"Did you break the record?"

Liu Yun didn't have too many thoughts about breaking the record. After all, for him, records were completely useless.

It seemed very powerful, but it was only in the international culinary world. In the

Chinese culinary world, how long did it take Liu Maoxing in the original novel to become a top chef? And how long did it take him to defeat Kaiyou and other supreme dragon chefs? That's the real cheat.

Can you imagine that Liu Maoxing, who defeated Kaiyou, was only thirteen years old? A thirteen-year-old supreme dragon chef, and even in the later plot, Liu Maoxing was still getting stronger.

Thinking of the existence of Liu Maoxing, Liu Yun really couldn't get arrogant. Although as a cheat, he was confident that he could catch up with Liu Maoxing's growth rate, but he had to say that Liu Maoxing's talent was really against the sky.

"Your performance is really calm!"

Seeing that Liu Yun's expression did not change at all after hearing the news, Nakiri Managi was also a little surprised.

You know, even when she learned that she broke the record in the international culinary world, she was a little excited. Now that Liu Yun broke the record, she was so calm.

"How should I put it? If you think about it carefully, there is also the Chinese cuisine world. There are probably many more powerful chefs there. Thinking of these, you can't get too arrogant."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He really couldn't get too arrogant because of Liu Maoxing's existence. He was very calm.

"Although that's what they said, there probably aren't many people who really think that way!"

Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but speak. He really admired Liu Yun in front of him. He was talented, capable, and had a good mentality. He really had no shortcomings.

Perhaps only people like him could have the opportunity to become a dragon chef.

As everyone was chatting, An had already gone to help Liu Yun apply for a new certificate and update his information.

The news that Liu Yun became a top chef naturally appeared on the official website of WGO, which also caused an uproar in the international culinary community.

In fact, if it was just a simple top chef, not many people would pay attention to it, but this time Liu Yun broke the record left by Nakiri Managi. The youngest top chef in the international culinary world was born, a first-year student in the advanced department. As soon as this news came out, it naturally directly detonated public opinion in the international culinary community.

"Is this true? Lady Managi Nakiri is the only special executive officer of WGO. Her record was broken by someone, and it was exceeded by so much. A student became a special chef?"

At this time, many chefs who saw the news were stunned. When they thought that they were still senior chefs or even just mid-level chefs in their forties, and looked at others who were already special chefs in their teens, they felt that they had lived like dogs for the past few decades. There were a lot of people who were hit by this news.

Many people who were hit even thought that they should not only be hit by themselves, but also let others taste the feeling of being hit, so they directly told their relatives and friends the news.

Naturally, the news spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred. Originally, there were not many people who saw it in the first batch, but with so many people spreading it, the news spread quickly.

After that, various news began to emerge like mushrooms after rain.

If Liu Yun was not still at the WGO headquarters, he would probably have been surrounded by reporters from all walks of life.

"Look, Ayun has passed the special chef assessment and even broke Erina's mother's record!" At the Polaris Dormitory, Yoshino Yuuki shouted as soon as she got the news.

""I have seen it. After all, such a big thing has set off the public opinion of the entire international culinary community."

Sakaki Ryoko said. They have also seen it. After all, the news about Liu Yun has been flying all over the international culinary community.

As long as you are not a person like Yukihira Soma who does not have an internet connection at home, you can basically see some news about Liu Yun.

"Although I already knew that Ayun could become a top chef, it’s a completely different feeling after I actually passed this test!"

Ise Hui said with a smile. He felt that it was a little unreal, but now there are so many rumors about Liu Yun that they can’t be fake.

"It's really a monster among monsters. There's really no comparison with this kind of monster. Why did I think of competing with him at that time?"

Si Yingshi complained, and always felt that his brain was seizure at that time, otherwise how could he make such a decision?

""Aren't you interested in the dish made by Ayun? I'm very curious about it!"

Yukihira Soma said. He didn't care about the record, and he didn't feel as shocked as others. He was more interested in the dishes made by Liu Yun.

After all, after becoming a top chef, there would be records of what he made when he took the assessment.

So Yukihira Soma saw the fierce icy fresh sea bream mountain made by Liu Yun.

"Yes, this dish sounds amazing just by looking at the name!"

Kobayashi Ryodan on the side also nodded quickly. After all, as a foodie, she is naturally very interested in this kind of food.

On the other side, Nakiri Erina received a call from Nakiri Senzaemon.

"Varied…………What? Grandpa, are you telling the truth?"

After answering the call, Erina Nakiri's face changed instantly. Shock, disbelief, nervousness and other emotions kept flashing across her face.

""Erina, are you okay?"

Alice Nakiri couldn't help but ask after seeing this scene. Although she still quarreled with Erina Nakiri frequently, she also cared about Erina Nakiri, so she asked about Erina Nakiri's current situation.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I just received a call from grandpa, mother is coming back!"

Yes, Nakiri Senzaemon called because of Nakiri Masagi. Nakiri Senzaemon also asked about what Erina Nakiri asked him to ask.

Since the problem of the tongue of God has been solved, Nakiri Masagi also knows���She couldn't keep running away.

After all, it was her fault that she left her own daughter, so she promised Nakiri Senzaemon that she would go back to Totsuki to meet Nakiri Erina.

In this matter, Nakiri Managi was indeed at fault, and she also felt guilty, so now it was her turn to come back and apologize.

Although Nakiri Erina had been looking forward to the return of her family, now that this matter had really happened, Nakiri Erina was a little panicked. She didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, she didn't look like a queen at all. She was just like Tadokoro Megumi in her normal state. She showed extreme nervousness and was completely at a loss.

"Your mother is coming back? Your aunt is coming back?! Does that mean it's about the Tongue of God?…………"

Alice Nakiri was also shocked. She knew something about what happened back then and why Nakiri Managi left.

Now Nakiri Managi chose to come back, it must be because the problem of the tongue of God has been solved.

"The problem with the God's Tongue should be solved."

Erina Nakiri nodded.

"But how was it solved?"

Alice Nakiri knew the Nakiri family's past very well. The problem of the God's Tongue had not been solved for so many generations, but now it has been solved.

"It should be because of Liu Yun's glued chives…………"

Nakiri Erina told Liu Yun about her previous discovery and what she had asked him to do. Then everyone realized that it was the leeks that had worked.

"Great, the problem with the God's Tongue has been solved, so you don't have to worry about your God's Tongue getting out of control in the future."

Nakiri Alice was really happy at this time. After all, she didn't want to see Nakiri Erina follow the old path of Nakiri Managi.

""Yes, the problem has been solved!"

Nakiri Erina answered absentmindedly. Although she was very happy that the problem of the Tongue of God had been solved, the current problem had not been solved yet. She didn't know how to face Nakiri Masaki.

"The problem with the Tongue of God has been solved, and your aunt has agreed to come back, so why are you still so nervous? You are mother and daughter, so you just need to throw yourself into her arms and act coquettishly when the time comes."

Nakiri Alice also noticed Erina Nakiri's uneasiness, and began to give bad advice. She had quarreled with her mother before, but there was nothing that couldn't be solved by acting coquettishly once, and if there was, then twice.

Of course, the situation this time was a little different. After all, the one with the problem this time was Nakiri Managi, not Nakiri Erina.

But she said this not to ask Nakiri Erina to really do it, but to ease Nakiri Erina's nervousness.

Sure enough, just after Nakiri Alice gave this suggestion, Nakiri Erina rolled her eyes at Nakiri Alice.

She is a tsundere queen, how could she just throw herself into her mother's arms and act coquettishly? Anyway, she would definitely do it. Such a thing would not happen.

However, the inner tension was relieved a lot after Alice Nakiri intervened.

Not to mention the reaction of the people in Polaris Dormitory, on the other side, there was another group of people who were eyeing Liu Yu. This group of people was the late-night chef who appeared in the later period of Food Wars.

To be honest, the appearance of the late-night chef in the original work was very embarrassing, because the plot of the comics had collapsed at that time.

Therefore, people who appeared in the later period will have a characteristic, that is, they flashed by. Except for the final villain Saiba Chaoyang, other late-night chefs can't leave a deep impression on people at all.

Therefore, the feeling of the late-night chef is very lame. The setting is not low, but the performance is really average.

"Young people nowadays are really more powerful than each other. They have passed the assessment of special chefs at the age of fifteen or sixteen, which is even more outrageous than Caibo!"

On the side of the late-night cooks, Caibo Chaoyang's team, at this time Caibo Chaoyang has already conquered several outstanding figures of the younger generation of late-night cooks.

As late-night cooks, their existence is not recognized by WGO. After all, the positioning of late-night cooks is the same as that of the dark cooking world.

They never follow the rules when doing things, and they do whatever they want, so they are not recognized.

"This guy is so famous now, he should be targeted!"

They knew very well that Cai Bo Chaoyang had been keeping an eye on them, the powerful young generation, so Liu Yun would definitely be targeted by Cai Bo Chaoyang.

"This guy is really amazing. Even though Lord Chaoyang has such special abilities, he is not as strong as him at his age."

Although the record of the late-night cook is not recognized by the WGO, Caibo Chaoyang's rise is not long. Caibo

Chaoyang's rise is mainly based on plunder. His ability is to obtain other people's cooking skills after getting their kitchen knives.

In this way, Caibo Chaoyang can reach such a height at this age.

But this method is also a trick, because if Caibo Chaoyang wants to go all out, he must use a large number of kitchen knives, which is how he was fully armed in the late stage of the original book.

Such strength is only limited to the level of top chefs, because this level has not yet involved intention.

Moreover, Caibo Chaoyang can copy other people's cooking skills by getting other people's kitchen knives. This is useless for those extremely special people.

For example, secret skills, even if he got Liu Yun's kitchen knife, he couldn't copy secrets like the whirlwind knife. skills, let alone the skillful use of the Seven Star Sword.

There are also some more special abilities. There are two types of superpowers in the food wars world. One is the more abstract one like talking to ingredients, and the other is the innate superpower like the tongue of God.

Cai Bo Chaoyang can only copy the former, just like Saki's military cuisine.

Saki's military cuisine is to use these special kitchen utensils to make delicious dishes, which is her own cooking method.

This type of Cai Bo Caoyang can copy the kitchen utensils after getting them, but the innate type is not possible.

Liu Yun's fire control ability, super touch, food justice and other things are not something that Cai Bo Chaoyang can copy.

So Cai Bo Chaoyang's superpowers are not omnipotent, and he can only be at a loss when encountering a special existence like Liu Yun. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm quite interested in him, but I have other things to do now, so let's wait a little longer!"

At this time, Cai Bo Chaoyang also appeared. He also planned to continue to subdue several late-night cooks to expand his power, and he had to do one more thing, that is, to defeat Seiichiro.

After defeating Seiichiro, he would find a way to replace Yukihira Soma. This can be said that this kid really lacks love, otherwise he would not have such a paranoid idea.

In fact, it is not only them who are concerned about Liu Yun, but also other late-night cooks.

They even want to challenge Liu Yun. After all, Liu Yun's reputation is too loud now. As the saying goes, there are many rumors when people are famous, so there are a lot of people who want to step on Liu Yun to get to the top.

But what they don't know is that Liu Yun will go to the Chinese cuisine industry next, so their ideas will naturally fall through.

They dare not go to the Chinese cuisine industry to make trouble.

The Chinese cuisine industry has never been afraid of these guys coming to make trouble. In terms of cooking skills, the Chinese cuisine industry can crush them by who knows how many streets. As for playing dirty, as long as they dare, they can't get out of the Chinese cuisine industry for a few days..

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