"What? You said you found your own Yi? How is that possible!"

When he saw Grandpa Guan Hong again, Liu Yun asked his question, but this question confused the old man.

Thinking back to the past, in order to become a Lin Chef, he spent a lot of time looking for his own Yi, and then became a Lin Chef. Over the years, he has also seen many top chefs who aspire to become Lin Chefs.

When they were looking for Yi, they all spent a lot of time without exception. Even the people he had seen who improved the fastest took years to find Yi.

But what about Liu Yun? He was told about Yi just yesterday, and he found it the next night? This is a bit outrageous.

If Guan Hong were a young man now, he would probably say something dirty is going on.

Although there is no shortage of geniuses in this world, this is no longer something that can be defined by genius.

"Although it may sound incredible, it is true. If you don't believe me, I can just cook a dish for you."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He intended to prove himself not to show off his skills, but to gain the trust of the old man.

Otherwise, it would be bad if people thought he was making up stories and left a bad impression. After all, he still had many questions to ask the old man, and he would have to rely on him to lead the way.

"In that case, then let this old man see what your intention is!"

Guan Hong didn't think that Nakiri Senzaemon and his daughter would deceive him. They knew best whether there was intention in Liu Yun's dishes, but they had eaten Lin Chu's dishes.

In other words, before coming here, Liu Yun had definitely not comprehended the intention. If he really comprehended it now, then he would have to re-evaluate Liu Yun's heaven-defying talent. He comprehended the intention in one night. What kind of freak is this?

Logically speaking, he shouldn't let Liu Yun prove himself, but now he is so curious that he has ignored other things. He is eager to confirm this point and is very curious about Liu Yun's intention.

Soon, Liu Yun made a dish. It didn't need to be complicated, just any one would do.

Things like intention, integrated into the dish, no matter what kind of dish it is, as long as you make it yourself, even a dish of fried rice is the same.

"Such determination, is this what you meant? You actually found it. According to what you young people say, you have shattered my worldview!"

After tasting Liu Yun's cooking, Guan Hong also sensed the meaning of this dish, and this intensity was not at all like what it should be like when he just found the meaning.

It can only be said that Liu Yun has a cheat. With the blessing of food righteousness, he has reached this level just after finding the meaning.

When Guan Hong was sighing, Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Managi also came. After learning that Liu Yun had comprehended the meaning in one night, the two were also a little confused.

Although Liu Yun had done many record-breaking things before, to be honest, it was not at the same level as the meaning of Lin Chu. It took Guan Hong so many years to comprehend the meaning, but what about Liu Yun? He comprehended it in one night.

Before, they were still thinking that Liu Yun might have a chance to become a dragon chef, but now it seems that they thought too much, and he has already touched the edge of Lin Chu.

It is estimated that he will be able to become a Lin chef soon. How old is he? A first-year student in Totsuki High School and a Lin chef. These two identities can't match up no matter how you look at it, but now because of Liu Yun's overlapping identities...

"This is my intention. I have found it. According to what you said, the next step is to constantly strengthen this intention. When it reaches a certain level, you can become a Lin chef. Then what about the dragon chef and the realm above the dragon chef?"

Liu Yun also asked his own question. It would be best to figure it out at once, so that he would not be stuck in any realm.

"I'll tell you, I also want to see how far you can go."

"You already know how to become a Lin chef, so let me tell you about Dragon chef."

"To become a dragon chef, in addition to the basic skills, one also needs intention, but it is necessary to condense the intention into substance. To be honest, I don’t really understand this sentence."

"This is the answer I got when I asked a senior Dragon Chef."

"And according to what that senior said, when you reach the true pinnacle of Linchu, you will actually understand what he said."

"At that time, it is said that the chef's intention can affect reality, and the intention will turn into a substantial light that covers the food, making the food shine."

"Glowing cuisine is exclusive to Dragon Chefs. I have seen it before, but I am not very clear about what it is, because I have not reached the peak of Lin Chef in all these years."

Guan Hong shook his head. In fact, he could understand that the senior Dragon Chef was not playing dumb with him. After all, the meaning is indeed quite abstract.

After he became Lin Chef, he did not know how to describe it clearly when teaching other juniors. He could only use words to give a general idea, and then let these juniors taste the meaning in his dishes and experience it for themselves.

So how to condense the meaning of this Dragon Chef into substance is probably the same principle, which requires one to slowly experience it.

"As for the Supreme Dragon Chef, to be honest, I don’t know, because there is no Supreme Dragon Chef in the Chinese culinary world."

"It is said that there is a Supreme Dragon Chef living in seclusion in the Chinese culinary world, but I have never seen him. When I asked the senior Dragon Chef, he did not give me any information about him."

"So I only know the key to becoming a Dragon Chef. As for the Supreme Dragon Chef, you have to find it yourself."

Guan Hong shook his head. The Supreme Dragon Chef was above the Dragon Chef. He had only seen what kind of existence it was in some records of his ancestors and the Chefs' Association.

It was said that the cooking skills of the Supreme Dragon Chef had reached an incredible level, but there were not many records of the details.

He also didn't know what happened in the past that made these records so incomplete.

"It's enough. After all, I'm not even a Dragon Chef yet. Thank you so much, old man!"

Liu Yun said. He was very grateful to Guan Hong. After all, he was willing to tell him so much and guide him, although he was a little confused about many things.

But according to the old man, he would understand it when he reached this level. There is no need to think so much now.

After all, he already knew how to become a Dragon Chef. The next step is to improve his cooking skills, improve his intentions, and continuously develop the Food Forest Temple. As for the Supreme Dragon Chef and what happens next, he will find out slowly in the future.

"You don't need to thank me. I just said a few more words to you, old man. I also got your guidance back then to know how to become a Lin chef and a Long chef."

"In fact, in recent years, many people in the international culinary world have asked me how to become a Lin chef."

"I have also told them that this is not a big secret after all, but you are also very clear about this kind of thing. It is difficult for people to understand it simply by describing it in words without personal experience."

"But over the years, there are very few people who can find meaning in it. I remember the last one was also recommended by Senzaemon. That guy was called Yukihira Joichiro, right?"

"His talent is indeed good, and he has also found his own Yi, but he has not yet become a Lin Chef."

Guan Hong also pays attention to Seiichiro's affairs. After all, many people have asked him this question over the years, but the number of people who can comprehend Yi can be counted on one hand. The two most recent people are Seiichiro and Liu Yun.

Liu Yun did not taste Yi from Seiichiro's cooking before, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem.

After all, Seiichiro's cooking is only made for a group of students, and these students are basically only at the level of intermediate chefs.

If he brings out quasi-Lin Chef cuisine and integrates Yi into it, the impact will be too great.

So Seiichiro did not choose to integrate his own Yi, after all, it is still too early for everyone to come into contact with Yi.

Seiichiro probably didn't expect that Liu Yun would catch up so quickly, and might become a Lin Chef earlier than him.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something. If you want to be in the Chinese cuisine industry, you need to be careful."

Guan Hong's face became serious.

"You tell me, I will pay attention to it!" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Liu Yun nodded quickly

"In fact, it is mainly because of your talent. Your talent is too terrifying, so walking in the Chinese cuisine world will definitely attract the attention of those people, who come from a place called the dark cuisine world."

Guan Hong said that if it weren't for Liu Yun's talent being too amazing, he wouldn't have said this, just like Seiichiro, he didn't say it at the beginning, because those who can be targeted by the dark cuisine world are either some big shots or people with outstanding talents.

Liu Yun is not a big shot, but he is the latter, and his talent is too terrifying, it can no longer be described as outstanding talent.

Such a talent is destined for Liu Yun to burst out with dazzling light in the Chinese cuisine world, and then he will naturally attract the attention of those from the darkness.

"Dark cuisine world?! *3"

Not only Liu Yun, but even Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Masagi exclaimed.

After all, they had read the inheritance left by Ryan before, which recorded a lot of news about the dark cuisine world.

And Ryan also said that the dark cuisine world had been defeated at that time.

This organization should have become a part of history, so how come it still appears in the mouth of the old man Guan Hong.

The most shocked among them was Liu Yun. After all, Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Masagi learned about the dark cuisine world from the inheritance left by Ryan.

Although the inheritance recorded the things about the dark cuisine world, it was not very detailed. Liu Yun had read the original book and knew more than others. Logically speaking, the dark cuisine world should have been finished. Although there were indeed many people alive at that time, no one should have thought about rebuilding the dark cuisine world.

After all, without the Five Tigers as the leader, rebuilding the dark cuisine world would only be a joke. The dark cuisine world without the Five Tigers is simply no match for the bright cuisine world.

"Hmm? Do you know about the dark cuisine world?"

Guan Hong looked at the three people in front of him with some surprise. Judging from their reactions, they should know about the existence of the dark cuisine world.

You know, the news about the dark cuisine world is very secretive, and even in the Chinese cuisine world, not everyone knows about it. Now Liu Yun and others actually know about it, which really surprised him.

"Due to some coincidences, we have seen a record about the dark cuisine world in an ancient book, but according to that record, shouldn't the dark cuisine world have been destroyed?"

Nakiri Senzaemon spoke first and found an excuse to get away with it. There was nothing wrong with this excuse.

"The records you have seen should be from a long time ago. The dark cuisine world was indeed destroyed once more than a hundred years ago."

"But in recent decades, the dark cuisine world has re-emerged, and along with it, another force has emerged."

"We call the other force the anti-dark cuisine world. This force does not belong to the light cuisine world, but is opposed to the dark cuisine world."

"The flag used by the dark cuisine world is the same as the one used by the dark cuisine world more than a hundred years ago, which is the black cloud unicorn. The flag used by the anti-dark cuisine world is the white unicorn, which we call the white cloud unicorn."

"Generally, wherever the dark cuisine world appears, the anti-dark cuisine world will appear."

Guan Hong explained briefly, because the Chefs' Association and his ancestors all have records about the dark cuisine world, and the dark cuisine world has started to stir up trouble since it emerged.

So they know very well that this is an organization that is hostile to the light cuisine world, but the anti-dark cuisine world is really confusing.

The people in the anti-dark cuisine world are bent on opposing the dark cuisine world, but they don't have much contact with the light cuisine world, so the anti-dark cuisine world is the most mysterious.

However, in the spirit of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and the anti-dark cuisine world has indeed been focused on targeting the dark cuisine world since it emerged, and has done nothing else.

So the light cuisine world doesn't bother to care about the other side, they are more concerned about the dark cuisine world.[]

In the past few decades, they have also witnessed the power of the dark cuisine world, which is hard to guard against. These guys are unscrupulous, and it seems that many of them are brainwashed and not afraid of death.

Even though the times have changed, the dark cuisine world still acts the same way.

However, compared to the unscrupulous dark cuisine world in the past, the current dark cuisine world knows how to hide itself. It is no longer like the past, standing in Liangshanpo in a blatant manner. For decades, the bright cuisine world has not found the base camp of the dark cuisine world..

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