On the way back, Liu Yun also talked with Alice Nakiri about what would happen next. Although Alice Nakiri had to change her major, she couldn't do it all at once. She could use the field training to slowly transform.

Since Liu Yun was not here, the two agreed to use videos for the next teaching.

Although it would be a little affected if people were not around, there was no problem with the guidance.

After returning, everyone in Polaris Dormitory also agreed to celebrate Liu Yun's becoming a top chef the next day, and Liu Yun did not refuse.

At the dinner the next day, Erina Nakiri also came back, and her state had changed drastically. She had been a little more relaxed in Polaris Dormitory before, but she still maintained some false personalities, giving people the feeling that she was wearing a mask.

But now she can already smile from the heart, and her whole mental outlook has changed, which is also very obvious to everyone.

When everyone learned that Erina Nakiri's change was because her mother, Managi Nakiri, came back, they also congratulated her.

In the next few days, everyone was preparing for the next field training, while Si Yingshi and others were arranging this activity.

"Although it is very stressful to have so many of the top ten in one dormitory, it is great to be able to get the news of the next event in the first place!"

Yoshino Yuuki was also very happy after hearing the news of the next field training from everyone.

Si Yingshi and others did not hide it. After all, it was not a secret, and they even told everyone what they needed to do in the field training.

To put it bluntly, it is to leave actual results. If you encounter a store with bad business, you need to solve the other party's problems and get the store out of crisis.

If the business is good, then you need to leave some actual impact, such as the dish that Soma Yukihira left at Shinomiya Kojiro. No matter what method is used, it is necessary to make changes in this store or leave traces.

"Don't worry, it's just a field study. With your abilities, it's easy to pass. You know, the highest score in our previous autumn selection was only over 828 points. Your class is so amazing that the field study is a piece of cake."

Kobayashi Ryodan said that this field training was very simple for the people in Polaris Dormitory, so there was no need to worry about anything.

In fact, everyone had heard this many times. They had heard this in the previous residential training and the autumn selection. Facts have also proved that this was indeed true. Such an assessment was too simple for them.

After that, all the first-year students of Polaris Dormitory went to participate in the field training. As for Liu Yun, he went to the Chinese Cuisine World with Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Managi.

It has to be said that it is comfortable to take a special plane, and all kinds of services are directly maximized. It didn't take long to get to the land of China, but what surprised Liu Yun was that when his feet set foot on this land, the box he had been carrying vibrated.

The box contained the Seven Star Sword. Since it was a special plane, there was naturally no need to check in anything, so Liu Yun carried the Seven Star Sword with him.

As a result, this happened as soon as he landed.

"Why is the Seven Star Knife vibrating?"

The vibrating box attracted the attention of several people. You know, it's just a set of kitchen knives, and it's incomprehensible that it's vibrating now.

"I don't know either!"

Liu Yun shook his head. In fact, he had some guesses, because he knew the origin of the Seven Star Knife. The Seven Star Knife was made by Luo Xie.

At first, it was just a sharp kitchen knife, but after Xiang En took the second set and competed with Ryan, this set of kitchen knives became a little different.

Luo Xie's soul directly transferred the essence of Xiang En's set to Ryan's set of Seven Star Knife.

Even the soul appeared, and in the later period there were all kinds of qi, possession, flying and other operations, so Luo Xie's soul might still remain on the Seven Star Knife.

Of course, this is just Liu Yun's guess.

Just when everyone was curious, the box suddenly changed direction under the effect of the Seven Star Knife.

"Is this guiding the direction?"

Liu Yun also had some guesses after seeing this scene. He then moved the box in another direction. As a result, the box started to turn again, and the tip of the Seven Star Knife pointed in the same direction again.

"What a magical sword, it's actually guiding you. It looks like the Seven Star Sword wants to take you somewhere."

Nakiri Senzaemon said. The changes of the Seven Star Sword really broadened his horizons. He could only say that the Chinese cuisine is really magical. There are too many secrets in the Chinese cuisine that they don't understand.

"It seems that we need to change our first stop. We can only go to the place indicated by the Seven Star Sword first, and then visit this old man Guan Hong."

Liu Yun said. The Seven Star Sword can't be left alone in its current state, so let's go to the place indicated by the Seven Star Sword and take a look.

In this regard, Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Managi also nodded. They were also curious about what would happen.

Since Sakura had already been accepted as a younger brother, coupled with Nakiri Senzaemon's connections, it was very convenient for everyone to move.

Modern transportation is also very convenient. Otherwise, in ancient times, it would be a very troublesome thing to walk so far.

According to the guidance of the Seven Star Sword, one day later, everyone found an abandoned mountain village.

Due to the changes of the times, the people here have moved away, leaving only this abandoned village. Under the guidance of the Seven Star Sword, everyone came to a house that looked a bit simple.

"The vibration of the Seven Star Sword has stopped, so why is it guiding us here?"

��People looked at the Seven Star Sword that had already calmed down with some doubts.

"I don't know, but since the Seven Star Knife has led us here, there must be a purpose. We'll know if we look for it!"

Liu Yun said. Since the Seven Star Knife has led them here, it means there must be something hidden here.

Hearing this, everyone nodded and searched in the house. The house was covered with dust because it had been abandoned for a long time, but soon, Liu Yun found that there was nothing under a floor.

After opening the floor, Liu Yun saw a box. After opening the box, there was a book inside.

On the book were four big characters: Cooking Experience.

"Cooking knowledge? What is this?"

The words in the book are very unfamiliar to Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Senzaemon, but they are very familiar to Liu Yun.

"You will know after you take a look."

Liu Yun opened the book. After opening it, it did not directly record various experiences in the culinary world, but there was a paragraph.

At the end of this paragraph was Ryan's name. Obviously, it was left by Ryan.

The content of this paragraph is also very simple. To put it bluntly, Ryan lived in seclusion here because he was alone and did not want to lose everything he had learned, so he recorded everything he had learned.

But after writing this book, Ryan did not send it out, because most of what he had learned came from the dark culinary world. The dark culinary world has fallen apart due to the efforts of Liu Maoxing and others, but Ryan is still a little worried that the dark culinary world will revive again.

So after writing this book, Ryan did not send the book out, but sealed it up. On the contrary, he kept it in his own hands. The Seven Star Sword that he had been using was given away.

After that, for some unknown reason, the Seven Star Sword was lost overseas and was bought by Nakiri Managi, who also gave it to Liu Yun.

When Liu Yun set foot on this land, perhaps the Seven Star Sword thought that Liu Yun could inherit Ryan's legacy, so it guided Liu Yun here.

After integrating Luo Xie's soul, the Seven Star Sword has become a set of spiritual kitchen knives. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Seven Star Sword also hopes to find a successor who can inherit Ryan's mantle, so after Liu Yun set foot on this land, the Seven Star Sword guided Liu Yun here and found the legacy left by Ryan.

Ryan was worried at the beginning, so he chose to seal this legacy at the last minute, but he also considered that someone might discover this legacy.

So it is also in the book. He warned the person who got this inheritance not to use it for evil. Although he should have been gone by the time someone discovered this inheritance, he still left this warning. After all, he went astray because of his arrogance. Although Luo Xie did not die in his hands in the end, Luo Xie's death was definitely related to Ryan. Even though

Luo Xie had forgiven Ryan during the battle of Loulin, to put it bluntly, Luo Xie probably had no choice.

After all, the two people holding the Seven Star Sword were his enemies, but Luo Xie hated Xiang En more at that time.

Ryan stabbed him and pushed him off the cliff, but what about Xiang En? He actually deceived his feelings and killed him with a knife at the last moment.

So if we talk about this hatred, it is obvious that Luo Xie hates Xiang En more. Facing... Between a repentant Ryan and a vicious Xiang En, he could only choose the former.

As a knife forger, Luo Xie did not want his work to disappear in this world.

Ryan himself was also very clear about this, so he left this warning in the book, telling those who received this inheritance not to use the things in it to do evil.

After this paragraph, the following content recorded the secrets of the dark cuisine world that Ryan had learned, as well as some of Ryan's experiences in the dark cuisine world and the training methods he had learned in the dark cuisine world.

Although the records here did not expose everything in the entire dark cuisine world, they were comprehensive enough.

In terms of kitchen utensils, the Hundred Holes Kitchen Knife used by Liu Maoxing was also recorded, as well as the secrets such as Luohan Crystal Slash and Mengniu Qinglong Slash that Ryan mastered.

It can be said that this book records what Ryan has learned and all kinds of experiences in his life. For a chef, this is a very valuable asset.

Unfortunately, the things recorded above are all kinds of knowledge and do not record the things about the Tai Chi cuisine world back then.

The comic book"Little Chef" should have ended after defeating the Dark Cooking World, but then a sequel was started.

In the sequel, an organization called Tai Chi Cooking World appeared. When Liu Yun traveled through time, the comic book was not yet finished.

And now there is the fusion of the Ten Heroes. Ryan and the others are also people from more than a hundred years ago. This makes Liu Yun confused about what is going on with 860 Chu now.

But no matter what, it is a good thing to get Ryan's inheritance.

"The things recorded here are useless to you. Neither the secret techniques nor the training methods are suitable for you."[]

Liu Yun spoke up and showed the two what was recorded in it. After reading it, the two knew very well that this was not something they could touch.

You know, most of the things recorded in it are from the dark cooking world. The training mode of the dark cooking world does not treat people as human beings at all.

Only a cooking fanatic like Ryan can adapt to such high-intensity training.

The dark cooking world also follows the elite route, but their elite route is filled with corpses.

Looking at the extremely cruel training methods in it, Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but shudder.

"This dark cuisine world is really crazy. With such training methods, who knows how many people died in the past."

Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but speak up. He didn't want this inheritance even if it was given to him. The things in it were simply beyond his reach.

Liu Yun knew more than Nakiri Senzaemon and others. Although the original book did not give detailed data, you should know that the villages around Liangshanpo, the headquarters of the dark cuisine world, are basically deserted.

This kind of desertification is different from the desertification of relocation now, but the people have been captured by the dark cuisine world.

These captured people are either put into high-intensity training or used as guinea pigs for experiments. In short, the final result is Only one out of ten survives.

Just like the existence of Blue-Eyed Tiger Mira, one of the Five Tiger Stars, a true Dragon Chef, but this Dragon Chef is simply a puppet, a puppet created by Kaiyou.

Those who can't stand this kind of high-intensity training and experiments will die immediately, and as for those who can stand it, they are basically brainwashed and turned into death warriors, completely loyal to Kaiyou.

In the original work, there are countless people who died in the dark cooking world, and the training methods recorded by Ryan are basically to train people to death.

Unless you are a gifted person, there is basically only one way to go, which is death.

"It's really hard to imagine that this organization is so dark, and the Midnight Cooks can't compare with it at all."

Nakiri Masa said, the nature of the Midnight Cooks seems to be similar to the dark cooking world, but compared with the dark cooking world recorded by Ryan, there is no comparison at all. In comparison, the Midnight Cooks group is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the dark cooking world

, the gap is really too big..

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