The intention in Grandpa Guan Hong's cooking is like the kindness of an elder to his younger generation, which instantly reminds people of their past and the feeling of facing a kind elder.

This feeling is very clear and directly impacts the heart. Under the influence of this intention, the taste of the cooking seems to be sublimated.

"How is it? Did you feel what Chef Lin meant?"

Old Master Guan Hong asked.

"How to say it? It's incredible. The impact brought by this kind of intention is really shocking, and under the cooperation of intention, the taste of the food has also been sublimated."

Liu Yun expressed his feelings. It was the first time for him to eat Linchu's food. It was completely different from the food of the top chef.

"When I first felt the meaning, I also felt it was incredible. In order to comprehend the meaning, I also spent a lot of effort back then."

Grandpa Guan Hong said with a smile, and then Liu Yun also asked Grandpa Guan Hong how to comprehend the meaning.

"It is easy to comprehend the meaning, but it is also difficult to comprehend the meaning. In fact, the current classification of supernatural powers in the international culinary world is that some people have already come into contact with the meaning, but they have only touched the surface of the meaning."

"The key to cooking is to find your inner thoughts. Why do you want to cook? Whether it is to satisfy your appetite or for other reasons."

"In fact, I was not very interested in cooking at the beginning. I became a chef because my family forced me to do so. The reason why I really accepted the identity of a chef was because of my children."

Grandpa Guan Hong talked about why he mastered Yi. Not everyone in a cooking family wants to be a chef. Everyone has their own pursuits. It was the same when Grandpa Guan Hong was young. It was not until his children grew up a little, tasted his cooking, and said the word"delicious" that Guan Hong fully accepted the identity of a chef.

At that time, he had not yet come into contact with the level of Linchu. When he came into contact with Yi and was moving towards Linchu, he realized that the source of his Yi was here.

The prototype of Yi had already appeared at that time, but Guan Hong did not know this until he came into contact with Yi in the later period.

According to him, the same is true for the 450 supernatural powers that have appeared in the world now. In fact, they are the prototypes of Yi, but they are all He thought it was a superpower.

After hearing what Grandpa Guan Hong said, Liu Yun couldn't help but nodded, and still took the example of the hospitality and kindness of Tanaka Megumi's superpower in the original work. Tanaka Megumi's idea was very simple, that is, to let people from different regions taste the delicious cuisine of different regions.

Now Liu Yun also knows why the superpower has changed. In addition to letting people feel the chef's own ideas, it is to enhance the deliciousness.

So Tanaka Megumi's current superpower is equivalent to an enhanced version of the superpower in the original work. With the help of Liu Yun and Tanaka Megumi's own efforts, the meaning has gone a step further on the basis of the prototype.

It can only be said that Tanaka Megumi is indeed very talented in this regard, otherwise Shinomiya Kojiro in the original work would not be impressed by her cooking.

Now everything about Tanaka Megumi's superpowers can be explained. If the basic skills in all aspects are the same as In terms of understanding, it is estimated that Tanosuke Hui will be able to quickly cross the threshold of senior chef and special chef and directly reach the door of Linchu.

It can be said that Tanosuke Hui and Liu Yun are completely opposite. One is very advanced in the understanding of intention, but the basic skills have become a drag, and the other is very advanced in basic skills, but intention has become a drag.

However, Liu Yun also fell into deep thought at this time. What is his intention? According to Grandpa Guan Hong, things like intention will definitely be reflected in the process of continuous growth after becoming a chef.

It’s just that if you want to become a Linchu, you need to grasp this most important point.

Liu Yun has been thinking constantly. After he traveled through and knew that this was the world of food wars, he directly devoted himself to the study of cooking.

He has a good talent in cooking. Even if Shokurinji did not appear, he would have reached To a level second only to Erina Nakiri.

Although this is because his mind is more mature than others and he has spent a lot of time on cooking to achieve this achievement, why did he invest so much time?

At this time, Liu Yun also began to think about this question. Why did he not hesitate to join the chef industry? Is it because this world is a food show?

Now that he thinks about it carefully, Liu Yun is a little confused, because he finds that his original idea does not seem to be like this.

What is the purpose of becoming a chef and entering Totsuki? For these anime beauties? It seems not, after all, he and Tanomo Megumi have only reached the stage of boyfriend and girlfriend.

He has not deliberately conquered anyone, and has focused more on cooking, even before the appearance of Shokurinji.

""Liu Yun, are you okay?"

Seeing Liu Yun lost in thought for a long time without saying anything, Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but ask.

"fine…………I was just thinking about what I meant."

Liu Yun shook his head. He really had nothing to do. He was just thinking.

"What is the meaning? You need to analyze your life slowly. I spent a lot of time to realize what my meaning is. Take your time. You are still young and have plenty of time."

Grandpa Guan Hong said with a smile. Liu Yun's current state reminded him of himself in the past. Wasn't he the same in the past? It was not until he broke down his first half of his life and recalled it bit by bit that he finally found his meaning.

In order to find his meaning, he spent a lot of time.

Afterwards, Grandpa Guan Hong also prepared a dinner, but Liu Yun no longer had the mood to eat at this time. Most of his energy was focused on finding his meaning.

"Is he really okay like this?"

Late at night, seeing Liu Yun's absent-minded look even while eating, Nakiri Senzaemon asked

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. This is basically the case for people who just started to learn Yi. Everyone is obsessed with finding their own Yi in the shortest possible time and entering the Linchu stage."

"After a while, he will gradually get used to it."

Grandpa Guan Hong shook his head. He was no longer surprised by this situation.

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon was relieved. After all, Liu Yun was an important person related to his daughter and granddaughter. He didn't want Liu Yun to get into trouble.

"Is even the food Zen messed up?"

At night, Liu Yun, who entered the Food Forest Temple to practice food Zen, found that because his mind was constantly scattered, his food Zen was interrupted.

This should not be the case for people who have mastered the meaning of food.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun adjusted his mentality again and re-entered the food Zen state.

At this time, Liu Yun's mind had been relaxed, and it was precisely because of this that many ideas that had not been grasped before came out directly.

And the emergence of these ideas did not affect the food Zen.

Food Zen does not necessarily focus all attention on the torch grass and gratitude. It is only because novices have not adapted to it that they need to do so.

After gradually adapting, there will be no problem in this regard. Even thinking about other problems at the same time will not affect the food Zen.

At this time, Liu Yun entered such a special state because he emptied his mind.

In this special state, the torch grass is still burning.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute. Originally, Liu Yun's attainments in food Zen were not particularly deep, but this time, the state of food Zen (cjbb) lasted for five hours.

"So that's it, is this my intention? It's actually this!"

Liu Yun found his own intention. If he really had to use a word to describe it, his intention should be determination.

After Liu Yun traveled through time, he knew that this was a world of gourmet food. His idea at the time was to become a chef. As for the purpose, on the one hand, it was because the mainstream of this world was gourmet food and chefs. On the other hand, it was to see if he had a golden finger.

So the question is, what is the purpose of opening the golden finger? It is to reach the top, eager to see the scenery at the top, eager to become stronger, and eager to no longer be ordinary.

So he made up his mind to make his life more exciting. This was a determination he made before the appearance of Shilin Temple.

After the appearance of Shilin Temple, this determination was naturally even more unshakable.

This is Liu Yun's own intention and determination.

Liu Yun found his intention in just one night. He knew very well that this was not because he was gifted, but because of the shadow of food meaning after entering the food Zen state.

The previous state was similar to the learning state under the blessing of the system. During this period of time, with the help of food meaning, Liu Yun found the intention, and at the same time, Liu Yun's food meaning made rapid progress. During these five hours of food Zen, Liu Yun did not lose consciousness. He remembered everything about these five hours clearly, including how to maintain the food Zen state for such a long time.

He found that intention and food meaning complement each other.

Food meaning allowed Liu Yun to find intention, and intention also gave food meaning a lot. A big improvement.

After confirming this, Liu Yun once again came to the kitchen of Shilin Temple and tried to cook the ingredients there. He used to make mistakes in gluing leeks together from time to time, but now he can cook it very easily without making any mistakes.

As for ingredients like Baiwei Jianbing, Liu Yun became very skilled in controlling the temperature of the flame during the melting process. Even rapid heating and cooling of hundreds of degrees was easy for him and not strenuous at all.

This feeling is like the difference between a six-year-old child moving ten kilograms of things and an adult moving ten kilograms of things.

Things that a child may not be able to move even with all his strength, but an adult can lift them with one hand, Liu Yun's food righteousness is also very good. That's right.

Before, the difficulty of cooking these ingredients was like a child carrying heavy objects, but now, an adult can lift it easily without any effort.

As the ingredients were cooked one by one, Liu Yun finally opened the second area, which meant that Liu Yun could perfectly cook the ingredients in the first area.

Liu Yun himself did not expect that the search for meaning would be so helpful. Now that he has found his own meaning, his food meaning has also improved by leaps and bounds.

He even opened the second area of the Shilin Temple kitchen.

Although this means that more difficult courses are coming, the feeling of continuous improvement is really great.

With the opening of the second area, Liu Yun also checked the ingredients here, and he found a lot of ingredients that he was very familiar with.

"I was curious why these ingredients were not there before, it turns out that they are the courses in the second area!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Most of the ingredients in front of Liu Yun are familiar to him, because they are the ingredients used by A Lu and others in the original work during training.

For example, the ham flower seeds, this kind of ingredient will bloom quickly as long as it feels extremely grateful. The ham flower is just like its name, and the petals after blooming are very delicious ham.

However, once the ham flower develops, it will attract sandwich butterflies. If you want to drive away the sandwich butterflies, you must use gratitude to drive them away.

Otherwise, the ham flower will be eaten by the sandwich butterflies.

There is also white fish hanging Noodles, white fish noodles are living creatures, constantly swimming in the water tank. The surface of white fish noodles is very slippery, and it is very difficult to pick them up with chopsticks.

Moreover, the chopsticks used in Shilin Temple are not ordinary. The chopsticks used to pick up white fish noodles are made of ice wood. Chopsticks made of this material cannot even be picked up normally.

Because this kind of chopsticks is also very slippery, combined with white fish noodles, it becomes an ingredient in the second area.

There are also people who use ten-meter, twenty-meter, or even longer chopsticks to eat rainbow beans. This kind of rainbow beans is similar to TIG egg rice, which is also an ingredient in the second area.

TIG egg rice looks like grains of rice, but they are actually eggs the size of rice grains, and this kind of egg is very fragile.

Even if you use a little force, the egg rice will break directly.

Once a grain of egg rice breaks, all the egg rice within a certain range will break directly, and eventually become rice noodles without any taste.

This is slightly better than sticking leeks together. After all, after the cooking fails, it can be used as ordinary rice noodles, and it will not become unpalatable.

The same is true for rainbow beans. The degree of fragility is no less than that of TIG egg rice, and it will not break all at once if one is broken.

However, the chopsticks needed to eat rainbow beans are too long. Such long chopsticks are not easy to control, not to mention that they have to be used to pick up such fragile rainbow beans.

It can be said that the difficulty of cooking the ingredients in the second area has been completely raised to a higher level.

After trying it, Liu Yun directly withdrew from Shilin Temple. These ingredients cannot be cooked overnight, so take your time.

Now that he has found his meaning, the next step is to become a Lin chef, and there is also the chef realm behind. These still need to be asked to Grandpa Guan Hong..

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