It's not that late-night cooks haven't gone to the Chinese cooking world to cause trouble. A long time ago, some late-night cooks who thought they were very powerful went to the Chinese cooking world. At that time, there was no such collective name as late-night cooks.

These people thought that they could get whatever they wanted in the Chinese cooking world as they did in the international cooking world, but after entering the Chinese cooking world, they found that they were wrong. The strongest among them were only top-grade chefs. Although they were not weak in the Chinese cooking world, the top-grade chefs in the Chinese cooking world were often one level higher than those in the outside world.

After all, the chef inheritance in the Chinese cooking world was very complete, and the top-grade chefs in the international cooking world needed to explore on their own after reaching the top grade.

The two were naturally not on the same level, so they were abused badly in terms of cooking skills at that time.

As for playing dirty, that was even more impossible. People in the bright cooking world were always watching them. If they dared to mess around, they would be arrested in minutes.

As for the dark cooking world, did they dare to play dirty with the dark cooking world? The bright cooking world only arrested people, but the dark cooking world would directly take their lives.

This group of people were arrested, killed, and finally only a few escaped from the Chinese cuisine world.

After they went back, they also formed the late-night cuisine people based on the dark cuisine world, but compared with the dark cuisine world, the late-night cuisine people were a mess.

The reason is very simple. The dark cuisine world has an absolutely powerful Kaiyou who suppresses everything. Kaiyou is top-notch in both cooking skills and methods, so no one in the dark cuisine world dares to disobey him.

But what about the late-night cuisine people? A group of top chefs control the"Four Three Zeros". Without the absolute suppression of the strong, this group of people themselves belong to the kind of lawless people, and they can't be suppressed at all.

So the late-night cuisine people are divided into different small groups, which are a mess compared to the dark cuisine world.

Once Liu Yun enters the Chinese cuisine world, the late-night cuisine people will naturally not dare to go over. After all, this is a lesson that those predecessors have learned with their lives.

Although some people were not convinced and went to the Chinese culinary world to stir up trouble, the result was naturally not very good. After enough people stepped on landmines, no matter how crazy these people were, they would not dare to easily go to the Chinese culinary world to commit suicide.

In Totsuki Academy, the residential area of the Nakiri family, the atmosphere was a little weird at this time. Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina had already met, but neither of them spoke, just looking at each other.

Nakiri Erina simply did not dare to speak, and did not know how to face her mother. Although she had made a lot of plans before Nakiri Managi came back, she could not remember anything when they really met.

As for Nakiri Managi, she did not know what to say because of her guilt, so the two of them froze.

Liu Yun came back with Nakiri Senzaemon and others, and Nakiri Senzaemon also said that he wanted to treat him to dinner to thank him, so he was also here to witness this embarrassing scene.

"Commander, why don't we go out first?"

Seeing that no one was talking, Liu Yun simply spoke first, leaving some space for the two.

"Right, right, right, let's go out first!"

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon also reacted and took the lead to leave. Seeing this scene, An, Arato Hisako, Nakiri Alice and others also followed one after another.

"Long time no see, Erina. You have grown up so fast. I am so sorry.…………"

In the end, it was Nakiri Masagi who spoke first. After all, she was the one who was sorry for Nakiri Erina. She just walked away when she was still young.

Although there were reasons for it, it was not a reason for her to abandon her daughter, so now she apologized first.

This apology was very important. It not only broke the deadlock between the two, but also made Nakiri Erina cry. Nakiri Erina was a person who longed for a family and a person who longed to be loved. The happy family was directly shattered. This shock was too great for her who was still young at the time.

In addition, Nakiri Tsuki went crazy and made trouble, which left a deep psychological shadow on Nakiri Erina. So much so that now with this apology, Nakiri Erina couldn't control her tears.

Seeing her daughter crying, Nakiri Masagi panicked instantly. She didn't expect that she would make her daughter cry with just one sentence. She was a little at a loss for a while.

If the people from WGO saw Nakiri Managi like this, their jaws would probably drop to the ground. After all, the usually aloof Nakiri Managi would actually show such an expression.

"welcome…………Welcome back, mother!"

But soon, Erina Nakiri smiled, although with tears in her eyes, but she also forgave her mother at this moment.

This is the case with Erina Nakiri, and it is the same in the original book. Because she is extremely eager for family and love, she chose to forgive the two of them as soon as her family returned to normal.

Her words also calmed down the somewhat flustered Masaki Nakiri, and the relationship between the two became closer again in these two short sentences.

After that, they naturally entered into the heart-to-heart talk session. As for the others, they went to the restaurant to wait.

"Ah Yun, what do you think Erina and Auntie will talk about?"

Alice Nakiri asked curiously, with a hint of worry in her curiosity.

"Don't worry, they are mother and daughter, and they are not the kind of heartless people. As long as someone speaks up and opens a breakthrough, it will naturally not be a problem afterwards!"

Liu Yun was very calm. After all, to be honest, this matter had nothing to do with him. He just came to have a meal. As for how the mother and daughter communicated, he had no right to control it.

He had already solved the problem of the tongue of God. As for the emotional problems between mother and daughter, that was not something he could interfere with.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell must untie it. The original matter was caused by Nakiri Masaki.���, now it is natural that Nakiri Masagi should handle it herself.

While everyone was talking, the mother and daughter appeared in everyone's sight again. Both of them had red eyes, and it seemed that they had been crying.

But now Nakiri Erina was holding Nakiri Masagi's arm, and this intimate gesture said it all.

"It looks like the problem has been solved!"

Seeing this, Nakiri Senzaemon also smiled. What he cares about most is his family, so it would be strange if he wasn't happy to see that the problem was solved.

"Then there is only one last question left!"

Alice Nakiri thought of the last question, which was Nakiri Tsuki, who was the most troublesome one.

Nakiri Senzaemon was also a little troubled by this. If possible, he really didn't want Nakiri Tsuki to come back.

At the beginning, Nakiri Managi just patted his butt and left. Although such behavior also hurt everyone, it was nothing compared to Nakiri Tsuki.

Nakiri Tsuki knew that the development of the Divine Tongue would get out of control in the end. Not only did he not restrict the development of Nakiri Erina's Divine Tongue, but he continued to strengthen the development.

And instilled a lot of distorted ideas into Nakiri Erina. Nakiri Senzaemon was also busy dealing with Nakiri Managi's affairs, and ignored his family for a while. By the time he found out, Nakiri Tsuki had already caused a deep psychological shadow on Nakiri Erina.

And those distorted ideas It has also taken root in Erina Nakiri's heart. Later, he even invited Seiichiro, but the effect was minimal.

So Nakiri Senzaemon was the one who least wanted to see Nakiri Tsuki come back. After Nakiri Managi had problems, everyone else was thinking about solving this problem.

Only Nakiri Tsuki not only did not think about solving the problem, but instead created more and bigger problems, making Nakiri Senzaemon and others anxious.

In addition, Nakiri Tsuki herself is an outsider who married into the family, so it is even more annoying.

If it weren't for the fact that this incident was caused by Nakiri Managi, Nakiri Senzaemon would have kicked Nakiri Tsuki out long ago, in the true sense of the word, even depriving him of his surname.

The reason why he is still allowed to use the name of Nakiri Tsuki to cause trouble is entirely for the sake of his own daughter and granddaughter.

"Let me handle the matter of Nakiri!"

Seeing her father frowning, Nakiri Masagi also spoke. The matter was caused by her, so she would naturally be responsible for handling it.

Liu Yun also heard what Nakiri Masagi said nearby. To be honest, he didn't think this matter would go so smoothly.

After all, the whitewashing of Nakiri Masagi in the original work was very abrupt, and now the plot is already a mess. Liu Yun thinks that the probability of Nakiri Masagi convincing Nakiri Masagi will be very low.

Of course, this is just Liu Yun's guess. As for the final result, we will have to wait and see...........

""Classmate Liu Yun, thank you so much for this time!" At this time, Erina Nakiri also came to Liu Yun and bowed to him. It can be seen that Erina Nakiri really thanked Liu Yun from the bottom of her heart.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. After all, our previous transaction has solved the problem of the tongue of God. It's just that this time, by mistake, gluing leeks together can solve this problem."

Liu Yun said, and he was not lying.

"I know, but no matter what, I should still thank Liu Yun. By the way, can I call you Ayun?"

At this time, Erina Nakiri asked another question, which also surprised everyone.

"Of course, after all, everyone in Polaris Dormitory basically calls me that!"

Liu Yun said that he had long been accustomed to being addressed like this, and the reason why Nakiri Erina still called him"classmate Liu Yun" was entirely because she couldn't let go.

Now that Nakiri Managi's problem has been solved, and it was Liu Yun's credit, the relationship has naturally become closer, and there is no problem with addressing her like that.

However, this sounded different to Nakiri Managi, Nakiri Senzaemon, An and others.

After all, Nakiri Managi had asked Liu Yun about his opinion on Nakiri Erina before, and it seemed that he had the idea of bringing the two together.

However, in order to bring them together, the two people need to be interested in each other. Now looking at Nakiri Erina's attitude, her favorability towards Liu Yun is rising. In their opinion, these two people might really have a chance

"That's great, I'll call you A-Yun from now on!"

Nakiri Erina smiled immediately. It must be said that Nakiri Erina is very beautiful, and now she is showing such a smile from the heart, which is really attractive.

Liu Yun solved the problem of the tongue of God and also brought back Nakiri Managi. This wave can be said to have directly raised Nakiri Erina's favorability.

At the dinner, everyone also talked about Liu Yun's next move to the Chinese cuisine industry.

"The Chinese cuisine industry recognizes the WGO's special chef certificate, so your special chef status can also be used in the Chinese cuisine industry. In addition, I can introduce you to Grandpa Guan, the chef who cooks for me regularly."

Nakiri Masaru also directly used his own connections. The chef they asked for was named Guan Hong, and he had a good relationship with the Nakiri family.

Now that the problem of the tongue of God has been solved, Nakiri Masaru and Nakiri Senzaemon also plan to visit, and Liu Yun can go with them when the time comes.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief and Aunt Nakiri."

Liu Yun thanked them quickly. Others thought that his secret skills were taught by people in the Chinese cuisine world, and that he was a member of the Chinese cuisine world.

But Liu Yun knew very well what his situation was. Everything he had now was given by Shilin Temple, and had nothing to do with the Chinese cuisine world.

Liu Yun was even thinking about whether he should contact Seiichiro after arriving in the Chinese cuisine world. After all, Seiichiro had been in the Chinese cuisine world for a while and had some connections.

Entering the Chinese cuisine world through Seiichiro's connections is always more practical than exploring it alone.

But now there is a better way. This old man named Guan Hong is...���Liu Yun didn't know, but he was a real Lin chef. It was undoubtedly very good to enter the Chinese cuisine world through him.

In response to Liu Yun's thanks, both of them waved their hands to show that they didn't need to thank him. After all, they did this because they were grateful to Liu Yun.

Liu Yun solved the problem of the tongue of God and could be said to be the benefactor of their family.

This meal, because the dishes were all added with leeks, Nakiri Managi could also eat very happily. Nakiri Erina and others also knew that adding leeks would have such an effect, and they were all very surprised.

After the meal, Nakiri Erina did not return to the Polar Star Dormitory. After all, her mother was back, so she naturally couldn't return to the Polar Star Dormitory. It would be better to stay with her mother first.

As a secretary, Niito Hisako naturally needed to stay.

As for Nakiri Alice, she followed Liu Yun back to the Polar Star Dormitory. After all, that was not her mother, and the relationship between her and her aunt Nakiri Managi was also very weak, so she didn't affect the emotional exchange between mother and daughter..

My mother: Thien Phongxyz

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