced to accept these things.

After entering the Polaris Dormitory, Erina Nakiri has changed a lot under the influence of everyone. As long as the mother, Managi Nakiri, is willing to go back.

And then dealing with this guy Nakiri Tsukiri, it will naturally not be a problem.

"I understand. Then let's talk about the assessment of the top chef. The assessment of the top chef needs to be conducted by me personally."

After getting Liu Yun's evaluation, Nakiri Masagi didn't say anything more. No matter what, feelings are not something she can say, so now she just asked Liu Yun for his opinion.

After all, she also knew what Nakiri Erina had become after she left. Most of the blame belongs to Nakiri Tsuki, but some of it is also hers. After all, she is the fuse of everything.

Then Nakiri Masagi talked about the top chef. She must be an examiner for the assessment of the top chef.

In the assessments over the years, she has been an examiner. Of course, she would spit out everything she ate because she really couldn't eat it.

Even if she forced herself to swallow it, she would spit it out again later.

There was nothing she could do about it.

Her body was like this.

She could only eat the dishes of Lin Chu and chefs above Lin Chu.

[](Qian Li Zhao) Moreover, over the years, ordinary Linchu cuisine has been unable to satisfy her divine tongue, but now, with ingredients like glued leeks, she doesn’t have to worry about this problem anymore.

There are very few chefs who take the assessment for top chefs.

In the international culinary world, top chefs are already at the top, so the number is extremely rare.

It is precisely because of this that she is needed to be the examiner, and only the Chinese culinary world will recognize the identity of the top chef.

Although the Chinese culinary world is above the international culinary world and plays on its own, it is not completely isolated from the outside world.

Therefore, the bright culinary world in the Chinese culinary world also recognizes the top chef assessment on the WGO side or

"This is normal, after all, Aunt Nakiri is the only special executive officer of WGO."

Liu Yun nodded. After all, it was an assessment for a special chef, so he couldn't be careless.

"You can choose the time of the assessment by yourself, and the location is at the headquarters of WGO. As for the theme, just choose what you are good at."

Nakiri Masanagi gave a little convenience, which was not a problem. At the special level, the restrictions on the theme have become very small.

And she only gave the convenience of the theme. As for the other hard conditions, Liu Yun had to meet them himself.

If Liu Yun's cooking skills could not reach the special level, then Nakiri Masanagi would not let Liu Yun pass. After all, WGO was finally recognized by the Chinese culinary community, and she would not ruin all this.

"Is there no requirement for the topic? That couldn't be simpler. In that case, let's wait until tomorrow!" Liu Yun said. He had just arrived at the WGO headquarters. There was no need to rush. So let's wait until tomorrow to take the test!

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